<br />88-
<br />
<br />105363
<br />
<br />l'lJun~'l':rO?M'~~\!l\O't'\,'l:u
<br />
<br />(Namo)
<br />1700 North Broadwav Rochester. Mn.
<br />(Add",..) 55904
<br />
<br />
<br />THISOEEDOFTRUSTlsrnodolhloll.--dayoI3eptember '9~betweenlheGranI0l, Robert F. /. Michele R. Siel\el
<br />~~llndthoT~~'A ~~:';.,:i~~~Cll '_lIVllBS8OCIBlI'::;::~:':-:~'~
<br />exIstingunder[ledIrBI]l8wwhol!leaddn!uIS _ 1'06 North Uroadway Rocnester~ Mn~ .:J:JYU4 (horeln"Lender").
<br />rrom=:;;;~'::~=~I~~~~~~~i~~~~~~p~::C~~=O::~to;gi~*uu~~tl'hr8ff?TBfray
<br />
<br />IS n 000 on ~ horn L.ender on a secured One 01 credit basis. and which Revolving Credit Loan Agreement provides tor M adjustable rate of Interest
<br />
<br />TOSECUREtal.enc*'lherepaymentofanyandaJI5oanBdvanceswhlchLendermeymakenoworlnthefutureunderthe RtWOtvlng Credit Loan Agreement, wit"
<br />Interest Md oIhercharges thereon, togetherwflh the payment of aD other sums advanced In accordance herewith to protect the security of this Deed olTrust. BS well BS
<br />alllatechargltS, costs and attorneys' fees; and the performance of the covenants and agreements 01 Borrower herein contalned, BofTowerdoes hembylrrovocably
<br />mortg8ge. grant and convey 10 Trustee, in Trust, with power to sale, the following described property loca"!d In the COlmly ot H n 11 . Stale of
<br />-=
<br />
<br />Lot 24 t Hidden Lakes
<br />
<br />4th Sub
<br />
<br />whk:hhastheaddreuof ??f, 1 n\rtHd,Jo n.,.i"". f:rnnr! Iqhmrl ,Nebraska nRRnl Ihcr8ln"PropertyAddress")
<br />1_) (ClIVI (Z1p~)
<br />TOGETHERwtthaR thelmpmvementsnowor hefe8fteremctedonthe property, Bl"Id all easemnnla, tights, appurtenancesand rents all of which shall be deemed
<br />10 be and nmaIn.part otthe propertycc:Mll'8Cl by lhiI Deed clTrust; and lIIoflhefor8golng, together with said property(orlhe~destate If this Deed of Trust 19
<br />a1 a IeaehoId) .. herell'lllfter referTed to sa the "Property".
<br />Borrowercovenantath8l8orrollL..-ls lawfuny seized of the estate hentby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, gram and convey lhe Property, and that the Pro-
<br />pertyiaunenc:umbered,exC8C)l torencumbrancel of record Bon()INercovenanls that Booower warranlsand wlll defend generally1he title 10 the Property against all
<br />daIm. and -. IUbjoc! to encumbrBnC8I 0I1tlCOItl filBd prior 10 tho dal8 01 filing of lhl. Oood .. Truo"
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomlwer and L..- covonont and Dgreo aslollow!l:
<br />1. hymentolAggrwgat:ePrtndplllMdlntereat. BOfTowershallprom- dominium or a planned unit developmen1. Borrower shall perfonn all 01
<br />ptfy pay wMn dull the IotIlIIndebledneu evtdenced by the RevotvIng Credit Borrower's obUgalions under the dedaraUon orcovenants creating or govern.
<br />Loan AgnJament which Includea principel. lnlerrelt. and other charges.. lng lhe condominium orplanned unit development. the by-laws and regulations
<br />2. AppIc:aIiGnal~ UnIeIa_k:able&awprovidesolhefwise. 01 the condominium or planned unit development. and consUluent
<br />II..Y"*D.- by ~u_lho ROYQMng ~ Loon Ag.-. documonls.
<br />and_' __bo_byLondorfU.lln..ymontol.......nl. 6. __ of LendeI'. Security, If Borrow1lf ''''.1. IlO/fO<M lhe
<br />payalMl to Lander by Borrower for Interesl and charges j:l8yab1e under the covenant8 ami agruementa contatned in this Deed of Trust. or If any actlon or
<br />RevaMngCradl LmnAQreement. andthentotne principal underthe RM:JIYlng pn:x:eedlng Is commenced which materially affects Lender's interest in the Pro-
<br />CAdI loin ~ perty,lhen Lender.al Lender"soptlon. upon notice to Borrower, may make such
<br />3. Prtor 1IortgIgw.tct 0MdIl of 1Mt; ChqHi UIlnL SonDwer ~~~~~~oi>I::~~er:s~~~~~=
<br />shill ~ ..d8on'ower".obBgIdonI under any mortgege. deed of trust or mortgage Insurance BlI B condJUon at making the loan secured by this Deed at
<br />other aecurtty ~ with. Uen which has priority over this Deed at TrtJst, TruSl. Borrower 5halI pay the premiums reQUired to maintain such insurance In
<br />Inc:kdng Dorrower'I ~ to mike payments when due. 80rnJwer &hall effect unlllsuch ~me BlIthe requirement for such Insurancetennlnales in accor.
<br />~orcau..1obePlklalltDft,.......nems.ftne&andotherchargeaBttrlbut. dance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law.
<br />Ibte to the Property which may en.In . priority over thls Deed 01 Trust., and Any amounts disbursed by Lander purauanl to this paragraph 6, with Interest
<br />k!IUIhdd paymenIa or ground renta. if any. thoreon. at the Revolving Credll Loan Agre'Omcnt I'Btc, IIhall becomo Dddltkmal
<br />4. ................ Borrower IhaI1 keep the Improvement& now 01 IndeblednesaofBorrawerMCUrt!ldbythlsOecdofTrust.Unlese.Borrowerand
<br />.......-.cIIdanthePmperty irwur8d IIgIIinIt loa by tire. hazards Included Lender agree 10 other tenns of payment, such amounts shall be payable upon
<br />wIhk1thtllnn"'utlndld ~,1InCI aK:h ather hazardI, as I..ender may noUcehtm LenderloBorrowerreQUestll'lQpaymenlthereot.Nol.hlngcontained
<br />l"IQlft Md kllUCtI arnauntI and tor IUCh periodIa Lender may r'8QUIrB. In thta paragraph 6 shall require Lender 10 incur any expense or take any
<br />___pnMcIng tho__ bo_ byllomJwol acllon henlundof.
<br />=M~~~f1!IClfs::.::: 7. Inspection. Lendefmaymakeorcauselcbemadelreuonabfeontlies
<br />1otm~lOlAnderMd""'k'dudea~~~lnfavor upon and inIpections of the Property, provkied that Lender IhaI give Borrower
<br />d and In I torm ~ 10 lMMW.1..Iinder IhII t-..Ihe Oghl to hold the l1tJticepOOrloanJcsud1IMPOCtkJnllpoclfyt~reuonablocau"thefeforre6al8d
<br />_--_ MlbiectIOItIo_ollIPI~doodol 1o~._In""'p_.,
<br />tNII (I aIhIr MCUI'Ity ~ with . Den which haI prior1Iy OWl thla Deed a CCtncIernMtIon. 1M proceeds 01 any award or dalm lor damages.
<br />of TnJII. dI.rec:t 01 conseqoenl1Id.lnc:onnec~1on with any condemnation or O'Iher taking of
<br />InIN..,.clac...BorrtJwwlhllgllleprornptnoDcek:JthlJtnBurancecamer the property. or pari thereat, or lor conveyance In lieu 01 condemnation. are
<br />Ind ~. l..-xW rrwy ..... groof or k:. If noI rMde promptty by hereby asa6gned and ahafI be paid 10 Lendet, aubjeCI to lhe terms or any
<br />Borr(Mlllf. mor10108. deedoftrustOl'other&eCUr1lyagreement with & lien which haspOor1ty
<br />tr.. ~....... br 1!Iarr'onr. or. Bc'Jrt'cMw tale to respond to over this 0eItd of Trust.
<br />lAtdIr......3D~Irorn..~noIIOe..mlllclbyUlndetto8orruwlrlhal 9. IIc:JrrawIr Not AeIMMd; ~ By l.HMI' NoI. w.1Y.r.
<br />the ~ ~ olin ID __ . dIlm far mnnca blnI'fttI, Lendef Is Extenlion of thltllme for payment or modification 0' amortization of thewms
<br />~to~Ind"'''''''''''''~'' Lendct'aopUon I!ItIher MCUI'Id bythil 0eecI of TruS1 gr1!I1lted by Lendm 10 any SucceS50r In Inh5,eat 01
<br />'=t r.-or1IIon or ...... of _ ~ ~ ID tN -.,ma .cured by thlI Deed ~.... not operate 10 reteue. In any mannm, IhtlllabIlIlv of the original
<br />d fl'\llL Borrower and BorroweI'. SUCCltSSOI1Iln InlerMt Lender ahnll nol bl' 'f'Quil~ 10
<br />~ ~..., ~ aI fI'r'apertr. ~ Con- c::orM'MInOIt~egeina1 such lIuc::cus&or OllefuSt) 10 c,,'endtlmn lor
<br />~ ,..,.... unit Da ...... ... EIan'owwt aNI kelP !he Pro- peyment or ottwwtM modlfy emortlUUon of lhe SUm!llKlOlft'd tJ~ 1'11~ Deed ol
<br />.,.,., In good..... anc:I"'l'IOI comma..... 01 ~ ~ a frull by reuon danydWnand made by thooriglnolBonl_'" an<J Bo'fUWOfI
<br />~d"~.-.d....c:ornptywte'lo.~d.".,....tf -..ccenora tn mltlr1m Any Iorbearvce by LGN1tw In aJ:mT:lslIlQ 1111-. ''Uht Of
<br />tNI o-:lOlTI'UII" on. ~_If""o.dolT~ laO'll untIln.can- ~hernundet.orotttNWtSealtor'ctedbyappllCDt1'ftl_ llhlln flOI ho 11 wlltvt!t
<br />