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<br />Elahlh Farm Cradll DI'lrlc~ 88- 105'4 S 5 ~~,d,"~'; iHilJ,!;" <br /> <br />I <br />ACKNOWLEOGMENT <br />The undorslgnod Trustor(s) horeby Ilcknowlodges and undorstands thelia) tho socurlty document bolow 10 bo oxecuted Is 8 Trust <br />Deod. and nol a mortgage Rnd (b) the power 01 sale provldod for in tho Trust ODed providos sublStantially differenl rlghtund obllgatlana <br />10 the Trustorls) than a mortgage In tho ovent of 8 delault or breach 01 obligatIon. Tho Trustorls) lurthor ropresents and agrees that this <br />cortlfica.llon hilS been read and ex~cuted In connection with. but prIor to. tho Truslors' execution ollho following Trust Deed. <br />O'-'o<l:hl.~d~1lr ,f(...lo~~r; "e Jl.IL <br />1"-, ,,_I...I f } "1; -II <br />Donald D, Rainforth ' <br /> <br />-::: :::~ <br /> <br />THIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT MUST BE SIGNED PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF DEED OF mUST. <br /> <br />':TRUST DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br /> <br />This Trust Deed and Assignment 01 Aenta referred to In the above acknowledgment is made this /:2 day <br />0' Dc/oher "e.8lL-, byand8mong Donald D. Rainforth (aka D. Dean <br /> <br />Rainforth) <br /> <br />"Tn.lIstor(II)", whose mailing address Is lhlr:ll <br />Farm Credit Bank of Omaha <br /> <br />Rn11f"P ? <br /> <br />Rmr RI <br /> <br />lJnnn RivP:T. NF. <br /> <br />68881 <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />"Trustee," whose moiling address Is <br /> <br />206 South 19th Street, Omaha, NE 68l02,8nd~Farm Credit Bank of Omaha , <br /> <br />"Beneficiary", whose mailing address is 206 South 19th Streel. Omaha, Nebraska 68102, in consideration of the advance by Beneficiary to <br />Trustor(s) of the principal sum specified below, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and any future, additional or protective advances <br />made 10 or on behalf 01 Truslor(s) at Beneficiary's opllon, Trustorls) Irreyocably transfers, convoys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH <br />POWER OFSALE, forthe benefl~and security of BenefiCiary, liS successors and assigns, under and subject to the terms and conditions of this <br /> <br />Trust Deed, the real property, located in the County of _____.__~ <br /> <br />, State of Nebraska, and described as follows: <br />~f!!!:.. ~ ..!!i; <br /> <br />W 1/2 and 5E 1/4 (except 2.73 acres more or less. conveyed by deed <br />recorded in Book 146.Page 337. and except 1.582 acres, more or less, <br />conveyed by deed recorded in Book 172. Page 319---29 9N llW <br /> <br />(except a tract of land comprising of a part of the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of <br />Section 29 Township 9. Range 1lW of the 6th P.M. Hall County, Nebraska. <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the <br />North line of said SE 1/4; said point being 371.00 feet west of the <br />Northeast Corner of said SE 1/4; thence N89036'00" W for 124.00 feet <br />along the North Line of said SE 1/4: thence S0054'OO"W for 437.70 <br />feet; thence S61040'15" E for 249.45 feet; thence 585 54'10" E for <br />241.25 feet to a point on the West R.O.W. line of Highway No. 11; <br />thence N80036'14" W for 185.59 feet; thence N4S048'OO" W for 185.82 <br />feet; thence N1048'27" W for 412.85 feet to the point of beginning <br />(Containing 1.71S acres) <br /> <br />Together with all pivots. wells, pumps, motors. and equipment located <br />on and used to irrigate said premises, and any additions to or <br />replacements thereof, which items are declared to be a part of the <br />mortgaged premises and appurtenant to said real estate. <br /> <br />together with all Trustorls) right, title al'ld Interest In said property, now or hereafter acquired, including all buildings, fixtures. crops and <br />Improvements now on or hereafter placed upon said real property; including also all appurtenances. water, Irrigation. and drainage rights; and <br />all rents. Iuues, uses, Income. profits, and rights to possession; all all, gas. gravel. rock or other minerals of whatever nature. lncludlng <br />geothermal rOlourc8l; and all personal property that may Integrally belong to or hereafter become an Integral part of said real estate whether <br />attached or detached, Including any appurtenances and accoutrements ot any residence secured hereby, and all above and below ground <br />Irrigalion equipment and acceaaories. and allleaaes. permits. licenses or privileges, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to said premlaes, now or <br />hereaft.r IsauR. extended or renewed byTrustorfs), eny State, the United States or anydepBrtment, bureau. instrumentality or agency Ihereot <br />All of which I. hereunder colleclively referred to as the "Trust Estate." <br /> <br />II .. ............ and..... betwrMn Truator(e) end ......1IcI.-y IMI thl. Truel Deed I. glnn to HCUrr. <br /> <br />(81 A. promiuory note or notes together with interest thereon executed by Trustor(lS) 10 Beneficiary and described a:l followa <br /> <br />Dolo 01_ <br /> <br />Prtnclpal "-I <br />324.500.00* <br /> <br />O.t. 01 Nota <br /> <br />Prlncfpal Amount <br /> <br />April 20. ]978 <br /> <br />payable according to the terms 01 &aId notels). as modified by Rest ructure Agreement/Continue dated <br />~O-/~- \l'1! <br />(b) And the repayment In full by Truslor(a) ot any and all futur.and addillonal adyancelS which mav be made by Benefic ary,lI lis option, 01 <br />therequnl ol,andtoorfortheaccount atTrustor(a), orany ofthem, lor any purpose. plUll on all such advances, under any note(lS) or <br />olMr Inllrumenl(s) laken in reUnandng, exlendlng, renewing, reamortlzlng Of restructuring such indebtednesll or any part Ihemof. all <br /> <br />~~~a=u-,:o~::g;O.~h.".,~:: ~~i:~t~~~) ::=:~:a~:':nm:~11~rtf~vI~M&'k~ert~1 '~lm'SRWlfI~~e'~~MYI1,~ <br /> <br />EIGHT AND 67!JOO-----------------------n-------=.- OOLLARS IS 5.lQ..! I <br />eaclus,not Inl.,..tlJnd of the protective .d"'n~.uthorlLed herem Of In Ihe loan agrDftment(sl. prOVIded, further, lhal THIS PARAGRAPH <br />SHA1.l NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO MAKE FURTHER OR ADDITIONAL "DVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TIME <br />iYHETHJ;lU1R NOT THE TOTAl. PRINCIPAl.INOEB.TEDNESS AIl0VE HAS BEEN ADVANCED. <br /> <br />1iltt)E'1Rinal note <br />