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<br />"'"\11 1111).:1"1111" I MI\t' \11'" m~ ~IHI'C'1l1 Hll.'Il'Cl'l ,11I~ 1111. 11'11"1"1"'1' 1I"1l1ll.1~ 1I.t Il" '''',, IJlII'II \10 111"1'111\- "',IIl"" HI ""'" """,".1 ....el". \ ""'I'tCI\\' <br />I"" "1.10 I'R()\"SIUNS: IInn\ tn'll. '''111111111111'' CllOll'ill'l .. 1I111lh~"lhr;' Ill'" .\lUll" umonllm,:'-',Ihk, thr f\'''' .,llhe nllllr.ll'l \\.111 Ill' \'al.d II jlll~ f1Urll,lth... cllllltllrllcquln:.. <br />pJ\ Il1rl1l .,1 IIU'IO: 1IlIrl't"\1Ih.Ul th,'1.1U r<'m\lI\.lhr'1l ~11\l ....lllllnl~ hUll" Ihr rlplllll'\'"l1C"l'l ffllm nw Ihl' alll,lllllll,1 IIl\cn.-..' Whldllhl' la\\' ulln'''''' you 1l11:1l11rl'l <br />('O!\lfll.ET.:NESSO''-TUIS('OSTR.\C'T: Th,\,lIl1ltlll'I,'un '1Il1~ ~ changed It huth plu .UIl) I Ii[tree:' 111 wrlllll).: <br />1.,"l"C" 1,~t~..I;:~~~~~l~fnl:~\~~~,,~II~t~.\I;..l::~~~~~~~~.~lll~l~e~;~:,tl~I~I.\~,tllllli~~t"~~~~~hcn 1111\ CllIllnl"! 1\ \llhllll" fman,'lllllll\llllllllln LIT uOllnk,aml1 ,hnlllll nnll("~ Ihllllhe 1111pur. <br /> <br />, NOTICE 88- 105526 <br /> <br />This cledlt oontract finances a purchase, All legal rights which the Buyer haa against the Seller arlalng <br />out of this transaction, Including all claims and defensea, are also valid against any holder of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision Is limited to the amount paid by the '.:luyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim la a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A delense Is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Seller. A holder Is anyone trying to collecl for the purohase. <br /> <br />ISSl'R,\SCE L\SCEI.I...\ no': III ha\c 1C4\JC\IClll!l\ur..m"l' In Ih,~ purchu\l', I may l' SUL:h rCljuC\lll1llll'Uranl.t' I'nr unl reuson wi~hin I1ffccn (15) lIay, fml1llht: <br />~~~~I'~.~~I~lI'.';;I,\~;\~~~n~:::,I:I~\I~~,~~~i~~~T ~1:~hl~~~~~~'~'~I~~l:~nl~~~,l;~'~:l::~:'~I::~~.~;c~{:~";'I,,~II~I:~ l~:~I~'IL:~~~:IIIl1O II! m~ ,'II\'CT,lgC \\ III hc aITang~lI wllh lhl' insurnncc L:lIrricr(\) and <br /> <br />n;~:l~~~: ~~~I)~~:;l'lll ~ ~:~ ~ cl :~~\l,:.~l~r~ lllll';~'~ ~:~:~~~ l,~; ~~~~~~~~cdJe\~~1111 f~ec~~~ ~~~~~~ ,It :~;~I~;~~~~~~J 1IIh~fl\11 ;~I~ ~ I~~ ~~~lrL:a~'~f 1~~;lls~IJ>1 ~~~~~~J~f~~~c I i~~~~~~~d~~nl:~~ <br />Ihe e\lenl \laleJ 1I11hl: In""" lll~ N1111l'\' ,'ll'ropt.\c.1 I n..uranL:1' , I a!\1I krllm Ihall h..\'~ lll~lJrunl.~ cllwrag~only If I ha\'l' hccn("harg~d for it. <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br /> <br />Il.!l.e 1I11IIl;C lh.Jll'II,hcl l"r~dl1l.lh.' "I (~rcJll AL:l'IJl"nl ,IIIJ I.h~allh In~urann', llr onlh, will ['Ie appln:ablc 10 Ihi~ ~ale~ Cllnlm":l,nn the reverse side onl)' ifl have chosen <br />~~hi h:'~~~~~..I~~~ ~~~:;:I~l;~ ~~l~hl :~~~%:~~~~ W ~'ltl"h~ I~~~.~i~,~'~~~e \~~111 :;nl~~tl~I;\'l~~~h~, !ilrc\I~~1111 ~~~~ I ~~I~~( ~'l~~lo~~~I~ ~1:;II' ~~,~~~t ~n~~ ;~~~~~I~~~i~~ ~l~~~~.q~~r{~Clbt; ~~~b':;;)f <br />~~l~~~~~~~i;~~~~l.:. 1.~wt~~~1 ~~ ~~dl ;~I(~,~:~~\I~-I~ 111~l" ~~;~~~~~~~~ I::~ ji ~I;l P.~d\ t:~~ l~~:'~r;:;~ :-:;~a~.~;~:l~~ ~~~;S,::~~;~\~~ ~k~ /~a~u~~~I~~c~I~~lc~~:~~ C:l~;~~III~;~Cn~~ 1~~~1l'~I; <br /> <br />Inlcre~lJ. and anytalancc "III o~ pa~ahlc hI 1111' rhe lnlllul ii.lI1llunll.t <. n.-JIII,llc ln~UI'II1L'C ,~ Ihe <Ullllunl rl.4l11red II' repay lhc" \',tal nfPa)-'mcnt~: thereafter. the insurance <br />dc("n:a~e~ 0\ the amnunl, nl c.JL:h lI1t1nlhl~ pa~ll1ent un ,I ..d1cJuleJ JU lIay ha\1'> 111 ,un ItHnlly llhhp.alt'd Illlthe Sales Cnnlracl "-'llh a Co.Buyer. and we ha\'c holh Signed <br />lhe request torC~llLl Lllc Insuranl'O:, JeoJ.\h tleno:tlh \'1111 he payablo: only "'llh rc"pcltIII lhe 111\1 Ilnc III u~ hl JIC: SullIed lncu-Iusmns. d1l1l1naliuns nrwaiung period staled <br />in Ihe m~utanL:e polil'Y utl'cnlfiL:ale, Credll '\l'nll~nlllml Heallh Insumm:c l~ tm Ihe hencfll allll1unl "I' l'~Olh 01 eadll1l11nlh'" paymcnt forcach day that I am IOlUllydisahled ' <br />dut= toan injUry or slcl.nes~ wluk'lll",!.' any pil~'mellllu ~\lU, h\l\lie\'cr, lunuersland thai Ilm\'c: h. hc ~n:WIII~d lrom wnr"mg dut= 10 such 101111 disability for more IhllJl four. <br /> <br />~~lIo~lc~1 ~1~~~I~'i~~~;,S:~':~~~~ ~~~rk~~I~ ~~I ~~~\ I~~~r~~~ ~1~1~~~;t~~~~i~~ll;~~~i~1 ~I;; ~~~~'UI~ 1I~~:~~"~::~o~~no~I~~~~:g:~hikhU~ili~~~roa~ fnO:O~~ <br /> <br />c8KS.lhe enli~ amount thai I owe HlU, Due lnlhe lHoJ.\llnUm amllUrll Illl'll\'eraj!c \lalc:J m Ihl' UI\UTlllll'e policy. I knnw thalllny unpmd a~ounl in e~cess lIft~e 1Ilsurance <br />cm;enge w,1I \1111 ha\'!: III he palJ, II ihl' Sub Conlr>ll'll.' prl!pald III full pnlllllllhl' la..1 paymenl Jitl\:, an)" unellm~d m~ur,lllCC premIUms WIll h~n:funded lame In the man. <br />ncr J}rc~("nhcJ hy law Willi," Ihm)' t ~lIll1ay\, 1 Will reL:l!IW Ihe cenltlL:UIC III H\SUnml'l' mnre lllll~ dc..~:nbmg m~' lIl\urunl'l~ ell\'crag.e. If Ihe m..urunce i.~ nUl accepled hy <br />Ihe 11lSumm:ecompany, I Will re~'e''''e a ("('fund ..llhe In..uranl-e prcmlUm\ I ha1,'\: pUlJ <br /> <br />nVYER: The ne\llv.tlpilril~mph\ L"l101ain WuITlIllI""\ rdall\'l" Illthl" \ale given h~ \1\ Ie. lh~ flmllluallll\lilulinn or banL innrUcr forit tn hu)' lhi.. cnnlOlCt. <br /> <br />FOR \:~~~~~;,~,~~~~~~~:~~ ~~I~~":~~~:~:,E~:,~~,,I,~~~~,~,~~C1~~k~~Tn~~~}r~ . JL <br /> <br />lA\Mgncel allllf ItI. nghl\. llllc: ,md llllcrt.'\1 III ,mil llllhe hhlallrnl'nl SilleI. Cuntrut'l ,Ll1J \ll1ng:II!~, hll;!clhcr "'ilh all liens e.""ting Iu \ccure lb paymenl, and Ihe property <br />~~i~u~~~~~:I~~lr:c:~l tli~~l~~~~,~~,~~ra~~i l~~~;~~~~c~h~~ :,~~:~~~~r~~L~I:'~I~~~hB~~~~'~~~f.~;~::~1,~I\~;~~l\I~I~~1'~lli~I~~~~I~c~I~;;c~~tJI)ITI:;~ ~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~e~~~~1 ~d~\lIa~~ <br />lit lhe guotl~ anJ ~ervll'C' dC\i:n\lcc..l herem; 141 The \:u\h lI"""pa~'menl \hnwn Illlhl\ CnnlraL:.1 Wa\ :1~'luulry paId hy Buyer and no pan of "Uld Jnwnpaymenl wa~ louned di- <br />TC'l'II)' nr IllJirco.:tl~ hy Seller III RU)C:T.151 Each RU}l'r 1\ Icpall~ L:lllllpclcnt 10 wntrm:t lhl 'nil.'> wnlra(l L' nul and wlllnnt be sUbJCClltl any dUlin, defenlle,licmandnrrighl <br />ul (llhet~ 17) Th~ C\~~'Ulhllllllllll\ L'tllllracl und the und~.r1\'1nJ: \alcs Iransut'lltlll ~l"llI~ n~e thcrelll L.hll nlll ...lOllIt.: uny f~deral ur !tIale law. di~cuve, rule,nr,~gulalllln now <br />In etfc,'t; lKlln!l1L' l'.cnllhallhl\ wntr;Jl-ll1r 1111: unJt'r1\ill/,: \alcs Ir<lINll"tlotll\ \uhlCCIlil a rlghlllf rc!'l':I!'I~llIn ur L:um:cllulllln by the Buyer, "u.:h rellCISlIlon or cancclla. <br />lll.n pentld 11.1\ C'\p,red alld nellh~'r the ,.lie rll'r Ihl"l',lIllra, I h>l\ hCl'n l',ln..:t'lll'd llr rl'\. ludl'.1 THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SEllER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />IS TE~11)~~~ER::~I'.:.lhe unJcl\ll!lll'tJ 1_.1Il ,IHlhl1ll/t'd repTC\clllall\1' 1.llne' ~cllL'r ,lIltl nas SIgned heltl"'.m ht:hullllf lhe Sdl~r illllhis ~- <br />Ja~ I" _.~. ,IQ8.8 <br /> <br />Thl' 'llrel!llln~ In..lrUlIlt."l1\ "a..'\~ Icll~l'll t'~ll"l' 11Ie '111 <br />-,.o~ <br /> <br /> <br />La,. <br />l.,g~ <br />