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<br />Borro.rr and I..encIer covmant .nd acrft as roKows: <br /> <br />I, Thai Borrower will pay the indebtedness, IS hereinbdore <br />provided. PrivilCJC is n:senc:d to pay the debl in whole or in pin on <br />any iMtllIment due dale. <br /> <br />2. Thl'!t. tDBclher with. and m addllion 10. the monthly payments <br />of principal .nd interest payable under tbe terms of the nOle secured <br />bercb).. the Borrower will pay to the Lender, on the first day of each <br />month until the Slid nole is fully paid, the following sums: <br /> <br />Ca) A sum eqUilin the: ground rents. if any, nelt due, plu.'i the: <br />pn:miums thai will nell become due: and payable: on policies of fire <br />and olher hazard insurance covenns lhe propeny, plus taxcs and <br />as:sessments nexl due on Lhe propeny (all as est;1rUJ/~ b)' lire untkr) <br />less all sums already paid therefor divided by lhe number of months <br />to ela~ before one (II month prior to r.hc: date when such ground <br />rents. premiums. llllCS and assessmenlS will become deliquenl, such <br />sums 10 be held by Lender In trust to pay Slid ground renlS., <br />premiums. taxes and speeDl assessments; and <br /> <br />fb) All paymenlS mentioned an the: pn:ccding subsection of th~ <br />!_.<:tragraph and all paymenlS 10 be made under the note secured <br />hereby shall be added logeLher. and me aggregate amount thereof <br />shall b: paid by the Borrower each monlh an a smgle payment to be <br />applied by lhe Lender 10 the: follOWing ilems in Ihe order sel fonh: <br /> <br />(I) ~round rents. laxes. assessments.. fire and other hazard insur- <br />ance premiums: <br />{III mteresl on the: nolc secured hereby: <br /> <br />(III I amOrllzalJon of the prinCIpal of SlJd nOle; and <br /> <br />(IV) lair challes.. <br />-\ny defiCIency m r.hc: amounl of such aggregate monlhly payment <br />. flail. unless made good by the Borrower prior to Ihe due date of the <br />'~It such paymenL ronsUlute an event of default under this <br />'Ilongqe The Lender may collect. "late charge" Dalto exceed four <br />ill!. (41: I for each dolla, ($1 t of each payment more than fiftccn <br />, 51 days In arrears 10 cover the extra expense Involved in handling <br />.:hnquenl payments. <br /> <br />3 Thai if Ihe: tOlal of the payments made by the Borrower under <br />(I.' 01 paragraph:2 precedmg shall exceed the amount of paymenlS <br />aClulll~ made b~ the: Lender for ground rents.. ta.xcs and assessments <br />'r m!l.urancr premiums. &5 lIle CI5e may be. such ClICCSS, if the loan is <br />currenl. at Ihe: option of the Borrower, shall be cro:hted by lIle <br />l.cnder on subsequent payment!. to be made by lite Borrower, or <br />fdunded to Ihe Borrower. If. however, lhe monthly plymenlS made <br />~." the Borrower under (a) of 2 preceding shaH nol be <br />~ufflClenl to pay ground rents, taxes and assessments Dr insurance <br />premiums.. &5 the cast may be. whe:n the same: shall become due and <br />payable. then the Borrower stWI pay to t.he lender any amounl <br />,ccessary to make up the deficiency. on or before the date when <br />pi ymenl of such (!:TOund rent!.. taxes, assessments. or Insun.nce <br />premiums shaH be dut_ If a11ny ume the Borrower stWllender to <br />the Lender, In accordance with the provlslons of the note secured <br />hereby. full payment of the entire mdebtedness represented thereby, <br />the Lender shall in computing the amounl of such indebledn~ <br />cn:d1t 10 the accounl of the Borrower any balanl:C: remaming in the <br />funds accumulated under the proV1sions of tA I of paragraph 2: hereof. <br />If lhere shan be a default under an~ of thl: proVISIOns. of thiS <br />Instrument result:ng in a public sale of thl: premises covered hereby. <br /> <br />or if Ihe Lender acquire. the propel1y olherwise afler deraull, the <br />Lender shall appl)', at the time of Ihe oommencement of such <br />proceedings, or Illhe lime the propeny is otherwise acquired, the <br />balance then remaining in the funds accumulated UDder (a) of <br />paragraph 2 preceding, IS a credit against Ihe amounl of principal <br />Ihen remaininG unpaid under said notc. <br /> <br />4. Thallhe Borrower will pay ground rents, laxes, assessments, <br />waler raleS, and oltI~r governmental or municipal charges, fines, or <br />impmitions. for which provision has not been made hereinbefore, <br />and in default thereof the Lender may pay the same; snd thai the <br />Borrower will promptly deliver the offioal receipts therefor to the <br />Lender. <br /> <br />5. The Borrower will pay alllaxes which may be levied upon the <br />Lender's interest in said real estale and improvements, and which <br />may be levied upon this instrument or the debt secured hereby (bul <br />only to the CXlent Ihat such is nOI prohibited by law and only 10 the <br />extenl thaI such will not make this loan USllriOUS), but excludiDI any <br />income tax, Slale or Federal, imposed on Lender, Ind will file the <br />official receipt showing such paymenl wilh the Lender. Upon <br />viola lion of this undenaking~ or if the Borrower is prohibited by any <br />law now Dr hereafter existing from paying the whole or any portion <br />of the aforesaid tues, or upon thc rendering of any court decree <br />prohibiting Lhe payment by the Borrower of any such taxes, or if <br />such law or decree: provides thai any amount so paid by the <br />Borrower shall be credited on the debt, the lender shall have the <br />oghtto give ninety days' written notice to the owner of the premises, <br />requiring the payment of Ihe debl If such notice be given, the said <br />debt mall become due. payable and oollectible at the expin.lion of <br />said ninely days. <br /> <br />6. That should Ihe Borrower fail 10 pay any sum or keep any <br />OOYenanl provided for In Ihis instrument, then the Lender, at its <br />option, may payor perform the same, and aU expenditures so made <br />shall be added 10 the principal sum owing on the said note. shall <br />be secured hereby. and shall bear inlerest al the nte set fonh in the <br />said notc:. until paid. <br /> <br />7 _ Thai the Borrower hereby assigns. transfers and sets over to the <br />Lender, 10 be applied toward the plymenl of the note and all sums <br />secured hereby in case of a defaull in the: performance of any of the <br />terms and condilions of this instrument or the said Dole, all the rents. <br />revenues and inrome to be derived from the Slid premises during <br />such lime as the indebtedness shall remain unpaid, and the Lender <br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the <br />purpose of repairing said premises and of renting the same and <br />rol1ectin(!: the rents, revenues and income, and it may payout of said <br />,"comes all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary <br />oommlssions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the <br />same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining. if <br />any. 10 be applied toward tbe discharge of said indebtedness. <br /> <br />8. That the Borrower will kc:cp the improvements now existing or <br />hereafler ereacd on the propeny. insured IS may be required from <br />Uml: 10 IJme by lhe: Lender against loss by fire and other hazards. <br />casualtics and contingencies in such amounts and for such periods IS <br />may be required by the Lender and will pay promptly, when due, <br />an~ premiums on such insurance. provision rOf payment of whicb <br />has nOl been made hereinbefore. All insurance shall be carried in <br />companies approved by the Lender and the policies and renewals <br />thereof shall be beld bv the Leoder oDd have o'tached thereto loss <br />payabh: clauses In fallor of and in form acceptable 10 the Lender. In <br /> <br />P_ljIe 2 01 5 <br /> <br />S9f190T -88 <br /> <br />HUD-12143DTa1 <br />