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<br />r <br /> <br />Number or PlI)mcntl ^nlllunl ur l'u)'lncnll When Pilyrncnh urc I)uc, <br />[!.~timllted 10 be ~ dayr. nfll:r the dale <br />of Ih~ C:nmpletion Cenificale. <br />All subsequenl imlnllments on the sllme du)' of <br />. 5' euch consecutive mODlh nnlil paid in full. FlllngIRecordlng rteS $ &1(:1.06 <br />Insurance I.alr Charge: If u payment is mure Ihun ten (10) days <br />Credit life lnsulilnce and credit disability insumnce are nol required to abUli" credit, nnd will IUle. I will be charged $5.00 or 5% of Ihe laiC pay~ <br />nOI be provided unless I sign Dnd ugree to pay the additional cost. ments, whichever is less. - <br />Type Premiunl "T~\ Sil!nlllure ." Prepayment: If I payoff curly. I will not have 10 pay <br />Credit Life I wanl credillife Il penally, and I may be enlilled to 11 refund of part of <br />insumoce. the finance churge. <br /> <br /> <br />SftUrll)'1 lum giving u security inlerclil In: <br />I. the goods, services and properlY being purchased. and <br />2, my real eslate and improvements. Including my <br />house. nil nt my "Address" dcslgnutcd above. <br /> <br />$ ; 7/.1/ dO <br /> <br /> <br />I will review nther portions of this contnlcl <br />. .Jfor additional inronnation about non-payment. dclault. <br />any required repayment in full before the !icheduled date. <br />and prepayment refunds and penalties, <br /> <br />e means un estimate, <br /> <br />Credil Accident <br />& Health <br /> <br />$~/3,0'1 ~ <br /> <br />Property insurance 15 required, and ( may ohl~ch in.'iurance from an)'one I wont who is acceptable to you fir I mD)' provide it through <br />an exlstlnl policy. IF I obtain this Insurance throu5:h you. I will PO)' $ /"Xl_ 0 v for ~ months or coverage. <br /> <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: The linance charge finterestl is estimated tn slart on Nov, /~ /Ff.l' <br />(inscrt the dlllC) exctpt in the eve", thai_you complete the installation of the goods and services on another dllle. then the finllnee ('harge (inlerest) 'ill begin 10 run on the <br />date that I shall sis:n a Complction Certificate. The nmount of finnnce charge (interestl may be more or less than the amou", disclosed depending on the amounls I pay you <br />and my timeliness In making payments. <br />~~~r~~~~I1J a~alu~~~~~~y prepay the amount I o"'e you. in full ur in pan. al any time. If) make a panial prepayment. ) must conlinue to make my regular payments ~ <br /> <br />:~~m~~~~u~A~~J~~ 1~wn~~flf{h~'~:1~~~i ~<:c ~a~u ~;i:~~id.a:la~~~tkln~:cl~:rd:~~~~c~:~f~s~alt~b~:~:a~:i ~:~'Cre:i~,~~J i:u~ interest on that amount 5 <br />~~~J-l~~Y~8~~~~ l:o'u~~~o~:~~~~nO:~~~/r~~:u~nadn:~~u~~:~~ :~~ !~a;~;~~'i~c~~ed~~~n:o~~a:h~~rs.~~~;~~~i~ltJ~:da~~~ik:~u:II~~~~~n~y i~~;cemcnt. ~ <br />~<<J,~~~~:n~ ~~lf-;;':;h b:~~~is 5j~~ t~O;~~Yu~~r ilii~f:~;I:~ln~uSa~~s~~~~f~~~' my real estate and house localCd 4lt my "Address" designated on the top panion ~ <br />,. REVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAl TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTAlLMENT SALES CDIITIlACT ARE A <( <br />z PART OF THIS INSTAllMENT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEV WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF ntlS VERY iJ <br />o INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SEUER'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION. ~ <br />NOTICE TO BUYER z <br />~ 1. I do not have 10 sign this contract before I read it or Ir any of Ihe spaces Intended for Ihe agreed terms to the extent of then available infonnation u:: <br />i ~ are left blank. 2. I am entitled 10 B ~y of this contrad al the time I sign II. J. I may pay 01T the full balance due under Ihis contract at any <br />j Q rsm:~du~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ia:ne:~~ an~o tha~~:I~e 1~~t~~:~e'~1 nn~;~~abl~~ ~~sh":g~fl ~ho~rf: I~~a:n.t~ :~ul :a::::~~ t:::mtf: i:t:.-r-uW; ~ <br />Z or commit any breach or Ihe peace to repossess goods purchased under this rontract. (5 <br />, 0 BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL 0: <br />I' U I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIONIGNT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AnER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. II HAVE 0 <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGNT,) <br />COPY RECEIVED: I acknOWledge receipt of u cumpletely filled in l'lIpy of Ihi~ contllJcl along with two 121 cllpic~ of the Notice of Rieb.t III Cancel Fn~n. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. t,hi Installment Sa!.p.> Contmct I1nJ Mnrt!!u!!c hl1~ bee,n ~igned on thi~ -----L...!l- du)' of CJc./ ,19 -&. . <br />at lcity) tr:OI""J_ 7ch;,.ct.- , Stlltl.' Ilr ~chru..ka. <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION IS'J.I.'. - ""RTt,^mJe, <br />~L <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br /> <br />"~ <br />~- , ! <br /> <br />. ~ ...."". ~ <br />The foregoing instrument was uckn6wU~t1ged.:berore me on Ihis &2a.- day of ~ <br />Clc7. _' ~ , ~l ~ ~91..--RL":"b)o'lheubu\'edesignuted~ <br />BUyer(!l)-Motigag(w(!l')~""'",:~~:-. .,''',~ ~./ /' ~ <br /> <br />NoturyPublh: r~~ b?~ <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />Counly of <br /> <br />My commission expires: <br />
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