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<br />r. trnlRllrll DOft\aIn, l""(,.,, "h<'llIIhr 1I..,0nO(l .U tampem'll,on IWlrd, Olmallt'1 /Ino 01"1'" r>1I~mllrll' D. le,,,,,I Ih".umnllvl>Ifl], I III COrlmICIIl'" W'''' <br />l,onllllmnlhon o. olhlll ollh(l PIoplI"'''' 01 Illlt Ihll'lltcl 01101 con...o.,.,UlCII' on III1'U o'conll(lmnftlloll I nnct", 'hlltlt"tnnlll!,,(lllt 'Ia optlOrllocOmmonCll npllndr In 1111(1 <br />pW'OC:ul. '" III own nlmflln~ IChOl' o. plOCf'Oll,nOI. Inll 1t\IIIIIIO bellnllllod 10 m....e any compromllltt 01 InttlnmC"nl ,n cO"I1IJcllon wllh IUC" Illkong or dnmnDII In lho <br />'vtntany pruuon ollt\., P,OptUty .110 1IIIIIn 01 dllmllJle'd. LcmlJor Ihlll hll"'O IhO ophon tn '1' DOl II nnd nb,olullt dllCIol'on In apply 1111 luch P'OCltOa, "I1(1r dnducl,no <br />Iherehom.lIcol"anO.I[}Onlellncurred by IllnCOnneCtlonw,'fl'uCh p,oceOdl. upon IInV Indebll'dnllU "'eU/oll horllbYllna III auch orael AS Londor mll~ dotorrnono. 0110 <br />Ipply I" .ueh Pracetl'd, IltO' luCI'l doctuehon. 10 11'10 rOllOllllon 01 It\O Ploporly upon .ucl, eond,lIonl AI Londor mnl' dolOlmm" Any oppllcntlOn 01 Procoeda 10 <br />onlhbllldnllll Ihllll not ollend or pOllponnlho lIuO dllo ollny p.ymenll undor IhO Nolo. 01 CUlO IIny dolaul! thnrounder or hercundor <br /> <br />1 "'r1~ttrL.ndef.ln 1t\f!Cl...enlol Barlowo(~lallurc lopellorm Bny allhf!co...enenlg hlllOln 0' makoany paymenls reqUlrlld horoby. or tl any act Islaken or <br />leo"proceedlngcomrnenced ...noch malll".ltyallllcl. Lender', ,"lnAllllnthe Ploperly Ll!ndermay ,n Its own dllCIOllon. bul w.thouI obllgallon 10 doao, dndw.lhout nollco <br />100rdamlnd upon Bo,rower Ind w,lhoul rllln.,mg BOlfOWllr trom any oOllglllon. dO any acl Iho BorroworhllS agroed bullollsIOdo ond may olaodoanyalhor nrlll <br />dettm,nKelUlry loprOlecllhe ~ec.uflty hemel BorlOWO' Ihall. Immediately upon demand Iherolor by Lender. pill' 10 Londer all cOlli II and OltpenllOlllnCUrrOd Bnd lIumll <br />Olpended by lenlier In connochon Wllh Iho elerc.sebV Lendnr Ollhl' lorllgoing rrgt\ls.logolt\or with Inloresllt\eroon allho IBIO prOVldOd In tho Nolo. wh,ch IIhall boaddod to <br />I~ Indebledneu. .ecUled hereby Lender IIhall nol mcur any pttlllonll IIlblllly because 01 anylhlng It mly do or omit 10 do hereundor <br /> <br />B EftftD at o.rault. The lollowmg shan consutute an o...ent of doloull undllr Ihls Oeed 01 Trusl <br /> <br />(.Ill FaIlure to pay Iny .nslallmenl 01 p"nclpal or Inleresl or any othel su~... secured hereby when duo. or lallure 10 pay whon duo any olhe, Indebledness 01 <br />Bo,ra_r 10 Lender: <br /> <br />.... <br />CO <br />o::tl <br />10 <br />o <br />.... <br />I <br />CO <br />CO <br /> <br />(bl A bleacn 01 or delaull under any prO""1I10n conll'llnoll m the Nole. 1t\IS Deed 01 Trusl, any document wh,ch secures Iho NolO. and any olher <br />encumbr.nclI upon thll P,operty <br /> <br />(cl A w,il OllllloCUtlOno, all.llchmenloranY!ro.milal procen shall be enlerod ognmsl BOlfowe,whlch shall become a IUIIl on Ihe Properly or any porllon <br />Ihereo' or inIIll:TUSllhe'Oln. <br /> <br />Idl Thore shall be hlod by 0' agalnsl an acllon undel any presenl or lulure federal. slale or olher slalute. law or regulatIOn relallng to <br />bankruptcy. Insolvency or olher rohellor deblors. or I',ero shall beappolnled any Iruslee. receIVer or liQUIdator 01 Borrower or 01 all or any pari of Iho Property, or <br />Iho ,ents. Issues or prallts theTeol, or Borrowe, shall make any general aSSlgnmenl lor Ihe bene hi 01 credllors <br /> <br />Ie) The nle. Iransler. assIgnment. conveyance 0' lurlhe, encumbrance 01 all or any pari 01 or any Inleresl In Ihe P,operty. ellher votunlallly or <br />mltolunl811ly. ....,Ihoul the elpress wnl'en consenl 01 Lender <br /> <br />(II II Borlo.e, IS not an mdlltlo, II' tne sale. tran!roler assignment. con...oyance 0' encumbrance 01 mon~ Ihan _~ percenl 011'1 a corporation) ils <br /> <br />ISSUe<! and outstanding stock or (II a pa 9rshlp~ ~_ __ percent 01 partnersh.p mtereSls <br /> <br />9 R.~ Ac:caleraUon Upon O.tllult. In theevenl olllny E...enl 01 Oelaulll.ender may declare an IOdebledne!ros secured hereby to be due and payable and tfle <br />same sh.lllhereupon becOme due and payable Without any ple!roenlmenl, demand. prolesl or nollce 01 any kind Ther.eafler Lender may <br /> <br />(al Demand thaI Trustee e.erclse the POWER OF SALE granled herein. nnd Trustee shall tt\ereallel cause Borrowor'51Olerc!rot In the Proparly 10 be sold <br />and Ihe ploceedS 10 be dl!rotf1but&d. all ,n Ihe mannel provtded In Iho Neb,aska TruSI Deeds Act <br /> <br />(b) Eltt\er In person or by agehl. ....,th or w,lt\oul brlngtng anI' acI,on 01 proceedmg or by a rece'ver apPOinted by a courl and Wllhoul regard to the <br />ad~uacy ollis SlIcunly. enllH upon and lake pOSliiesslon ollt\e Property o. any parI Ihereol. 10 .ts own name or In Ihe name 01 Ihe TrU'ilee. and do any acts wlllct\ <br />II deeml necessary 0' desHable 10 plll!>erve Ihe value marketability or rentllblhly ot Ihe Propelly. or pari mereol or mteresllherem. increalle Ihe income <br />Ihefe'fomorproteclthe secuflly hereol and. w'th 01 Wllhoul takmg posseSSIOn of lhe Properlv sue 101 O' olherWlse collecl the renls. Issues and prolitslhoreol. <br />,"cludlng Ihosepasl due and unpaid. and apply the same. lesscosls Ilnd e~ponses 01 operat.onanll collection IncludIng Illlomoys tees. upon any mdebledness <br />secured hereby. ",n rn such order as Lender mil.,. dele,mrne The enlenng upon and taltmg posseSSIOn 0' the Property, Ihe collecllon 01 suCh renls. issues and <br />profllsandtheapphcallon melllol as aloresald. shall nol CUII'OI ....lIlve IIny delault or nOllce of delault hereunder or mvahdaleanyacl done'n response losuch <br />delault 0' pursullnllO Such nohce 01 dol&ult IInd notwlthslandlng Ihe conlmuance In po..sesslon 01 the Properly or Ihe collecllon, .ecelpt and appllcellon 01 <br />renls. l!rosues or pI olliS. Trus]ee or lendel st\ell be entltled to el",rClse e...ery IIgn prOVided 10' on IIny 01 the Loan Inslruments or by la.... upon occurenee of any <br />evenl 01 dellull. Includono Ine 119hl to elterClse the power 01 sale and . <br /> <br />lcl Commencn on acllon to 10reelO!roe Ih,s Deed 01 Trusl as a morlQoge appo,nl a receiver, or speclI'cally enlofce any at Ihe covenants hereol <br /> <br />No remedy herem conlerrell upon or IO!roerved 10 Tru5tL'e 01 Lender IS mlendt'lI 10 be e.clusl~e 01 any olher remedy herein or by law prov.ded Or permllled, bul onchshall be <br />cumulall'l6, st\all be In additIon lae...ery olhe, femedy gl~en hereunder or now D' herealter e.,stmg al lall< 01 on eqUlly or by statule and may be e.erCIsed concurrently. <br />Independenlly 0' <br /> <br />1D Trusl". The Truslee may re51gn allin'll lime .....,tnoul cause IInd L1mder mat al IIny I,me anll ....,mOul Clluse appOlnl a successor o. substllute T'u51ee Truslee <br />sh.ll nol be lIablo 101 any loss or damage unle!ro!ro due 10 actionable negligence or wllllul m,sconduct, ilnd shall nOl be reqUired to take any acllon In connecllon .....,th the <br />en'orcemanl of Ihls Oeell 01 Trusl unlel8 'ndemnllled on Wllt,ng It'r all costs compensallon 01 e.penses whlcn may be assoclaled Iherewlth In add III on. Trustee may <br />become a pUfch.s.eral.nysaleollhe Properly (JudiCial or unClerthe powel 0' salegranll~d flerOln) postpone lite saleolllll 01 any ponoon of theplope,ty, as prOVided by IIlW, <br />0' selllhe PIOperlV a!ro II whole. or on 5eparale parcel!ro 01 1015 <br /> <br />l' Ful...AItIances. Upon reQuell1 01 Borlowe, lender may alllS opllon malle IIOd'honal and luture ad~anCf!!.and reactvances 10 Borrower Such advances and <br />ryd....nces. With mlerest thllreon, Shall be securea by Ih,!ro Deed ot Trusl At no lime shnlllhe prinCipal amount ot Ihe II\debledness secured by thiS Deed 01 Trust, nollO- <br /> <br />cludmg sums ad"lnced 10 protect Ihtl seculllyollhll Deed 01 TrU!ll t11ceed Iheorlgmal prmtlplll amount staled herom 01 S :l_~...._SOO_. 00 whichever l!ro <br />grealer <br /> <br />12 "~PnwiMonL <br /> <br />IlIl 8011'0Wtt1 HOI R.I..Md. Elton!ro,on or thfO Ilme lor payment 01 modlllt:Btlon 01 amorltlat'on 01 the !rourns sllcult'd t>y Ihl!ro Deed ot T'usl granled by <br />Lender 10 any successor In Inlere!1 01 Borrowe. shall not opmBtt! 10 ,elcasa, m any manner. the hBb.llly ollhe orlgmal BOllowel and Borro....e,.s successors In <br />,"Ierest Lender st\1I11 not be reQUlledto commence procoodlnQ5 ogamsl such SUCCl'ssor or .eluSeloelllBnd lime to. payment or olherWISe mod"yamOrlllBllon <br />of the lums SIll:.Urcd by Ihl!ro Deed 01 Trulol by rllasorr of any demondS made by Ihe orlg.nal BarlOwer and Borrowor's successors 11\ Inlerest <br /> <br />(bl Lender'IPo..", Wllhoul allectlng IhfO l,ab,lIly 01 anll other person lor the payment 01 anyobhgallon herein menlloned. and w,lhoul alleclmg <br />the hen or ct\lIrge ollhl' Deed 01 T 'Ulot upon any port, on 01 me Propt!rlr nol mef1 o. Iherelolore released a!o secur,ty lor Ihe lull amounl 01 aU unpa.d obhgallons. <br />Lender may. from trme 10 lime and\oul notlCt' III relea5e any per!oon so habit' [Ill oatend Ihe matUllty or allel any ollhe le,ms 0' any such obllgallons, {1Il1 <br />gfanlother,"dulgllnce5.(I~1 retea!roll or r~onvey, or cause tabe .eluased 01 rec:on\leyed at nnr time at Lendel 5 opllon5any parcel. porllon or all ollheProperly. <br />("'1 Ulkeo, AlleaMlanyolhe' o. nCld't,onalsecunty 10' any obhgru'on helem ment,onco, ollv'. make compOSlllons 01 01her arrangemenls w,lh deblorsln relation <br />lhereto <br /> <br />Icl Forbearant:CI b, Lender Noll W.lnr. Anv lorbearance by umoel 11\ elllHC'Slng any rlghl D. .emedy heleunder or otherWIse altorded by applicable <br /> nOlbea w"...erol or preclude the e.erCI!oll of any suct\ [l9t\1 or remedy The prucuremenl 0' 'n!ourlince or Ihe payment 01 lalles or olher hens or charges <br />by lender sh.n nol be a w.,ver 01 Lende,., IIghllo accele,ate Ihe maluflty ollhe ,nCleblBdne!ros secured by It\ls Deed of Trust <br /> <br />ldl SUcanraon and ....,,"' Bound~ Jolnl and S..,.ral u.tN111y; Captiona. The covenanlS and agleeml"nls heleln conlalOed !lhall bll\d. and Ihe IIghls <br />ner8under sh.lI Inure 10, the rellpecllvt! successors and ass'gns 01 Lender and Borlower. sublectlo lhe P'OVISlons 01 parllgloph B {el he,eol All covenanls and <br />i1greemenls oIBollOW1!rst\allbe Joml and s.f!...eral The capllons and I'leadlngll 01 the paragraphs ollhls Dotld 01 Trusl ore for convenience only and are nollobe <br />used to Inlerprel 01 dellOe tt\e provls.on, nO'lIof <br /> <br />leI AIIq.-tfCM'Notk:es. The pllrtle5 hereby reQuesllhall'l copy of any notice 01 default hereunder Bnd II copy 01 any nOllce 01 sale hereunder be mailed 10 <br />e'chpllrtytolhls Deed olTrust at the ad.1ress sol 'orlh above In tt\e manner preSCribed bl' apphcable low Elcept lOr uny olher nollcereQulled unde, applicable <br />law tobe gl...en In anolt\el manner, any nollee p,o...,ded lOI m Ihls Deed 01 Trust shttll be g,ven by mailing sucn notice by corllflod mall addressed 10 Ine Olher <br />p.rtoes. II tt\1l .ddress inl10rtn aboye <br /> <br />Any nohce pnwldod 10' III Ihll Oeell of Trusl Shall be dl!1tmed 10 hllve been gIVen to Borrower or Lender when given m the manner delllgnaled herem <br /> <br />III l,.....ctioft.. Lenllef may make or cause 10 be mlde reasonllbll1 enlfles upon and ,nspechons ollhe Properly, prov,ded Ihallender shall gIve BOllower <br />notice p1tor 10 .ny such Inspachon speCIIv'ng reasonable clluse therelor relalad 10 Lender s mterest In Ihe P.operty <br /> <br />(gl Rec:onnwaftCe, Upon paymentol 1111 sums sectJred by tflls Deed oj T'usl. Lender shallleQuest Trustee 10 lecon~ey Ihe Properl.,. and st\all surrender <br />Ihll Deed 01 Tfult and.1I nolel e....allnclnlil mdebl~ness !roecured by th.s Oeed of Tru5110 T.ustee T,ustee 5t\all the Property wltfloul warranly and <br />.1Ihoul charge 10 lhe pet"1lon or persons legally enlltled theAllo Such person or persons sholl pol' all costs 01 recordation II any <br /> <br />(hI P-.onaIPropll'rtJ.s.curity.......-I....s.lIdI110nal se~ufllylor thepaymtlnt ollhe Nole atI1'.tures. OQulpment, und olhel perllon,,1 properlyusod <br />InConnec110nWlth Ihe re.teslaltlo"mprovements.localedlhereon.and nOI olhe,wlse declared or deemed 10 be a parI 01 tnt' .ealllslotesecu.od hereby shall be <br />subJectlO. secuflly tntllresl mf.vor 01 the Lendel undt" the Neb'1I5ka Unllorm Commercial Code Thllllnstrulfuml shall be consl'ued 1I!ro a Secunty Agreement <br />under...d Code. .ndlhe Lendersh.1I t\ave .Illhe 119htsand fIIIm&d'es 01 a secured party under said Code In addlllon to the flghls and remelllel crealod under <br />Ind .ccorded tt\o lenlHf pu~UIInl 10 Ih", Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />(I) .........,. In the iII' prO\'.slon ofthll Oeedol TruslconlllCI wllhapplrcable 1111" or lilt! declared ,nval,d 01 01t\erw'5o unenlorCllable. such <br />confhcl or '"....lldlty ahall not allecllhe olher prOVISions 01 this Deed 01 Trull or the Note wh,~h can Of! gl...en ,,!tect w,thoul Ihe conlhcllng prov.s.on nnd 10 thIS <br />end tnet plO'fr..on, 01 the' Deed of TrlBI.nll Ine Nolll arll declared 10 be Ullflrable <br /> <br />Borr~ nas .1.-cutCtd "". Oeeo O'f T,usl the dlle "'Imen IbOVe! <br /> <br />~J,_~ <br />~( Har~Q G Ei~lll'\?,~'" HU,sband <br />, .~CA'~....- <br />I Bet.Y ,.; Ichman~o"o'., WI fe <br />,,' <br />