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<br />dttlur lln[tcqiif,s.i:l,gi\'e u my II enllncu c( IIn)' un"HIU ~'lltll!'oUlIllIlUI}' lI~"""L"Uln.u , "".. ,,,,,,,,,,' '" ...,.. ~.."....~. ..~.. .' '"1''' ..~ <br /> <br />INVAI.ID JiIlMM 'S:'lf provision lfthis cnnlrJcl \'ioh.llclllhe law l nd j" unen - JI'CC 'Ie, the re. Ul,'lhl.! ,.:nnlracl will he \'nlil.l, 'fany flun IIfthis cnnlract requires <br />ru)'menlnfmoreintc:rrst hnnlh u\vpcrmils. henyouwill nl)'hll\'~lhcri!Jh IlL"nllecl ml t um nlofinl'~rc!i1whIChlhclllwllllnw"youltlC(}lIcct. <br /> <br />COI\IPI~ETENF.SSOF liS ONTRACT: hisconlr. ICllounl)'hcchungcdifho YOlland [tree inwruing. <br /> <br />The folluwing notice r' [ts 10 my IIllenlion lie nghls 1hal1 have even when I .. contmet is ~ III (OU finnnciul imlllutinll ;lr II hllnk.nnd I should notice Ihllt the Impar- <br />IIIIICcufthisprovlslonisl'lrc:s byilsllppeurunceinlcnpoint.huldfac~IY: liCE, - ----_88-1080,90 <br /> <br /> <br />This c contrsct flnsnces a purchase. All legal rights whl the Buyer has against the Seller arising <br />out of this transaction, Including all claims and efenses, are als valid against any holder of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder un r th,s provision Is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for suln the Seller. A defense s a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Seller. A holder Is anyone trying to colle for the purchase. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: 1fl have requested insurance in I 5 purchase. ( muy cancel such requesl fl insumncc for an)' reason within fiflcen (15) days from the <br />~f~iIO~}~~dcgr~c~~~i~~~;~~I:'h~:~~~hhaO~~~~~~I~~nCa~~t~~i;~ ~ur~ ~~di~J~~lt~~:~~~~~~tinn of my 'overage will be ummged wilh Ihe insurance carricr(s) and <br /> <br />PLEASE NOTE: Irl have requested insurance in Ihis purchase. I ill receive. wilhin Ihirty (JO)duys u certificate insurance more fully describing Ihe insurance coverage. <br />I know Ihal if Ihere b any conflict in the coveruge or the (angua of the certificale of insurunce und the following otice of Pm posed lnsurunce Ihatlam covered only to <br />the extenl stated in the following Notice of Proposed Insur.mcc. also know that I hllve insurance coverage only if I hu e been charged for it. <br /> <br />N TICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />Ilal.:c nulice thai citherCredil Life or Credit Accident nd Health 1nsurance. or both. will he applicable III thi!i~ s Conlract on the reverse side only if I have chosen <br />~yb~il~i~I~~~~t~~~e~~~~;~~~~ ~~I~hi~~~~~~~e~v1l11i~neff~~~iC e :~IOfnt~d~~v~~~h~f1r~~~ti~~~i~~I~lf~ih=~~~~~0~1 ~~~t h ~tt~ ~~~~W~~i~~ 5S~~~q~~~~~Ct~t~ ~~:~:~~ <br /> <br />monlhly puymcnb. I understand Ihal this panicular ins rnnce may not provide covemge for my last few {layments. and I . t during that period of time I will nol have any <br />im.unmce cnverute. All benefils and proceeds oflhe i :umnce will be6aid to you or 10 u financial institutIOn or a bank if it urchuses the Sales Contract 10 the extent ofits <br /> <br />~~~::~~:bd ~~~ 1ll~~~~~ ~~i~la~h ~~~~~i}~~~~~~e i ~'~aJh~d~'e~ ~6 d~~,d~~~~~ l~nl~~~~~~II~h~bl~~~~ ~qt~~3all~:C~~t~ etT~:~ ~f!::B~~~~:~~d~~~~~~b~:h~~~~d <br /> <br />Ihe requclit (or Credit Life Insurunce. death benefits ill be payable only with respeCllO the first one of us 10 die. Subject to exc sions. eliminations or waiting period slated <br />in the Ulsur...nce policy orcertificale. Credit Accide tand Health Insur...nce is for the benefil umounl of !/30th of each month's JI ment for each day that (urn tOlldlydisabled <br />due In un injury or sickness while I owe any pay nt to you; however. I . , . , . han four~ <br />teen (14) consecutive days before the insunmce nefit is paid back 10 t n any insuranc~ from )'DU if I <br /> <br />=:~h:~~d~Sa~:~~:~:ii ~~~] ~~ ~o 0 ~~:t~~i~~':n~-:n~uc~ of covemge stated in Ihe insunmct: policy, I know thut uny paid :~~~~~~c~~~:~~~~tt~:rn~:~: <br /> <br />coverage will still have to be paid. Iftte Sale Contrucl is prepaid in full prillr 10 the lasl payment date. uny unearned insunmce preml s will be refunded 10 me in the man~ <br />ncr prescribed by luw. Within thirty (30) d' 's.1 will receive the certificate of in~umncc more fully descrihing Ill}' insurance coverug If the insumnce is not acceplcd by <br />the Illsumncecompun)'. I will receive a ref d ufthe insur:lllce premiums I have paid, <br /> <br />BUYER: The nell.ttwn paragraphsc ntuin wurrunties relulivetolhissule gi\'cn by us tn the finllncial inslilution or hanl.: in arderlor it h buy this contmct. <br /> <br /> <br />tAssi=~~)~~~Pi~" ~~~;.I~~~~~elnt~~~~ei~Yll~~I~~ ~h~if~o;~~"~eV~?S~lt~c~~~raac~da~dl~~~~~ge. together with ulllicn~ exisling 10 sc:cure it. payment. and the property <br />fhi~uU~~~~~~I~lbl). ~W~~fu~:~~r h., u~J' r.~~~i~i~e~hi: ~~~~~f;~di~~~~h:u~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sn';~t~h~~~O~~~~n~c~lg~c~~.t3VThi~ ~~~~~~ I) l:o~,~~e~~~t A~~:~ <br />of the g(}{Td~ and ~er\'iccs descri cd herein: (4) The cu~h dllwnpayment shown in this contract was actualfr paid by Buyer and no part of said dow ymenl was-loaned di- <br />~t~~~~;i(I~;Th~~~%c~~ll~~r llO th~~~~~~~~J;~~~ ~~J'~~d~~lf.i~~ s~l~~~~~~~~i~~~~i~~ (~~:,~i;~~~~id~~tnvi~I~~ :~~ fe~:r~tl~~{~~tl~la~= Ji~i~i~e. fC~~cird~~~I~~i~~ ~~~ <br />in, effecI: un In the c:ventl Ilhl~ cuntracl or the underl)'lOg sales transaction is subject 10 u right of rescission or cancellalinn by the Buyer. such scission or clJOcellu- <br />tion period ha!'l ell.pircdun eilherlhe sale nnrlhis (,'nntrJcl has beencuncellednrrescinded. THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITHDUTRECOURSE. <br />IN TESTIMONY HEREOF, the undersigned is an authorized reprcsc:nllllivc of the Seller and hus signed beluw un behalf of the Seller on this <br /> <br /> <br />day Ill' <br /> <br />.I'J_. <br /> <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION (Sellor) <br /> <br />.Iq__ <br /> <br />By_ <br /> <br />r~!~dfi:\li;~~~i3j' ~; <br /> <br />L"!.\A!f "",*SIl!O.,'J ''''',<I III "",~,.." I <br />~......,...,.,.,~.. ......_...~.;.~:~.,l <br /> <br />