<br />FeeD 5011
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<br />(c) The repayment In 'ull by Trullor(s) of all amounts advanced by Beneficiary, allts option, to or an behalf of Trustor(s) as prot8cllve
<br />advancn authorized hlreln, In the loan agreement(s), or In ather Instrumen1(.) which may be given to evidence luch advancel, pluslnlerel'
<br />on aUauch advance., payable al provided In the note(I), loan agreement(l) or other Instrument(s).
<br />
<br />(d) The payment In 'ull of any and all ather past, present or fulure, direct or conllngent, debts and liabilities of TruBtor(s) to Beneficiary 01
<br />any nature whatsoever.
<br />
<br />This Trult Deed will be dUB November 1, 2003 or upon the payment In lull o' alllums secured hereby.
<br />
<br />Trultor(l) herebywlrrantthatthey hold 1l18llmpletltletothe.bove dncrlbed property,lhatthey havogood and lawfuleuthorllyto deedandencumberlh.lllm..
<br />Ih'1aald property II hM and clNrolallllenl and ancumbnlncea, axcept encumbranCllll ot record. and Ihat they will warrant.nd defend ..Id property agllnlt.1I
<br />claimants whomaoever. TruIIOr(l) ellO herebywelveend rellnqulah aU rlghUl of dower. homnteed. dlltrlbutlveehare and exemption In and 10 Ihellbove ducrlbed
<br />property.
<br />
<br />TNdOr(I)"" MCh of thtm turthet' COftnIntand -0'" wtlh _,.." as follows:
<br />
<br />11) To pey allllanl,Judgmenll orolheraueuments egelnlt ..ldTrult Estate, Bnd 10 paywhenduaell taxes, rents, feel orchargea upon..ld Trust Estate orunder
<br />any laue, permll. Ueen.. or prlvllage IWIlgned to Beneficiary as additional security to this Trult Deed. Including Ihose on public domain.
<br />(2) To Inlure and keep Inaured buildings and other Improvemenll now on or hereafter placed on ..Id Trult Estate to the aaUafactlon of Beneficiary. Such
<br />Inlurance shell be approved by and depollted with Beneflcllry, end .ndoraed with loa thereunder payable to Beneficiary. Any lum.1O received by Beneficiary may
<br />be u.ed 10 Ply for reconttructlon of the destroyed Improvementa or If not so applied may, at fhe option of thllBeneflclery. be eppllBd In pIIyment of eny Indebtedness
<br />matured or unmatured lIlCurecl by thll Trull Deed.
<br />(3) To keep all buildings, fixtures Ind olh.r Improvements now-on or hel'8lltter placed on uld Truat Ealale occupied and. In good repair, maintenance Bnd
<br />condlllon IInd 10 n.lther comml1 nor permllany acta of wute or any Impalrmenl of the value of the Trult Ellate. Beneficiary may enler upon the Tru.1 Eallfe to
<br />Inspect 1he same or10 perform any lIeta authorized her'llin or In the l(),In IIg....m.nl.
<br />(ot) In the eventTruIIOr(l)fan to paYllny Uenl,judgm.nta,aueaamenta,...... rents. taesorchargeaormalntaln eny Insuranceonthe property, bulldlngl. fixtul'8ll
<br />or improvements.. provided herein or In the loan IIgreemenl(e), Beneficiary may, at III option, make luch paymenta or provldelnaurance, malntanance or repairs
<br />and any amounll paid thereforahall become part of Ihe prlnclpallndebtednna80CUred hereby. be Immedlalely due and payable and bear Interat from lhe date of
<br />payment as provided In the nOI.(s) or loan agreementlll. The advancement by Beneflclery 01 eny luch amountl ahallln no manner limit the right of Beneflclary to
<br />declare Trustor(s)In default or exercise eny of Beneflclary'a olher rights and remedial.
<br />(5) In theeventBeneficllryll. partytoany 1IIIgatlon IIffectlngthe security orthe lien oflhlsTrult Deed, Including any action by 8eneflClaryloenforce IhlsTrual
<br />Deed or eny suit In which Beneficiary Is named a delendant (Including condemnllllon IInd bankruplcy proceedlng:s) BenefiCiary may Incur.xpen.....nd advance
<br />paymenll for abllrect fMl, anomeya 'eel (except to the extant prohibited by law). coats. expen....llppnll..1 fen and other charges and any amounlllO adv.nced
<br />ahall become part of the prlnclpallndebtedneu lIBCUred hereby, be Immediately due and payable and bear Interest.. provided In the 1000n agreemenlle).
<br />(61 Any IIwardl made 10 TruslDr(l) or their aucceaaora by the exerclle of eminent domain are hereby aulgned to Benaflclary; and Beneflclery la hereby authorized
<br />10 collect and IIpply Ihe ume In paymenl of any Indebtedness. matured or unmatured. aecured ~ thll Trust Deed.
<br />f7) In the evenl TruIlOr(a) default In Ihe payment when due of any aums aecured hereby (principal, Interest, advancements. or protective advanca). or fall 10
<br />perform or observe any covenanll end condlllons contained herein. In Ihe note(e). loan IIgreemenl(a), or IIny other Instrumenll or IIny proceeding Is brought by or
<br />egalnll Tru110rll) under any Bankrup~y II... Beneficiary may, at III option, declare the entire Indeblednesa aecured helllby to be Immediately due and paYllble and
<br />bear Internl at Ihe default 1111.111 provided In Ihe note(s) or loan agreementfa) and BenefiCiary mIIY Immedlalely authorlze Tru.... to axerclae the Power of Sale
<br />granled herein in Ihe mllnner provided In Ihe Nebruka Trust DeedaAcI, or, III Ihe option otthe Beneficiary, mlyroreclOHlhe Truat OeecIln the manner provided by
<br />law tor Ihe torecloaure of mortgagn on real property, Including the eppolntment of. Receiver upon ex parte application. nollce being hereby exprnaly wlllved,
<br />wlthoul regard 10 tha value at Ihe property orlhe lufflclency thereof 10 discharge thelndebtedneu HCUred hereby or In the loan IIgreamentCI). Delay by BenefiCiary
<br />In exerclalng Ita rightl upon delault shall not be conaWlld as a "aiver Ihereolend IIny aet at Beneficiary .alvlng .ny specific delaulllhall not be construed III a
<br />welver at any fUlure a.tault. It the proceeds under such sale orforeclolUllIare Insufficient to pay the totallndebtednesa hereby secured, TrultorCI. do hereby agree
<br />to be personally bound to pay the unpaid balance, and Beneflclery Ihall be entitled to a deficiency Judgment.
<br />181 Should Beneticillryeleclto exercise the Power of Sale granted herein, Beneficiary shall notify the Trull" who ahall record. publish and deliver to Trullorll)
<br />such Notice of Default end Notice of Saleulhen required bylaw end shall In Ihe manner proyidad by law..1I thaTrual EatateDtth.llmeand place at ....flxed in th.
<br />NoUce at Sal.. allher.1 awhole orin leparateloll, parcel. or ltemsllnd In luch order.. fhe Trustee ahaU dHmexpedl.nt. Any perlon maybldll th.....lncludlng
<br />Truatorls). Tru,tae or Beneficiary.
<br />(9) Trultor(.) herebyreqUel1 acopy of anyNoticeofDetllultor Notice of Sale hereunder to be m11l1edtothllm attheaddreaf8l) aetforthhe,.ln by certlllecf mill.
<br />(10i Upon defaull, BenefiCiary, either In person or by agent, with or withoul bringing any lIetlon or proceeding IInd with or wlthoul regard to the value of Ihe
<br />property or the.utficlencythereof to dllcharge the Indabtednesa IlICUred hel1!lby, IllIulhorlzed IInd enlltled to enter upon and lake poIHIIion of the Trult ElIII.ln
<br />j II own name or In the neme of the Trustee and do any ects or elCpend any luma It daernl nltCelllry or datlnlble to protect or prnerve the vatue Dr Ih, Tru.' ElI.1e or
<br />eny Inlereatthenllln.orlncreuelhe lncomethenllfrom;and wllhorwlthoutlaklng poueulon oftha TrultEatatelaaulhorl%ed 10auefororothlrwl..eollKtthe~lI.
<br />laaues. crops. proflll Ind Income thareof, InCluding tho.. palt due and unpeld. .nd apply the ..me upon any Indllbllldn... MeUM h.rebyor In the loan
<br />agreementll).
<br />No remedyhlreln conferred upon orrnerved to Trusteeor BeneflClery I. Intended to beexclullve of anyOlherremedyhentJn orby law provided orparmlned,
<br />but each ehlll be cumulative, Ihall be In addUlon to .very other,.medy given h.reunderor now orhe...lter exlatlng .lla. orin equity or by .tatull. .nd may be
<br />exerclled concurrenlly, Independenlly or euc:ceulvely. .
<br />(11) Trullor(l) ecknowledge thalthe dull.. and obligation. of Tru.1M shin be determined lotely by Ihe expreu prowl.lonl 01 thll Trult Deed or the Nebrukl
<br />Trusl Deeds Acl and Truat.. shall not be liable excepl for 1M performance at luch dulles end obllgatlonl II Ire apeclflcally ..I lorth therein, and no Implied
<br />covenanta or obllgaton.lhlll be Imposed upon Trullee; Trullee Ihall not be Uable for IIny action lakan by It In good fallh and f1lUOnably believed by It 10 be
<br />authorized or within the dllcnlltlon or rightJ of powers conferred upon It by Ihll Trult Deed or state la..
<br />(121 The inlegrlty and ..panllblllty of the Trultor(l) conslltutea. part of the conalder.atlon forthe obllgatlona aecurecl hereby. Should Trullor(s) ..II, tranlfllr or
<br />convey the property dncribed hareln, withoul prior written consent of Beneficiary, Beneficiary may ,1111111 option, declare the entire Indebtednesa Immedillely due
<br />and plyable e"d may proceed In ttte enforcement of III righll u on eny other defllulL
<br />1131 Aealgnment of R.nts Including Proceeds of Minerai Le.... Truator(a) hereby tranafar, ..lover and convey 10 Beneficiary In rents. royalties, bonuaes end
<br />delay moneys thet may from tlmeto lime become due and peyabl.undereny realntate lalal orunderany 011, au orolhermlneralllllHoflny kind nowexlatlng or
<br />thet mey hereafter come Into exlllence, covering the above Trual Eltlle or eny part thereof. All luch auml ao recolYM:l by Beneficiary shall be appUecf to the
<br />ind.btedneaa lecUred h.reby; or laid Beneficllry may, lit lla option, lum oWlr IInd deliver 10 Ihe Trullor(l) orthelr lucceuorlln Intereat, any or all of luch luml
<br />wlthoulp udleeto enyofBaneflclary'a rlghtalo take and retain future auml, and without prejudice loanyaflllotherrlghllunderlhllTruatDeed. Thetranlfar and
<br />con nee under 10 Bene ry of Aid nls. rDyIIlUes. bonules and delay moneys ahllll be construed to bea provlllon for the payment or ntducllon of the
<br />de ,lublKt I the aenef! ry' lion a e 0 provided. Independent oflhe IIltn on said Trull Estale. Upon payment In full of Ihe dabl and the
<br />n noo thle T f. II onVBY ce shell become Inopenlltlve and of no further fOrce Ind lI"act.
<br />1"1 e co Inti co In n 1 'I d sh be deemed to be levereble; In the event that IIny portion of thll Trusl Deed Is dewrmj"~ to be void or
<br />unenf b .thatdet I 0 I 't "ICtt valldltyofthllremllinlngportlanaof~"rDeed. ," /J .'. ./
<br />
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<br />A- l..Le 1---;-("""1- .'.'I.._r..tJ_ D na L. Powel .
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<br />HALL
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<br />
<br />On this ~d.y ot November , A.D., 19 ~ t,before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared
<br />~ila~~dHMa~~~e~~w~~~ D~~~:r~ie~oW~ll (a/k/a Donna Lee PoweLl), husband and w~f~; .anQ
<br />
<br />to me known to be the peraon(a) named In and who executed the foregoing Acknowledgment and Trusl Deed. and acknowledged
<br />thal~_~"_r-ir VOIUnlaryaCI~~..; ~ ./ "
<br />(SEAL) ........... --1...-..-.::.. '<~, ~ 'L.<.---Lt,-
<br />............... Melvi E. Fuller
<br />(Type or prinl name under Ilgnaturel
<br />My commlaaion expires 3-23-92 Notary Public In an~r salO Co~ anO sg.~
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