<br />
<br />___""'__'100:
<br />
<br />8ortoWIIra(Trustorl)undll"lland thltlhedoc:umenl thai the80nowen.,.aboulloexec:utll.. o.d a,TfUI.and not.martgtg.and IhallhlpowerOrllllPrOlllded
<br />lor In the o.d of TruIt prcwk:Ms aubatantlluy dlllerenl dgtUI and obllOllllonl to the Borrowerslhan II mortglgeln Ihl event ot. de1.ultor b,nch of obligation underlhl
<br />Deed or TrUll. Including. but nalllmllld to. thl Lender'. right to haVllh, Rul Property .otd by the Trust.. wI1hout any luetlcls' proceeding or lOlWclosurw. Borrowers
<br />r.p....nUncl warran1 thIt tftll acknoWledgemen' WI' ...tc:utltd by them t1etore Ihe ..ecullon of the Deed oiTrulIt.
<br />
<br />
<br />~/~ ~'Il1MO"n(~
<br />(~. mm an)""'''''''
<br />.."J[' ~~~->
<br />(Ra mond E. Zimmermlitl'J'-
<br />
<br />88- 106128
<br />
<br />
<br />Ii.
<br />t~!
<br />~~
<br />
<br />1'-'-
<br />r-
<br />i,
<br />
<br />If IfPPIIcabIe. compIeII OHL Y ONE elttwr A, e, Dr C:
<br />
<br />
<br />T.heBorrower(I' acknDWledgethat Inl,/lntllbDultoll.ecutll thllllollowing Deed Dr TrulIl upon Ihe real estate del5Cl'lbl5d !herein. The Borrower(I). and BaCher them if
<br />more1han Dna. doherebV dilCl.im their right to dellgnlte a homeslea:! pursuanttherelo. No part 01 the hOomestead 01 either Dr the BDrrower(sll. presently orwlll in the
<br />future beslluatedupon said real ..te, TheBorrowerlsl understand thai if eilherestabliahesa homestead on llroy part or said real estate during thetlmetheDeedofTrust.
<br />remalnl unMtlsfied and. lien upon said real estale.there Shall be no flghl10 make a designlllon 01 homestead inlhe eventol II tDreclosureortru.tee's u1ewith respect to
<br />+ Mid Deed ofTrult
<br />
<br />
<br />The 8orrower(.) acknDwledge thai they areaboulloelecullllhlll01l0w1Mg Deed Df Trust upon the real estaledescribed therein. The Borrowert.). andeachofthem il
<br />more than une. do hereby waive their rlghl to delignate a homulitead pursullnttherelo The Borrowerla) understand thai they have the right to make a designation 01
<br />homesleadandlhetbyexeculing this waiver. they are w'IV1Mg nghlS olherwlse available lor lhe purpose Df allordlng them the Dpportunity tD retain their hDmeae..d in the
<br />event of It default upon the Deed 01 Tru't.
<br />
<br />
<br />PUl'luanlto the Farm Homestead ProtectlDn Acl (Section 16-1901 el"q ReVised Statules 01 the Slato of Nebraska).lhe BOrTDwer(sl. do herebydesignlllethe real
<br />property described in the "Oellgnation 01 Homeslead" an.ched hereto and mcorporated herem bV thiS reference
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, 15 made as of the8tb_ dllV 01 NDvember_ 191L. by and amDng lhe Trustor. a lie la ...aura . ..k:dfns..
<br />and Raymond E. Zimme.t:ma.n,.._be_r.-.bushan,tC whose malhng address IS -1.D.!L.-EiIst Ashton Grand Island.
<br />NE 68801 Ihe'e,"..Bo<ro"""JlheT'USl..WiUiilDl.J;~81;u;kb.ur~ember of the NE State Bar Assn..
<br />...._ m,'!;n. .dd...." E..O~-BoJLlli~n\t ll;J;m.d~._!'!IJ;. ._JiI!802-2280 (he",ln "TN......),
<br />endlheBeneficiary, Five PolnD~~.___u__.~____
<br />.....m,'!;n.'dd...". P.O. Box 1507, Gran.ctlsland..II!E__~@1~J!.2-1507 ___ (he",'n-Lender").
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. Including lhe mdebledness Idtmtlfled herem and Irusl herem created. the receipt 01 WhiCh IS hereby acknowledgod. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably gnmts. tfl!lnsfers. conveys and a9slgn510 Trustee. IN TRU~T, WITH POWER OF SALE. lor the benelll and SOCI.mlv 01 Lender. under and subject to the
<br />terms and condilionl hereinalter sellerlh. Ihe roal properly. deSCribed as fDllows
<br />Parcell: The Easterly Thirty Two and four tenths feet (E 32.11') of the Northerly Ninety
<br />and Thirty-five Hundredths Feet (N 90.35') of Lot Four (II). in Block One Hundred Thirty
<br />(130) in Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Parcel 2: The Northerly Fifty and Nine tenths (50.9) feet of Lot Six (6), in Block Fourteen
<br />(14). in H. G. Clark's Addition to the City of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with.all buildings. improvements. lullures. streels. alleys. pllssageways. easements. nghts. pnvileges and appurtenances.localed 1hefltDn or in anywise
<br />-pertainina.thel1l'to.and'lh& rents. inun and profIts. rEverSionS and remaInders Ihereot: mcludmg. but nolllmitBd 'to. heating and cooling equipment and.l.uch pellionlll
<br />properlytnltisattach8d10 the irnprovsmenl5.0 U 10 conltitute a lill.1ure;and log ether wlthlhe homestead Dr mantel interests. II any. wnicn inlerestsare herebYTelellsed
<br />.ancI..Roed;.lloI whlch. includlngreplacemtmta and adciilionstherelo. i5 hereby declaT1ttltobe~ part of tne real estate sec:uretl by lhe lien DI this Deed 01 Trustllntlall DI the
<br />foregomg'being maned lD herBln.. the Mproper1y"
<br />
<br />This.Deect DlTf'UI1ahall-.ecure (1I)lhe,payment ofttle;prlnciplIl sum and interest eVidenced by Borrower's nole antl/or crotlllagreemenl daled Nnvpmbpr
<br />
<br />8. 1988 . having a maturltv date 01 Novemb@r 8 1'993 m the onglOlIl prinCipal amount 01 5 17 r 500 00 lInd any and all
<br />modllieaUonl.,eKlensions anti renewalSlhereol or thereto .anti any end allluture advances Bnd rellldvances hereunder pUr&uanllQ one or more promissory nDtel or credit
<br />.agrB8ment1 (hllt8ln.cala.d "Note"l; (bl the payment of other.UTMadvanced by,Lender 10 protectthesecurUYOl'lhe Note; IC)lhe performance,lI cDvenantsand agreement
<br />af~_ forth her8in; ancl (d}.alllndebtedneuand obligatiensaf Borrowerto Lender whelherdirect. indirect. absolule or conllngenl end whelherarising by note.
<br />Duamrt)'.'OWiIfdrah Dr otherwise.
<br />
<br />-8r:m'0wfi.l0:prDlllct the'lItCurJty ol1TuI 0Intd of Trull. covenants and agrees with Lender liS lol1oWfi,
<br />
<br />,. '....-aaf............. ..........,Borrower3lhall promptly pllY when duethe prinCIpal ol.nd mlerest on. anti any flltUS or charges provltletl In. the No'" or miniS
<br />'DlIIGdTrwt.
<br />
<br />2. ~ Borrower is n. ownerofthe Property. hastherightand authority to convey the Property. and warranls IhBlthe hen cre.IOO hereby Isalll'll and prIOr hen on
<br />nwPr'Dperty..-cepIn may otherWiRbe aet1arth herein. and thelllucutlon Ind dehvery 01 thll Dud 01 Trusl dOllS nol vlolatll anv conlraCI or other obllgallon 10 which
<br />IIotrCMeftl..mtec:1.
<br />
<br />3. T-."--dI. TOPII'f .m.nduIUllllaUlli. special~ntland..1I DtI'Ier ch.rges a",,"sttne Property Bnd upon w"nen d~manCl tly Lender. to pa) 10
<br />.-..1 lMndM"-.uch.amount _ may be sufllcienllo enab~ 1M Lender'to pay sUCh tal". ......menIS or other chargl!l as. Ihey become dut!
<br />
<br />_' " .f. ,........ Ta "-p It'te Pros-ny I~ agamstdamau- by fiN. hazard. Included Wllhtn Ihe 1erm '.eatentled coverage~, find such olher hazards as Lender m..,.
<br />.:..-:: l'IIqY...."'~ ~'Mth C~~"10 Under. and wIth Iou PIIyable tothe Lende' In CI. ot 10sI under such pellcle.. the LendSI 15 authom:ed'o adlull.
<br />"'"- CDMKtand~..aIlclal"" thefwn_ and'lhall-hawetheoptton at applylngall orpart of Ihe lnlur.lnce proceeds II) 10 anv mdebtednHs secured hereby and In Buch
<br />or-.._t.nder fNIy ..,rntne. (II) 10 th.II~10 be used !orih1 Npal, orrn'lOl1llion DltM Properly or 11111 lor Iny other purpOH or obl8Cllllllsl.Clory to Lender
<br />wlfhOu1..n.ctJng1tW'-'t elf thlso..d ofTulllt1or 1h11lull.mDIIR1'MCuredhIfW., bIrlore'lUCt1:paymenl ewer tDOlo pllclI!I Any appllc.hon 01 pmctleds to mdebtednel,."all
<br />not aII1MW:lOl pclIIItpOfW nw dueoa. or .an., :-t'nWflll uno., 'the NGtlI. 01 cu,. .ny det.utl thereundwr Df hereunCl."
<br />
<br />!5 --...-..........'~... "'--- Bon~ .nail kMp lhe ~rDpert.,. In good condlhon and rep." ,hall prumpn, "'paIr or ,,,pile.. nn~
<br />~-IIfWch..., bit darnagldOfmstr~.'IhaI1 notcornmltor permlllny.al1ll 01 deterlorallon 0111'Hl Property '''111 nol ''''''0'''' onmol'hll (n lublll'mhnll,. a\1l"
<br />.,...,ofn.lfftpI'~onttw~!ly..hal1noccom",lt..ufterDf perml11"'I'.actto be dOMmor upgn1ht1 PrOlM'rly In ItIlol.tlon of.ny 1... ord."..u.(t! I" '''U..lllloon IInd
<br />..,....er1GPfD"lIIIfI'dtM:Twfaa-I1.orr~..~and.II"""..llf."..9f'ltum'n.nl:n.na tharqn4t!-Ytl!i1 ImpoH'<f en ,,,,,".,...Clllglmlllrn- 1""01""10 .n ."~ I'll" lh!'tlt'I"
<br />