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<br />---I <br /> <br />- ~I~hth Firm CMII DII~!..__--.B.8- 1.0.ff <br /> <br />CBO &011 (olIJ..a71 <br />I .1 ot2 <br /> <br /> <br />owe <br />.-I' C (1 <br />!!NT MUST liE SIONED PRIOIl YO !IlI!CImON OF DeD OF mUST, <br /> <br />DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br /> <br />I. gnman of Rents referred to In the above acknowledgment Is made this 8th day <br />of November .19~.byandamongVirqil H., Powell and Donna L. powel <br />(a/k/a Donna Lee Powell), husband and wife, and Mildred Marie Powell,' unmarried <br />Route 2, Box 69, Grand Island, NE 68803 <br />''Yruatar(I)'', wh08It mailing address II Rnl1"',:o. 1 tl.l r!O"'l l\IF. hRRl n and <br />Farm Credit Bank of omaha "Trustee," whose mailing address Is <br />206 South 19th Street, Omaha. NE 68102 ,Indthe Farm Credit Bank of omaha , <br />"Seneflellry", wI1OI8 milling acldreaa II 208 Soulh 19th Slreel, Omaha, Nebruk. 68102, In conaldarallon of the edll8Dce by Beneflclary 10 <br />Truator(a) of the prlnclpalaum epeclfled below, tho raceipl of which la heraby acknowledged, .nd anyfulur., addlllonal orprotec1lv. .dvane.a <br />mlde to or on behalf of Trul1or(a) at Beneficiary's option, Trustor(s) Irrevocably transfers. conveys and aulgna to Trultee.IN TRUST, WITH <br />POWEll OF SALE. forthe benefit and I8CUrlly of B.n.flcl.ry,lla .ucC8B8oraand aaalgna, under.nd aubjoct1o th.leno. .nd condltlona of thl. <br /> <br />Trost Deed, the real property, located In tho County of Ha 11 . State Dr Nebraska. and described as follows: <br />.!!!::. .!!I!: ..!!J:. <br /> <br />SE1NWl and South One' (1) Acre of SW1NWl ----------------------- 32 <br /> <br />11N <br /> <br />lOW 6th P,M. <br /> <br />Together with all center pivots, wella, pumps, motors <br />and equipment located on and used -to irrigate said <br />premiaea, and any additions to or replacements thereof, <br />uhich items are declared to be a part of the deeded <br />premisea aud appurtenant to said real estate. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I' <br />\i <br />'i <br /> <br />lagalhlr with III Truator(l) right, uu. and ln1eraat In I8ld proparty, now or h....lI.r ocqulrad, Including all building.. fl.loraa, cropa .nd <br />Improvementa nowon orhentafterplaced upon said real property. Including 8110 811 appurtenances, water. Irrigation, snd drainage rights: and <br />all NI'IIIi, IlIUM., ~ Income" profits. and r1ghta to pouealon: all all, gal, gravel. rock or other mlnerats of whatever nature, Including <br />glO-...oI..w.-; IOdlll penanll propertythal may ln18grally belong loor Inlegral part of aaJd ...I_ewhlther <br />1_ or -,Includlng IllY IppUrlenlOc. and lCCOu1remlnta 01 any ....Idance I8CUrad h.reby, .nd .lIabova end belOW ground <br />irrigation oqulplMn1 and_rill, and all 1_, pennlll, 11_ orprlvlleg-.lIPpurlenantor nonllPpurlenlntlo Mid praml_, now or <br />h.-_,_or_byTrua1or(a),IllY_, theUnlhlclStaI.or.nydep.rtmonl. buraou, Inatrum.nlalllyoragencylh.raaf. <br />All of wI1leh II _or collectively _10. tho "Truat Eatala." <br />11"__"-_~I)_-.....y__TruIl_llgl....lo_ <br />(I) A prvmlllOry nOlI or na1al1aget/ler with Interaal1h.raan .....uhlcl by Tru,torl.llo Bene1lclary and u"crlbed aa followa: I <br />0-."'_ _...._ D..oI_ PrIncl...._1 <br />November 8. 1988 $31.700.00 II <br /> <br />__".h____" i <br />(b) Andthll ~t'n tullbyTruator(a) o'anyandalltutureandaddltlonal adv.nceswhlch m.ybe m.dl!l bySeneflclary, at Ita option, at I 11 <br />==~-:.\Dc:::~r::':::':~\~g~=I~~;.':~~~~~~~~~~:nr:-::~ha:~~~~::~:.c:, ~~~e;a~~::J~!:I~ 'j <br />~~~~:~~?3!~~~~~IE~~~:~~~~!~:~~~~~;:~t~:I~~~~~~~~&Orm'i~~l ' <br /> <br /> <br />uctUlivll otln....and o'th. protectlveadYancee.uthorlzlld herein or In thelOlln IIgreemant(I): provided, rurther, that THIS PARAGRAPH I <br />SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO MAKE FURTHEII OR ADDITIONAL ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TIME, <br />WHETHEII OR NOT THE TOTAL PRINCIPAL INDEBTEDNESS ABOVE HAS BEEN ADVANCED. <br /> <br />-:'f- <br /> <br />-- --.--- ,-.-~--------- .---.-- <br />------- ----..--. ..---.,.-.-- ....__.-.~- <br /> <br />I" <br />