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<br />10. D~ MoI~: ~ D, LendM' Not . Willv.', EI1.nuon of tho IUM '01' paymonl Of molSItlCAll()n olllmof'litallOn of lho DUmu 6OCUfe(f by lhlll l30cunty In.trumenl <br />~amlllt1 D'W llmOef to any ~ In .unll 01 Oonowef It'I&II not ~r.t.10 .......lhIllablkty of JhlJ Dl"IQIfI.l ()orTower Of Bonowe,'. lucaluon In mlOre111 L.andll' Ilhlll1 nol bt ntQul~ <br />10 ~~.aogaons111nY tueee"Ol Il\ ,"Iore.l 01 rotuu 10 altooo tlTTlO 101' paymen1 or OlMIWliW' modify IlmOtlll.llOl'I of me tum. lucufOd by thtl $Gcunly Inlurumlnl by rUlen <br />0I.-ny lJarnarcl ~ b'f' h Dn\)I\al [IonoMf 01 GorTaMrr'. IUCCIlUDn '" loIn.!. Arty lomearance by L..oI'oOer In ,uoroll'no loti., nghl or mmal2y ,0alll1Ol bel .II WAIVer 01 or precludfllllt1 <br />Q.Mt:lU 01 ,any nghl Of I1tl'l'ItdY <br /> <br />~~AI"G"'ac::- .=;::~=~; ~~;:~g=~:::m":~~:'a~=r~~ll~r::~:~:::: ~'~~:O~:~~~I~l~~Un~~~:r:llnn~ <br />~ 000. not.daM rile NcQ" lallS co-squng Itus Secumv Instrument only 10 mort!JaQe. ~nl and ccnvey fllal Borrowa,', ,mOf1lSI,n Ihll Properly under tho IlIrma ollnll Bocunly Inltrumenl: <br />r Lt'J" tI nol pet1IOr\aItV obl9alild to pay the sums MCUf'Id by thl' SKunly Instrument; and leI DgrHllhal Lerder and any other Borrower mlV llQIee 10 Olland. modlly, lotOlI' or mike any <br />~~~~.:,"=~:=~=~~:=I~~=~=~~etWgII..llntll""llawlllllnaUl/lllterprelad aolhal1l1olnleresIOrOmerlQan <br />~I <:olleCmd or 10 De coIectIId In conned1On WIth 1M 60an exCMCIlhe permltleClllmlt&. then: la) any suc:tlloan crwge shall be redueed by the amounl necessary 10 reduce the charge <br />to the pemVlIed Ilmft; &rd lb) '"" IL.InI aIrNdv COIedtd trom BonoMr wNc:h e.lCHded perm1t1ed IIn1rtI WlII be rafunded 10 BorrOMr, Lender may chOOH 10 make Ihll relund by reduCing <br />r the ~ 0'MCl Uf1det the... <<by mllklno a dirBCt paymenllo BorrD'NIf. Ill. rerun!! rec!IJCn pnnapaI. lhe reduCtion. WIn be treated as a partial p~.nt without any prepayment charge <br />under the Noll. <br />= 1'- ~ AftiIctInI UndIr"a RJghtL II enIlCIment or .xpuallDn or applicable !awl hu the efttlcl 01 rendering any provl5lOfl ollhe Note or this s.curity Instrum&nt unenlorceable <br />CO ~e~=:"= ~ :.=~~~~n= ~=~~ s.cunty Instrument aOO may I~e any rumedlel permlnfd by paragraph 19. <br />14.. ~ Any naIICe ttl Borrower prcMded tor ll'1 ttvs Secuntv Instr'Umef1'l Shall be grven by delt\/ltf1l'1Q II or by mailing II by lirst dau mall unless applicable law rttqUlres use 01 another <br />methOd. TIle l'1CI'b Ih-"btdnc*ltc me Property Adenss or any other aDdr1ln BorrnwIw d"'lJ!'atnby noliCe to L.ender, Any nollee to Lender shall be given by first clllSl mall to Lender's <br />addfeU st.-s"..., 01 W'f ""'* _____ l..ender daignalea by ncbCa to Bonowet. Any nOUC8 PIC'V1lilld lor in this secunty Instru~nt shall be deemed to have been given 10 Borrower or <br />Lender wherI 9"*' ItS proviMd Ifl this pal"8Q11lPh <br />15. ~ ~i ~ 1l1llI Sec:unty Instrurnen1 Shall De govemed by lederalt_ and me taw 01 thIIlUl1scllction In which the Property i.!llccaled. In Ihe evttnl thai any provision <br />or Clause 01 this Secunty tnstrument or the Note conflct.!l wttn appIlCIble law. SlJCh confliC1 $hall nol allee! other provtSiDns 01 thIS Secunty Instrument or Ihe Note which can be giVen effect <br />wrtf10llI the ccnftct1ng prtMSlOn. To 1tIiS end tnlI provt501S 01 U'IUI Secunty Instrument and the Note are dedal1td to be severable <br />1a. Borroww'a COpf. ~ Ihal bit grven one conformed copy of Ihe Note and 0I1ht.!l Secunty lnstrumenl <br />17. ~ at tM Property or. Banefk:laI an.nt In Bonower, 11 aU or IUl'f pan 01 the Property or any Inlemslln It IS sold or IranslerT8d (or If a beneliCial inlerust in Bol'l'CWl!lr IS sold <br />or translerred and BorrcrMK IS not a natural peBOn\ Mthoul Lender's pnor wnrlen consen!, Lander may. at Its optIOn. requQlmmadlale paymenlln lull ot all sums secured by this Secunll/ <br />Instrument However. thts opoon shall nolJ be exerctSed by Lender If exef'058 IS prohlbrted by faderallaW as ollhe date 01 thIS Secunty Instrument. <br />" Lenoer eurases IhtS optnn. LcOOer shall 11M' Borrower nollC8 01 acceletBbon. The nctlC8 shall provtde a pened 01 not less Ihan 30 days from Ihe date Ihe notice is delivered or maIled <br />wmunwructl BorTOwer musI pay an sums secured by thI5 Secumy Instrument. II Bol1O\lll'er huts 10 j)a\llhesa sums poor 10 lhe expuahon of thIS penad, Lerlder may invoke any remedies pemutted <br />by tht5 Secunty InstrumOnt wrthoullurther notICe or demaOd on Borrower. <br />1a. ~_ Right 10 ~ " EIonower meets certam conditions. 8orrCM'er shall have the nghtlo have enlorcement ollhlS Secun1y Instrument discontinued I'll any lime pnor to <br />the earll8l" ot. 1_' 5 days lor such oIMr pero::l as appIicatI6e law mav specify lor I'8lnslatemenll before sale ollhe Property pursuanllo any power 01 sale conlalned in tt1ls Secunty InSlrument; <br />or (b) enlry of II. Jl.OiJmInI entorong this Sectmty Instrument. Those condilIOl'1S are that Borrower: la) pays Lender all sums whICh then would be due under Ihis Security Inslrument and the <br />Nol. Md no ~ oc:euned; (bl OJrel any delault 01 any other covenantS or agreements; Ie) pays all expenses Incurred in enlofClng this Secunty Instrument. including, but not limIted <br />to, reuonaI:lIe adomays' lees: and lell takeS sucn adJon lIS Lender may reasonably requif8 to BSSUl'B thllt the hen of (hIS Secunty Instrument Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's <br />')l:MigabDf'l1O P-r the sums secured by uus Secunty Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon TBlnstatement by Borrower. thIS Seamty lnstrumenl and the obligations secured hereby shall <br />rerrwn tully el!ec:lrve lIS II no ac:c::e6IIqbOn had occuff8d. Hawever,tt1lS nght to relMtate shall nol aWl/In the case at accelerabonunder paragraphs 13 or 17 <br />NON-UNIFORM covENANTS ~ and L.&ndeI' turther covenanl and agn!N!I as lollows. <br />1e. ~:,......... Lander Mall give noace to ~ prior to IICC8teratIon loUowlng Borrower'. tnach 01 any c:ownanl or ~lln this s.curlty InlltrUm.nt <br />(bUt not prtor lD acc:aIanrtiOn under ~ 13 and '7 unIeu eppI~ a.. prDYldn 0lhenriM1. 11M noUes aMll specify: (a) the dafauh: (bl the IICtion Nqulrwd to cure the <br />datautt; (el . data. not .... u.n 3D" h1Mn 1M .. 1M nodCe Ie gtwn 10 ~. by which the default must be CUNeI: and (d) that lallurw to curw the detauft on or ~ore <br />the dale spectftId In U. notk:a nwy.-,It In accaIsnItion olIN aums MCUI'MI by thl. s.curtty l~lt.,.d.... 01 the Proparty. Tha notlce ahall furth..-Inform Borrower 01 <br />the right to 1"II6nstIde.... ~.xI 1M rigblta bring. cour1l1Ction IG ..... the norHlllstenca 01 . iHtsuh Of any other defenM 01 Borrower to KC8ler'BUOn IIfKI ..... If <br />the MteuJt .. not and on Of beIaM 1M ddIi spKtfled kllhe noUce, LMtdar at I,. opUon rMY rsquu. Irnmadillla payment In full 01 .U awn. HCUNd by this Securtty Instrument <br />wttboUt rurtlw'dImand I!Ind INIJ' lnwoU the~ of....and any other...,.,..1n penram.d by applicable n. Lander shall ~ ttntIt*t to coliec:t .11..panan Incurrwd In pUl1lulng <br />the NmedJn provtded In this J*W9I1IPh ,,,lncIudlng, bU1 not limbd to....aorWMe.nomayll',... and com of UUllIIVIdenCa. <br />"aw ~ of .... Ie invobd, ~ ahaIll"ICDI'd a nodce 01 dafeun in ach county In wh6ch any put of the property la locatad and ahall mall cop" of such notice In the <br />rMIIMf pIWKribed by ippHcIbIe "- to Bonower and ta the otMr peraona pracribed br appticabie.... At1M' tha dme requt.... byappllcab" law, Tru....llhall glwl public notice <br />of"" to the f**JI'8 and in the RIWIMf pNKI'fbed by 1IPfJticIIbIe.... ~. w1thcU1 demand on Bonower. IIhaII ..n the Property at public auction to the h1ghat bkkar at the <br />time and plaee- and undtlI the t8fIftI, ~ in the noUce 01 aaill In CH'II or more parcela and In .ny an:ll'f lNa_ Mterminea. -nu... TMY postpone.... 01 all or any parcal <br />01 tM PTat*tY by pubIk: ennouncement... U. tirM and .. 01 any prwviouaty acMcIUIMt ..... L..ndw or I,. dnlgftM rNlY purchaM the property at any ..... <br />Upon I"K8tpt of ~ 01 tha price bid. ~ ahaO dell.... to the pu~ Trus_'. dMd conveying the property. Tht NdtIII In thl1hmeI'1 Melt shall be prlma fllel. <br />evIcIancI of the trvttI of !he"""" rNdII u.ran.. ~.".U appfy 1M pt'CICMda of the ....In the following order: ,e) 10 elleXJ*l'" 01 tha ..... tncIudtng, but not limited <br />eo. Tru......... ~ trr appIicebIa....... ,......,. attorNya' fan; (bt to all..... MCUred trr thta s.curtty Inatrurr*11: .nd (c) any exceaa to u. pIdDR or persons <br />_"_10 It. <br />2D. LAnder k't Paaneion. Upon acc::eIafa1lon under paragraptl 19 or abaf1donrnent of the Property. Lender 1m peflDf1, by agent Dl' by JUdicially appointed rece.....r) shall be entrtllKllo <br />enter upon, take poension 01 and fTW\lIOe tha Prop<<ty and to COIled the r8lltI oIlh. Property mduding thoSe plLIZ due, MY f8flts collecled by l.&ncIer or the receMtr shall be appUed tlTSt <br />Ie pavmenI of the cosD of ~ ollhe Praperty and co8ecbOn of ntnII. includlng. but no! JlmltMS 10, receiver's lees, prwmlunlS on rec8ivef's bonds anet muonable anomeys' lees. and <br />Itwl to the sums ~ by ttQ Secunty lnIIr\lrMf1I. <br />:11. ~1MpncL Upcn paymenl 01 all ~ II8CUfIICl by ttJi5 Secunty InstTUm~, L~,"::2er t.haIl f8Q\:est Trust" tg rec:;Jl"1Wly the PqJerty and shaU surrender Ihis Security Inlltrumenl and <br />all noteS eonMncing dab! MeUfIId by trill SeclJnty Instrument to Trustee, Trustee $hall reconwy the Ptoptlrty WlthOUl ....arrantl/ and wlthOul charge to Ihe person or persons legalll/ enlll1ed to <br />It Such penon or persons shall pav any ream:lation costS <br />22. SubsIftua. ~ ~, &Ills optIOn. m-v from lime to 1lm8 remove Tru:n.. and appoint a 5lJCC8S5Ol" Uustee to any Trustee appoInted hereunder bl/ an Instrument recorded In lhe <br />county Ifl which U. Secunty IrtSlNrren1 IS recordeO. Wllhout conveyance ot the Property, the successor Uu.!lII!Ht 5hallsucaled 10 all the litle, pI)'A~r and dUlles conlarred upon Truslee hersln <br />and by applicable law. <br />23. ~ lor NoUca&. 8orrO'lWr requests thai copIeS It. ~.. nota!! 01 cielaull and sate be sent 10 Borrower's address Whlcl'1 IS Ihe propeny Address, Borrower lunner requests thai <br />copteS of the notlC8S of l>>Iauft and saiIt be sent to each plIfSOn whO IS II ..,arty hereto at me address of such person sel fcrttl hefllln <br />2&. RkIIn ta thie Sacurtty lneII'UmM'IL If one Of moRt nderS are e.eculed by Borrower and l'9COrded together wrlh thIS Secunty Inslrument. the covenants and agreements 01 each suen <br />nOtlf shaI be incorpof8ted into and shell amend and supplemenl the covenants and ~t5 of IhlS Secunty Instrumenl as lithe nder(s) ...em a part 01 thIS Security Instrument. (Check. <br />appilcabfebol(nll <br />:: Adjustm)le Ral. Rdef 0 CondomtfUUm RIder c: 2-4 FamIly Rider <br />C Graauated Payrrwm Rider 0 Planned Unit [)eye\OplTlen1 Rlder <br />iJ OU1erlsl [specrty) <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW. BclrroweI' ao:epIS and agre8S10 1M 1erm5 and covenants contalned In lhis !eaJrny InstrurMnl and In any nderlSI executed by Borrower and recorded With it <br /> <br />ft" ljUUJ-g,--\~'aff- <br />~ -------.. " \'........., f'\ <br /> <br />[SpKa BoIow Thl. Une 1'0< ~gmont] - ~ ""--- , - \! '~ <br /> <br />(Seal! <br />-"""",,"' <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />-Bcrmwel <br /> <br />sz.te 01 NeOruQ l <br />Coumyol iL-L: <br />Qntt'U!l~ciayol ~#',.l!', <br />peraoneIIy~ ;{.., JllAll...-'..I {::, ~n~ <br /> <br />.19 -LL, oelore me. a NoUlry Public ,'" 11'111 Slale 01 <br />,_, ~,j 1..,(, ,~,..I; f......k'j ,/ J"" ;"c,~.1 <br /> <br />~ ... <br /> <br />to mo ~ knUWn lC De tI'IlI oermntl' nan.clln and .no ..l8Cl.Md the tOtlllgOing Instrument. and ~ mal <br />If'OIunLWya:lanClttMO <br /> <br />, .. ~' <br />elecuted .' same as <br /> <br />lAy"""""",,,,- <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />/ <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />sate ~ ......... 1 <br />1 <br />~ol__1 <br />Qntr'loS_OIlyrl <br />......- - <br /> <br />I - <br />. ",1:-0" ~Tl'llrf.Sl_orlWnlb <br />.... "ICHULf M. CAlLAHAN <br />l.I,C'~,f 11.1.n <br /> <br />, 19 _ before me II Notary PuOhc ,,., the Slalll 01 <br /> <br />to "'-~~ to blob persoru.1 ~ 01'\ tt.eculecl Il'1ttlOl"8OOIl1C;Ilflstrumenl, BOd ar;lo.nawlttOged 1f1a1___ -- IIlllCtJl80 Il'le same 8S --- <br />~.,.-.ooeed <br /> <br />... eomn-..on_ <br /> <br />""TolOTAR'r PuBLIC <br />