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<br />88-106012 <br /> <br />Pig. 2 of 2 <br /> <br />Mortpgortl) and HCIl o' IMm further coftMnl end agrH wUh MortgagH .1 follows: <br /> <br />(1) To pav 11I1I1n.. Judgmentl orolher ......ment. agllnat ..Id pNmIN..lnd to ~ywhen due IlItllIH. ,."t., I... orchlrgllupon uld pntmllnorundt, .ny <br />,..... permll. Ik:enll or privilege ...Igned to Mortgagee.1 add"lonll NCurlty to Ihll mortalg.. Including IhOll on pUblic domlln. <br />{2) To lnlu....nd keep Inlured bulldlng..nd other Improvtlmentlnowon Of hllrM"" placed on ..Id premlll.lo Ihe utl.I.cllon 01 Mortglg... Such Inlul1Incl <br />shin be approved by ,net dtposllld with Mortglgee, end IndorMd with. monglgt CIIUM with Iou "unlunder payable to Mortgagee. Any lums 10 recelnd by <br />MO"~gN may be u.ed to pay tor reconstruction at the destroyed Improvements or II not 10 applied may. It the option olU'l1 MonQag... blIappllld In payment ot <br />IIny Indlbtldneu matured or unmatured secured by Ihll mortglgl, <br />(3) To ketlpall building., tlxturnand otherlmproyements now on orhe....".r placed on said preml..aoccupled Ind In good repair, malntenancl and condition <br />and to neUher commll nor permit any acta 0' .Iata or any Impairment of the yalua 01 the Mcurtly, <br />fA) In the....nt MongIVOft faU to pay .ny nel'\I, judglMnta, .......".ntl. la.ea, renta, 'Nt or crtlrgU or mllnllln any Insurance on thl pro,,-rty. buildings, <br />lixlutea or h"'l~n..., provided herein or 11'\ Ihe loan .g....menl. MaMgIgN mlY,.' III Ol:lllon, mike sucn payments or provlOo In.u,.n~, mllnt..1I\CII or <br />rep.lrs and anYlmou"', Plld thaMlorlhan become part of Iheprlnclpal Indltblednes. aDCured hereby, be Immec:lla,alydu.and payaba. and ~ar Internllromth. <br />daleof plyment a' pruvlded In thaloan Igr.menl. Provided, however,thal the.ctYllncement by Mortoag" of Iny luch .mauntslhallln nomlnnerllmlt ,he rlahtat <br />Martglgee to declare Mongago,. In d&laull or exercise any of Mortgageell othar rlghts.nd rem.dlas, <br />15) In IhlllMlnt Mongageell. party'o any 1I11g11l1on aHecllng lhe.eeurltyorlhe lien ofthlli mortgaga,lncludlng any aull by Mart9'OM to loteelOlethlamortglgl <br />or anyaulttn which Mortgagee I. named adelend"nl (Including condemnallon and bankrupley proceedlngl. Mortgagee may IncurBxpen'" and .dvancll paymenll <br />lor abstract feet, anomey. fees (e.cept to the extent prohibited by I!l.wl. cost., Bxpanllu. eppr.ll11 leea and olher ch.rg.. and any IImounl. ao advanC*t Ih.U <br />become part of Ihe prlnClpallMdabtec:ln... I&CUred hereby, btIlmmedlataly due ant! P"Yable an" be"r Inlere51aa provided In fhe lOin <br />(BI Any awardl made 10 Mon"a"ol1l Dr their IUCCftlOrI by Ihe axarclu of emlnenl domain eN hereby ualgned to Mortgageti and Mortgagee I. MNby <br />aulhomed to collectanet apply In payment 01 any Indeb,ednltfle, malured or unmatured, .aourad by lhle mort9lge. <br />(7) In the event Mortoaoo,..dellullln tho paymenl WhaM dueof any lumasecured hereby (principal, Inlerelt,ldvancementa, or protecUvedllbursomontlJ, orfall <br />to perform Dr observe any ccwenant. and conditions conlalned herein, In Ihe note(8) Dr In the loan agroemonf(.), Dr IIny procMldlng II broUQhl by or aOllnl1 <br />Mortgagors under IIny Bankruplcy laws. Mortgegee may. at II. option. declare Ihe enllre indeblednauaecul'8d hereby to be Immediately dUII.nd payable and b..r <br />Intaret!1 at the deleult rltll as provided in the nOle(.) Dr loan agreemenUIland MortgegeD may Immedlllely foreclose this mortgaga or pursue eny olher aVlllable <br />'e"ll remedy Including forecloluN by .d....rtl.eunent with a power olaala In Mortgagee 10 Ihe extent provided by alate taw. Provld.ct, however, that cIIlay by <br />Mortglloee In a.erclslng its rights upon default shall nol be conslrued as a w.lverthereof and Iha' .ny ICt 01 Mortgagee ..aivlng any apaciflc default ahan not be <br />construed .. a watvar of any luture delauil. II the proceed. under luch 1.le and torecloaurs 8110 Insufficient to pay the totallndebtedne.. hereby neured. MortgagOnl <br />do hereby eg,.. to be pII..-onally bound 10 pay the unpaid balance. end Mortgagee Ihlll be entllled to a dellclency ludgment. <br />(81 Upon defaun, Mortgagee ,halla1 once beCome entitled 10 exclusive pOdasalon, Ul8 and enjoyment of all property and to In nlMI1, IIIUOIl, crops and profits <br />Ihereol, lrom the lime 01 such delault and during Ihe pendency ot foreclosure proceedings and the period or redemption, thB delivery 01 which may be entorced by <br />Mortglgetl by any appropriate 5ull. action Of proceeding. Mortgage. ahall be "ntllled 10 a Receiver lor laid property and all rents,llIuI'.crops and prolil. thereat. <br />without reg.rd 10 Ihe value at Slid prOPl!lrtr. orthesufllClencythBreof to dlacharge Ihe mortgage deb'and tha foreclosure co.l1, teel .nd Such RttCliver <br />may be appolnled by IInycourt 01 competent jurisdicllon upon ex parte application. notice baing henlbyexprllllllywalved. TheReaHverahall.pply 1.11 renta,lnun, <br />craps, protit.,lncomeand rIIYInue 01 the property to keep theumeln good repair and condlllon, pay alltaxu. renll, lau, charges and .....m.nts, pay In.urlnce <br />premIums necn.aryto keep Ihe premla..lnlured. pay thee.penuol Ihe rec.I'I8t'1hlp and aUomay 'HI incurred bythll Racalver.and applytha net proCMda totha <br />pIIymenl of the indebUtdn". .ecured hereby. Such Receiver .hail have alllhe olher u.u.1 powers 01 authorized by II. and.. thl CQurt may diNCL <br />191 The Inlegrlty .nd rHPonllblltlyot the Mortgagof1l consl/tute. a PI" olU'la conaldlllrlllon lor1he obllgallonllecul'8d hareby, Should Mortg.goI"lNn. ,ran.I.r <br />or convey lha property daacrlbed hereln,.ltholJt prior wrlnen conlln1 01 Mortgagee, MortsagM may, allts D~lon, decllre Inl antlrelndllbladn...lmrMdl.,.IV due <br />and payable and mlY proceed in Ihe enlorcement ot ill right. al an any other delaull. <br />(1DI "..Ignmenl 01 Rents Including proceedlor Mlnerll Leue, Mortagotl hBreby Irenller, .etover Ind conv"Y tD Mortglg.. all rents, rO)'llIUII. bonu....nd <br />del.y moneya lh.'may lrom time to time become due and payable undarany ruleltatelulle orundenny all, gll Drothermlnerallea.. of any kind now.Klllingor <br />that may hare.fter cDmalnlo exl'tence, covering the above Ilnd or any Plrt thereof. All .uch sumlto received by Mortgag..lhlll be .pplled 10 ,he Indebt8dn... <br />Ilecured hereby; or .aidMortgagee may. at It I opUon,lum oYer end dellvertothe MortgagDrs orlhelrlUccel&Ol'Iln Inlerelt, anyoranof .uch aumawltt'loUt prwjudlCl <br />to env of Mortgagee's rights to like Ind relaln tulul'tllums, and wlthoul prejudice to any of It. olher rights undBr this mort.gage, The transler and conveyranCl <br />hereunderto Mortgageaol.ald renta. royalltes, bonull!lS and delay monav-ahall becon.trued to be a provlalon tor Ihe payment orreduclion Df the monglglldebt. <br />aubleclto Ihe...ortg.g....opUon U hereinbefore provided, Indapendant or the mortg.gallen Dn uld re.l.atste. Upon SMym.nlln full Df lhamortgagld.btand th. <br /> of Iht. mortgage at ncord, thll conveyance ehell beCOme Inoparattvland at no furthar farce and .rtact. <br />(11) The covenants cont_ined In Ihl, mortgagelh.1I be deemed to be ......l1lble; In Ihe event thelany portion of thla mortgage I. determined 'D be void or <br />-~-".....~-'-'-'-'-~..'--'-'--~'j;( ~ir <br /> <br />r?u;U0-\ ~ - ~~ <br />( ucy ~. Mart n <br /> <br />STATE OF <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />peraonBIlYBppeBrBd RandalL. Hartin and Lucy L, Hartin, Husband and Wife <br /> <br />) <br />I", <br />I <br />October <br /> <br />. A.D., 19 ~, before me, II Notary Public, <br /> <br />COUNTY OF <br />On this 31stdayol <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />to me known to be the person(s) named In Bnd who executed the loregDlng Inalrument, Bnd acknowledged the! <br />the same as t.he..i.tvoluntllry act end deed. <br /> <br />tohoy <br /> <br />execuled <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br />My commission expires &,";~..J' ~.!-~ / t:J9 0 . <br /> ~--:a~1CJ <br /> ,.. 'C '0 '0 .; :;; i?:' <br /> ., I c: <br /> 'C .. 'E 'E ::J <br /> 0 0 '" <br /> ~ :li [Jl [Jl ~ <br /> I 0: 0: <br /> c:i ~ 0 <br /> .(, c: f- <br />W '" ::J <br />CI U 0 Z <br /> 0 !2. 0: <br />0( :I u ::l <br />CI 0 ~ '0 t;; <br />l- II: f- 0: <br />a: .; II. " " c:i <br />0 z :; '" w <br />~ x .. 0 <br /> 'C 0 a. <br /> 0 0: <br /> l; lD c: 0 <br /> ~ .E 0 u <br /> " w <br /> " <br /> S II g- o: <br /> " '" I'" <br /> ~ l; t: ' w <br /> f c >- n <br /> u:: ;;; :lE lD <br /> <br />