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<br />_ ........ ~ ~ Iy Lender Not . 'tlNIhw. EnMWOn allM t/mll lor payrMm Of modll'callOn 01 alT\OfllZll10n Of the 5UlYla leeured by Ullll Seamtv Instrumenl <br />....... L.In:>>r to." ~ n Iftt.,." or Borrower Shall no1 operalllD ~ua t~ hbllJfy at m" onglnlSl OOrrowef Of Borrower', IUCC8l1ar)flln Inlerest Lender ahall not bo roqUI,*, <br />.~ ~ ~l """ IUOl;UIOr In lI'I,ernt Oll"lltuH 10 IUland lime lOt paymen1 or OlherftlSe modify nmorllZ.llllon of 1M lIUmlleCUred by IhlS s.cUl1ty 'nllrumenl by "uon <br />at..,. -.nd m.oe by m. <X9l"II 8orrowef Of Born7wtT'. SUCCtlllOf1l In "'ternt. Any IQlWIr'IlnCe by LeO()eJ In DIGretllnIJ any nghl or romedy Gharl nOI be II wawer of or preclude Iho <br />~ 01." nghl or 1'ImIGy. . - <br />n. ___.......... Bound: JoHtt and s.v... UablIIIy; ~ !"he COVIlnanlll and aoreemenll ollhls Seamty Instrument lIhllll bind and beneflllhe successors and <br />~oI~ ..reorro... aubtKI co ttNt pl"DVlIlOf1S of p~ 17 Borrow.f'1I ClMtTWllll and agntemonls shall be romll1l\c:lloveral Anv Borrower whO co-signs Ihlll SlIcunty Instrumenl <br />t.U*"' not e.iICIAII!he Note: 101111 CO>$IQ"Ing Ihll Secunrv In.lrumenl only 10 mortgao-, granllll'ld convey thaI DOff'OWltr'S mUllesllo Ihll Properly under tho lerms ollhlll Secunty Instrum,nt: <br />r let . I'lIi:II ~ obIIl;Ja1eCJ to pay the IUmJ &el:UnKJ by thiS Secunty Instrument; and lei Dgreellhat L.ender ana any alhef Bermwet' mil)' agree to llllllna, mQdlry, forbear or make any <br />~ MlTl regarcJ 10 me lemns at thl' Secunly Inllrumenl Of Ihe Nale Wlthoul It\&! Bonowef, consent <br />I&. a- QwgI& Illhe' lOAn f1<<:ured by UUS Secunty Insuument IS SUDt8C11O. '- winch sets maxunum lOan cnarges, and ,".1 law IlI'lnlllly InlerpreltKl so that the inlerelll or other Joan <br />"=~"::~::'::.s~~==U:=x=I~=::I=~be~;=III~~~~~:=~~e:~I~=:-:=; <br />CI) .......~ '"* the Noll Of by milking a rjjrect p~11o BorrowIr. If a f'lfund f'8dUCn; ptinelpaI, the rectuc1lon WIll be l/1Iated as a pm!al prepaymenl without any p",payrMnl charge <br />IIdt ~:.::.. AIIacIIng Wldar'a Nghta. II enactmem or expu-abon of ~ laws haI the effect 01 rendenng any pl'OVislOf1 of Ihe NOle or this Security Instrument: unenforceable <br />lD....lD.. ~ Lenaer, alltJ optJOn. mav raqlJU'IIlllV'I'*iiale ~ in tuII 01 all awns secunId by nul Secun!y Insttument and may rnvoke any ",medJes pennlfted by plI1IlJraph 19. <br />O.~~~=-===, m&lling It by lif"lil clUll mail unleSs applJeabte raw requlru UH of another <br />~ no.. noeoa..... t. dlred8d to the PfoJ:*rty Address or any other addrns Banuwer d..ignales by no1Ice to Lender, Any notice to Lender shllU be given by first dass maJllo Lender's <br />_~ hIllWl or any 0ItW 8ddreU t.nder deslgnalfl by no!lC8 to BorroMt'. Arrri noIlClt provlded lor In thIS Secunty lnsttument shall be dHmed to h8W!l been given to Borrower or <br />~"'o:wn..proviOIIdlnrhls~ <br />I .. -... t.r; s.-.bItty. Thls Secun1y Instrument shall be governed by fedefallaw and the law of the juri5dlction In whICh the Property IS located. In too event that any provision <br />CI'~d rhiI Secunry InsUurnent at the Nole connlCU WIth appIicab6e law. such confticl shall not alfecl other provillions 01 thIS Secunty Instrument or Ihe Note which can be given effect <br />~.. COI'ftC:tJng prtMUJn. To thts el'1l:I the prDYWOl"I5 01 thIS s.cunty Instrument and !he Note an!I ClectanKllo be several>>e. <br />CO :- -=-c:~:::.:=n -==0::' ~:or":,~=~~= =~ ~~~~Sl in II is soIClortranslemtCllor II a benelioal inlerest in Borrower IS solCl <br />Of"""""" anCl ~ IS not a natural personl wrthoul Lender's poor written conyn!. l.enoer ma)/. allls option, requIre Immediate payment In full 01 all sums S9CUreCl by this Secunty <br />~ However. Ihzs opbon shaD not be exercised by lender I' eUlfOse IS pmtubded by federal law as 01 the date of IhlS Secunty Instrumenl <br />I'L.-QIr cxerasr.l1t1IS opfIOn. LenOIr shall glY9 Bonowef' noIlC8 01 acceleration. The noIlce shall provide a penod 01 not less than 30 days lrom tns date tns notice 15 delivered or mailed <br />""'-..fIid'I Oar7oMlf"musI ~ all sum!I secured bythl!l Secunty Instrument. II Bormwerfillls 10 pay these sums pnor to the expiration of thIS period. Lender m~ InVOke any remec:lles permitt&ct <br />DIp ... SIcuCy InS1n.Iment WIIhout further notICe or demand on Borrower. <br />_ __a RIghI 10 ~ II Borrower meets certaJn conditions. Borrower shaJI hlM!llhe ngnllO hBY'll emorcemenl Ollhl5 Secunly Instrument discontinued at any lime poor to <br />__of: (al 5 o..ta (or SJCh odwr penod 8llo applicable law may speafy lor reinstatemenll before sale of lhe Property pursuant 10 any ~r of sale can:alned in this Security Irfslrument: <br />at ~.., d a rudlPJ*'IIll'Ifon:mg 1hrs Secunty Instrumenl, Those condllions are that Bormwer: (al pays Lender aU SUnt!l wI1ich then would be due under this Secunty Instrument and the <br /> ~ occurred; (bl 0JtII any default 01 /Illy other COV'ItI8nts or agmements: leI pays all expenses incurred in enlorang IhiS Secunty Instrumen!. including, but not Iimlled <br />.. ~~. '-: and (dllakes SUCh w::tlOn u Lendet may rnsonably reqtllI'lt to assure that !he ~en of this Secunty Instrument. Lender'!> rights in the Property and Borrower's <br />CItlIgiIIIaI:-=:J ~ INaurna.-ana by ttvs s.:unty InSlNl'I'Wn1 shall COl'11mue unc:nang.d. Upon reflStaIement by Borrower. this Secunty Instrument and the obIigabans secured hereby shall <br />_...... eftec:Dve.. If no ~ t\IIO oa:un.d, ~. un nghl to remstall Shalt not apply m tile case 01 acceleration under paragraphs 13 or 17. <br />~ CO\fEHANTS ~ and LenDer ftJrther covenanl.and lIgflMt as follows <br />_ .........................!..enc*'..... gfVII rtCItQ to ~ prior to acceleration 'oIknrtng Borrawar'. at any cownant or ~lln thl. s.curtty IMtrwnent <br /> unrs.r......... tS'" f7um.u~'" pravidell DttwrwiM). nt. nDticlllIhaIl..-cttY: ea) lbadetault; (b) theactiDn NqulNd tDCUNlM <br />-"':'Ic) a .... not'" n.. 30 .,. from 1M ... 1M notice .. g,.,.,. to Bonower. by wtUch U. deIMdt muat be cul'lldi and (d) that fallulW to CUN 1M defaull on Of before <br />........-cMIICI1n IN nodce mer ~ in ~ of thllUInS aec&nd by thI. Securtty Inatrument and .... of the Property. The notice shaD further Inform Borrower of <br />.......... __ dIr 8CCIaIardon -.d.,. rigt1110 bring . court acdDn 10..... thI notH~ of. dethtt Dr an, otMr cMhn.. of &orrow.r to .cceleratlon and uIe. It <br />..........1IIDt and an or..... IM..1IpedftM:I k1 .... noUca, l.Mtdar at Ita opIbn ,... raqun ~ ~t In full at.u sums MCUrM by thla Securtty InmurMnt <br />................... mil.., Inwaq __ ~ of....1M1d any ocr....... pannm.d by ~abIe law. Lender atulll be.mllled to collect ~lax..,.,...lnc:uI1w:t In pursuing <br />_____prcMdedin tNa ~ 11.1ndudIng, bu1 not lknbd to. ~ 1IIICM'Nya' r-aandc:oatl a.titlllevtdenc:a. <br />__...... 01.............. In.- w.u MCCftIa notice of cMIa.Il1ln ueh county In whICb any part 01 1M Prctpwty la Iocatlld and shaD nmil cop!.- af.uch notice In the <br />-~br IPPiicIIbIa _to ~ Md to tbIt ottw....... prncribed by IIppIk:abIa laaAfWthe time .-qubMt by appiicable law. TN.... wlI g1w pubUc notJce <br />__... ~ mil in "-,,... prncrtbed by _icIlhIe iaw. Truatell. wttbOut ..".,.. an~, nil MIl the PfOI*tY a1 public wctton 10 the highat btdder allh. <br />__............ 1M '-nil deII6gnaIIad In U. noticI or .... in DnII or mora~. and In any ordM' nu-.. ~ nu.- may poApoN .... of all Of any parcel <br />..... ~ br pI*Ic announceIMft'I .. the titnI Mid piacI or any prntauaJy KMdua.d ..... Lander Dr tta daig... may purchue the Propwty at any ..... <br />__....... 01...- of 1M pnc. R*i. 1h..- ahoU ...".. to U'III purc:tsa.- nua.'. cMed conwytng the Prac-rtY. The rKtlals In 1M TruatM'.1Hed shall be prima facie <br />............trulbof.. __"-* u.wn. Tru.- ahatI appty thI ~ at tMfDIIowtng ara.r. ea' to an.XJ*tMS or the ....Indudlng, but not limited <br />.. -..-,............... by ~ 1M...,...,.... atIDmeys' ...; (bl to.u sums ~ by thIa Security InstruJMnt: and (c) anyeU*U to 1M per-.on ar ~n. <br />-.-,....... to It. <br />_ ~ In ~ Upon ac:c>>Iernan uno. patagtaph 19 or abandonmttnt at ttw Property. Lender (In person, by Bgeflt or by IUdlclally appomted I1tOlIMlr) 5ha1t be entJtIed 10 <br />_1CDl. taIIe ~ at and m&naglI the ~ C1d to c:oMKl rn. ~ of ltle Prop.ty Includlr'lQ thole past due. Any rents co1leCl&d by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first <br />. ~ cf the OORI QII rnaragamanl or the ~ mld a:JIIacOOn or ~. IncIudmg, bUt not brMecl to, rtiICm'I1'l f.... pmruumll on f8QItI\I'Ir's bonds anCll1luonablct attomeyl' fees, anti <br />..,.....,... -.ancr by hi. Seariy ~ <br />2L --..... Upcn ~oI" sums ua.nd by ItuS S<<:unty lnatrument, LAnder 5hall ~st TrusIM 10 I'IICl)f1Vey !he Property and ShaJI surrender tIliI Security Instrument and <br />..,... ew:IanClng dIb1 ~ by hi s.curty InstrurT811Io TrulltM. Trustee IhaII ~ ItIe Property iM1hoU1 warranty and wtthout d'W'ge to the peraan or persons legally entJtleCl to <br />III Sudl ~ or penlOnS IhaI p.,- any ~ costs <br />zz. ......... ~ Lender, at its opbon. may from ttm.1O tune /W'ffIOWW TtUStM and &ppOInI I succ:euar tnatee to ~ Trustee appexnled herMlnder by an ins1Jurrent lKOl'ded In the <br />auwr in which 1hia SIcunry InItnnIenlIs rK:Clded. WIIholA ~ of the Property. ltle succeuor trustee shall sua:Md to all rhe 1I1ia. power and duties confened upon Trustee t1erBIn <br />-..-- <br />ZI. ..... tar ~ ~r I!IqUestll mal COPieS 01 me nollC85 01 aelautl and sale be senl 10 Bonower 5 adC1nl$$ wtm:h 15 Ihe Property Address Bofl"OWer lurther requesls Inal <br />~ 01" noIlOn at dfrfaua and Ale be sent to ltaCh person who IS a party hlf1l10 a1 the address 01 such pef500 set forth hereIn <br />.. ....1O....l!Iacudtr ~ tI one Of ~ ftders are executed by Bonower and r8COrded togettHtr wt1h ttllS Secunty Instrument. tIMI covenants and agreements 01 each such <br />ndsr... be il' into and 5hal1 amend and supplemen11he covenants and ~ 01 thIs Secunty Instrumenlas II the nder"(sl were a part of thIS SecunlV Instrumenl ICheck <br />~box{eslJ <br />::: Ad]ustaDIe Am. Aider ::: ConDomnium Rloer 0 2-4 Family RiOer <br />C ~ Payment Alder = Planned Unll Development Rider <br />C 00wt'11_1 <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW eono..r a.a:eptS &neI agrees 10 tI'le lenTls and covenants contaIned m tnlS Secunt)' Inslrument ana ,n any nderlsl8Xecu1ed by Borrower and teCOf'ljed with II <br />/ <br />-. ---:.~;;::- <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />ISeaH <br />-BclTOWtlr <br /> <br />:' <br /> <br />,<' <br /> <br />,Seall <br />-BClmlwer <br /> <br />(Spoc:e Below TllI. Uno For AcImcwIodg......J <br /> <br />-..-- <br /> <br />"-"r" , <br />On.. 7 aI '"let. ::"' '!E <br />-~ndv L. Hurvta and L lnda IfU~~v~~'J~PPI>.f;elheSlal"of <br />-- <br /> <br />III_~ kncMn 10 be tha peqan(s) named '" and WhO.uaAIId 1t'WI for8gomg II'1Io1rurnenl. m1d .acimowIeOgeClltla! <br />...., mend ~ <br />....eon.n.u.onExpnn; r- 6 ..::.,;';'''';U'';'.SlmDII'ItIJmb <br />J... MIOtftll M. CAUAHAN <br />Mr~b,,'" 11,11'1 <br /> <br />exeaJted the S.am8 as <br /> <br />NOTARV PUBLIC <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />-"'--' <br />"-"r" Cl:. d <br /> <br />On"'~c2ayol <br />-- <br /> <br />~ / Jr <br />/ <br /> <br />/.', ~ " <br /> <br />19~, bel~ me a Notary PublIC ,n tI1l! Slall! 01 <br /> <br />111_ ~ knl:Jwt'\1O blithe ~II narnea en exllCUtlld tn& t~ ortPTumen1 ana aCllllowledQe(l ''''al _ <br />........,-=anooe.:s <br />"'~E~ <br /> <br />,. ./ <br />--;"C1'Af.l" PUBLIC <br />