<br />Pag. 1 01 2
<br />
<br />O~n.End To SKur. pr.IMt IInd Furu,. ObUQlrJon. .nd AdvlnCII
<br />DIll: October 31, 1988
<br />
<br />Randal L. Hartin and Lucy L. Hartin, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants and
<br />
<br />not as Tenants in Common
<br />
<br />Mortglgo.., at Hall County, Nebraska , In canoldl..Uan 01
<br />the advance by MorgBgee to Mortgagors of the prlnclpall5um specified below, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, and Bny
<br />
<br />'uture. additional or protec11ve advances made to Mortgagors at Mortgagee's option, hereby sell, convey Bnd mortgage to FIVE POINTS
<br />
<br />BANK. 2015 North Broadwell Avenue. Grand leland, Nebraska 68802. Mortgagee. Its successors and asalgns, from the date hereof until
<br />
<br />aU obligations secured hereby are paid In rull,the followln . te In Hall County,
<br />
<br />Nebraska ,10 wll: -o:-,.c ~g..~ \
<br />. --..!'IiilIVII.\"~" 011"" -..;.] .!!!O.. ..ID. llL
<br />._....:~~~.a"
<br />
<br />Lot Two (2), Block Two (2), Dickey Third Subdivision, a Resubdivision
<br />of all of Blocks Two (2), and Three (3), Dickey Subdivision, and all
<br />Blocks One (1) and Two (2), Dickey Second Subdivision to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
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<br />A together with all Mortoaga,. rtght. title and Interelt In said property, Including aU building.. fbetu.... crop. end Improvements now on or
<br />~.. rhlraahlr placed upon old rei' property; InCluding alia all appurtenances, waler, Irrig.lIon. and drainage right.: and ell rentl, lauBs. una.
<br />pro'lt.. ane: rtghtl to pouesalon: all all, gu, graftl, r~k or other mlnl!u.... o. whatever nlture.lncludlng geothermal rnourcn: anden pll'lOnal
<br />~ . property thlt may Integrally belong to or herean.r become an Integral part of said fealute.. whether attached or detached. including any
<br />. appurtananc. and Iccouttllmlntl of Iny relldlnce secured hereby, .nd III Ie..... ~rmltl. IIcen'H or prlvllegn. appurtlnant or
<br />l'\.. ~nonappun.nant to old mortgaged premlae.. now or hereafter luued. extended or renewed by MortQlgor, the State, Unlled States or any
<br />~~ departmant, bureau or agency thereof.
<br />"" 'Ilia u_ _...IMII_ MortgllllDn and Mortgllll" lbal_ 010"-11 g..... to HOUle:
<br />:-..... (a) A promluory notl or note. together with Interest thereon executed by Mortgagors to Monglgee Bnd dncribed as follows:
<br />~ k- D_ of KOhl Pttncl.... ","OIInl D"'" at NIIIlI PrlncI.... _unl
<br />,~ r" 10-04-88 $ 1,500.00
<br />,t 10-31-88 $17,000.00
<br />
<br />(~ payable according to the tlnn. of Aid nate(I).
<br />(b) And lhIIreP'W'mantlnfull by Mortgagors of any and aU future and additional advances which may be made by MongoaglM, at its option, at
<br />the requnt of. and to or forth. account of Mortgagors. Dr any 0' them. 'or any purpOle, plullntenrlt on alllluch advances, under any nOle(l)
<br />or other In.trument(a) taken In refinancing. extending. nlInewlng, reamartlzlng or reatructur1ng luch Indebtednn. or any p811lher.of. all
<br />{,.. _ payabll acc:ordlng 10 'hI I"r"," ot Mid nalo(') or alhor Inluumon.(I}; pravld.... how....r, lhl' ,"a 10'"1 prlnoloallnd.b.edn... aulll.ndln.
<br />~ andoocurMlhl..,bYllanyanetlmUhallnalOllcoodlhuumaf Twpnty fivp thnn..nrl .nrl nn/lnn -----------
<br />t _______________________________________________________-00L~RS($ 25,00n nn ),
<br />exclullva of Intlrnt and 01 the protective dlaburlementl authorized heraln or In the loan agraement(II); prOVided, further, that THIS
<br />\ ANY TIME.
<br />
<br />~
<br />~
<br />L~
<br />~
<br />
<br />~c::.
<br />O~
<br />~
<br />
<br />Cc) ThI repaymM't in full by MortQagors at alllmounta advanced by Mortgagee, et Ita option. to or on bebel' of Mortgagorl.u protective
<br />d1abunementa..uthorlz:ed htIreln, In the lOin agreemant(I). or In other Inltrumenl(s) which may be given to evidence luch advlnces plus
<br />In.. on allluch edv&ncaa, payable.. provided In the note(I). loan ."reament(l) or other Inltrument(s).
<br />Cd) The peymlntln full of any and In other put, prwant or future, direct or contingent, debU and lI.bIllU.. of Mortgago,. to Mortgag" of
<br />any natu.. wt\ItIOIVer.
<br />.n"morto-gewlllbldue UDnn d@:mRn~
<br />
<br />or upon 'hI paymln.ln full 01111 luml lacurld h,..by,
<br />
<br />uonpgan.....wanantthlt lhlY hOtelfelllmpl.lIIl. tothll.bov.dncribGd property, ltlatlh-v heV8g00d Ind Iawlullutharltv 10 mO~QlQ' the um., that laid
<br />PfOI*'lY ...,. Mdc..... ot .1I1......nd lancumbranc:n. .1Ic",l.ncumbranc.. 01 rKord, and ltl.l thll'f wUl warrant and d.'end pld properrr againllall claimenll
<br />~. MottgagorIIllIo herebyw.iVliand ,.llnQulah all ngtlll 01 do..', hornntaad, dlatrlbut.iftltla,. and...mpllon In and 1oeh..bQv. ducrlbed proptltty.
<br />