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<br />88-105439 <br /> <br />II ~Id, tr.n.r.rnd or lurtlw.r ..ncuabered without the _..n.. or written conunt of 8Indicia.." <br />a.nlflcbry _" u Ita .ole option, dllclu. ,11 1.1 ..eurad by Lhla Deed of Trult to ba l__dl.u11 <br />due Ind paJ'abla and proce.d to the n..din aval1abl. to It under thl dehult provhlon. contained <br />hareln. <br /> <br />11. IVMU of o.hult. Any of the follo...lo: .."nt. .hd1 be du.ed an event of dehult h.remdul <br /> <br />(.. Truator .h.U h..... bU.d to uk. p.,...nt or any lnltaUllent of Int.nlt, <br />principal Dr principal and Inttl....t 01" In, olh... .~. ..cured hereby when dUll. <br /> <br />(b) 1ber. h.. occurred. bnlch of or darault 0011111' .ny ura, covenant, <br />'Irl!~t, condition, prolllllon, repr...nt.Uon or w.runty contained In thl. Deed <br />of TrUll:, thl note or IIny other loan tnatr__t ..eurad h.nby; <br /> <br />(e) Tlwn b.. been a default by the Trultor In the p')'!Ient o~ any prior or <br />lublequent Uen or encu.brane. In n.pact to .11 or any part of the property; <br /> <br />(d) Tru.tor ahall lih . voluntary p.ltlon In bankruptcy or al.-ll b. adJudi- <br />cated bankrupt Dr tnaohent. at .h.U an ..dlft_at lor the benefit of creditor'll <br />In t'e.paet to the prop.rtJ'~ or an action to anfol'ca an, lien or .ncuabrance at' Judg- <br />-.nU a.ain.t tba propert, 1a eo..encec1. <br /> <br />12. keelaratlon Upon. o.fault. In the event 01 an, dafault, "neflchry M' declan .11 Indebtedn..e <br />.acur.. h.rab, to ba d... and payabb, _d the ... ....n tharaupon bac0II8 due and pa,.abl. without an, <br />praamat..c., d......, prot..t or notic. 01 any kind. th.ra.ftar, B.n.fici.ry.aYl <br /> <br />(a) aithar in paraon or by asant, with or without brinltnR any aetion or p1'O- <br />eudlnl. or by reedv.r appoint ad b" a court an. without nlard to tha adlquae, of <br />an, ..eurlc,. enur upon and taka pOI..alton of tha proparty, or an)' part thereof, <br />In It. 0\00; n... or in the n... of tbtl Tru.t.... and do any .ct. which It d... n.e....ry <br />and dealrable to prlnerve the value. urketab:l1ity or rentab11lty of the property, or <br />p.rt thereof or lntere.t therein, increase the incmae tberefroa or prateet tha .ecurit, <br />h.reof and. 1I1thout takins po..e.alon of the property. sue for Dr otherv". collect the <br />renla. ".Utl. and proflca thereol, Includina tholle past due and unp.ld. and .pply the <br />...., le.a co.t. and expen.a. of oper.tlon and collection. lneludinll Ittoma" f.... upon <br />11\' Inllebtedn... .ecured hereby. .11 In .uch order all Beneficiary allY detenin.. The <br />entllrlnl upon and t.klna po..e.llion of the truat elltate. the eollection of lIuch rentl. <br />I..uel and proUt. and appUc:.t ton thereof a. afon..ld ahall not cure or v.ive ., de- <br />fault or not lee of default hereunder or invaUdate any act and tn nllpon.e to .uch de- <br />fault or purauant to .uch not lea of d.fault and, notwlthatandlna the contlnu.c. In <br />pa.....ton of the property or the collection, receipt and .ppllcatlon of Tentl, hau.a <br />or proUt.. Trutlt.. or lenaficlary -J' bl entitled to ellerche every rlaht provl_d tor <br />in any of the loan Inltrl8Ml1ta or by l.w upon occurrene. of any event of default. In- <br />cludln& tha to exerche tha pover of .ale; <br /> <br />(b) ~c' an action to foreelo.. thle Deed of Tru.c .. a aortaa.l, .ppoint <br />. racelv.r, or .plcifle.ll, enforce any of the COYmt.nt. hereof. <br /> <br />(c) deUver to Truatee a UTHten declaration of debult and de..nd for ..1.. <br />and a vrltten notice of def.ult and election to e.u.. Truatorl. In tha prop.rt7 <br />to be .old, which not lee Trultel .hall cap. to be dulJ' fUed for record tn the offtel.l <br />I'ICOrdl of the co...ty In lIhlch the propartJ' .. located. <br /> <br />U. Foreclosure by Paller of Sde. Should leneflcJal'Y elect to forecloa. by eserche at the pOller <br />of .al. conuin.d. B.nefldarJ' .M11 DotUJ' Tru.te. and .hall d.polit 1I1th Tr...U. thla De.d of <br />Trun and the nota lIl1d aud1 rllc.lpu and .viunce of expenditure. _d. and ..cured hereby.. TrWlU' <br />.., require, and upon requeat of thl .e..f1elatJ', the Tr\l.t.. ahall fUe for record, In the Ie.tater <br />of Deeda office In the Co...ty when the property h lOCAt.lI, a notice of dehult. .ettinl forth the <br />n_ of the Truator. the look and r.Se or Doc...nt Ho. of thb Deed of Truet .. recorded In ..Id <br />Ia.tatlr of Deed. offlee. thtl haal de.cdptloa of the above-dun ibed real .Iute and. that a breach <br />of AD obU..tten, lor which raal elEat. ".a conve,ed a. ..curlty. ha. oc:curred, and .eutna forth <br />the n.tuC'1 of .uch breach and the TI'Ultea'. electloa to ..U the real e.t.ta to .athly the obUaaUoa.; <br />1ft. altar the lap.. of not b.. than OM (1) _th. the Trldlt.. .haU live witten nottce of the tt_ <br />... pl.ce of ..1. wbich _y be betvaen 9~OO .... and 5 p... at the pl'e.ia... Dr at the Courtbouae in <br />the Co...tJ' lIhereln .ueh property .. located, deacribina the propert" to be .old by Ita lesal'1p- <br />tion. .ald notlca to b. ,,-'\bll.h.d In a ne1l.p.per 01 Itlneral circulation In the County wherein .ueh <br />prop.rt, I. IOClt.d. one. a lIe.k for flYe (5) eon..cutIYll .,.eb, the bat publ1catlon to be .t ha.t <br />t.. (lO) da,.. but not MOre than thht, (JO) day.. prior to' the .ale; and the Tl'ult.e .hall the. ..U <br />..I. propert, .t the t.... ...d plac. 1I..ip.tall in the not Ice. In the aanner provided b, law in .ffact <br />It the tl_ of fUlna notice. at public .uction to thtl hllheat bidder far ca.h and .hall' <br />to .ueII pure.....r a d..1I to the prop.rt, aold. eonal.teat vith the law in eUect at tha t.... <br /> <br />~ receipt of Ithe prlu bid, TlI'uat.. .hall d.Uver to the purcha.e. Trult.e'a couveyinl the <br />propen, .old. k~clula 'n th. Truau.'. dead aball ba pd.. facie eYid.nee of the t:ruth of the It at... <br />_t. _de thenina TrUltaa .h.U .ppl,. the proc..d. of the a.l. In tha followinl order! (a) to.U <br /> coat. and axpaG". of tbe .ale. Includlu& but not U.fted to. Tru.teel. fee. of not .or. <br />t.... 2.0 1 of the aro.. ..le price, rea.onable .nomey fen and coati of tith evidence; (b) to.U <br />.~ -.:;cure. b)' thla Deed of TrUlt: and (c) the au.... If any, to the penOll 01' penon. lelaU, en- <br />titled t"reto. ItA., panOQ. InclurJl.... Beneficiary, ..y purcbsNe said property at .ald a.l.. <br /> <br />The penoo t:onductJnc tM .ale ..,. for 1ft)' ea.. he or .ha dee.. expedient. po.tpone the aale fr~ <br />t'" to tlM waUl It ahall ba cUMplar.all and. in .".1" .uch e..a. notllCa of po.tpon..Dt .hall ba 11vUl <br />b, public d.claratioD thareof by aach per.on at tha tl_ and place l..t appointed for che .ala; pro" <br /> 1.1 the .... ia poatpened for lonsel' thon one (1) da, beyond the d.te dulptated in the notice of <br />..... aoUe. tbereof ahall be &i'fen 1.n the ._ ..OCUII aa the ol'Illn" notice of <br /> <br />.4. __,U.. Mot Eaclull1ve. TrUlt.e aacI Ien.Uebl'J'. and uch of the., .hall be antitled to en- <br />lorell .-r-at and of an,. Ia.d.btedn... or obUpt ton .ecund hereby and to axercla. IU rlaht. <br />.. poYer. ..ser thb Deed of Trull or under an, loaD laa:r.r~nt or other .In~t or any lav. now or <br />bara.ft.r _forced. notwlth.tucllnl __ or all of the inllabtedne.. and oblllatlon. ..curad heraby <br />whleh _" now or bar..fter be otherwl.e .ecurcll. whtlther b, aortlale, deed of tTU.t, pled.e, lien. ...Ian- <br />ant or atk.......... "either It. accert.c", of thl. Deed of Tru.t nor ita enfore_nt, whether by court <br />actL_ or ,ur.....t t~ the pOVtlI' at lale 01' other povara herein coatalned. ahaU preJudlca or In any <br />__... affaet Tr.t.... or Beneficiary'. rlpt to ....1... upon or enforce "Oy other .ecuritr noW or hal'a- <br />aftar be'" hf Tna.l_ or Ba..Uc!.ar,. It balnl II.U.. that Tru.tee and BeneflchrJ'. and ellch of th_. <br />.ball Ita ...ltlN to ..force tbb Daad of l'ruat and any olher .ecurU, now or h.reafter held by the lIene- <br />(lel.r, 01' 'trUltea 1. IIch ordar and. lMnur a. thay. or alther of tI.... ..y In their ab.oluta diaer.tlon <br />"el'r.IM~ lID r.-.e.,. berain cCM1fena. upon 01' re..rlled to Tru.tee or hnefh:larr .. Intended to b. ea- <br />clUIIlye of MI, Dther ...-ed, herein or br Jav proYld.. or perw.ltted, but ahall be c~ul.llve and <br />ahal1 .. bI "'''1tlon to e'..r, olh"r r..aedr Ilyen h.r....d.r Dr now or here.fter edninR at lev Dr In <br />....itf or 1:1, al.luta. 1..._11' puwar Dr r"', live. b, any of the loan In.trutlent. to Tru.t.. Dr lene- <br />'lclar, or 10 uhicb ellber of lire. _, b. otb.twl.. entltlall _, b. ..arched. concurrt'nlly 0'- tnderen- <br />"-"tlf. 'r.. tl. to 1.1_ and .. oh.n .. _, b. d...d .It; by Tru.t"" or BllnaflrJ.r,. .nei "ilhar <br />&f t.....-y pure... 1I",:..a1.[..1 ca.III... IIDlhl.. h.r.11l .haU b. can.l.-ued .. prohibit tna BllIneflcia"y <br />Ir. ...kln. I ..flcl_cy Ju4c-nt' to che ..C.nt .UC'h .cllun h p.nlllued b, I.... <br />.,- <br />