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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />88- 105467 <br /> <br />'Ib1s MorlJqo II .nl...d Into bOlwoon <br />Husband and Wife <br /> <br />Five Points Bank <br /> <br />David L. Starostka and Christine A. Starostka, <br /> <br />(herein "MortK_Kur") IUld <br /> <br />(h...ln "Mnrlpa.e"). <br /> <br />MOrlNa, II Indebted to MOrlN.. In th. principal .um 01 $ 15,000.00 ,evld.nced by Morlpao,'. nole <br /> <br />daled October 3. 1988 (he..ln "Nol.") pmvidlna lor payments 01 principal and Inlere,l, wilh th. balance or the <br /> <br />Ind.btedness,1f no' soon.r paid, due and payable on October 10 1993 <br /> <br />To..curethe or th. No", with In.....I.. provided th...ln, th. 01 all oth.r ,ums, wllh Inl...,l, <br />adnncod by Morlgagt. 10 pmb!clth. security 01 thli Morlaoa., and the performance 01 th. covenants and aare.m.nts or <br />&be MortplOf contained herein, Mortgqor does hen!'by mortpge and convey to Mortgagee the (ollowing described <br /> <br />properly I.....d In Hall County, Nebras"': <br /> <br />Lot. Sixteen (16) and the North Seventeen Feet (NI7') of Lot Seventeen (17), <br />all In Block One (I). Stewart Place Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, excepting certain tracts deeded to the City of <br />Grand Island and recorded as Document No. 88-101715 and Document No. <br />88-101714. <br /> <br />Together with all buUdlnp, Improvements, fIXtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and <br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents, issues GIld profits, re~el'SiD~ and remainden; <br />thereof: including, but not limited to, heatbg and cooling: equipment and such personal property that is attached to the <br />Improvements so IS to constitute a fixture; all of which, Including replacements and additiolUl thereto. is hereby declared <br />to be a part of the real estate secured by the lien DC this Monpge and all oC the Corea:oing being reCerred to berein as the <br />"Property". <br /> <br />Mort.gqor further convE'nants and 19Jt'es. with Mortgag..... u follows: <br /> <br />i.. PaymenL To pal tht' ilUit!o~dne5S and the Interest thereon Il5 provided In Ulilll iriol1.pgt' .lId tilt' Nui.e. <br /> <br />2. ~t!~. Y':"""t~C"r!!: the 09!I1l"T of the Propenv. hili thP rie:ht and .uthority to mortgagt' tht' Property. and <br />warrants that the lien crealed hereby is a first and prior lien on the Property, except as may otherwise be set Corth herein. <br />~ The PrcWi~ is subject to a Mortgage wherein Harvey A Orhcnpt"' ~n"" A9npc R n....h'V'1e-r I <br />~~~b~~,~d:'Jal~~oint Te~~s with ~R/;'.trfoft~::~~~rip and Not as UlMl9.ts in <br />Nebwb. which MorlPl' Is 0 U.o prior 10 th. lI.n cr..~d b.reby. Common <br />d'other priorlie~ or encumbrances: Subiect to an interest of Ronald E lllkp.c::h ~nn <br />Thomas Dolton as shown in Contract for Sale recorded in Book 28 paSle 570 <br /> <br />3. Tuea, AsIessm.nts. To pay wh.n due all lax.., .peclal ......m.nts and all oth.r chJ.r&es agaJnstlh. Properly <br />and, upon wtIllen demand by Mongaaoo, 10 add 10 the paym.nts required und.r th. Nole secured hereby, .uch amounl as <br />may be sumcient to enable the Mortpgee to pay such taxes. usessments or other chuees as they become dul'. <br /> <br />-t. IDsuraDce. To keep the improvements now or hereafter located on the rea) estate described herein Insured <br />apiDlt dam.qe by fire~and mc:b other bazanh; as Yortpgee may f'tquire, In amount!; and with companies acceptable to lht> <br />lIortpaee, and wi.h I... payable to th. Mortpgee. In case or Iou under such policies the Mortgaaoo Ii authorized 10 <br />adjust, eolIect aDd compromise. in lb discretion, all thereunder at Ita sole option, authorized to either appl}' thp <br />proc:oeds 10 the restoration 01 the Property or upon the Indebleclness &ealft!d h.reby, but paymenlll hereunder shall con. <br />_,unllltheJUlDS....." ore pold In fllIl. <br /> <br />. <br />5.. 0 EK:row For Taes IDd buuranr:e. Notwlth5tandine: anytlda, -contained in ~phs 3 and 4 hereof to lhf' <br /><:oDtrary~ Mortpcor shalt pay to the Mortpcee at the time (!C payina: the monthly inst.allmrnts of principal and lnlelt'sL, <br />aaHweIflh 01 the yearly lues, _nil, buard insuDnee pI1!m1om..In~ pOUnd ftnb (II any) wblch moy altaln 0 <br />priority OIIr ihls M~. all as reasonobly eslImoled from time to tim. by the Morlp&ee. Th. omounlll so paid shall be <br />beld by the lIortpaee withoullnlerest and appli.d to the paymenl 01 the i~DlS In respeclto wblch such omounls ...... <br />depollled. 'lbt JUIDS poId to Morlp&ee hereunder are pJedJed as additional security lor th.lnd.b~dn... ....u..d by thl. <br />~. MortPlOuhall pay 10 MoriJaIee the amounl 01 any d.Ocl.ney between th. actual lues, Insuranet' <br />....m1111Do ...d pound ..nlll and the <IepoIIta hereunder within 10 daY' after demand is mode upon Mortp,o, ..qu.,Un, <br />_IIbereoL <br /> <br />.. Repair, MaiDteDlDCt! ed V... To promptly repair. restore or 1'Pbuild any bulldln~ or Improvemenb no,,' or <br />be1nfter 011 thf. Property; to kHp th~ Prnprrty In load condition and rrpalr. without wasko lllld rrt"t' from mf'Chanlr'" or <br />othn u.m not r1:pnaly ,ubordJna~d to the- Urn hPJ?Of; not to mUlP, suCrer or pprmU any nuisanCE' LO eoxist. nor to dlmin. <br />lib. or lmpalr lblP valw or lb. Property by any a["t or omiss:lon to acl; and to comply with aU l1'quif1lml'n15 of In.' ".ith <br />...pecllo the Propeny. <br />