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<br />f 88-105485 ~~:"O,':"; <br /> <br />Ie) The wpaVmonlln lull by TrU9101(1I) 01 nllomounlllodyoncod by Benoflclory, lit lis option, to oron bohalf 01 TruBtor(ll) os protectlvo odvoncolI <br />nulhonlnd harDin, In Iho loan ogreomDn1(~I. or In olhor jnstrumont(s) which may bo glvon 10 oVldonco 9uch advancoD, plulIlntorosl on 011 Buch <br />nd'o'nncos, pnyOblo as pro'o'ldcd In Iho notolsl. loon agreomontlsl Dr olhor Ins'rumonl(9) <br />ldj Tho paymontln lull 01 ony nnd all other past, prosent or lulure. daroct or contlngonl, debts and lIabllltlos of Trustor(sllO Beneficiary of any <br />nlllu,a whatsoever <br />Thl5 Trust Deod will be duo J anuarv I. 201 3 or upon the payment tn full of 011 !lUmB secured hereby_ <br />Trustor!'l hllrcbywarnmlll'lDllhe'l' holdlne IlmpleUllo lothllsbo'o'edescrlbed property,thallhoy hal/ogood amllBwlul Qulhontyto deed I1ndencumber Ihalllme, <br />Ihal aalfl property IS froe and clear of all Uens and encumbrances, escopt encumbrances 01 record, and Itlatlhey will warrant and defond IlIid property IIgaln:U all <br />clalmant~ whom,ool/Ilr Truslorls) also hereby waive llnd rehnquulh all rlghls 01 dower, homestoad, dlstrlbullYo ahare nnd esompllon in IInd to tho above dallcrlbed <br />proporty <br />Truator(ll) MId elCh of them further conn...t .nd ~tH with Benefk:iIIry .. lollows: <br />(l) TI] pay alllians, Judgments or other aaaossmentsagarnslllBld Trust Eslato, Bnd 10 pay when oue alllallell, renls, foos orcharges upon said Trusl Estala or Ufo:!er <br />any hI'IIS11, ponTI It, li~aa or priV11ogollS!l'sned 10 BenElllclal)' as IIddltlonallocunly 10 IhlS Trusl Deed, Including those on public domain <br />12) Tc ,n,,"re and keep msured bUlldlngll IInd other improvements now on 01 hereBller placed on Bald Trust Eatale 10 the saUaflocllon of BenefIciary. Such <br />msurance ahllll be approved by and deposited with Beneficiary, andendo",ed with loss Ihoreunder pllyoble to Benullclary_ Any lIumll$O received by Beneficiary may <br />be used to pay lor reconSlfuCtlOn of thodo5troyed Improl/oments or If nOlllO applied may Blthe optlon 01 Benellclary, boapplled in payment 01 any Indebtedness <br />malured or unmatured aacurod by thiS Trust DI,.-ed <br />(3) To keep all buildings, IIlltures and other lmprovemenls now on or horeafter placed on said TrUAt Estate occupied and In good repair, malntanance and <br />condi1lon and to nellher commll nor perml1any acts at wlISte or any Impairment 01 the value of Ihe Trust Estate_ Benellclary may enter upon the Trust Estate to <br />mspecl the same or to per10rm any oclllsuthonzed herein or m tho loon egrcement(51 <br />(4) In the BI/ent Trustor(s) lall topsy any hens, ludgments, Il5sessmenls, toxes, renlS, lees or charges or maintain any Insumnce on !he property, buildings, fllllures <br />or Improvements as prOVIded hennn or 10 the loan a!;reementlll), BeneliclElry may, 01 ItS option, make such paymenls orprol/ide Insurtlnce, maintenance or repaln> <br />and any amounl5 pSld therelor shall become part ollhB principal indebtedness secured hereby, be Immediately due and payable and bear Inleresllrom the date of <br />paymenl 85 provIded," Ihe note(sl or 108n agreementlsl, The IIdv8ncement by BenollclBry 01 any such amounts shall In no manner limit the righl 01 Beneficiary to <br />decls", TrustorCs) In delllull or exercise any 01 8enahclary's olher rights and remedies <br />(5) In !tIe event Beneficial)' IS a party to any lIllgation affecting the securily or the hen 01 thiS Trust Deed. including any acUon by Beneflclary to enforce this Trust <br />D&ftd or IIny sullln which BenefiCiary IS named a dalendant (Including condemnation and bankruplcy proC1!edlngsJ Beneficiary may Incure.penses and advance <br />psyments tor abstract lees, sltomeys fooslaxcopt to the extant prohibited by law). costs, ellpenses, appraIsal fees and olher charges and any BmountsSO advanced <br />shall becoma part 01 the pllnClpellndobledness secured hereby, be immedialely due and payable and bear interest as provided In the 10lln IIgreement(s) <br />(6) Any .Iward~ m.ldeto Trustor(s) orthel1 successors by theellerclseol emmant domain arB hereby assigne'd to BenefiCiary; and Beneficiary is hereby authorized <br />10 collect and apply Ihe same m paymenl of Bny mdebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured by IhlS Trust Oaed <br />111 In the Bllanl Trustor(s) default m lhe paymenl when due 01 any sums secured hereby {pnnclpal, Interesl, adl/ancements, or protective advam:esl. or faU to <br />per10rm 01 obsel'Y" any covenants Bnd condItions conlalned herein, In the notels). loan agreement(s], or any other Instrumenls, or any proC1!edlng IS brought by or <br />aglllnst TrUlllorls) under any Bankruptcy laws. Benehclory may, at II! opllon. declare the entlle Indebtt,>dness secured hereby to be immedIately due snd payable and <br />bear Interc!l1 al the detault rale Il$ pfoy,ded In Ihe nolelSI or loan agreement(s) and BenchC18r\l may Immediately authonze Trustee toellorcise Ihe Power 01 Sale <br />granted heretn In Ih')mannel proYlded In the Nebraska Tru!t DeedsAcl. or, at Iheoptlon ollhe Bonetlclsry. mBy forecloselhe Trust Deed In the mannerprollider:t by <br />law lor Ihe loreclosure 01 mortgag!'Os on rea! property. IOcludlng the appOlntmenl 01 a Receiver upon ell parte application, notice bolng hereby ellpressly waived, <br />WIthout regard 10 IhO IIalue ollhe property Of Ihesulllclency Ihoreollo discharge tha Indeb'~dness secured hereby or 10 lhe loan agrcement(s), Delay by Benellcial)' <br />In ellerclsmg 115 nghts upon dolaull shall not be construed aa a walller Ihereol and any aCI 01 BenehcIBry W811/IOg any specific default shall not be construed as a <br />wall/er 01 any lulure delautt 11 the proceeds unaer such sale or foreclosure are InSUlllCIOnllo pay the 10lal Indebtedness securad hereby, Trustor(s) do heraby agree <br />to be personlllly bpl.lnd to ~ay tho unp.'d balance, and Benehc18ry shall be enlllled 10 a dellCUlncy ludgment <br />('a') "ShoulD BeTlefiClll,yeltlc1 loellerd,e Ih6 Power 01 Sale granted herein, Benellclary shall nollly Trusleewho shall record, pUblish and dellverto Trustor(s) Buch <br />NoUae 01 D2fauLt.and NDUce 01 Sale as tbeC1 requI,.dobyJaw and..!lhallln Ihe provdad by Islll sell tbe TrustestBlb al the Inns arld place ClI sale filled in the <br />~~Ji:r7~~~~:~:~:~eah:f~~I~;r In ~ep'arate ~o~lI,.parcel~ 9"r l-tem~ ane 1':' su:-'l,o~der ar~:ll~~tee !I~1I11 Cle.,,~m e~pydle~t, ~~~,porD~n m~.y ,bid at the sale Including <br />(9) i'ruator(SI hereby reciuest a'Copy 01 any Nollce of Detalllt or Nollcll 01 Sale herClJnO~r 10 bff"nUllwd 10 tnom 1I11he l1ddrasslea) s91lar1h hereinbv certilied mall <br />POl Upon dlllaull. BenellCI/Hy ellhet In person Ot by agenl, With or WIthout bllnQ"'Q any IlcllOn or proceeding and WIth or Without roga,d to the value ollhe <br />proporty or Ihe lulhclency Iha'eolto dIscharge Ihe IMdebtadnes.s lecured hereby, 15 aulhoflled Ilnd enlltled to entor upon and lake posllelllllOn 01 the Trust Estate In <br />It I own name or In the nll,.,e ollhe Trutlee IInd do IIrW IICtS ore.pend any sums 11 dooms necessary or deSirable to prolect or preserve the valueollhe Trulll Estllleor <br />~s~~:t.e~~~t:ll~~~~;t~r ~~~~~~~~: 'I~~o,:~~~~~~~:~~ ~~~:~~:lw~~eo~n~~~:~I~~s:~:~~~II:~;r:k;a~~~~t;~~t1::;~~~~~~~::o:~rU~~~~~~~b~~~~~ l~~:~~~~ <br />agreomentll) , I' '_ _,' . r:' '. _ '..' l. I L j ,', . I ' <br />but ea~~ ::J~: ~~~~I~~~~~;~a~t:eo~ ~rJ~~~~;~ t;~:~I~:e~rl:~':J;~~~ns ~~~~~~~~:~o~~~:=~S~:~~~I~~~~~s~~n~t;~~~;~~ne~rU~ryl~~ :;~;::~~e~~~r:~I;e~ <br />llxllrQMl(l concurren11Y,lQdepenaenlly or ISl.ICfcl:SsI...ely - _ ~, \ ' l I :. ,.' I , '. -- ' ' <br />T[~~I ri~::~~~ :~~~:I~~eS~a~: ~h; ~t~~:b~~~:~~:t~~~~~:lp:~~;~:~:I~~~~~e~~(re~,\~~e~b:;sll~~~~~e:~p;;:~;~~~~II~I~aT~St~~e~~,O;~:lln~;~:~~ <br /> <br />covenants or obllgaton! shall be Imposec.upun'Truslee::rrUliU18 shallnol be liable' fOI Bny aCllon talleNtly II m ,OOd',IIIUb and r".aOn8b1y believed by Itlo be <br />authonzed or WlthlO the dlscrehon or rights at powrHa conterred upon It by thIS Trusl Deed or !illite law <br />(121 The Integnty and respons,b,lIty 01 Trustorlll] conshlutlls II pan ollha conSIOeratlon tor the obhgatlonlsecured hereby Should TluSlor(s) sell, transler 01 <br />convey the property descnoed hereIn, wlthoulprtorwrltlen cOnsonl ofBenehclary, Benallclary may. at Its option. declare the entlle IOdebtedness Immedletllly due <br />anel payable and mllY procood In the enlorcemllnt of Its fights as on any other default <br />(13) ASSIgnment 01 Re"l! Including Proceeds 01 MmerallellSe T'ustor(SI hereby translel. set oller ana convey to Bonellclary all rents, rOYllltles, bonuses and <br />dlllay monlly!l that may Irom tIme to time become due and payable under Dny reslllsllllc lease 0' under any Oil, gan 01 olhar mlOeralleue of any krnd now lllli.tlOg or <br />1nal may hereafte, come onlO ellllllencl!l, coveting 1he above Trust Estale or any panlhereol All such sums so lecelved by Benellclary shall be applied 10 the <br />mdebladnllU aecuf"l!l'd hereby. or nld BenehclBry may, alltsopllon.lurn ol/erand C1ellllerlo Trustor\s) ortnCtrSucC'eIlSOf1lln onlerC3t,any orallollluch lum.wlthoul <br />preludlce 10 any 01 Benellclary's fights to take end relaln lutura sums, and wllhoul prejudIce 10 any 01 tiS olhel flghtll under Ihll1 TrulIl Deod Thtltrensler and <br />con...oyl.nce herllundllr 10 BenetlClary 01 sa,d rents, royalUes, bonuses and delllY moneyll shall be conslrued 10 be a provISion for the payment or reduction oflhe <br />debt. subJecllo Ihe Benellclary's option liS hereonpetore provided, Independent 01 Ihe hen on said Trust Estate Upon paymenl In lull 01 the debl am:! Ihll <br />recomleyance 01 thiS Trust Deed 01 recon:!. thiS conl/Ilyance shall become Inoperallve and 01 no lurther lorce Ilnd allecl <br />(1~) Th~'Cdvtlnant5 COn1!lIned In thiS Trust Deed shllll De deemed to be severllble, on the eyent that any pan IOn 01 thIS Trust Oood IS determined 10 be VOId or <br />unent01ab~e, lhal,cte~,""'nrlon litJ8'-~CJl.atleCI;~'"al1~Il.~ 01 the ramamlng portions ollhe Trust Deed <br /> <br />1.",,/,( ", --';t _,__,_ <br />Donald D. Rafnfot"th <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />I.. <br />COUNT'!' OF -HalL_ _____ I <br /> <br />On.n..Ldavo' Oc.fober <br /> <br />_ AD '9 _8..8- , belore me, a Notary PublIC, personally appeared <br /> <br />nnnRlri n R;dnfnrr-n (:llc;:l n Dp;:m R;:linfnrr-h) __________ -~- <br /> <br />to me known to be the person IS) named In and who executed the 10regOlng Ackno"yledgment end Trusl Deed. and acknowledged <br />thllt he executed the same as his voluntary acl and deed <br />- , '/ ,,' / <br />(SEAL) __.$III..,......n ~ '~/'/'J./h-<.dfi'<"/ <br /> <br />..:-':-:fttn I~:-t/P~,"' {ne4:(S1O:;-at~r'iif ~ <br />Notary Public In and lor Said County Bnd State <br />= n<r> <br />= o-l <br />S ~ ooi <br />~ ~ '?" ,- _ 00, ,~ <br />r..,~:J:-: 1.l <br />-":z ~ ~ 1-'" <br />;;~\""~"O'5 <br />;=~ \ 'tI12 <br />r;: i r~ <br />;po. I O):J <br />~~ - <br /> <br />My commiSSIon 8Kpires <br /> <br />T'I <br />o <br /><Xl <br /><Xl <br />'" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />:3 <br />~ <br />c <br />g <br />, <br />t <br />. <br /> <br />'" <br />~ <br />e ~ <br />~ <br />",<Xl . <br />O~ <br />~", c <br />~:: <br />~ 0 - <br />w'" <br /> <br />-so <br />k <br />,. <br />~ <br /> <br />-~ <br />e . c: <br />~ ~.~ <br /> <br />u~ <br />~ ~, <br />" t-:- <br />." <br />:;; ~ <br />t <br /> <br />0, <br />, ~l' <br />\\, <br /> <br />= <br />,.., <br />-1 <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />-c <br />= <br /> <br />"" <br />--=- <br /> <br />,n <br />,n <br /> <br />U1~ <br />