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<br />./"7 <br /> <br />. 88=-106090 ADDITIONAL TERMS ~ <br /> <br />P PAYMENT AND ACCRUAI~ OFTH.: FINANCF. CHARGE: Even though I do nul huvcto puy more Ihun Ihe regulurschedulet.l monlhly payment:'! haw the r Shl <br />ID n a the whole umountowlng 10 ~u in full al any tim.... orin purl frnm lime In lime, Iflhe lendin~ Institution or bank Ihnt huy!'. my contruct cnmpUlcslhe finance c rge <br /> <br />~~~'e. ~O~~r\~~~fi~:ii~li11: II~i~~~~:~h~~'h~~rn~':i~~e~:~~nnd~~ ~~~J ~~~~~~rJ~ }Jrultll:u~1~~~~~ Ch~:~:TUII~i~)r~u~~~~~:.~~3{~~ITgl~tllsnf?p~~~~ ri ~~~i~ <br /> <br />riuucs bas on thc1l5sumption that )'ou will receive cnch of the puymenls exuctly on its due dute; nnd I know thut there will be no reCund lfl prepay becuus~ then: Is Dlhing <br />10 refund if m charged on u dDi~ busls. If the lending Institution or bunk does not compule the finance charge daily, und if I prepay Ihe whole umount, you W refund <br /> <br />~~d~r:d UJ::s ed ~~~l~~~f ~F~;~~~~~hl~a~~;~~~~r:~~ :XI ~; t~c:~~I~I~r~~~:~3~mk::n~~n ofsl~e p~~~aU:~~~:II~~~~ ~~~ ~~e y~:~r~~~~~I~e~~~~~lo~~~~~U a~ '$1 ~ <br />willnolbemade. <br /> <br />IMPORTANT nCE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />lul Wu SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERC ANTA- <br />BILlTY AND TNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SEL R FUR- <br />,NISHES BUYE WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE Y SELL- <br />lOR ON iTs OW BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br /> <br />in whic~~leh':~~~:~I~i~~~~~d Ih~ ~ftib~~~~:dE~~e~:Q~~J.~~a~ ~~tt~~A~~'I:il~:i;~~~and~h'ea~~~~~~)~.I~~~h:~~~i~~~I~1~.I~,t r~~r,~~r;~I~hu~~~~i ;~~~i~d~c~~~~;~hf~h <br />applies to the~nly as I g ns the warrunly orservice conlruCI. <br />(c) I have fead. in detail. th CplUUlC "LIMITED INSTALLA TJON WARRANTY" which. if made. aCl'umpani~" Ihis CllnlmCl. It exp ins the conditions and cir- <br />cumstancc5 in which the inslallalion Ihe siding will be redone. I take noliceoflhe limitations on Ihe warnmly, nnd I pllniculllrl)' recngni1.e 11111 ny implied warrunty which <br />applies 10 the instlJ.llation IllSts only as I g as the wammty or service conlrncl. <br />SPECIAL-ORDER GOODS: I know I 't you have measured my house und its openings so lhal )'011 cun make- Ihc prmlucl~ III Iilm)' 1111r1ic ar house. I luke notice thut lhe <br />goods Iha~ are manufuclured for my speC I c house probably will nol fil uny other houses. and under such clJildillUm, I kilu\\' Ihall clInm CUllccllhis conlr.lct III any lime <br />afterthcperiodoflime given 10 mc. by law. which locanccl. Aflcrthalleglll period of lime. I know Ihall havc Ihe nhligalillll In puy )'IlU i fulllhcumount owcd, <br /> <br />~~e~~8~~I~~~ ~~I~~~~~~~U~~y~~~ng R~ J~Se~~d~~~o~:oiD e~~u~oi~~:'P~~~ ~~~ i~~~~~~i~~I::~~~e~~~tll~;~UI~C ~~Ig 'dil~C~(~~ lill~~ ~h~~~~i~tyi~~~gJ~~ <br />a beneficiary clause which say" that you are to paid if Ihere is a IllSS. T~e insurance company must agree Ihal il wirl nnl cum:ef III policy wilhnut first lelling you. r au- <br />Ihhoa~~t~eoi;t1~~~~~J~~~y~r~~:~:i~s~~~C;~~ t f~~~~?: ~~s;~i;~~gC~I~~~~e~':ou~:~~i~~~icu;i~d:teaJ~~~11 t~bli~r:~drea~~plla7a rn bl~n:;;~.2~i ~I: ~~~~~~~a~f ~Wl~~( <br />allow anyone'else 10 place any liens on my real esla withoul your written pennission. 3. I pmmisc 10 pay alllaxes, assessments nd olher charges on my real eslllle when <br />~~ii,:~ ~~rs~~~~ tjf~d':;~~~ i~~~~~~~~~s':: ~r rfil~ ~~n~I~~~b~ blti~J.~ ~a~e;~I:i ~s~~~.~~I~l~~~~~lnld:i:: R~: ~~tifd l:~~~l ~b~~;~~edg~~ ~::: 1:;~hr~~~~03~ <br />pay any of these obligations forme, J agree to puy you ack on demand pfus inlerest lit the higheslluwful contrucl mle ofinler sl. Un Iii I pay you back. these amounls will <br />be added to my debt to you which is secured by my real slale and house. J know Ihlll if you decide to huy insumnce for m~ al yuu do not have 10 oblain any homeowner <br />or liability insurance. <br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: I promise nollo sell.leuse orgivc y house 10 un)'one unlill have fully repaid my debt to you. <br />DUE ON SALE: If I sell. lease or give my house 10 anyone dnre llli1ve fully paid alii owe under Ihis conlraCI. you ell declare all that I owe under Ihis contract payable <br />al once and J ngree to immedialely PIlY you thut Ilmounl, <br />DEFAULT: I will bcin defauJI underlhis contracl if: <br />I. I don't make a paymenl when due: or <br />., I break any promise I made to you in this conlrnct: or <br />3. Somethinge15e happ'cn5 which causes yuu to believe in g <br />4. ) default on uny obligations for which I am using my horn s colluternl:or <br />5. Something happens 10 my house which threalens your righl if WIY, in it <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand thllt you have Ihe righl to foreel e Ihe MOr1gllge J have given to you d ha\lc illY house sold 10 repay any amount5) owe you if I <br />am in default under this contract. Before my housc is sold. you will do e\l rYlhing thut Ihe law requires. If yo ire un anomey 10 assist you to sell,. house. or. to sue me. <br />~p~l:I~;6~~~~rty~'uI'::=':Iio~~drO~~~I~~rl~c~ :~~~~sb~~ ~~~neys fees and for olher relaled expen. s such 115 court costs. litl.: searches an money you expended <br /> <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose nolto enforce any of Ihe righls under this unlrnct I1S often as we want i1houllosing Ihem, Or, we clln delay enforcing any onhe righls <br />wilhout losing them. We can also use uny righls now orin Ihe fUlUre given 10 us law. <br /> <br />~~~~ ~~: ~n~a~~~O~riki~~~e~~h:r~~~~~~~~.ld~r~~~I~~~ .ra~r~~~I:;::i u~~~~~~oo~lo~o ':; ~e~~~~~~h~~~~rs~:~~~~a;~~:~~~~:~il~~~~~~~n~d':Il~~~~~lJl <br />not I:)e liable for such delays. <br />ARBITRATION: If) have a dispute or claim wilh you concerning the quanlity. qu il)' or rerfo ce oflhe products. I understand thut my disJ1ute ma)' be submitted 10 <br />and settled uccordin~ to the mediation-arbilroilion program Ihut may have developed t my commu Ily. I also know Ihalany decision made by an atbitrator(s) would be en- <br />tered in the coun huvtngjurisdiction over me and you. <br />SALVAGE VALUE; I know lhal the windows. woodwork. siding. brick and other m crials t at huve In be removed by you for this installulion have NO salvage value. <br />When you remove t~m. you can h'tV them for whaleve purpose )'OU wanl. <br />SPECIAL SITUA, , ONS: Due to e unique 5S of so, 'of the I?roducls lh~ you sell. I u 'and Iho 'n special situations Ihat ~our Regional Offii:e may have to review <br />and accept this cant . I also un rstand Ihl this sal,e oc rred m,p1~ hom~rnd Iha~x~~ ., ~~~,~~L ~~~I.~~~,?!!!~~ ~'?~~~~'~~~~~llion imponant 10 this Imnsaclion <br /> <br />