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<br />, . <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS 88- 106089 " <br />PRCfi~~Nit A~CRUAL OFTHE FINANCE CHARGE: Even though Illn nnl have In puy I1lnrc Ihan Ihe regular scheduled monlhly paymem. 1 huv~ the right <br />to p'n!p'u\'lhc: whole amounl owing to &ou in full ut un)' time or in purl from lime 10 time. Iflhe lending institution or bank lhul hu)'~ myconlrucl compules Ih~Tnunce charge <br />~h~lie' ;nr~e ~fl~~~~cfn c~~~~~i~li11f tl~f:~tln~~,kI1~~t~:r~rn~~~c~~~~~d ~~ ~~~I ~~~:~:~rJ~ }Jruih~llFi~~~~~och~~g~:To',~i~f'fru~~~~~:.7;:3~h~tT'gt~\ ~uhtp';i~~1 ~~~~~i: <br /> <br />male'" bmoed on the U511umption thut you will receive each orllle paymenls eXllctly on it:!. due dule: and I know that there will be no refund if I pre~y because Ihere is nothing <br />10 refund if I urn charged on u dui~ basis. Iflhe lending institution or bank does not compute the financc churpe dail):', tlnd if I prepay the whole amount. you will refund <br /> <br />~~~~~~:d ud~~::~~~~~~f ~F~;n~~~~h~~lt~~;~~~~~~~' ~~I ~; tht':~~~I~I~~~c::d~:~~n~n ofsl~~e;~~u::~~~~~~~i ~~~ ~~CY~~~lk~~~ ":~a~:~ru~~to~i~~~~h~~ ~1 ~Sg <br />will nol be made. <br /> <br />IMl'ORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBV DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES, BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE,ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />(bll huv, "ead, in detail. the :sep'llrule "IO.YEAR LIMITED WARRANT"" which. iftnllde. llccumpanic!> Ihi!> cnntrolct. It cxplidnslhecondilionsandclrcumslances <br />in which the manufaclured producIs Will be repaired or replaced. I luke noliceorlhe limitatiOn!> nn Ihe warrolnly. and I particularly recognize that any implied warranty which <br />applies 10 the gOODS la!ol!o onl}'us long liS the wummty or seo'ice r.::nntmct. <br />(c) I huve read, in deluil. the sepamtc "LIMITED INSTALLATION WARRANTY" which. if mude. accompanies Ihi!<o ronlmcl. It explains Ihe conditions and cir- <br />cum!<olunces in which the in!ltullalion of the siding will be redone. 1 tuke notice of the limitatinn!>on lhe warranl)". :,lnd I panicularly recognize Ihat any implied warranty which <br />applies tUlhe installation Im.L" onl)' us lonp us the warrolnty or !lervice contmct. <br />SPECIAL.ORDER GOODS: I know Ihat you have meu!iured m)o' house and it!. opening!> !Ill Ihal you cun make the pmducb to fit my panicularhouse. I take notice thallhe <br />pnods Ihul are manufactured for my specific house pmbably will noll1t any other hou!lc,s. and under !>uL'h condiliom. I know that I cannol cancel this contract at any lime <br />aflcrlheperiodoflime given 10 me. b}'law. inwhich IOC"olncel. Aflerlhullegal period ufume.1 know thull hu\'ctheobligution to pay}'OU in rulltheamounl owed. <br /> <br />~T~~~~~I~~~ :~I~~~l~~:~~u~~yt~~:gE:l: ~~S~~:J:~~o~::aD e~~u~';~p~~~~~~ i~'!I~r;;c~i~~~~~~e.r~~t~~u:e ~~~b~f~~,~~~ W;:~fi~i~~~:~~ <br /> <br />a beneficiary clause which says that you are to be paid if there is a loss. ~e inllur.mce company mU!>I'agree that it wi~ nUl cancer m}' policy without first telling )/ou. I au- <br />lhorizethe insurance com~nv to pay }'ou direclly for_an~ 105.... You can chon'oC to use Ihis insunmce pa)'ment In eilher repal any amounlS 1 owe you or to,repairm{. house. <br /> <br />~~~~ a~;~~icl~iJ'~:~ ~;~~k~~~ ~~U~~{:S~~~lh~~f~,~~irn~~~~,~y;~~~iJn~ 3~r~~'~~:~~;n~:r t~~~~~~~..~~snr:~~ f~~:~th:r c2hal~~0~ri,~i~r:~at~i~h:~ <br />~uJn:~ ~~r~~~~~~ 11.if~Yd~~~~ i~~9ril:;~~~s~ ~l~lW'J blti~J~ ~a~~~:1 ~ll~~~.~~~~~~~~ld:il: f~: ~~tif~~:~~~~ ~b~~~~ed~~ ~;: t:;~~f~~~od~ <br />pay any oflhe~e obligations for me. I agree to pay yuu back on demund pYus interest al the higheslluwful contnlC! rale of interest. Until I pay you buck. these amounts wilt <br />be added to m)' debl to you .....hich is !lecured by my real eslate LInd hou!oe. I know that ifynu decide tn bu)' in!oumnce forme that you do nol ha\/e to obtain any homeowner <br />or liability insumnce. <br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: I promise nOllO sell. lease or g.ive my hou!<oe 10 an~'one until I have full)' ref'lJid m)' deb! to you. <br />DEFAULT: I will be indcfaultundcrthiscontracl if: <br />1. I don'tmakeapaymentwhenduc; or <br />2. I break any promise: I made 10 you in this contracl;or <br />3. Something else happens wbichcauses you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised; or <br />4. 1 dcfaultonany obligations for which I am using my home ascollareral; or <br />S. Something happenstomy house whichthrea1ensyourrights. ifany. in it. <br />IFI AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to f:m:c1ose the Mortgage I have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if1 <br />am in default underthis contraCL Before my house is sold, you will do everything that the law requires. If you hire an attorney to assist you to 5C1~ hquse. or. to sue me, <br />:~= fi::e~fI'~'u 1~:lJrn >:O~I~~ iuO:h =~:~ ~eys' fees and for other related expenses such as court costs, title searches money you expended <br />OllIERRlGHTS: We can choose nollOenfon:c any afthe rights under this contraCt as often as we want without losing them. Or. we can dctay enforcing any of the rights <br />without losing them. We can alsouscanyrighlsnow orin the future given to us by law. <br />~~~~::'c::rb~o:~~~~:===.~r:~~~=r;~~i~~~~~~no~k~~ilis::~:oth:=~~~~~n:~tr~~c::.~t6.~ <br />not be liable forsw:h delays. <br /> <br />~~~~;~~~:~~n~\~:~~=tb:;n~~~~:v~~~'fo~~1~%~==~~~=::~:=:=~~:5~~~:r:=g:~ <br /> <br />tcred to thecourt havmgJunsdiClJOD overme and you. <br /> <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know Ihatlhe windows. woodwork.. siding.. hrick and olher maleriuls Ihut have UI be removed by you for Ihis installalion have NO salvage value. <br />When you remove them, you can have Ihem forwhll.leverpurpo!>e you want. <br /> <br />SPECIAL Sl111ATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some of the ,products thai you sell. I undctstand that in ~iaJ situations that :yourReponal Office may have to revicw <br /> <br />~=~,m~o~~c,:=::~~th::::v==:~=~;ed~~~:g:bl~ha~~~~~=o:=~on impmUntto tbistransaction <br /> <br />....... ~. .... _nU'r""n..'~, U" __h _.:_:..... _~.,,:~ .......'___1,.1; th. !P-\\1 anrt i,. lI~nforceable. lhe rest of the contract will be valid. If any part o~)hi5 contracl requires <br /> <br />3 <br />z <br />Tl <br />~ <br />" <br />:! <br />~ <br />
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