<br />7. Condemnation. In the event the Property, or any part lheleof, shall be taken by eminent domaJn,the Mortpgee
<br />Is empowert'd to eo1J~t and It'eelve aU eompenuUon which may be paid tor any property taken or tor damages to property
<br />Dot takeD, and MortpFe shall apply IUcl1 compensation, at Its optiDn, either to a reducLion DI the Indebtedness secured
<br />bereby or to repair and restore the property 10 darnall'll).
<br />8. Performance by Mortp.cee. Mortt:ape may, but shall hive no obligation, to do any act which the Mortpgor
<br />Iw a&J'!fll hut Wb to do, and Mortpgee may also do any act It deems necessary to protect the lien hereof. "MoitPgor
<br />qrees to repay, upon demand, any sums &0 expended by the MortKlgee Cor the above purposes, and any sums so expended
<br />by the Mortpcee shall be added to the indebtedness secured hereby and become subject to the lien hereof. Morteagee
<br />shaIJ nnt Inour any penonollloblllty hooause of anything It may do or omit to do bereunder.
<br />9. Default; AaJpment of Rents. '"me is of the essence hereof, and upon Mortpgor's default in any covenallL
<br />orl(l'Hment olthls Mortgage, Includine covenants to PlY when due the sums Rcared by this Mortpge, tne "'Mortgagee shall
<br />be endUed, It its sole option .:md without notice, to decllre all sums secured by thls Mortelle to be immediately due and
<br />payabll!' and may commence foreclosure of this MorLplf' by judlclal proceedlnp; and, provided further, that u;on such
<br />default the MDrtpFe, or . receinr appointed by a court, m.y at ita option and without reprd.to the adequacy of the
<br />security, I!'nter upon and tab posaession of the Property and collect the rents, iuues and profits therefrom and apply them
<br />ftrst to the cost of collection IIDQ operation of the Property and then upon tile indebtedness secured by this Mortgagee;
<br />IoId rents, wues and profits being ossIgned to the Mortgagee as further security for the payment of the Indebtedness
<br />RCured hereby.
<br />10. 1'ramler of Property. IC all or any part of the Property is sold or transferred wlthoutlhe express written con-
<br />sent of the Mortpgt'e, Mortr;agep may at its sole option, declare all SUIDJ ,secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />IUd plyable.
<br />11. Futun Advances. Upon request of Mortgagor, MortgBa;ee may make additional and future advances La
<br />Mortgagor. Such advances, with interest thereon, shill be secured by this Mortgage whim evidenced by promissory notes
<br />stating thlt said nolt's Ire &e'Cull'd hereby. At no time shan the principal amount of thE' indebtedness secu~d by this
<br />Mortgage, not lncludlnr;lunu Idvanced to protect the security of this MortNe, exceed the original Note.
<br />12. MiJcellaneoul ProvllJon...
<br />
<br />(II Any rOf'f'bnranCt> in exercising any right or remedy shail not bl.' a waiver thereor.
<br />
<br />(b) All remediel provided bereln are distinct Ind cumulative to any other right afforded by law or equity.
<br />and may bP exercised concurrently, independently or successively.
<br />(cl Thl' cotenanb and agreemenUi contained herein shall bind, and the rights inure to, the respective
<br />SUCCf'S50n and uslgm of the Mortgagor Ind the Mortgaeee.
<br />(d) All covenant!; and l&J'Pt'ments orthp Mortgagor are joint and 5everaJ.
<br />(el The he.dinp of thp paragraphs of thls Mortpge are for convenience only and shall not be used to Inter.
<br />pret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />13. Releue. Upon payment of aU sums secured by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shall disr.harge this Mortgagl' and
<br />!=h~l e~~1J~!' and deliver a !at!tf:5::t.cry nlt:::e the~f',:..
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortlllgor has.xeou..d this Mortlllge on the 3rd day of October ,19M..
<br />
<br />,---7)o~) L ~
<br />Borrowu"
<br />/J L. ~..L.." ,a. P. . ,
<br />,.j-:;~~
<br />~~ Stale of Nebruka, Hall County ss:
<br />
<br />~ ~ t. 0') this 3rd day of October 19~ before me, the und...igned, 0 Notary Publlo
<br />
<br />~ .~~ ~\dUlY commissionedond qualified fOllold county, pel>Onolly come ni'lvi d L. Sta rostka ann
<br />
<br />'~~:JChristine A. Starostka, Husband and Wlfe ,to me known to be the
<br />l.. , iMntical person(s) whose name(s) are wbscribed to the foregoinr;lnstrument and acknowledged the execution thereof
<br />
<br />~ ~ lobe- tl.eir voluntary act IDd deed.
<br />
<br />.~ Witness my haod and natallah.oIat Grand Island, Nebraska in soidoounty,the
<br />
<br />~ ~ .;':::onu;;L-:==:t ~\.r~(m 77) A~tMyPubli' p
<br />
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<br />~ (S~ Now nw. Une a..,.,ect For Lender and RecOl'der ce; 0 en CO ~
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