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<br />DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88- 105491 <br /> <br />nu EDOF mUST 1- In on (mBde thIs 7 dByol Oct. <br />~~ ~n~ymr, ~uryta and Llnda Huryta, Husband and Wlfe <br />19__ ~tnnlOJIlI <br /> <br />rBonowllr'. The trustee IS CommerCIal Federal Savings Bnd LOan AuocIdon. ., <br />("'TluItM1. The DWIefc:Iary is Commercial Federal Saving. and Loan AsaOdation, whiCh is organized and existing under (he [awa of Nebraska. and whose addrl!l88 Is 4460 Farnam. Omahll, <br />-''''31r~1, _..... Len.,., ''''' ",,"0"'''''''' 0' Twentv Ei ~ht Thousand and Ei ~htDoll ars and D0/100- 0011...-- . <br />28 DUB 00------ ' ' <br />IUS. S ,. ). lhis debt ~~~ ~'1I note dated tf1e same date as Ihls Secunty InBlrumenl ("Note), whlch providH tor monthly paynidl"lts. with the' <br />tuldlbt.ltnocpald.!f'IIef.dueand~on <br />ThII SKunt-, lnstr..unant sec:uru 10 Lender. (a) [he .-.payment ollhe debt eVldenc8d by the Note. with interest, and all renewals, extensions and modifICation!; (b) the payment 01 all other <br />suma. wsth In..... adVanCed undlf paragraph 7 to protect ITle sec:unly 01 U1lS 5ecurtty lnalrumen1; llI'Id Ie) the performance of BorrtI\wr's covenants and agreements. For thIa purpuse, <br />8orrowM Irrevocably grants IIf1d conveys to Trustee. In lrust. WIth power 01 sale, (he lollowlng described property located In Hn 11 County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />The S83',' of Lot 5. in 8lock 125, Union Pacific Railway Company's SeCOnd AdditiOn <br />to the City nf Grand Island, HE <br /> <br />222 W. 7th <br /> <br />Grand Island <br /> <br />when has the aoaress of . <br />63BOl <br /> <br />(CitVI <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />(Slreell <br />IMProperty Address-), <br /> <br />TOGETHER with all me impmvementl now or h8rIIafter erected on the property. and all easemenlS, nghl9, appurtenances. rents, royalhes, mineral. oil and gas rights and profits, water <br />ngt1ts and stock and all ftxlums now or hereaftef a part of the property. AU replacements and addlllons shall also be covered by tt1l!l Secunty Instrumen!. All 01 the foregoing is referred to in <br />this Secunty Instrument as the '"Propefty.~ <br />BORROWER COVENANTS tha1 BofT'OWel IS lawfully setMd of the estate hereby conveyed and has Ihe nght to grant and convey the Property and Ihat Ihe Property is unencumbered, <br />except for encumbrances 01 nICOrd, ElorrDIIrer WIIrranll and will defend generally the tlUe to the Property against all daims and demands, subject 10 any encumbrances 01 record. <br />nus SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenlll1ts lor nabonal use and non-umlorm covenanls wllh limtled vanatiort!l by Junsdidion to constitute a unllorm security instrumenl <br />l:DWinO Mal property, <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowet' and Lender cownant &nO agree 85 follows' <br />1. ~ of PrtndpII and........ ~... UIIi Cbargn. Borrower snail promplly pay when due the principal 01 and IOle~st on Ihe debl evidenced by tha Note and any <br />~ C1d IaIe due tnier 1tIe NoIe. <br />I. fundi for ...... MIl ~;ect to applicable law or to a wrttlen waIVer by Lender, Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day monlhly paymenls are dUtl under the Note, until <br />~ Note .. J*e:I in fuR, a sum ("Funds; eqUIlI to one-tweIfth of: lal yearty WItS and BSS8lSm11nts whICh may attain priority over this Secunty InlUUment; (b) yearly lauehold payments or <br />ground IMU on the! Property, If any; (c) yearty hazard rnsuranoe premiums; and ld) veartv mongage InsUrance premiums, II any. These ilems are C11l1ed "escrow Itemll. ~ L&nder may esUmale <br />e. FundI due on the bail of DJf'l'8f1t ~ and reaarwbIe estimates of tutullt etCfOW Items. <br />The FtniI.n.I be hHIln an inItiMiOn the dtIpoMs or.:countl 01 which IIl'8 IMured or guaranteed by a federal Of mati ag.ncy (inclucltng IAndIIt llLend.r ,. .uch an Inatttution). Lender <br />stili ~b F'"*- lOPllJtM.-::row ttemIi. lMUtr nwy not ~ lor hoIdlng and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or ve~ng the escrow lIem., unle.. Lender payI BolTOW8r <br />inIIIrMl on h FUI"dIIrIG apptieIbII_ perm/tI LenOIr 10 maQ IUCh I ctw'giI. Bonower and I.end..- maW' agree In writing that InteNllt ahall be pald on the Funda. Unleu an ~l'HrMnt 15 <br />".. or IIIppIIc:atM bw ~ intefnt 10 be pMl, Lender .haII not be '*IUired to PIl'f ~ 8I11I1n1Br8sI or earnings on the Fundi. Lend.r ahall give to Borrower, Wllhoul etwge, an <br />..... a:ccuntIng or a. FundI ahowIng credlta and debits to tM Funds and the PUIlXlM lor wtUch etch debit to the Funds wu made The Fund. Ire p11OO1d II addltiona! HCUrity lor the <br />-..ns IKlRd by this Securily Instrument. <br />It a. IIlTIClUftI or'- Ft.n:ts held by LenOer. tOQ8ther with the Mure monthly ~ms 01 Fundi payable pnorto the due dates 01 tntIescrow Item.. slwU exceed thll amount requil1td 10 pay <br />the escrow Items ~ due, the!l!Ixce~s ShafI be. a\ Borrower's option. ellher promptly repaId to Borrower or credltl!ld to Borrower on monthly payments 01 Funds lIthe amount 01 the Funds <br />hek2 by L.ImcIltr tll not autlicanI to pay the ucrow lIenlS when due, BorrowM shall pay to Lendtlf any amount necesury to mekl!l up the dstlCl8ncy In one or more payments as required by <br />........, <br />Upon paymenlln tun oJ all sums secured by ttus Secunty Instrument. lender snail promptfy relund to BortoMtr allY Funds held by Lender II under paragraph '9 Ihe Property Is wid or <br />BCqUirecI by~, L.enC4tf:lhall appty, no later U\an immedl8tely pool to the saJe 01 the Property Of 115 acquiSItion by Lender, any Funds held by Lender allhe lime 01 applicallon as a credIt <br />~thtI~ IleCUf8dby this Sl!lcurity Innument <br />s. AppIIcadon 01 ~ U'" applicable law provlOes othel'W1se. all paymentS received by Lender under parBQraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: firs!. 10 late charges due under the <br />Noll; second. to pr8pIlylTlel'1t charga due under thl!I Note; Ihlrd. 10 amounts payable under paragrapn2: fourth. 10 InteT'l!lst due, and last, 10 pnnoplll due <br />.. a.rv-; Borrower Sha1I pay ell taxes, assessments. dlafges, linn and lmposrtiona etInbutable to the Property whict1 may attain priorlty over this Security InstnJmenl. and <br />-.etIOId peyments or ground rents, "any Borrower shall pay!tlese obli;atIDRS In the manner provided en P8rillJfapI12, Of II nol paid in Ihat manner, Borrower shall pay them on time dlntdly <br />to a. ~ o..:t payment Borrower Shall promprty lumlSh to Lender alll"lOticM 01 amounts to be pl1ld uncler thiS paragraph. II Borrower makes these paymenl5 dlrBCIly, Borrower shall <br />prcmpIIy' fwniItl: 10 Lender IKMptll eVICIenCing the peyments. <br />BcIr'rower shall promptty d~ any liI!In which t\u pnortty over ttU5 Secunty Instrument unlesS Bolrowl!ll, (a) agrees In wnllnS to the paymem 01 the obllgallon secured by Ihe lien In a <br />IMmel' ~ to Lender, (b) coot.. In good faith the lien by, 01 clefends a!)BInsl enloreemem 01 the lien In. legel proc.eedingll which In the Ll!lnder's opiruon operate 10 prevent the <br />.lIarr.Mnenl: of;he lien or tortectullt 01 any pwI of the Property; or leI secures from the hOlder 01 theli!tn an a.greemenl satisfa.ctory 10 Lender subordinating the hen to Ihls Security Instrumenl <br />"...... ~ 1haI any part ollhe Property 1$ suc,ect to a lien whlch may a!tan pnonty avel thIS Secunly Instrument. Leneter may gMl Borrower a notice Identifying Ihe lien. Borrower <br />sn.I UtilfytM.... or mite 0fII 01 more of the actIOnS set forth aboVe WIthin 10 dBya ollhl!l gMng 01 notICe <br />50 ...........--. Borrower Shall keep IhI!IlfnpfOVI!lImIlf'M now Ul5lIn'J'or hlJI1lIl1fter enteled on lhe Property InsunKl ag&II'Uilloas by hilt, ttazards Included Within the lanTI "eXlenOed <br />~-..:1 any OCher huardI for which Lender reQUmtlI Insurance. nus IrniIJfal"Cl!l shaH be maintaIned In the amounts and 10f lhe paneds thai Lendel requcres, The insurance carrier <br />providrIg U. insurance shall be chasen by Borrower sulJred to Lender's approval which shall not be unreasonably wrthheld <br />All inIurw1ca poIidn. n ~ shall be accepWIIe to lAnder and shall incIudI!I a standard mor1gage clause, Lender shAll haw! the nght to hold the poliCteS and renewals I' Lender <br />...... ~ IhaII prompOy gIlI8 to Lender a111'8Ce1pll of paid premiums and renewal notices. In the even! of loss. Borrower shall give prompt notice 10 the Insurance camel anO Lender. <br />lMcIIr mI)' IMlIa prcoI at lOa If not r..ade promptly by Borrowel <br />1..InIIlIs ~ .-.d aonow.r atherwt.. agree In wntlng, If'ISlJI'ar1C8 ~ Sh8II be appUed 10 resIOralJon or I'Ilpalr 01 the ~roperty oamavea, IIlhe restorallon Of repail IS economically <br />....... anc1l.Mw:ter'. aecuriIy IS noIle...-l If the I1Il5!oralion or J1tP8II' is nolecnnOITUcally feasible or Lender's 5eC\Jnty would beleuened, the Insurance proceed' shall be applied to tha <br />_1KlRd by:his Security Instrurrwnl, whIIher 01 no! then duI, with any excess paid 10 Borrower. II Borrower abandonathe Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice from <br />LAndlrthld tMll1IUfal'1C>> carT*" has of\tIreCI claim, the Lender nay collect the Insurance proceedl. Lender may UHIhe proceeds to repair 01 restore the Property Of to pay sums <br />~ by hS SCdy Ilwlnmw1t.. WhIItner or no! ttwn due The ~ pcmod will be;m wrhcrn me ftCbel' is gMn <br />lJnaeu Lender.tnd 8orn::Mwr0ChllrWile ~ In writing, any appIicalion of proceeds to prinopallha11 not art!lnd or poIuxlne the due dale 01 thll monthly payments ~term:lIO In paragraphs <br />1 IWId 2 or ctwngII rtw amounl Of 1I'1e payments If \JnOer par1lgTal)h 19 the Property 15 acqUlrect by Lender. Borrower's nght 10 any Insurance polICIeS and proceeds ""suiting lrom damege to <br />.. ~ pnor 10 thlt IilXI'JIIIIbOn st.u pad to LenDer &0 thlt exs.nt at thlt sums secured by ttll5 Secunty lnstrumenllmmectlalllly pnoI' to thl! BCQulsltlon <br />L ~ 8IId ~0I~: ~ ~r sh.IIll not desnoy. l1amage or subsUlnllaDy change lhe Property. allow tne Property 10 detenorale or commrt wa,le <br />.... s.a..ttr Irs1urtw1I rs on -.r1OId, ~ IMI campy with the provtSIOn!I of the leaH, and il Borrower lICC!U111tS lee tltIe to lhtI Property, IhI!Ileasehold and lee lIlle shall 1'101 merge <br />ur-.~~tothllM'f'glll',"wntw'Ig . <br />~, PrOIKtiOn at LMIdIr"'.1IIgIa in h~; IIortg:IgIIlnMInIncL II Borrower tSlts Ie perform the coven.nts and agrMlments contalnect ,n thrs Secunty Instrument. or tl1ere IS a <br />.. ~ u.t mey sr;t\lhCllntly etIlCt Lender'. nghl5 to the Property lauch as. a proceeding In bantmJptcy. probale. 101 concltmnatJOn or to enlorCII laws 0' regulallons), Ihen L.enaef <br />"'Ilr OJ and p-. for wt--..r IS necessary to prot<<:t the value of the Prtoer1y and Lendel's ng!11S ,n the Property Lenc~8($ aellons may InClude paYIng any sums secured by a hlln whlcn has <br />~ ~ha Secunty Instn.rrnent ~ an court paymg rusonaote attorneys' tees ancl emenng on lhe Property 10 make ""paIn; AnhOlJ9h LcnL1er may lake ai:lJon under thLa paragraph <br />7, L*1OIr~nt1l,.,.lCI 00". <br />Ant.-noura ~ by lAnder urcler Ihls ~eph 7 IIhelI bKome ~ Debt 01 Bonvwel secured by thIS Secunty Instrumenl Unleu Borrower anc:t L.enOer agree 10 olher tllnTI5 <br />01..,.,.... II'leM emountI .... bier Il'!IInG from thlt dIIlII of at ltle Note rale and Shall be payable. Wllh intel'llst. upon nollClltrom Lencs.r 10 Borrower requnUng payment. <br />......,..,..., m:JA;JIlgII"""" U. aJfIdIlon 01 mekinO the loan sewred by thIS Saamry tnSlrulTlllnt. BorTOWllr shall pay the premiums l1tQulreclto malnlam lhe' Insurance In flrleel <br />..... -..::fl...". _ h ~ lor ~ ~ IemW\ates m IICCOIdanCe WtU'I Borrower's ancl ~'5 wrttIen a~rTlIInt or applicable law <br />L ......... or.. ~ "WJ' maa ~ entnn upon and ~s ollf1e Pmpeny LenDer shall gMl Borrower nollClt Sllhe lIme ot 01 pllor 10 an InspectIOn IpeC/tylng <br />___~Ior" ........, <br />.. ~ ThI ~ of lIlY ~ or cI&lm lor csam.oes, c1II'8d or COl'\HQUtInll8l In c:onnectIOfI ""th any conaemnabon Of Other tAlung 01 any pan of tne Propen.., 01 tOf <br />~"''''''oI~, ..'-"'Oy......,..oaooshalbepaJOtol..-noer <br />.... ....aI.lID&aIlllllU'1V of o.~. _ pI"OCMds sftatI 011 ~ to ow sums SlICUT1!'d by Il'US SIt'ClJf1ty Instlumenl lOtf'IelTlef '-" roat I"I!!''' (1"11 ",'fI' an.,. 'taalSS paid 10 Barro_, In <br />.. -.I d. PW1* ~ Qf -0-". ~ ~ al'1d L.enc)ooo oll'>eno1_ -0- ,,., "''''''0 rn. sums ucureo Oy Ihls SlrQJnl.,. In'Wumltnl !>hall tlfI 1lt0uCOd b.,. Inf! amount 11! Ih" <br />~ ~ bv the toIowInQ ~ III ftIlIi totI.Iamounl Of "'- W1Wf1t" lrnmectl81el, Detore tT'IlI tll'fng (]lVlOed 0'0' \011'f'1<el 'a" ""Il""tll ~lIluf' el' lhl" P'DJ1"""!~ '...........d'nlf"~ ~Io..., <br />"--.nv ,.",~~tliI'p..cltl~ <br />... ~. ~by ~ 01" .".,. ~try UlflCIet to ~ tn.. "- corv:Iemnor on..,. Ie ....1I..t1 II" ....alo or ,-nit' II "1111'''" fO' ""mIllU'" I~,"',,_, ',f'" 11' '''~lO<1C rl' <br />~ -., JO ~.,..". ~". notIC8 III ~ 1-"'" .. .....';."lOIIZa<l1o c:otIec1.,.., lItICJI~ lhe pl'OC'PIOO.I liT I' <)plIO", Tl. '''MO'.fllln ,. ".(...,. ""to I''''~"",. "Tl' ,,,,.. ~"...., <br />~by"'~""'~ ""'-"(JfIV"-""" <br />...-- L...-.nd~ ~ ~ If'..nlJnO IV1l ~c..-tll:1II of pIOClMI01I lOP"""CIt'C' ~u -.oI...I....J ~ "'f' ,.,... '"'''' " '''.. """''''. ..., -." ". "'"",,,,'" <br />1erf1l1~!JI'~"'~dlo.d'~ <br />