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<br />1~\'''t.tD PROVISlOSSlllllm pm..I..,.." Illltu\ umll.KI ....1t11111l:..~e'Jih'.rlJ~".Jn&Si'IIIL'C'ilbl~.lh... n'\I,'lthr ulIIlInd ''1111", ,,11,,1 lIulI)' pan ulllm nlllhllL" rclJUUCl <br />J'4\ mt"nl tll ml1ft' mlC1t'1011h,m thC' 1;1\.\' ~rmll,..lhell ~t1U \\ IlIun1)' hll\1:' Ihl' nghllll..:nll('("IIRll1l tile' lhe" 1l11l"Unllll IOIr:I('\1 ",..1\" h thr 1""", ,,11.,\\.\ ~llllltll:nlh:L'1 <br />('n"rl..:TF.S':S.."'{U"nIlS4..~Ol"l'TRA(I: TIli.. conlnll.:l cun I1nl) txo ('hall}!'C'tl.t hlllh ~IlU .md I i1jllt'c.' 10 ~nlln~ <br />The' r..lluwlnll ~(111(t' hrin~!o 10 m) aU.:nlitmlhc ri!1ht,; Ihnl f hUL't'C\'Cn when Ihl' nJnlnu.:1 "\llllll\l" rinllll\"IUllll\llluUtlllllT 11 hl1W1J9h 1Il1 nlicc Ihullhc lnlJlur- <br />I.'OI'C' 1\1 Ihl' rnl\"IMt'lIl"!l.U~\"1:1.1 h~ iI.. uppc:uunct' In ten fluint. hnld fuct'l)'pc_ 88- 105360 . <br />NOTICE ,. <br />Thla credll conlracl finances a purchase, All legal rlghla which Ihe Buyer has sgalnsllha Seller arlalng <br />oul 01 Ihla transacllon, Including all clalma and dalenses, ani also velld ag51nsl any holder ollhls conlract. <br />Ths rlg;1I 10 nICovsr money Irom Ihe holder under Ihls provision Is IImllotd 10 Ihe amounl paid by the buyer <br />undar Ihla contracl, <br />A claim la a legslly valid nlsson lor suing Ihe Seller, A delanse Is a legally valid reason lor nol paying <br />the Saller, A holder Is anyone Irylng 10 collecllor Ihe purchsse, <br />INSl'RA.Nl"F. c ANCEI.L\TION~ III hll\'t~ reque"ll"d In..ur.Illl"l:O II1lhi".J"urcha"~. I muy caned ~Ul.:h rcque~llur tn~uruncc fur un)' rcustln wilhin IiflCen (15) days fmm the <br />~~it~}~~d~:l'f~~.cllll~~i~:~)~\~~~;:fl~;~~:~hl~~~fl~~~II;f~n~~~.I~~:t1I:~:'~~;:rte ~'~dt:~~~~~:: ~~~1~~~11t1n III my CIWerJge Will he arranged \\'1111 Ihe in!lurnnce cumer1!oJ nnd <br /> <br />PI.EA.SF. NOTF.: 1ft ha\le reque~led in!ouram'e In ,h,\ purchu~e. I \.\'I~I rccel\"C' within Ihlm'130Ida)'~ a ccr1ilicnt~ of imUTllnCe more fullyde~cribing lhe insurancecnveruge. <br />I "nil"" Ihall' Ihen:: ." any cllnl1u:I In the l.:mcro1ge m the language ollhe certlficule l1f m;urnnce nnd the f\llh)~mg Nollce of Pmro~ed l_nsurunce thai 1 am covered nnl)' tD <br />lheelh~nl"bled In (he folhl\\'ms Null\.'cul Pmpmed In!\uranC"C' J al~oknnw Ihall have In~UtllnCe covctuge only Irl nave been cha~ed fnr 11. <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />IUIL.I:' nollL"e Ihat ellhcr Credil Life (lr Cmlll A~'ndenl and Heahh In'ur....m:c. or holh. will itc appht'uhle to Ihill Sale" ':..'onln1l:1 ~ln the rcverse Side onlr if I have chmen <br />~~~ih~I~~~~~I~~ ~~~~~.~ ~Ih~hl~~~~~~e "~ml~nc~~':~:~~e "~~II:;~~~~(;,\'~~~h~~~~IIII:l~~~I~~I~h~I~~~~~~~~~;t:~: ~~~~~~~ ~f;~ ~~~~~T:~'~~ "S~~;~_q~~N~~,~I; ~~~r::~lf <br /> <br />mllnlhl) pa"mcnb I undeNliUlc1lhallhl' pa"I~'ular lO'UtiUlo.:C' ma\' nol pn1\'utC' t'u\'C'r.1gC' flit my 1al>llcw paymC'nb. IInd Ihllt dunnglhul penUlt of IlIne I will nnt huve any <br />lO~unlJlC'C c~wetDte. All bc:~efil!l and proceed!> (lj the m~Ur.1no.:C' Will ~~Id tn \'IIU nr hI.... fmam:mllll"litutlOn or II bank If It purchases Ihe Salell Cunlr.1cl lU the elt.lenl of it!l <br /> <br />d~;:;'~:b~' ~h~' a~~~~ ::r~~ :~~~~i'}~~~~le~:~I~~II~haed~~~t ~llll d~~dl~~I~~~c Ilr"t~~~II~~~~,~;I~~hl~~t~~ (~~:W:;e~III~~~I~~'I~~IT::~ ~'l:!B:~'~~~: ~~d~~~~~~h~~th'~~~~d <br /> <br />the requC'!\ollor Credill.lfe I"!lumno.:e. dealh ~1IC'fll\ ....111 he pu\'ahk onl\ ~'Ith te!>pl:'~'1111 1{1l:' tIN llOt" "I U!1 hi dlC',_ SubJl:'C1 tocll,clu~ion!l. eliminatIOns nr waiting periodstnted <br />In Ihc In!\ouram:C' puhe') nr"enlfi('ate. Crcdn Ao.:ndenl and H~ailh ImuranL~ 1~ 'ur Ihe hl:'nl."tll alllUUnl 01 1, -'Olh (It monlh'!lpaymenl forcllch uay t~nll am lotallydisuhh:d <br />duC' IlIlln 1n.IU'1' IIr ,ickn~~ .....hlle I u.....C' an:> pa~nu:nl to :iIIU. hnwl"\'e:I. I undel"land thai I hll\(' tll he ~rl:"e:llled frill" working due In such IllU!.1 disabIlity for mure than four, <br /> <br />~~~~~l t61~~~I~r~~~~~~~~~31 ~~k~~~ t;hna~t:~\ I~~r~~~ ~~~~~~lp~~~.i~:dt:~'~ ~I;;I ~I~~i'~,~ lI~::~::nha~o~no~lc:~:I:e:~~i:'U~I~~~~roa~ (~o~: <br /> <br />ca!JCS, 1hcen11n'amoun1lhat l Ol<<' ,-oU, DuC' h~lhC' ma\lmum anll'unl"f ,-.u'C'rolpL' ~t;lIl:'tI III tht' I",urolnn' pllll!.:}.1 ~mlw Ihal nll)i unpalda~ounl rnexce550fl~e msur.lnce <br />etweruf!e Will \1111 h3\'e In hc pauJ. If Ihe: Sale, C.lOtrllCII\ prep:ud 1II full pntll In the la,1 p.l\ Illrn! (1:111:. .In:> unearned IOWr4nceprcmlUm!l Will ~ refunded 10 me in the man- <br />IlCt rfC',"-'rl~ h) 1:1"' Wlthll: thirty t W) d..p, _, will n,"I:t'''t' the ll."rtlfl('i1tl: 01 m\Utanl-l:' 1111111' '11]1\ dl:"(T1hlll~ my lII~urum:c co"cruPC", Ir Ihe Insunmce IS nol11ccepled by <br />the mlouruncc:company. I ~III tC'l;CI\"C' II relulldllt the lII'urant.c premlurm I 11.1\1: pllllJ <br /> <br />OL'VER: The nC'lll~(lpl1rol~rdph",'llntam "arr.mlll:" rd:l1l\'c l(lthl~ "ale ~1\l:'1l h~ U\ h' lill' m..tlIUIIIIII or hank In orderfnr II lohuy lhb cnnlrncl, <br /> <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGE <br /> <br />r ""M~~~~ l'.:i~~}'I~ ~~~~~~;::~~nSJ~~~~~~~l:'l~ a~eJI~; ~;If.~\~;I~~~~\~~~~II;:~~III%~:(~~~~1~1~1~~~lg.:. I~ll!~'h~~ "~:lii0illII~~~\"e:l.,!\otln~ III ,uure il!l payment, Lind the property <br />cncumhtared he~h, A""lgoC'l:' I' hen-tn \uh'lIliJ1cJ illo Mllr1!4Jpet' under the: M"nf!lJj:~ rn~\ 1'111ll\ .\1 11m (l'nltad Sdlrr \I....rrllnb ,mll rc:pre!<>C:nl!l: Illlthli!othenghtlomukc <br />Ihl" u""lgnment, '~I <\1I..talemellh anJ fij,:urt'.. m thl' ~'Imtmt't and llllh~ Bu}'cr'.. 'lalc!lien! afe mlllena!h trul:' ;md L'lIlTl:'l"l. UI TIu!> l:ontr.n:1 a",~c frum Ihe: bonu fide !lulc <br />1111he ~IlUlh alld '>Cf\'IL"e\ dC"t'tlbcd herrlll: l~j The (a\h J.IIl.-np..ymCnI !\oho....-n IIItlm cnntr.KI.....I' uC1Uulr)' pall..! "y Buyet Illld no pan llr......iddownpayment was loane~ di- <br />recll\ III mdltt'1,.tl\' h\ Seller tll Bu:>l'r I <;, I h.K'h Bu\.:t ,\ ,'ompclenII11 ('tmtr,u:l, 11'111111" l"lnlra,.t I!I n,lt :lntl .....IIIll'1 he "uhJeL"tloun\' chum. defen!>C, demllnd or nght <br />0111(r"C'1.171 The''ullIlTllJf Ihl!\otllnlruo.:l .md Ihe urnkrl\'lOi ~Ie\ ImmllL"llIlTl j:!1\ Inf! r1'oC' lhcretllJld IInl vlIII..te un\ lederlll or ~llIle law: din:ctive. rule,ntrcgulatlOn now <br />10 efferl. .~ l In Ihe l:'l/l:'nt Ih.11 thl' ,lmlta~.tllr the underlying -..I1e\ Irnn,aL'!Inn l!o \uhl':~'1 II' 4 n~hl III 1I:!\ot'I!I\I\lII lIT t:ilOL"cllallllfl hy Ihe Buyer. !luch reM:1l>~inn lit cancdlu- <br />tllm pe-nuJ ha!\o e"plrl:'d and 1Il:'lIhr:-r Ih.: ,.Ill' n"l 1111\ ~llntrUl.:1 ha, hel:'n t.l1Oi:elll"l..llll Tl:'.....l!1dcll 1MIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SEUER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />IN TESTlMO"l:Y WHI'.REOI thl' umkr'lvned I!'> Iln a'uh'lrI/l:'d repn-'l'nlaI1H' (II the "'rlle, dlld ha.. \I~nl'tl hl.'l...... on hehullul Ihe Sellet un thi" <br />du~ III "_'___'_ __" III <br /> <br />Thl:' h'lC'glllng lO\trumenl u.....!!l:'tI helllr!' nil' ,m <br /> <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION '''''''1 <br /> <br />14 <br /> <br />H, <br /> <br />h~' Ihl:' authnn/l:'d agent of Seller !.I.'II" " <br />M~ o.:IlIInm!>!lll'1n Cl,Pln-.. <br /> <br />'~ <br />. - !bll. <br />.. <br /> <br />, \:tt1 <br />