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<br />88-105526- ADDITIONAL TERMS . <br />PREP1\. \'MI~NT ANI) ,UTRl:AI. OF TIU: l-"I"'A '1~E CIIARla:: hell thnul!h 1111l11i" hill t' It I flU' IIlUll." Ihalllhc rCl!uJar \~hC'duletllllllnlhJ)' p.lymcnt.l hll"C lhe righl <br />hi r.n:pa~ the ",link ilnltlUm \'....10(: III ~IU In lull ill ;m~ tllllC"f III ran Imllllllllt."ltllmll: Illhl'lcndlllllui'llllllllln Ilf hanl; thUl hll}'" lilY .,:nnlmL" ~lIll1pUle"lhc fiounce charge <br />~~~'t'1 ~'~bc ~n~r::~tfnc~:flt'n~IIII\IIJl: 11~I:t:ll. ~:I,~~LI~I:tlh~r~~;E~:~,~c~~;I~~I:~,:~ ~:~1 rl;~'~;~l~l~~d: :'lfr"~I~ll:~~~I~~.~IQl~~&~.ITI~II~III~'~I?~~~:~~:.~:J{h~I!f.~:~ll ~llJl?plri~~1 ~~~~~i: <br />~i1:fu~~t~ll~n"~~~h~~~d~~(~lJ~lll~?I~~~I~'IIII~I~L:II~~1d~~; :;:\:~~~;~i;~:~~~nt'\.'~~,~~' ~~t'~~~ll:~~~~I~I~L~~l~~~~~lctl~~~~I~~~\.~'~'~S~tr;:d~~: li~~ ~hgjl :~~~~~~ ~~~un: ~jlr~r~~S <br />~h~d~r;d udn~~~;,~l~~~~~~~::t \~~~I;n:I~l~~hl~:~~;I;~~I~~~~~ I~I;~ ~~: t~Cec~~I:I~I~~~~;I~I~m~~~~~~nl::~I~~~ ~~~a"y~~~;;;~~lh~~;II~~I~.II~,ey~:{Iik~~~~fia~:~~ru~~II~el~~~La~ si ~&~ <br />......11 nnl he m;:lde <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We al SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA. <br />BILrtV AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR. <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT), <br /> <br />Ihll ha\-c fe,ad, in del ail, tht' ~ep'aralt'" 111- YF.\R I.I~IITED W ARRAN'.fY" WhKh, If IlIade, ;U:l"lllnpUnle~ Ih" l:tllllrnl'l, 11 e)(pluins the c\mdi~itlOs,.md circum!'otances <br />In which Ihe mnnutaclllrC:d protJUCh Will he: repaired lIT ~Jlllltcd I lake nnlll'cllllhe ImlllUlul"" I'" the Wilrram)', and I panll'ularly rccngnl7c Ihat any ImplIed wurmOly which <br />apphe~ IUlhe g\'ltkh 1a.'I~ Ilnly Ul> Inng a!'o lhe ....arr.mly llr ~l.t\-'n: umlr:Il:1 <br /> <br />tC11 hal/e telld. '" dela,1. the "epllmtc "I.IMITFIlINSTALL-\TION \\',-\RRANTY" whIch, It made, ;ll:,,'lllllpame!'o Ihi~ l:tll1trucl, II c)(plains Ihe eondilions and dr. <br />cumlllances In whIch the 1D!>U1l1ullUn nflhe sldm!! willl1c Tedone, Ilal..e nlllll'C 'It Ihc hrmt:lllllll!'o 110 the wurnmly, amI I P!lr11culllrly n:cngni/c thlll any implied warranty which <br />uppllellttllhe InM.allatllm la!>L~ nnl~' u\ long U~ Ilu: wammt\ l'f ~l:n u.:e n\lllnll'l <br /> <br />SPF.CIAI..ORDER GOODS: I knl1\~ Ihal }IIU han.' 11ll:,hured my hllU\C anu 11\ lIpt.'nlllg\ ~lIlhlll Ytm l';m makc th... pTlldul:I!'o III fil my panil'ular hnu~e, I lUke notice thUllhe <br />F-ullth thai an:: munufaclured for my' ~pe'...,n( hnU~l: pnJhllbl~ ""II, nnl fil,iIl~ IIlhCt hnu\c\. and umkr \\Jeh cllndllllln~, I knll\v Ihat I cutlnul cancel this conlmcl al any time <br />lIfterlhe pcnudufl1me gl\'cn Itllnl.".Il)' Iilw. III which Itllancel Allerlhat legal pCTll'l\1 ollllTlc, I knlll.\;thall ha\'c the Ilhhgalilln In pay )'UU In full the amuum owed, <br /> <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINI~G TO PROPERT\' INSCRANCE ASD .'\lY REAl, F..'i"fATF.: I I pTllml\C 111 "ccp my hllU!.C in gnlld repair and In keep it in~ured for <br /> <br />~1~~~~1~~~~~~'1~~:~~~~~~1:;;,,,\'~~~~ ~;~h~r~I~~ ~cf~~I~~~ ~~;:l~C~ l~:~~e~r~; :~1~~~1~~~ f:l'I\~~~n~~~~;~~;:;~t'lt~'~'llIilt~'~(1 ~:~~I~:e~r~~~~~l~~~ ~i~h,~~tdll~s~ iel~\~~ ;(~~~ ~~~~ <br />:~a~~et~e(JI;I~~~"I~f~~~~~~~} pl~~~~'~)~~~~~~I~~~I~~h ~1~\;"~;I'~;~~li~I~"J~et~I:I~u~~t~r~:I~k~~r1~~~J'ea:d~~~1~,I:~htl~r~;drea~~{'p~i~ ft~b~l~~~ (~Wf JI1~~ ~~~:;l~~~~a~( ~W~~~i <br /> <br />lI!1llW an"'tm.:- t:I!'oc to place an)' hen~.m 11l\' rt:al c~lal~ WI.lhIIUI \'IlUr written f'CTlnl~\ltln, \, I pnlllll!lC lrl pay all faxell, ll\~e!'o!.lIIcnl' and lllher charges on my renl CSlale when <br />due ~ (pmf!ll!oe It, IImely mak.:- all payn"lenb ('n my pnm bU"n!. ~ecurc~ hy my rcal':-!'olatc: I al\u prmmM: Ihat I WIll nOI c'lenu. renew nr ehan~e priur loam wilhaUl your <br /> <br />w~.t~n~.':r~h~~~I::bI~II~~(~n~I~I~:l~;~~~g: ~:'~;~ ~~~u~t~~,L'::~ d~~~;II~I~f~I~I:~~~~l\:li~ ~~th~~lh~~i :~:~~'Ji(~:I~~~~;I~:I~I::1 ~~I~~~:;u l~;~~~11 : ~~I ,y;:~I~~~k~ ~ue~~ ';~o'~~~~~1I <br />f: added In my dehlltl }tlU Whl,,'h l!'o \ccured by 111) real ~\luIC and hiHl~e 1 kno", lhall! ~uu deLi de III nu) in!'our.Jnrc tm mc Ihal yuu do nnl hl1\'e In "Illmn any homeowner <br />nrliahililY <br />SALEOFM\' JlOlJSfo:: I pmml!lc 1ll'lltl\clJ,lt:a!'ocm gl\C my hnU\Cl\l,lIl)Il11C UI11111 ha\(.tulJ} rcpuu.1my dCDlln y,'1I <br />OVEnS SAI.E: It I \ell, lealle ilr gl\e Ill) l\llu!ll." h. allY"llc ncf.lrl" I h<l\1." tulh p.llt1 011111'\\(' lInlkr 1111\ rnnlnll.'l. you ran tkdaf\' ,III Ihat I OWL' under thl!'o cnnlrucl payable <br />alllnee and I agn:e Itllmlm:uiald) pay )lIU Ihal alllllUT1I <br />DEt'Al'L T: I wlil he:- In default underlh,~ l:.lnlraclll <br />I I don'l make a PllY11li:1l1 "'hell dUe~ or <br />, I bn:nk. any pmml!oe I made Iii yuu In 11m contracl.llr <br />1 Snmethlllgell>C happen!'o whll."h ,,'IIU\(." Y'll1llt hellt'l,:e In J:!lllllll<lllh Ihml dn nlllllll,,'nd Itl pn) ytlU a' rTllllll~~'d,111 <br />4 I tJefauh on 1Ul)' llhhguunn\ fllr wtm:h I "Illll'lng m) hUlIle 01\ n,lIall'ml; lIT <br />~. Stlmelhlllg hllPrcm to my huu~t: "'hllh 111It:alt.'l\\ y"ur rrghh, It .my, In II <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I unuef\lund Ihlll ~IlU lIiI\C tht: Tlghlln hJlcdllllC Ih!: ~1{lr1gage I ha\'l: glwn 1l?"1l11 .md ha\t' lilY htlu!'oc ~illd III tepa) any amount.. I uwe )'OU if I <br />~~:~ ~~I~t~l~: ~~~~rr:;~~~C,tlt~~~Il: ~le~l.:~t' ;:~:I :ll"',U;~l~~ ~~~I~;'~~~I;':I/hl~~~;~~;~~.I!'on~':~~~'~'I~I:~e~ rr:~~I;~;~~i;~~J\I~~~'~:~::~I~t:~~~ll:~\~il~~ \:~~~~::I~I~:r ~~)l~~~' ;1~~I~~~~en~;J <br /> <br />tll pmleclm)' hnu!'ot, .fyou an: alluwed It, ~'lllk'l't ,uth afllllUIU, n) la" <br /> <br />OTHER RIGIITS: We l'an l'hn4.he nlll III clllml'C an~ ollhe Tlghl.. underlhl\ c"lllm,,'1 a\ IllIen a~ wc "ant wllhoUIIIl\lIIg Iht:11\ Or, we\.'an dclay enhm:ing llny nflhe righl!i <br />wllhmlllt\!'olnj:! Ih~m Vt,'e can al\nu~c an)' nllhl!'o nil" "' IIllhe lulure Itl\ cn Itl u, h~ 101" <br /> <br />~f~;,~ ~~~ ~~n~~:~I:~~~.I~~:,,'~~~~e~~~~:1 ~;~~:,tl::~:.I~~I~;(~I~,:~e tfa~~~~-::~I;II~I~~r~~~;~II;I~:ntl~lll'~:;~h;; ~e~~:I~~\~h~;'~:~~.~~~II;(~~;'~::~~r~;:uit~~d~{~t:::n:j'~r:u~~C:uu~m <br /> <br />nol ~ hllble fnr \udl dt:IIlY" <br /> <br />AR81TRA TION: III ha\'e u dl~pule III ..l~llll "lth ~'lU r'llllt'Tnlnl! th.., Ilu,lnlll). qUOlI,t~ tIt penllmlUnte lIt Ihl" pnlJucl!'o, I undcrsland Ihal m}" disf1Ule mu)' be submiued 10 <br />and \culed ueeonhn~ Itllhc IIIl;:dlatltln-arnIIT:lllIllll'fll~la", Ihall1la~ hll\'t' tll'\clll(lCU llllll~ ~ urnmumly. I al~n Ihat !lilY dCl'l\lUll Illude hy an arbitmtorb) wnuld hc en- <br />tered in thcctlurl hanngJuriMill:lllm Il\er ,ne ..nd \ ,'U <br /> <br />SALVAGJo: VAI.UE: I knn.....'hal the ....lIIdtl"'"~. "tltxJworli., \ldmlt, hrll.'1. and tllhcr 1II11h:n;II!'o Ihal havc h, ne rctnnved Ily you I'm Ihl!.lll~lallalll," hOl\'e NO !'oall/agc valut: <br />When )'OU ~move Ihem, yuu can ha\r Ihem tm \\.huIC\'erpurpmc ynu ....'.1111 <br /> <br />SPECIALSrrUATlONS: Due: lulhe: unlquene.\\llfsomc llflhe prutluL'l\ that Y'IIU ~cll,llllllier~lund Ihal In !'openul \lluullllll~ Ihal ynur Regulnal Olfkc may h~\'e In review <br />and lIe_eeJlI thl!. c~lntT;1ct_ I alloO undcr'tllnd Ih:lllhl' ";l~t' ,\\xlIlTetl ,n ~1l~ h'll1lt" ;Illtl thaI ~"u ,md I (,'I"~ ,ml~ ha\'e, had ulllhe t:(Jrrecllnft:mlU.tlOn llllpununl tlllh(~ Irilnlluclllltl <br />