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<br />'\,:,~ i.V i WJ1)9 ADDITION.AL 'l'E!lMS 88-105360 ..,',. <br /> <br />PREP" "I\fENT AND ACCR~LTA1. OF TilE .'.NANCE CJ~ARG.:: E\'C'n Ihilullh I do not hU\lC f() Pll) mnre thun Ihe rC!lulllr\~'heJulcd mUllthly pll)OlCnl;" hu~~c righl <br />In r.n:~~ (he ",hole ;yJlo~nl nWIIl& _111 \1.1U III lullul any lime nr In pan ItUlTlll~ll= In lime lithe Icndin~ m~lilUlirm IIr hunk (hUI buy~ III) cUlllm.:1 ~lImrUle!i the fjnll:.r~~htlrBC <br /> <br />~~'c'..v:rWi=1"C~~f.~~I~llfr II~i~\:~~III;~'~~:~lh~r~~~l~\~~c~n~;I~~ul:~ ~h~1 ~~,~:~:~~J~ },r:Xll:lI:~~I~~~~'~~~:~.I~,III~i~'flflJ~~~~~;~I.~;:il:~'n;I~~ ~~lu~Yp~~~I!~~~;i: <br />~ll~;u~\~tD~~~~~~(~n J~ii~')'h~~i~.":r~:I~~di~: ::~~R~~~~~';nckx~~;' ~~ll~'n':::~u~~I~I;;fi~~~~~h~~~I~~~)~~~SlfTpr;;~:~ li~~ e:h~r!.~~I~~~~ ~cun:Jilln~~r~~9 <br />~~,h~~r~ U:lI~=~~t~~~r ~~~~n~~~~~I~,3;~~~~.~~~~~ ~JI ~~~ 1~;eC:11~1~1~~~:~3~mkOn~~~\nO~~I~~Cp~~uaa>~~~~:=lllh~~i ~~~, ~I(~e}~::;~lr~~::~ ifi::~1u~~lt~~~~~~ 51: ~~ <br />wlllnnlbemadc. <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOtiCE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />leI W. ee SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSEO OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILrN AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS ANO SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MAOE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONl tlACT). <br />Ih) I hD\'C' read. in deuil,lhe !>Cp....rnte ..tU-YE..\R LIMITED WARRANTY~ whil:h, Ifmade, uttompame!'i Ih" conlrucl, It i:.plain!'i Ihe ,,'-ondithln~and circum51om:es <br />inw~ich the manufllCtured produCI!'i wlllbC' tep.iired or~plllced" I lake nulh:e "flhe limlllllllln.. un the warmnl)', and I punkulurly n.-cl~gnile Ihal nny IRlplied wamtnly which <br />apphe510lhe~nl)'ll!i lon~n_\ Ihe warmm)' or !ten',cc cllOtnll:1 <br />(el I hollt rend. in dclnil, ~he scparale :'LlMITEIJ INST AI,LA THlN WARRANT"" whkh. If nllllle. accllmpllnic\ Ih.\ wntrlu,:1 It e"rlnin\ Ihe L'nndilinm LInd c:ir- <br />cum~tonce!i m which the mstnllnlmn llllhe !o.dmg will be reilnnc. I lal..c IIlllln.-uflhe ],mllallllO".1O Ihe w<lrr.101~', and I parl'l'ulllr]\' n:cngmle Ihlllllny lmphed warrunly <br />appile\ IU Ih~ in!.tallntion Ia..\tsonl)' Il.' long n.\ Ih~ wllrranty Of 'en'..c conlnlLl " <br />SPECIAI...oRDER GOODS: I knuw Ih~1 you hU\'e lIlea.\ured 10) h,m!>" <lnd it,\ ,'pcmng!> !>(llhal ~uu can mal-e Ihe pnldULI\ III filmy pan.culllr hllll!>e. t luke nulice thallhe <br />GOud!. (hat 11ft' manufnclured for rn~ "pcclfic htlu~e pmhahl} Will nnl fit any IIlher home..., and under ...uch wndlllllm, II-nnw that Il'lIl1l1ul cUllccllhl!> (unlr<lCI ulllny lime <br />una-lhe period of lime' sn'en tome. by law, in which lucan~'e] Allerlhal ]egul rerind IlflnTle'. I kml" that I hit\.c Ihl." ul111gauIln III pay) 'Ill In lulllhl." al11tlunt owed, <br />~~~~4~1~~~ ~~I~~~:~~u~~,~~~~EaRfTr~ al~~~Tt~~d~Y~,~~1:~'lln~u~;;'~~~;~~~ A n~ I~,~~:~~;.~~~~:~~~e~p ~~~I ~;uu\e ~~.~~lt~~f.,~~~ ~.~~ ~~:~fi,~~i~~~~:~: <br />.. beneficllU)' c1au!oC which says Ihal YIlU are Inlle p;ud lIthe'ft' 1\ U 111\, The m..Ul",1OCC C'lmpan} mU..I uJ!.rce thllt .1 w,fl nul l'ullcer FlI~ puliq' wllhuul fin.t telhng you, I DU- <br />~~~~~~I~~CIII;t~~~~f~~~)\~Ji~~\:::,~~~~i.J~..~~~~~} f~'::l~~h ~'~'l~~I~;II~j!l~I~'~;"I',~et~~I~~hl~i~'II:lll:~\I~::~~~~dn:~~~ 1:::I~~~l~dre];l~f P~'~~ ~(~II~~nl~~) ,;wi ~1(~~ ~~~~~~W;n~Y ~Wr~i <br /> <br />nUllw anyone el~.n place uny hen.. dn my real r:..Tale "'llh.IUI }IlUr written pennl\~llln l I pn"IlIW II' pa~ alllit\l'\. a\~('''''II1r:III' and '1lher char~e.. 1m m)' real estale when <br />due 4, I pnlRlI!tt' tn I.mel)' make all paymenh un m)' pnor Illan.. .\e.:ured b)' rn~ rc;tl e~Ii1IC I..I...! P"11ll1\",'h;t11 will 1101 nlem.l. rent" or l'hang~ pTlm loans wilhnU1 your <br /> <br />",~~I~~'~r~~~~~{:'~II~l1~~t~n~~,~;:;.SI~l!~~ ~~'~~, ~~I~U~~~~ ~~~ ~;~~~I~I~f~~I~~~~~~~T~ ~~lh~;II~~~i :~~~Jt~~l~~;a~:lr~I~.::I~~I~~~~tlU lJ~,'N :~~t }~~:~U dh~~k: :hae~~ ~~'r!Jrit~~liI <br />I: added tll 10)" deblTll YllU whlch.s ..<<'ured by m~' ~ul C'o'ale and hnu..e Il..ou",' thar II }ilU ,Ie, Ide III hu\ lIl..urann' ".f mt" Ihill }1'U do n(l' haye 1\1 ublain an)' Immenwner <br />or hllb.hl)' IOSUl1lm:e. <br />SALE OF MV HOUSE: I pmmiroe nm Iii roel]. ka'oC' ur }!.Ilt' '"~ h,lU\C In all~lln... unllll hIlH'lufl~ tep.wJ '"~ dehl'll )-IIU <br />DUE O~ SALE: If I !.ell. I~ or gl\le m)' huuse III' hdnrt' I ha..e lull} pUld 1111111"-1." UIIJ~'t ftll~ ulITlra, , \'1111 clln lied..n:- allthllllll"'e under Ihi... cnntrllcl pa)'ahle <br />I1t nnce and lagfl:C'TO Immedlalely pu)' )-'IIU thalllmnunI <br />DEFAULT: I w.1I be m default under IhlS CllITtrW':I II' <br />1 I dnn"1rnakeapaymenl",'hen dUe. IIr <br />_. I bre.akun)" pmmise I n1ade III }lIU 1nlhl'~lllllf.wt,." <br />:\ Somelhing else hnppenll which Ci1U"~" }'uu'n hdlc\'e III {!.llOJ hu.h thaI I du n,,1 tntt"ntllt. pl1~ )"U _" I'nlllll~t",I. "T <br />4 I dcluull un un)' oblil:!lI.inll.~ fur I am ur-in!! my hOll1e as l'llllaferul; or <br />5 SumelhlO!l 10)' huuse 14,h,ch lhreit.en.. yournghb, II any, In II <br />IF J "~.IN DEFAULT: I unde~tand Ihal )tlU have Ihe nghlln loreclo~e Ihe ~1tTnga~e Ilul\le ~"'en III )tlU i1ud ha\e my huu..c ..ultlltl ~pa)' an}' amounts I owe yuu jf I <br />~: :~ ~~~~~ ~~~;~;~~~llt~~~ ~e~~~ ;~~ rl~~~l~~ ~~~;'~~~I~~II~~~~;~~!~~I~~~~~~I~ t~I:~~' ~~~;~e;"~;l~~I~I:';:'I~.~..a~~:~~e~'i:~~:,\~illl~)~~~:;h~~I~~J ~~~~' :1~ul~,,5~nd:d <br /> <br />IDpmtecl m) fmuse. d ~(lU are allowed Inenllec'\uch amuunh by law . <br /> <br />O!HER RIGIITS: We can chuo!le lIulln clllut"t.:e i11l) IIllhe n(:hl\ under Ih,,, ~l1l1lrul:' a~ "lIen.,,"-c "'anI I,,\t1hIlUllll,mtt Ihem, Or, ....e ~an tlelll) uflhe righllO <br />\l;uhoullmtng them Weean lll!.u u~euny nghl!o na\.\,' nr tn the furure il.\'en III u.. h~ la\\. <br /> <br />:'f:;,~ ~~: ~~nc~~~\,;:~~~~~~:e~~lh:r ~~~dt[t.::~~.ld~~~~[~~~e tf;"~~~'~~hll:'~'I~~~~~;~~;I~~I:,~Il(~,~I~:~h;t ~~h:l~~';h~~~~~~~~~~~,:~r"~~~r~::~il~~d~~~d~fiu~~~OuU~iil <br /> <br />nul he hable fm !ouch delll)'!o, <br /> <br />ARBITRATION: If t hllvc a dl\pUle lIT ~'Ialm "-llh you cuncernm!! lhe quamll} , I.jUa]I'Y III rerl.ITlnanL'e III the pnllJul'h, I undenolllnd .hal m)-' di!lpu~ may be liubmilled to <br />nnd loCl1led IlCcurdins tu the, mel.hatllln"arbl.ralhlll pmgrum Ihllllllll~ hu\,e de..e]llped In rJl~ ~.mIlTlunll} I ;11\1' 1o.0I!", .ha. any dcc1\.un mw.le by un amllntlnrls) would be en- <br />tered in lhe cuun havtn1\Jun"du:llUnover me and ~(IU <br /> <br />SAI.VAGF. \'ALUE; I kn~i", Ihallhe wlndl'w", wUllllwllB.. "ding. tJn~'" and l.tht"1 rualena]~ .hitl Ita\-e hllle rem.lwd It)- }-'I'u lpr Ihi" .n..tallation h;tve NO IW.llvllge vulue. <br />When }OU n=mu\'e them. )'ou can halr'C Ihem lor whule'\'er purpme you ""0\111 .. . . <br /> <br />SPF.cIAL :;lTIJA -':10NS: Due to IhC" umque'ne!o... of Iiome uf Ihe pnltlu~b that }OU -.ell, I undcn.and thai In )pedal !t.itualhm..thlll vour Reg,ullul Office muy ha\-'c tn review <br />and accept t~j\ corwmcl. t al\O undersland lhatlhis: r.ale occurred In III) hOllle and thai \'I1U and Ima\' nUl have hlld alllhc: L'OlTCctlnfurmUlion lmpon..nlln Ihls Irnmw:tion <br />.Dll1urfingen.pI; I~h'e)'ou m) cnn..enllncmn~clllny Ilh\'l(lu~emm; t~J m~).huvc 1I,\'u~J wht"n Ihe h]III1"~ III fh,~ nmlr;Jl'l were l.'umplcled <br />