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<br />88- 105458 <br /> <br />evenl of IO$S Bonowcr will live immediate notice by mail to the <br />l..e!lc!or. who may make proof 01 I,,", il nOI nwIc promptly by <br />Borrower. and each insUrlDCe company concerned is hereby <br />outborizcd ODd dircctalln moke paymenl lor sucb Inss directly In <br />lhc Lcodcr illStcad 01 10 lhc Borrower and the Lender jointly. and <br />lhc iIlSurona: proa:cds. or any pan lhcrooL may be Ipplied by tbc <br />Lcodcr &I iu oplioo cilhcr In lhc roduclion 01 lhc indeblcdness <br />bcrcby secured or In lhc restOration or "'pair 01 tbc propcny <br />cfama&cd. In cvea. of foreclosure of this lnstrumcnt or other lransfer <br />of title lO lhc monppd property in ""tiquisbmenl 01 tbc <br />iDcIcbIaIllc:u secured bcrcby. 011 riJh~ title and inlerest 01 the <br />Borrower in and to MY insurance policies then in force shall pass to <br />the pwclwcr or gron\CC. <br /> <br />9. That IS additional and collatcral security lor the paymenl 01 the <br />DOlI: desajbcd, and 011 sums lO become due under this instrUmen~ <br />the Bonuwer ben:by usips to the Lender all profiu.. revenues. <br />royalties, riJhu and bcncfilS oa:ruinIlO the Borrower UGder any and <br />011 oil and lIS leases 00 said ptemiscs. with the righllO receive and <br />receipt lor lhc same and opply them lO said iodebtedness IS well <br />bel"", IS olicr delault in the conditions 01 this instrumen~ and the <br />Lcodcr may dcmond. sue lor ODd recover any sucb paymcnlS wben <br />due ODd payable. but sha1I nOl be rcquiml so to do. This ISSlgumcnl <br />is to ccrm.inate aod become null and void upon release of this <br />insuumcDL <br /> <br />10. 1bat the Borrower will keep lhc buildings upoa said p",mis<5 <br />ill good n:poir, ODd neither commil nor pcrnrit WISlC upon soid Iond. <br />.." _ the said premises lO be used lor any ualawlul purpose. <br /> <br />11. Tbol if lhc premiIcI, or any pan tbcr<ol, be cooclcnmal UGtler <br />the power of cmiDcnt lIomoin, or acquiml lor I public use. the <br />daJDI&cIlwordod. lhc procccds lor the liking oL or lhc <br />coasideraEioo for sudI acquisition. 10 the atent of the full amounl of <br />iDcIcbIaIllc:u upon lhis instrumcal aDd the note which it is liven to <br />socurc remainiq uapoid. on: bcrcby ISIIipcd by lhc Borrower lO the <br />Lcodcr. ODd sha1I be paid lorthwith lO said Lender lO be Ipplied by <br />the laner on aa:oual of me next maturiDI iastallmcnrs of such <br />iDdclJlodDeos. <br /> <br />12. Tbc Borrower Iurtbcr agrees thaI should this instrumcDl ODd <br />the DOlI: secured bcrcby 00< be cliglblc lor illSuroooc uadcr the <br />NIIioaal Housiq Aa within cipl mooths !rom the dote bcrcol <br />lwriaal -' of auy 0:6= 01 the DcponmcDt of Housin& and <br />U_ Dcvdopmcot or olllhoriml_' of the SaaeIIIy 01 Housing <br />ODd U_ DcvdopmaII daicd su~UCIlIIO the cipt moaths' lime <br />from lhc dotc of this inmumcDI. cIcditIiDI: 10 insun: said oole ODd <br />this IIIDrIpF. bcinc docmod coocIusiw: proof 01 sucb iJIdiPbiIity). <br />the Lcodcr or bolder of the DOlC may, II ilS option. dcdon: 011 sums <br />occunod bcrcby immodi&Idy due ODd payoblc. NOlwitbstIDdiDg lhc <br />forqoiD&. this optioa may 00< be acn:isod by the Lcodcr or the <br />bolder 01. the DOlC wbcn the iDc1ipbility lor insuroooc under the <br />NaIiOGal HousiD& Aa is due 10 lhc Lcodcr's Iailurc 10 remil the <br />IIIllIlpp iDslIrID<C pn:mium lO the DcponmcDI of HousiDB ODd <br />U_ DevcIopmcDL <br /> <br />13. 11lOl if the Borrower fails lO make any payDlCllu 01 money <br />_ the same become due. or fails 10 conform 10 and co",p1y with <br /> <br />any of the conditions or agreements conllined in this instrument. or <br />the nOlc which il secures, then the entire prindpal sum and aocrucd <br />interest shall al once become due and payable, at the election of the <br />Lentler. <br /> <br />Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration <br />following Bonowcr's breach of any CoYenant or agreement in this <br />instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 12 unless <br />Ipplicable law provides olherwise). The nUlice shall specily: (I) Ihe <br />default; (b) the action required 10 cure the defaullj (<;) . date, nLltess <br />lhan 30 days from the dale the notice is given to Borrower. by which <br />me defaull must be cured; and Cd) that-failure to cure the default on <br />or before the dale specified in lIIe notice ml.Y result in acceleration <br />of the sums secured by litis instrument and sale of !.he Propeny. The <br />notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstale after <br />acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the: non- <br />existence of . deeault or afty other ddcnsc of Borrower to <br />acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the cDle <br />specified in the notice. Lender It ilS option may require immediate <br />payment in fun of all sums secured by this instrument without <br />funher demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other <br />remedies permitted by appliable law. Lender sball be entitled 10 <br />collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in <br />this parqrapb 13. including. but not limited to, reasonable <br />attorneys' fees Ind costS of title evidence.. <br /> <br />if the power of sale is invok.ed. shall record a notice of <br />defaull in cacb coUGty io which any pan 01 the Propeny is I"""led <br />ODd shall moil copies 01 such nolia: in the manner prescribed by <br />applicable law 10 Borrower and 10 tbc other pelSOllS prescribed by <br />Ipplieoble law. After the time rcquiml by Ipplicable law, Trustee <br />shall give public notice of sale to lIIe persons Ind in the manner <br />prescribed by opplicable law. Trustee, withOUI demand on Borrower, <br />sha1I sc1I the Property II public Iw:tion 10 Ihe hiBhcst bidder II the <br />time and p1acc and under the terms designalcd in lIIe notice of sale <br />in one or more parcels and in any order Trusl.eC determincs. Trustee <br />may postpone sale 01 all or any parcel ollhe Propeny by public <br />announcement allbe time and place of any previously scheduled <br />saJc. Lcodcr or ilS design'" may purchase: the Propcny Ilauy saJc. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of payment 01 the price bid. Trustee sball deliver 10 <br />the purchase:r TrusleC'S deed conveying the Propcny. The rccillls in <br />the Trustce's deed shall be prima Iocic evidence of the truth of the <br />SlIle\IlcnlS made therein. Trustee shall opply the proa:cds of the sale <br />in the followiDl order. (0) lO all ""peD5CS of the sale, includiog, bul <br />OOllimiled 10, Trustce's fees IS pcrmiucd by Ipplicable law and <br />........ble onomeY" fccs; (b) 10 all SUfOS secured by this SecurilY <br />Instrument and (c) auy nCl:SS lO the person or persons 1cplly <br />catitled 10 iL <br /> <br />14. Upon aa:cIcration under paragrapb 13 or obondoomenl 01 the <br />Propcny, Lender (in person, by qeDlor by judicially Ippointed <br />receiver) sba11 be entitled to enter upon. take possession of and <br />maaagc the Property and 10 collca the "",IS 01 the Propeny <br />incIudin& those past due. Aay "",IS collcacd by Lender or the <br />receiver shan be applied fim to payment of the costS of managcmcnl <br />of the Propcny and coI1eetioo 01 ""'IS. including. bUI nOllimiled 10, <br />receiver's fea. premiums DO receiver's bonds and reasonable <br />anorney's fees. aDd then LD the sums secured by this instrumenL <br /> <br />Paoe 3 of S <br /> <br />HUEJ..121QOTa1 <br />