<br />
<br />88- 105570
<br />
<br />n-us OeEO OF mUST j-Socunty lnstromenn II mBCJe on Ihll 1 it
<br />19--B.B-- Thetrustotls Richard Da Dal v and Dawn
<br />
<br />doVO' Oct.
<br />nit 1 v HII,,-h;mn rtnti Wi f~
<br />
<br />I-Borr0Mr1 The uultee 15 Commercial Fedoral Saving, Ilfld \..Oan AlaoCIIlUO~.
<br />rTrus!ee1. The ben8flcwy is ConuneI'Cl&I FedenlI SllVlflOs and Loan A.sIoclatiOn. wttlch is oroani.r:td aocI emtlng under lh.laws of Nebraska. and whole addrau It 4.480 Farnam, Omaha.
<br />NebrUka68131(~~',Bon'CwtfowesLendlrlhltpnt'lClpalsumD' Spvpn Thnllc:;i'tnn ~iv Hllnnr~rl TItJa.l\1t1 nnll;llrc: ;mrl ?4/1nn Dollars
<br />(US.S 7,612.24------- \, This debt Is ovIdenc8d!J1 Bon'oMr'a l"IDt8 daltd the a&mI dale as Ihil Security Instrument (-Note), which provldel!llor monthly payments. with the
<br />...-.,..,....._"........_"" 1O/15/9~ ,
<br />Thls Secunty InstnJm!lnl: seans 10 Lender: (althe repayment of the debl evKIenced by tht Note. wrttllntelltlt. and all nmewaJa. extensions and modlOcaUons; (b) the payment 01 all other
<br />5UmI, WlItl munIt, IItJWnce(I undtf ~ 7 10 protect lh& aocurtty 01 this Secunty Instromen!; Blld leI the plIIrlormance 0' Borrower's covenant. and agreements. For thll piJrpo'.,
<br />&rrow.r ~ grantJ and conveys to Truste. in lrust, with power 01 sale. the loIlowtng deacnbed property IOC&led tn r-I &J 11 County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot 15. Block 2 Dickey Third Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Hall County. NE
<br />
<br />Nelnska
<br />
<br />hllll'll
<br />
<br />2628 Q'Flannignn
<br />(Street)
<br />(Mpropeny Address,.
<br />
<br />~I"'~nn T51~nd
<br />
<br />(City)
<br />
<br />\'lhlch has the addfna of
<br />
<br />TOGEniER with as lhe rrnprovements now or hereafter er8Cted on the property. and aU easements. nghts. appunenances. rents. royalties. mineral. oil and gas rights and profits, water
<br />rights and stOCk and an fIXtureS now Of he!1lafl8f a par1 nl the property_ ...n replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Socunly Instrument. All 01 the foregoing is referred to In
<br />lhls Secunty Instrument as the -Property -
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS thai BorTOwttr 15 lawtuDy seISed 01 me estale hereby conwyed and has the nghllo grant and convey the Property and thai the Property is unencumbered.
<br />neept ror lH1Clll'riJranC of rocord BomMer warrants aNl wdl defend generally lhe IlIie 10 the Property agamet all daims and demands. 5ubjec1 to any encumbrances 01 record.
<br />nilS Sl:CURITY INSTRUMENT combinh unltotm covenants lor national USE! and non-uniform covenant! with limited \/llfialiOns by iurtsdldlDn 10 constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering real property
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agrw as fOllOWl:
<br />1. ~ of ~ -.d ..........i ~ met UIII ChargH. ~r shalf promplly pay when due the principal 01 and interest on the debt evidenced by Ihe NOle and any
<br />~..o \ale ctwgn due uMer the Note
<br />Z. Funds tor ......... Insurance. Subted to applicable law or to a wntten waiver by Lender. Bonower Shall pay 10 Lender on the day monthly paymentSIlf8 due under ltle Nole. until
<br />lhe Note is palclln full, a sum (~, equal to OM-twettth of: lal relll1l' lues and _ments which may attain pnortry over ltlis Security Instrumenl; (bl vearly leasehold payments or
<br />ground nmts on the Property. If 1IfIY; (c) yeartv haUrd msurance prwmiums; and (d) yeartv mort;age Il\5lJrance premiums, II any. These dems lU8 called ~escrow Items, ~ Lender may eslrmute
<br />the Funds due on the bUill of aJI1'ltf1l dma and ~ estImaleI of future naow items.
<br />The FundI ~ be held in." iNtIIutlon the depoI;/tI or IlCCOUr1II of which IIIW inlUl'8d or guaranteed by II htderal or state agency (InclUding Lender If Lender 15 such an inslJtullon), Lundur
<br />stlaIliPPY the Funds 10 pay the ncrow hms. lMIdel' may not charge for holding and apptyIng the Funds. analyzing ltle aa:ounl or verifying the e5Cl'OW items, unless Lender paylI Botn'.lWer
<br />interest on the Funds and JIPptic:abIe law pemlftIi Lender to make Il.lCh . charg.. Borrower and Lender may Bgnte in wnting lhal inleresl shall be paid on ltle Funds. Unless an agreemenlis
<br />made or appIicabta law ~ L'Ufest 10 be paid. ~ IhalI not be required to pay BorTDwer any 1nl8rn1 or earnings on the Funda. ~ lhall give 10 Borrower, wlthoul etwge. an
<br />amuaI 8CCOlJI1ting 01'''' Fundi showing crds and debIII!O the Foods and the purpoIt for which ead1 debit 10 the Funda was made. Th. Funds III1t pledged as additional BlSClJrtly for the
<br />sums ueured by thla Seady Instrument.
<br />lithe arnounI 01 the Funds hek:I by LenOer,Iogether with the lutunl monthly payments of Funda payable prior to the due dales of the escrow Items. shaD exceed the 8mounll'8Clulred to pal'
<br />the escrow ilema when dLHt. the ncen Shall be, . Borrower's option, either promptly reoaicl to Borrower or credlIed 10 Borrower on monthly payments of Funds. If the amount ollhe Funds
<br />held by Lender is not suffioent 10 pay lhe escrow Items wtlen due, o.:..--:-"'WIll shall P'"V 10 Lender any amount necessary 10 make up the delicil!lncy in one or more payments as required bl'
<br />'*-,
<br />Upon payment m full 01 aU sums secured by ttus Secunty Instrument. Lender Shall promptly refund to EIonower anI' Funds held by Lender. II under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or
<br />acqI1u.:l by Lender. l.endIM" shaII~. no laJer than immediately pr10f to the sale 01 the Property or its acquisillcn by Lender, any Funds held by Lender 81 the lime of application as a credit
<br />against the sums ~ by thlI Secunty InslrUment
<br />3. AppD:cdOft or ~ UnMtsl appticabMt .., pl'OV1des othefwtse, ad payments rtteeiYed by Lend.r under paragraph! 1 and 2 shall be applied: first. to lale charges due under the
<br />Nate: 5BC00d. lO prepaymem dlargIS due unDef 1tIe Note; thlrd, 10 arT'IOUflt$ payable under PIll1l9rapl'1 2; loul1h. to InI8n1!it due; and last, to pnl'lClpal dUll.
<br />.... a.rv-i uens. Bonower shaD pay all tues, 8S5IIIssmef1t!1. ctllll'ges, f,"" and impcsltlCll"lS altnbutable to th8 PIOpeI1y which may attain priority 0V9f this Security Instrument. and
<br />leasetDd paymentS or!1OUncl rents. If any. Borrower shall pay these oDUganons In Iha manner provded In paragraph 2. or if not paid In tIlal manner, Borrower shall pay Ih8m on lime directly
<br />to U. penon ~ p..,.",.m ~ shall promptiy' furnish 10 Lender aD nobCeS 01 amounl!l to be paid under thi!I paragraph. 11 Borrower makes these payments directly. Bonower shall
<br />prompCly fumcIh K) ~ ~ eMden::mg the P8Yf'*1lS.
<br />Bonower Shall pn:xnptIy disch.arOa' any hen which has pnonty over this Secunty Instrument unless BoITOWl!ll'; lal agrees In wnting 10 the payment ollhe obligation secured by Ihe lien In a
<br />manner ~ 10 ~ Ibl a)l'1tMls In good fatth the lien by, or defends agamst enforcemenl ollhe lien rn. legal proceedings which in tne Lender's oplOion operate 10 prevenlthe
<br />enfcrtament 01 the '-" or lorfe<<u18 01 any part 01 the Property; Of Ie) secure from the holDer 01 the hen an agreement sallslactory 10 Lender 5ubotdmlJtlng the lren 10 thIS Secunty Inslrument
<br />lIlAnder ~ ~ any pan 01 the ~ is subfed 10 a lien wtuch may attain pnonry over In~ Secunty Inslrument. Lender may glY8 Borrower a notice Idenlllymg the lien. Borrower
<br />5I1aII saJII:fy 1hlI1Ien Of taU one Of more 01 the aclilns set tarm above Wlnun 10 ctaya of the gIVIng 01 notICe
<br />5. HII:I:Wd ~ E\onowef snail keep tfIe unprovement!l new tm5ting or hereaher ~ on the Property msul1!ld aglllf15llos!i tJy life, hazart15 mcluded WIthin the tmm "exlendad
<br />~~ and any oe.r haUrds lor whctIl....oer requlRlS msurance This insurance ahaII be fTI8IntainOO In tne amounl5 and lor ltle penods that Lender ~ulles. The insurance carner
<br />pn:Mding the lI\lUrw1CI Shall be ct'loIen by BorTOwer sutJted to Lender', approval whch shall no! be l,lnreuonably WIthheld
<br />AI insInnce poIcles and ~ Shd be ac:ceplabIe 10 UtncIer and sh&IIlf'IduOe B standard mor1911Qe dauH. L.&nOef shall have thll nght 10 hok:Ilhe policies and renewals II Lender
<br />reQUires. Boncwer shall promptly glY8lo Lender aU r'lOItIPfS 01 pald prwnuums and renewall'lOllCe5 In the evenl 0I1os$. Borrower shall give prompt nollC8lo the insurance camer and Lender
<br />l.an:* may m.u prooI 01 loss d noc m8de promptly by Botrower.
<br />\JI'Uea ~ and Borrower 0Chenn5e agr-. In wnbng, msurara prCCMda Shall be applied 10 nmorallon or I8p&1r ollhe Property damaged. II the restorallon or n1pair 15 economrcally
<br />teuibIe and LenOWs secunty IS nol--.a. II the ntSlOfabOn or repair IS no! ec:onomlCdy feuitMI or Lender's sacunly would be lessened, the (l\surance proc:eeds shall be applied 10 Ihe
<br />sumI ieCJ.If'ed by InII s.:unty ~ whetner or nat tt-. ~. wrtn IInY uceu pu110 Borrower. It 80mJwtf abandons the Property, or do6s not answer within 30 days a notlcc from
<br />lMOM'that aw inIurwa camer hili an..t 10 HCIe<< dan. lhIl.enc)er l'NI)' ~ the in1urance proc:eeas. LeOOer may use the proceeda to ~ or I8store the Property or to pay sums
<br />~ by ItIls Seany lnIwmInl. wheIhM' or not tMn dua. The :Jl..dIJ penod will begin when !he notiOI I. QNen
<br />U......l.etlc* II'Id ~ 0IhIrwiIe IIOfM 1ft wnbng. any apptieatIon Dl proc;eedS to p.-mopaI shaH not flxtend or postpOne the due date ol1he monthll' payme"Ls rele~ 10 In paragraphs
<br />1 IIl"d 2 or changI h M'CUtlI of the ~. II undoIr parI9I'IIph '9 'ChIt Pmperty IS acquII1llj by Lender. Bonower'II nghl to any t"surance polICies and proceeds r8sulllMg from damage 10
<br />.,. Property pnor 10 .,. ~ ...... ~ 10 lMIdef to the extent 01 'lhe sums aeanct by rtII!o Seamty InsIrUment IlTImediatftll' prior to the acqUiSlbon
<br />L ~... ~ all PrDI*tr: ~ Borrower shall not destrOy, ~ or sub5tant1ally Change !hi Property. allow the Propertl' to delenorAle or commll waste
<br />II' u... s.:unty InIIr'UrMnI IS on 1iIUItdd. BornrMtr Shall compIl' WItI1 tfle pr1M5CIl1S of the lease. and If BortowMt acqulnrs 1M IIt1e 10 the Property. the leasehold and lite Illle shall ncl merge
<br />1.OnIl.ender ....10 Ihe met;IIIl' In wntlng.
<br />7. ~ aI~. fUgtIb In e. Property; ~ ~ II Borrower lUll to perform the covenants and agreements contarned In thiS S~"ly Instrumenl. or there IS a
<br />llIOIJI proc:eedng that I'M)' ~.n.ct Lendef's nghts m l1"li Property lsuch as a proceecting.n bankruptcy, probate. lor conctemnallon or 10 enforce laws or regulaIJonsl. then L.ender
<br />rrwv do and ~ for....... IS nec:aury 10 proIed: the vatue 01 the Property and Lender's ogtllS In tM Property Lender's actIOns may mclude pay.ng anI' sums &~red bl' a hen wtlletl nas
<br />DnOrJtY"""'hI SIQ:rIy ~ ~anng 11'1 court. PIYInO rsuonabltt attorneys"MS.and enlenng anN ~ 10 make repaIrs AlthoUgh Lender may IPe aCllon uncler Ihlll parBgraph
<br />7. lAnl...don naI......1DcIOSO.
<br />""'....... ~ b)' ~ undIIr e... ~ 1 shall beoorTIe adcIIbonaI Mbl ot ~ MCUrecl by !hIS Secunty Instrumenl Unlfl5-!l Borrower and lender 8grH 10 otherlerms
<br />r:I ~...... 8ft'lOU'1IlI1h81 bHf!f'UfWlt from II'le daM of dstuMn'lent., tM NooI ralll and Shall be payable, Wl1tl mt8l1tst. upon nobCe lrom L.ender 10 Borrower requeltmg paymenl
<br />L "Ur'IOIf ~ rnart;IiIlII ~.. a COI'ICWon or malUng ttw loan HCUrId by Il'Us Security Instrument. Bcmower 5tl.n pay trIe prerrnums reqUlled 10 marnlaln Itle Inllurance In efleel
<br />~ 1UCf\"" . 1M ~ for tw I'18UIaIQ ~ m ac::corclan::II WItl'1 Borrowwer'. and L.enOor'm 'IlIflbn agreemenl or applICable law
<br />L .,.,..,.. L..-. IW b ~ may mMIr ~ entnn upon and II'lSPKtJOnI at me ~y lender st1a1I gN8 Bonower nollCe Blltle Irme ot Of pnoT 10 an lnspeCllOM BPeCltylng
<br />........ c:aM for thI........
<br />.. ~ n- prI)C=-c2I r:J wry -" or dalm for tl&megn, dltKl (V conseQUentlar In connectJor> WIttl any conoemnallon or 01"&1" lalung 01 an.,. part 01 me Property, or 101
<br />~ '" ~ c1~, .. '**" UIIljJr*l ana "*' be PM! to Lenoer
<br />In Iha ....... d .... -..; ~ _ ~, "'- proceeOa .".. C. ....., to rn. .uma .-cunKI by I".. Secu"I\I In$tnJrnenl wllet".". or not In8" due ...-Im an., .1IC"~ pard 10 Burro"".. I"
<br />h .... at . t:)IfUaI tang 01 n. p,q.ny. ur-.. ~ and I..8rQr oItm-.t.- VB ." .mtl"Q tI\4l wm.. S<<U'vd D\l IhI, Secunty InllnJmltnt snail be reducecl th Ine dmou~l 01 the
<br />~ ~ tIT h toIlowlng Ir.:tton lal tne total amounr 01 me IUITlIIWICUI'ed 'rnmed..l~r tMtl~ tne ta_'"'ij O'Wj.a 0" 't:o ,.,... '." m,a"'-et value 01 ttlr\l Propert>, ,rnmedlal.'\ Dt't1\Yt'
<br />tr'Ie~ A".,~INII>>P-'k1Borrt:Mwr
<br />..,.. ~.. ~Oy ~ 01 d' ~ rocnc. Dy LDnOa'f to ~ tl\a1 If-. [I)F1{)emnoo !)".-n 10 ........" ......111 O' ~n\fll ~l."''' 'n. "ama~"& Borro-w' IBllt; 10 Il!'SOOna 10
<br />L..-.oer __]I) a..,.""'''''''''' "'-' robcI. ~ ~ II Ml!Jnr'r.o III tna.cr.nd -WW I.... 11tOC_". fll 1\ ')(lIon .'tIlfo' T.... 'll'Sl"'''hr''' ," '''\lIlo' " ,..... C'oroe'l\ "'n Tl'>_ .urn.
<br />MCur-.:lb'fhSS<<:urJl,~~OfFlOftr-.ndl.-
<br />~~....,~~~..,..,ftJnQ ""'~!\l)ll~'lCp""""IIJ.11"".~"""".""""1 ....'..'1...."".....,'....<1.,.. ..M,....".,nl".. .'........",,'..'...'...1'.' "1''''II~'.~''''~
<br />'..-da..~~~orliud'~
<br />