<br />oJ Of prrduclrt lhO cxmclllO 01 ony auch noht ~r~_. 10536 3
<br />
<br />10 SUCCftaon. Bnd AaaJg:na Bound; JDln1 .nd S.YIHaI liability; Co.
<br />algnera. Tho covenan1!! and agrocments hOreln conlalned shall bind, and !.ho
<br />r1ghts hotcundcr r.halllnuro 10.lhe rospocllvo lIiucccssorn and nsslgn~ 01 Lender
<br />Dnd Bonowet', 5Ub}cct 10 tho provisions of pamomph , 5 hereof. All covenants
<br />Dnd agreements of Borrower shall be 100nt and sovem1. Any Bonower who cO'
<br />5lgns this Ooed olTrusl. bul docs nol execute the R~vlng CrodllloanAgroo-
<br />menlln) ISCO-slgnln(]\hls DeodofTrustonlyto mortgagc,orantandconveythBt
<br />borrower's Inlerestln tho Property 10 lender under the terms 01 this Doed 01
<br />lrusL (b) Is not personally liable on the REhfDIvlng Credit loon Agreemenl or
<br />under this Deed or TruS1, and tC) agrees IhalLender and any other Borrower
<br />hereunder may agree 10 extend, modify, lorbear, or mako any other occom.
<br />mocIallonswtthmgartllo the lerms QI Ihls Deed of Trus1 orthe Revolving Crodll
<br />lDan Agreement wtthout that Borrowef's consont and withoul releasing thai
<br />Borrower or modIlylng this Deed Qr Trust as 10 thai Bonower's Intereslln the
<br />Property.
<br />
<br />, 1. Notice. Eltccpl for any notice required under appticable law to be
<br />given In anothl>r manner,to) any nollce 10 Borrower provided lor In this Deed 01
<br />Trust shall be given by deUvertng It or by mailing such notice by certified mall
<br />addressed 10 Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as
<br />Borrower may deslgnale by notice 10 Lender as provided herein, and lb) any
<br />notlco 10 lender shall be given bV certified mall to Lender's address staled
<br />herein or to sucholher address as lender may deslgnale by nollce to Borrower
<br />as provided herein, Anynollce provided forlnthls Deedol Trust shall be deemed
<br />to have been given to Borrower or lender when given in Ihe manner deslg-
<br />naled heretn
<br />
<br />12. Gov..-nlng LaW; Sev4tf1lblllty. The slate and local laws appliable 10
<br />this Deed 01 Trusl shall be the laws of Ihe jurisdiction in which the Property IS
<br />located. The foregoing sontence ahalloot UmiltheappUcablhtyol Federnllaw 10
<br />Ihis DeedafTrust In theevenllhal anyprovis!on ordauseollhls Deed 01 Trust or
<br />the RevtJlvlng Credil Loan Agreemenl confllctswilh appllC'.sblelaw, such conflict
<br />shall not affect other provisions olthls Deodol Trust orthe Revolving Credll Loan
<br />Agreemen1 whk:h can be given effect wlthoul the conflicting provision, and 10
<br />this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Revolving Credit Loan
<br />Agreomen1 are dedared to be severatM. As used herein. "costs". "expenses"
<br />and "attorneys'lees" lndude all sums 10 the extent not prohiblled by applicable
<br />law or limited heretn.
<br />
<br />t 3. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be lumished a conlormed copy 01
<br />the P.evohtlng Credit Loan Agreement and ollhls Deed of Trust at Ihe lime 01
<br />execution or after recordation hereof.
<br />
<br />14. Rehabilitation Loan AgfMlTlenL Borrower shall fulfill all ot Bor'
<br />rower's obligations under any home rehabilitation, lmprovemenl, repror, or other
<br />loan agreemenl which Bonower enlers Into with Lender. Lender. al Lender's
<br />option, may requireBorrow-er toe.eo,Jle and deliver to Lender, In a form accepl-
<br />able to Lender, an assIgnmenl 01 any righlS, daimsor detensos which Borrower
<br />may have against parties who supply labor, malerlals or services in connection
<br />with improvements made to Ihe Properly.
<br />
<br />15_ Thlnllerof the Property, II Borrower sells ortronslers all or any part
<br />01 the Property or an interest lherein, e.duding (a) the croation 01 a lien or
<br />encumbrance subordinate 10 this Deed of Trust lb) a transler bV devise, des-
<br />cent,or byoperatlon 01 law upon the death 01 a IOint tenant. or (C)the grant of any
<br />leasehold Intemsl of Ihroo ycaro or less not containing Ilf1 option to purchase,
<br />Lender may declare 1111 at the sums BeCUred by thiS Deed of Trusllo be Im-
<br />medlatefy due and payable. If lender exercises such option to accelerate, Len.
<br />def shall mall Borrower nallce of acceleration in accordance with paragraph 11
<br />hereoI. Such noUD'J shall Provide a period ot no1less than 30 days from the dat~
<br />1he notice is mailed or delivered within which Borrower may pay the sums
<br />dedared due. II Borrowe. fails 10 pay such sums pnor to Ihe expiration at such
<br />period. Lender may, without further notlco or demand on Borrower, Invoke any
<br />remedies petTT1ined by paIT.graph 16 hereOf.
<br />
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower and Lenderfurther covenanl and
<br />
<br />agree as 10I1ows:
<br />
<br />16, ~ Remed.... Except as prOVided In paragraph 15
<br />hereof, upon BorTOwer's breach of an)' covenant or agreemenl of Borrower In
<br />this Deed of Tr-un or In the Revolving Credit Loan Agreement. including the
<br />covenants to pa)' when due any sums secured by this Deed 01 Trusl, Lender.
<br />prior to acceieratJon. shall give notice10 Borrower 115 provided In paragraph 1 1
<br />hereot specltylng: (1) lhebreach; (2) !heactlOn reQuired tocure such breach. [31
<br />a date, noIless than 30 days from 1he date the notice IS mailed to Borrower. by
<br />whiCh suCh breach mus1 be cured; and {41 thallallure 10 cure sucn breach on or
<br />before !he dale speci6ed in the notice may resuh in acceteratlCf'\ 01 the sums
<br />~red by this Deed of Trust. and sale of 1he Proper1y. The nohce shall further
<br />Inlorm Borrower of the right to reinstate attel' acceierallon and the right to bnng
<br />
<br />court Bcllon 10 Mllort Iho nonolllltonco 01 n dnlBull or un'll olhm doloflllO ut
<br />BOI1llWtlrtoacceleralionand nale.IIIM breach Is not c:ured on or bolQro Iho dolo
<br />speclncd In the nm[ce. Lender, otlcndor'a option, moy declare BlI 011110 SUfT\'l
<br />IWCUred by lhla Deed olTrust to be lmmodlatolyducand pnynblo without lurther
<br />domand Bnd may Invokothe powor 01 saleond ony other romodies pcrrolllcd by
<br />appllcoblolaw. Londer &hall be enllllod to collect In such prococdlng nil oxpen'
<br />60S olloredosure, Including, but nolllmllod la, roo50nablo ollomeyn' loon and
<br />costs 01 documentary evidence, abstracts ond tllle roporls.
<br />If tho powerol salois Invoked, Trustee shall re--::0""1 a nollcool default In each
<br />county In which any part 01 the Property Islocaled and shall mall caples 01 such
<br />nolice [n the manner prescribed by applicable law 10 Borrowor and 10 the othor
<br />persona presctlbed by appllcablelaw, Aflerthetlme required by appUcablolaw,
<br />Trustee shllll give public notice 01 sale 10 Ihe persons in the manner prescribed
<br />bV applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property
<br />at publlcauctlon tothe highest blddersl tho time and place an:::! under Ihe lerms
<br />designaled In lhe notice of sale In one or more parcels and In any orderTruslee
<br />determines. Trustee may poslpone sale of all or ony porco! of Ihe Properly by
<br />public announcement al the time and p1aco 01 any previously scheduled sale.
<br />Lender or Its designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br />Upon receipt 01 payment 01 the pr1ce, bid, Trustee shall deliver 10 the
<br />purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property. The recitals In Ihe Trustee's
<br />deed shall be prima lacle evidence ollhe trulh of the statemenls made therein.
<br />Trustee shall appl~ the proceeds otthe sale In the lollowlng order: (a) to all
<br />expenses ollhe sale, including, but notllmlled 10, Trustee's fees as permitted by
<br />applicable law and reasonable allomeys' lees; (b) to all sums secured by this
<br />Deed 01 Trust; and Icl any p:ccess to the person legally entitled 10 il
<br />
<br />, 7. Borrower's Rlght1oRelnstate. Notwithstanding Lender's accelera.
<br />hon 01 Ihe sums secured by Ihis Deed 01 Trust due 10 Borrowp.r's breach,
<br />Borrower shall have Ihe rlghl to have any proceedings begun by lender to
<br />enlorce Ihls Deed of Trust dlsconllnued al any time prior to entry ot a judgment
<br />enlorcing Ihis Deed 01 Trust it: la) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would
<br />be then due under this Deed otTrusl and the Revolving Credil Loan Agreemenl
<br />had no acceleration occurred: (bl Borrower cures all breaches of any other
<br />covenants or agreements of Borrower contained In this Deed 01 Trust: (el
<br />Borrower pays all reasonable expenses Incurred by lender in enforcing the
<br />covenants and agreements of Borrower COn1a1ned In this Deed 01 Trust, and In
<br />enlorclng Lender'S remedies as provided In paragraph 16 hereof, including
<br />reasonable altorneys' fees; and (d) Borrower takes such action as Lender may
<br />reasonably requite 10 assure that the lien of this Deed 01 Trust, Lender's interest
<br />In Ihe Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Deed
<br />01 Trusl shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower,
<br />thIS Deed of Trust and the obligations secured hereby shall remain in tull force
<br />and ettoct as II no acceleration had occurred.
<br />
<br />, 8 Aulgnmen' Dr Rentl; Appointment or Receiver. As additional
<br />secut1ly hereunder, Borrower her&DY assigns to Lender the rents oflhe PrO'
<br />pert'll, provided that Borrower shall, plior to acceleration under paragraph 16
<br />hemol or abandonment ollhe Property, have the righllo collect and retain such
<br />renls 115 they become due and payable
<br />Upon acceleration under paragraph 16 herool or abandonment of the Pro-
<br />perty, and at any lime pnor 10 lheeltplrntion 01 any period 01 redempllon follow.
<br />Ing sale of Ihe Properly, and al any time prior 10 the eJlpiralion 01 any perted of
<br />rodemplion following salo ollhe Property, Lender shall be entitled 10 have a
<br />recctver appointed by a court toenterupon, take possession 01 and managelhe
<br />Propcny and to eoIloc1tho ftlT1ttl of 1ho Property Including lho&o pa~ due. Al'
<br />tenls collected by Ihe receiver ahall be applied flrs110 paymenl of the cosls of
<br />mnnagmnent 01 the Property and coIlectJon of rents, Including, but not limiledto,
<br />recniv(U's foes. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' lees,
<br />and then tathe sumsaecured by this Deodal Trusl. The receiver shall be liable to
<br />account only lor Ihose renls actually received
<br />
<br />19_ RKOnvepnce. Upon paymenl 01 all sums secured by this Deed of
<br />Trust, Lender shall reQuest Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender
<br />this Deed 01 Trust and all notes evidencing debt secured by Ihls Deed ofTrusllo
<br />Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property withoul warrnnly and without
<br />charge to the person or persons tegally entitled to II. Such person or persons
<br />shall pay any recordation ~ts.
<br />
<br />20 Sub.tltut.lhJ.,... Lender, at lis option, may from lime to lime
<br />remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed
<br />hereunder byan Instrument recorded in the county In which this Deed ofTruslis
<br />recorded Without conveyance of the Property. the successor Irustee shall suc-
<br />ceed 10 1111 the tille, power and dulJes. conferred upon Trustee herein and by
<br />appllcable law,
<br />
<br />21 RMluesttorNoticea. BomrwerreQuests that copies 01 the notices 01
<br />defautl and sale be sent 10 Borrower's address which is the Property Address.
<br />
<br />22. Prtortty 01 Future Advancea. All tuture advan!:es shall have the
<br />same pnOOtv 115 it advanced at the dale 01 this Deed ot Trusl
<br />
<br />
<br />Borrower and Lende! request the hotdef 01 any mOl1gage. deed or trust or other encumbrance with a lien which has pnonlY over Ihls Deed 01 Trusllo gIVe Ncrtlce to
<br />l..endf:!r. at Lender's addreas set lorth on page one of thiS Deed 01 Trust of any deI8ul~. mbrannce and 01 any sale or olhe, loreclosure
<br />
<br />act>on. "'. r". .'-) ~~' t2
<br />)-0 ~ ,
<br />IN WlmESS WHEREOF. Bonuw... has ...culed Ih,. Deecl ofT"". (fj~~_ C _ ... . -~ ..
<br />Ro~e~-'~~. Sic 1 \" ., Borrower
<br />
<br />@jjj, ), I:C f" J '!f I
<br />Michele R. Siegel
<br />a Notary Public In anr:f for said county and stale. do hereby certify thai
<br />
<br />STAT[ or NEDRASfl.A. Hall
<br />
<br />Goum, ~~
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Karla S. Fandry
<br />
<br />Robert F. and Michele R. Sl~gel
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />~'("'nown 10 !TMIIO ~lhe ume ~sl ~ natnf'I~1 MJtJ!ot:ntJOf'd 10 lhe lorUQOIOQ InslrumfloOl .1PPNlr-pd twolorf' ,"p 'hIS on." In 11(>t!>on anc1IlI-~
<br />~U\et 1: hill' t opgned mild doIlVefl!'d U", !iA1c1 ,n51rurN:.nl at. tt.J.' I,l"l!' and voluntary acl to. I~ u~m ancl Pllf1X'!WS """'fPl',l SI'IIl..'"
<br />
<br />GIven undtw' my harod rmd ofholll umI lhl'!. .. ~ _
<br />J:--...........
<br />U, c..(a>'VN"~ fl'PW"' Ir ~ lr, FdII n. ,.
<br />
<br />'ll1y',t ___ "-f' f
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