<br />COOT51d
<br />
<br />
<br />88-105439
<br />
<br />Ttah Deed of Truat III ..de this 6th day of October , 19-.8a., by nnd IIlllonB ~hl1'il-P.finK Wang Wld
<br />PJron2' Wnnlj" HI1~hnnri ~g ~~ f'i. ' henlnaHer refund to a. Trulltor,
<br />whose ..lUna addre.. .. 2__ __ _QClIRt C1rnnrl T!C=::l nnrl, NF.: Arend ~. BnnC'.k ,
<br />Attome, at ...... heniaaftu rehrred to IlII "Trulltee,1I "'lOBe .alUns addrul'l iI'l . Qa Rnx 7ROr
<br />
<br />.~:~1ci~C;;~r~O.~~::~9~~d::~1I T~~ ~E~~:X H~~:::A~t:::\:~.~~~e::~:' ~:::~after referred to a.
<br />
<br />Far valU1lhle conllideration, Trulltor irrevocabl, firanta, transfera, conveys IInd .lIaip. tn Tru.tee, In
<br />truat, with povor of ..Ie, for the benefit and .ecul'lt,. of leneficluy. under and aubJect to th ter~. and
<br />eondltlana of thll Dud of Truet, tha lollavina-delcrlbad proputJ'. loeatad In Hall Count,.
<br />H.h......, 'a-vltl 2 acres nnre or less in the SouthM'!st corner of IDt 1, Mainland in Section 27.
<br />'lbwnship 11 North Range 9 West of the 6th P.M. and adioininlr the 1-1/2 acres owned and occupied
<br />
<br />at time of recording in Book 34, Page 389 of the Records of Hall Countv, by John C.C. Hann and
<br />
<br />wife, lying 1nmediately on its North line, the said trllCt above nnrtgaged being in size fran
<br />
<br />east to west 361. 5 feet and from north to south 247.5 feet frontage on public road known as
<br />
<br />South !.Dcust Street Road. Grand Island. Nebraska,
<br />
<br />tOleth.r with .11 buildings, flllprovl!Jlt!!nt". flxturell. IItreetll, aUeYIll. pIlIIIslIgev.YII. 1!!1I1I9Ientll, rlaht". prtvl-
<br />Ie,.. and .ppurtenanc.. located thereon or in ""r w., pertatnlRa thereto, and the unt., le.uell. proHt..
<br />reyer.lon. and the reaalnder. thereof, includinl aU auch penon.l propertl thllt I. IIttae:hlld to the lnpt'olle-
<br />.enta 110 .. to con_tituta II (J.xture. .11 of which, Includinl replace.ent. and addition. thneto. &1'. huaby
<br />daelared to be II part of the n.1 eatau conveyed in truat hereby. it batnl .lIreed that all of th. fDre-
<br />101111 .111111 b~ herdn.ft~r r.hrred to .. the "PropertJ'."
<br />
<br />
<br />(a) the payaent of indebtednllllll evidenced by Trustor' II note of even date herewith In
<br />the prlndpd elm. DC Eiehtv Thousand and No/100--(S ROaOOOaon ). together
<br />vlth interest at the Tate or ratell provided therein. or thl!! principal IInd Inter'ellt an any
<br />future ad91!1rlce not to l!!xceed the total pdnc!p.! IIUII Initially lIecured hereby 1111 evidenced
<br />b7 prOMhaoQ not.. atatinl they are aeeured hereby. and IIny and aU renevalll, IlIOdUicationll
<br />.nd ..tendOlW of .uch note.. both prlne1p.l and interellt on the notn belns p.yabb In
<br />aceordanee with the Ura8 eet forth therein. vhleh bJ' thb reference b henby _dll a part
<br />h.reof;
<br />
<br />(b) the perfor..nce oC Dch IIgl't!caen.t and covenant of TrUlltOI' herein contained: and
<br />
<br />(e) the p.pent of MY IIUIIl or IIUIllI1 of lIoney which lIay be hereaftel' pdd 01' IIdv&net.d
<br />bJ' leneflciny WIder the tel'll' of thill Deed of Tru.t. tOI.ther with Intert!llt thenon at the
<br />rae. proyidad in the nota.
<br />
<br />To proteet the .ecurlty of thlll Deed of Truat, Trulltor he1'eby covenant. IInd _STl!ea a. folloWIIl
<br />
<br />1. Pa~nt of Indebtednelllla To pay when dUll, the p1'1nclpal of. IInd the Intere.t on, the Indebted-
<br />n... eddenced bJ' the note. charlell, leu IInd aU othel' Bunll a. provided In the loan Inlltru.enta..
<br />
<br />2. Title. Tru.tor 111 the 0VI11!11' of the property and haa the rllht and .uthorlty to e:l:ecute thb
<br />OI.lecl of Truat'"""in reap.:t to the property.
<br />
<br />1. TaKcn Ind "'1.IIMntl. To pay, whcn due. aU ~..e., .peelal ........nt. .nd .11 othllr ch.rle.
<br />...lnat tM p'l'opert,. before the .... bllco.nl dlllinquent, and. in the event leneflciar,. ahall aD require,
<br />to add to the p.,..nt. required under the note .ecured h.reb,. .uch ..,unt a. .., b. .ufllcient to eft-
<br />.bl. ".llei.rJ' to pay .uch tax.., ....._entll or oth.r chal'lea a. the, baco. dua.
<br />
<br />I!. Inaurance. To keep tha L..prove_nta now 01' hereafter loeated on the real elltate dellcrlbed
<br />heub 1D~lnat d_le by fire and .uch other h.urd. .. Beneficl.ry _,. require. 1n llMOunt. and
<br />cOllpanl_ acceptable to IIeneUelerJ'. and ...ith 10" payable to Beneficiary. In ca.. of Iou under lIuch
<br />poUcha, Beneficl.ry h authodud to adJullt, collect and cDMprollbe, In Ita dlllcretion, 1!I11 dd..
<br />thereunder and. at Ita lIole aptian. 111 lIuthorhed to either .pply the proceedll to the relltoratlon of the
<br />propnt, or upon the Indebtedne.. neured hueby. but pa".ent. required b:r the note .haU continue untU
<br />the 'lIU ..eured hereb, an paid In full.
<br />
<br />5. tepal... Maintenance and Use. To prC*ptly npalr. r'lI!~.tore or rebuild any bulldlnB. Dr I.pro".-
<br />aen.ta now or banlfter on the proputy; to keep the property In good condition and repair, without vane
<br />_d fna fr_ Meehantea or other Uena not exprelllll, aubordinated to the lien henof; to not lUke. auffer
<br />or p.1'll1t an,. nulllanee to exl.t nor to dl.lnbh or i~alr the v.lue of the property b, any 5et or OIIiaalon
<br />to act; and to cOMplJ' ,with .n require-.enu of 1.", ...ith reap4lcl to the propert,.
<br />
<br />6. Coadum.tlon. In the event the property, or an, part therec..f, IIhllll be t.ken by e.lnent dONln,
<br />I"",.flelar,. .. entitled to collect and recdve ,Ill c~en..tlon Yhlch _, he paid for an, propnty takan
<br />or for ._.aa to propert,. not taken, and leneUc1ar, .hall .pply .ueh cOIIpena.tton, at Ie. option,
<br />"thar to . reduc:t.lon of the inclebtedne.a lIecured hereby or to repair and n.tore the property ao takm.
<br />
<br />7. Puforunce by Bendiciary. Beneficiary "J', but ahall ha"e no obUlatlan to. do any act "tdeh
<br />Truator h.. .araa. but failed to do. and leneflciar, .., aho do an7 .ct It den. n.ce...1" to protect
<br />the U.. hereof. Tru.tor alree. to repay. upon de..d. an, a.. 10 e.,ended b, Ben.flcl.ry fol' the
<br />abowtl ptttpo..., and an, .... .0 expended b, Benelide..,. .hall be edded to th. inclabtedn... .eeured here-
<br />bJ' .... heo.a ..cured by the lien hereof. Beneficiary ehall not Incur &11' peuona. UabiUtJ' blcauae of
<br />.,thlnl it ., do or ~t to do h.r....der.
<br />
<br />I.. baian..nt. of aent.. Benertclal'J' ahall hawe the riBht, power and authority durin! the con-
<br />Un_c. of thb Deed of Tl'uat. to eallect the nnt.. iII.lH!. and ,roClte of the pro pert, IInd of IIn,. per-
<br />.c.al propart, loeated thereon with or without t.Unl po..enion of the property .ffected h.reb" .nd
<br />Trwator henb, eb.olutel, .nd uneondltlonaUJ' .II81ana .n lIueh rent., bllues and proflte to BeneflelarJ'..
<br />"_llc"1'7. ......"1', hereb, connnt. to Trusto1". eollllCtlan and retention nf lIuch rentll. bllu.a and
<br />proUta ... th.,. .eerue and bee... p.,able. 80 lonl aa Trultor b not. at lIuch tiM. In def.ult ...lth re-
<br />.,.1 to ,.,..eat of _, indebtedne.. a.cured herebr. Dr In thy perfonurtce of .n, aluelltlllt hereWlder.
<br />If ..., ....... of dara.lt ...cdbed here.sfter In reaJMIct to thil! need of Truat ahdl have occurred and be
<br />c_U"'''a. ....UelarJ'. a. . ...tter of ript end without notice ta Trulltar or anyone ehl.lnl mder
<br />Trtlltor. ... without. tellerd to the value of th. truat ..tate or the Intuut of the Truator therein,
<br />.heU haft tM 1'1Iht to appl, to an, eourt hadnl Jurhdlctlon to .ppoint a t1!!celver of the propnt,.
<br />
<br />t. In."ec.tion.. leneUclary, or it. aaent.. rt.'pn.entaUvea or war......n, are author bed to enter
<br />at _, r.u..abl. tI_ upon or In _, part of the propertJ' for the pUl'poae of Inllpectlnl the .._ and
<br />lor tM ._..... of pufonlna an, of the .cu it .. authorbed to perfo~ under the te~. (I( an, loan
<br />l_u_t. ..acut" b, Truator..
<br />
<br />10. Tr....d.r 01 'rGparty. If.U or an, p.rt oC the proparty or .ny Intere.t of Truatol' therein
<br />
<br />-1-
<br />