<br />
<br />Bono..", ITruatorl' underllen" UUll1hodocumllnl1hat Ihtl BOlTowoII are aboulIa uDCulo '111 Dead ot Trull and nol a mor1gegllond thatlho powa, 01 ..III provided
<br />101 In thll Ond of lnnl prOVide. Iub,tantlallv dlflerant righlt. and abllg_lionllo tho Borrowlt~ Ihan" marlo_go In Iho ovent ola default or brl!lach of obllgallon undar lhe
<br />Deed of Tru.t. Im;lud,"O. but nol limited 10. the Londor'. rjght to heve Ihll Aeal Propeny ..old by Iho TruI11l1l IIllthoulanV judlc!al proceeding or forltCloluro 80,'owe...
<br />.-.preMot and wanan' 11uI1 10m acknowledgolNlnl .aall:.:ocuted bV Ihom belore Ihlll!lur.ulion olthe Deed 01 Trull
<br />
<br />88-105461
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />COIIPL.ETE IN. portta.1 ONLY If 1M ,.., property dncrtt.d cona'." of INDIVIDUALl V OWNED AQRICUL TURAl LAND.
<br />n applicable. complele ONLY ONE either A, B, or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The 6orrower{s) acknowledge Ihallhey areaboullo uecule tho lollowmg Daed 01 Trusl upon the real eslala delCtlbad lherem The Borrower(s). and each of Ihem If
<br />more Ihan ana. do hlmlby dlK;lalm their nghllo deslgnale II homeslead pUr!luanl therelo No parlClI Ihe homeslead 01 ollher of Ihe Borrower!l) IS presenlly orwillln Ihe
<br />fulure be slluated upon uld re.1 ellale The Borrowerls) understand Ihal ileithereslabhshes a homeslead on any partoluld rtlal ellale dunng the tlmB Ihe ~eed 01 Trust
<br />remain. unUlllfutd and a hen upon said real ellale, Ihere-shall be no "ghllo make a dellgnallon 01 homesleao In Ihe ,,"enl 01 alorecloBurll or Iruslee'llale wllh respecllo
<br />"ld Deed 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrowerls) acknowledge Ihal They are aboullo e.ecule Ihe 101l0Wlng Deed 01 Trusl upon lhe real eslale desCtlbed Iherem The Borrower(sl. and each of them II
<br />more lhan one. do hemby waiye tholr nghT 10 deslgnale a homeslead pursuanltherelo The Borrower{sl underlland Ihallhlly have lhe rlghllo make a designation 01
<br />homeslead and lhal by executing IhlS waiver. they are waIving rIghts olherwlse available lor the purpose 01 alloldmg Ihnm Ihe oppor1umly 10 relaln Iholr homestead In Ihe
<br />event ola delaull upon the Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuanllo Ihe Farm Homestead Prolecllon Act (5ettlon 76-1901 et seQ ReVised Statulll!> 0' Ihe State 01 Nobfnnka) Ih~ Dorr'lwertll. do hereby dC!>lgnalcthe real
<br />property descnb&d In Ihe "Oelllgnahon 01 Homestead.' al1ached herelO and Incorporaled tltHem bv thIS IPlalenCn
<br />
<br />Borrowm
<br />
<br />{lorlDwer
<br />
<br />THIS OEED OF TRUST I~ made as 0' Ihe Bthdllv 01 October 19 88 tly .1nd 11l11(lIIQ lIw !'unlOI
<br />Eichman and Bett).._A_~___ ~!~h~a~~ ~~5J~tand & WifChO!oI' rnilllmQ add,l's!i IS
<br />
<br />_~__,._ (here,n Borrovwcr'l the Trusl_ William G. Blackburn... a member of the.
<br />who"""'".,..,...,, ~l',~O, ElQlc_nIlO~ Grand Island. NE 68802
<br />and Ihe BenefiCiary __ ..fl~e Points B~~k
<br />whosemall:ngaddr0561$ ___~_.O. J~9_~__15j)}. Grand hiland. NE 68802
<br />
<br />Harvey~!:i~_____
<br />
<br />NE...5tate.....Bar-Assoc.
<br />
<br />_(heh!ln .'Truslee").
<br />
<br />(herem "lender")
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION mtlud,ng tile Indebtedness ,dt'n'll,pd "~Il'111 .1'10 trust tw.t''" (.ren1l'0 Bll" II.t I"IIJl ul whit II It> hUltlby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably 9ranls.translers conveys and aS51gl15 10 Truslee IN TRUST WI1 H POWER or SAl E 101 Ih,' ntHwllt nmllol'l.lII11v ollt.'flaer, under and subject 10 the
<br />tlllmB and condlloonl here,naller sel 10'lh the .eal p'operly aesc"bea,,~ l17l1ows
<br />
<br />Lot Sixty One (61) in Argo 4th Subdivision, in the village of Aida, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together With aU bUildings. 'mpIOV8ml"nls. flll-tures stl~t$ aUl."vs passageways easl."ments fight!'> pro v, luges Ill1d Ilppunenllnces localed !t1ereon or In Ill1ywIse
<br />pertalOlng .thereto. ..nd the renls. Ilsues and profltl. reversJons and remall1ders thereot. .....cludmg bul nolltmlted 10 l1011lmg /lnd COOling equipment and such perlonal
<br />propertyth.aIIJ..tt.cheCllothelmprovtlmenlsso aslo COl1slllutea flxlure.and logether wllh the hOme&telld or marltallnl('rellIS IIIlI1V which Interests are hereby released
<br />and wallr.d. all 01 which. Includlhg repl.cementsand addlllons thereto IS hereby declared 10 bea pllrl ollhE! real estale securud bV the lien or Ihlf. Deed 01 Trusl and all ollhe
<br />foregoing being ,elerred 10 herllm as Ihe "pro pert)".
<br />
<br />ThtJ Deed 01 TruSllhall secure tal me payment ollhe prinCIpal sum sl1d Interest ev,aenttlLl b". BorrowlrI !I nOle ana 'or ert"dlt Ilgrellrncnl allied ------1..Q.=Jl8=.BJJ
<br />
<br />. havlO9 II malurlty d.le of _ 10-08--=21__ _______ '"lhe Ollg.....al prmc'palllmounl 01 S ZZ....s.QQ..~ and any and all
<br />modlllQttOM. elllt.hSlans and rene.als thereot or thereto and any and all future advances and leadvances hereunder punuan' 10 one 01 more plornlssory notes Of credl1
<br />agf..rnentsChereinClllled~Nole.'I, Ibllhe paymenl 01 OIher sums adv""ced b". Lender to plolecllhe socurlly ollhe Nole lellhe parlornlanee all cavenanls and agreemenl
<br />01 BOI'1"OW81Mt (orthhere1l1. and Idl alllndeblednns and obhgallons 01 Bortowel to Lel1der whelhel dlfecl 'ndlrect 1I1110Iull' 01 conllngenl al1d whelher IIrt5111g by nOle.
<br />guaranty. overdraft Of OtherwlM1
<br />
<br />BOl'TCMef.lo protect Ihe secunly of Ihll Deed 01 TruSI_ tovenanll ana _OIl..>(IS vwllh Lender al> 10UowII
<br />
<br />, ~"~andlntHest. Borrower Ihall promplly pay whenOutllhe prlnelpalal and lnlerrl'11 on Bnd any lea~ or charges prOVided In, Ihe Noleor tn IhlS
<br />o.d Or Trust
<br />
<br />2 TIIII.Borrower I,ml DWnllr of thlt Property. 1'111 Ii'll!! nghland authOflly 10 cony""Y Ine PIOPlllty ana wlmanl, thBt Ihe Ilun treBled nllmoy 15 a IIn.t IInd pnor IllIn on
<br />I"'" P~..~1I5 mayotn.eIWIM be 1HI1 fonh herem, p.,d trle e.ecuIlon Bnd del,,,,,ry 01 thl' D"d 01 TrUll d~. nol vIola Ie RnV eontrRC' or olhel obhgahon 10 which
<br />&cmo..r- it IUbtCt
<br />
<br />:] T.....~ 10 p.y _hell due .111".". IPflclal.IMlasmenll.nd all olh"I r.haro.... aoamlllhl" PIDDtHIV Blld upon wrltten demand by Lendel 10 pay 10
<br />Lanoer IUC\ amounl.' may be lulhClllnl10 .,nrml., the Lendallo pall IlIeh laxel_ "leUmellll 01 DIllor en/If 0'" III 'hey llf'colTlll due
<br />
<br />., ~ To'eep lhe Propertllln'"red .o"nll a.arl'l4ge by IJre, h"I.ldlll1tluded WIth,,, 11110110'''' ...llInCl"d tOvulage nnCl SUCh other haza~dl alll..enClI!!" mil".
<br />reqUlrl. I" amount. and .,In compln.es.accapl.b1e 10 Lllnder, and .Ith 1011 plylbll!llo tho Lend..., In L..e "I Inn ..nda. sucn pollcll~' tOp lend'" 'Ii lIuthollzod In adjust
<br />cOlIc;o(I.ndcOmPfOlftI....'lcl.1Tn.ttlerpund.....nd ,".lltI...the ophon 01 .pplytnQ.lI O. p.rl of Ii'll! ,n',,'lInLI" p.oc....(h', 110 Itny Lfldt!blpdnroliS''''CUfl:'d hereb". IInd tn suCh
<br />0'0..., Len08'f m.y dllllrmlna. 1"1 10 Ihe BorrOWl!r TO bl! \I'r.ed lor Ihe repa" 0' Iil!'r.!oral,oll (lr 1"1" II'up".I., II' '.0' I". any 011.... P"'JlOII.. 1,)1 Utlllltt sall"aclol'( 10 lC"de'
<br />.41tlout allKtJnglrlaol.n ollhrlQe.d 01 TrUll 10' thIIlull amount MlCu..d n.....by n.rOrf! ..u.:" It.Vm....II'....r IDOII Pll( I" A,flV ;lll~'IIUIlI"'" "I prncell"' 10 Indllb'e(jnen Ihlll'
<br />nvt.dlnd or ~tpo..... 11'1" au: d.lI, 0.1 .ny p.ay~nll und.' Ihe ,,",0111 or C"I. Itn, C1nl.ull Ih.rllu"dlt' III "flmu"CI."
<br />
<br />s ...................... e~...... La..., 80HO.1I1 '"Ill "..p th.. P"'fM"'lv ," 90IJd ,,,"rI,I,,.. .",1 '"11"" ,I,,,,, 1"'''''1>1', "'IH'" '1' "'1""'" ''''.
<br />',"pr~ -"'O\f'l,I, bII dltf\a~ or o.,llroyed Ih.il nol coonn"I O' ""rmlll"r .....t. r~' ClIII.',o,.I"", "r '''" "'nf""" ~""J' '''rl 'I"..".'~I' ,1....','1...., I" ,.,r',I~nl",II\ ..It."
<br />.'" 011 !'-""'",09OI_'1-onthaPropeny .f\allnO'lcornm,1 I,"".' 0' Plllon,llnr let I" I..",.". '''V' "f."nlh"P"'fJ""1 .. .".I~IH'" "I "", '.,.. "1 ","', ,. "''',l ,''''.,\n "",,
<br />sn.llpa, ....,prcwn;llU'allCtl.'0,,1180<ra_. 'r:Olllndll.p".......Uh.n. .ncumbI4u.ttt'."ll I "..Q.., ...,..rt .m",.,..ct,,, "...,...., '"U""'.' ,......."1""". ., ,,", 1'<'" I"."to,.,
<br />