<br />cYJ
<br />If:)
<br />C\}
<br />If:)
<br />o
<br />..-!
<br />
<br />II I!mln.nl Demltn. l "net'" ,. "",,'lly tlUl\)nOfI .,11 f mnponlllllOn IIw^'dl tlnffill\wa nnc:l Olhf'll pnVmonlt 01 IIthnl tlllUDlnnlllll PIOCOUc:I! '] In connOCllIm wlln
<br />rOndllm"lIhon Of olt\llr In~'ng oil"" P,opeIl1i' Of p/ul1l1fHCtol or lor COnVDVtlncO If' hOt/ill cllflllllmml'lOn lnnl10l SIl/1I1 tJo onllllod III fll opllon locommonco. nppOlH Ulond
<br />Ilf01.(l'ClJ '" ", own nllmll any ActIOn 01 pfocoodmgl. nnd t1hnll nllo bonnllUfld 10 m"~D un.,. comprom'lo Dr lolllOffionl In connection WIth auch Inking 0' damago In Iho
<br />Dwnl any pOlllon ol.ho Propelfty II 10 tllkon Of dnmn(lltd Londlll ahnll hnvO thu option to tll 1010 IInd tlblotulo dllOO'lon, 10 npp1v nllluch ProeDods. nllor dodllcllng
<br />thtlfolrom 1111 COSIS lInd alponlOI mCUlled bv 1111'1 CDnnocllon wllh lueh pIOCllDl1I1. upon nny mdob'odnclUllDcurad horeby Ilnd In such ardor '" Londor mBY dntormlno, or 10
<br />npply ..II lIuch ProC"('Idlo. II1l0r !U.n;:t1 doducllon.. to tho rclllom1l0n 01 Iho Proporly upon such condlllonlo liS Londor moy dotormmo Any opphc-lIon 01 Procoodli 10
<br />mdobtodnou !>hAll nol oxtont:~ or p05tpono tho duo dtlta 01 nny pl\ymanllo undor the Nolo. 01 curo nny doloulllheroundm or herDundor
<br />
<br />7 Pel1onn.nceb,Lltnd.r, In Ihe ovenl 01 Borrowor"llllllulolo perlorm ony o'lI\ocovenoolll horelnor mllkollny pllymonlllroqulrod I\eroby. or II nnYllclll!llllkon or
<br />logal procoedmg commenced wh,Ch mlllllflOll1' 4110ct5 Londer's mIIHO!!1 m lho Proporly. Lender may In III own dlSCrollon. bul wllhoul obligation 10 do 10. IInd wllhoul nollcO
<br />10 or demllnd upon Borrowor llnd w,thoul roloallln!J Borrower 110m IIny obh!Jllllon. do any IICI which IhO Borrowor hB5agrood butlllllllo do IInd may IIlao do ony olhor /lct II
<br />doemSneC9ssory to prolcct thO socullly horoot Borrowor shllll. Immodmtely upon domond tharelor bl' Lender. pal' 10 Londer all Calls Bod ollpensolllncurred and 5umo
<br />~Ilpend~d by ll~ndor In connt'chon "",tn the OIl,HClse by Lendor of Iho 10rogolOg rig his. logolhor wllh IOterost thereon otlt,o rolo provided In the Nolo, WhiCh IIhall bo addod to
<br />the mdot:lOdm:ss st'curo:i heroby Lendor shall not mcur any porBonol lIabllltv because 01 anyttllng II may do or omit to do hereunder
<br />
<br />BEnnis 01 D.raull. The lallowmg sholl conslltultJ nn ovont 01 delalllt under Ihls Deod of Trusl
<br />
<br />101 Fallurcto poy any Inslnllmont 01 prinCipal olmlerosloranyother sum secured hcrebywhon duo, or Illllurelo pal'whOndue any olhormdeblednooll 01
<br />Borrower 10 Lender.
<br />
<br />lbl A bll~OCh 01 or default under any provISion contained in Ihe Nole. Ihls Dned 01 Trusl. Ilny document whiCh securos IhO Nola, and any olher
<br />oncumbrnnce upon the Propet1y
<br />
<br />Ie) A Wilt 01 execut,on or IIllnchmenl 01 any !lImllor process sholl bnenterod agaln5t Borrower WhIch 5hall become a lion on the Propertyoranyporlion
<br />thereol or mlcrost thOlom,
<br />
<br />ldl There sholl be Iilod by at llgBlnll1 Borrownr an acllon under any present or luture federal. state or other slalule, law or regulation relating to
<br />bankruptcy. Insolvency or other rOllollor dllbtors or Ihere shail be appolnlod any Hu5lee. receiver or liquidator of Borrower orol alt or anI' pari oltha Property, or
<br />Ihe ronts. Issue5 or proIU!ltherool. 0' BorlOwer shllll m..he any genoral Bsslgnmentlor the benelll 01 credltor5
<br />
<br />(el The sale. IIon510'. asslgnmonl. conveyance Of lUll her encumbrance 01 all or any pari 01 or any mterestm tlie Properly, either voluntarily or
<br />Involunlorlly. wlthoullho express Willi'," con~enl 01 Lender
<br />
<br />(f! If Borrawells not an ,"dlvldunl Ih~ snll! "nn51(!1 nSSIgnmcnl. conveyance or encumbrilnce 01 more lhnn __._ ----- percent 01 (II a r:orporotion) 115
<br />
<br />Issued and outstanding slOck 01 III A pnrlnorshlpl pOlcenl or partnership Interesl~
<br />
<br />9 Rem.dl..; Acc.leratlon Upon Delaull,ln t1l11l'vorH 01 Bny Evnnl of Delaull Lender may declare alllOdebtedness secured hereby 10 be due and povable and the
<br />same shalllhereupon become due and payablo wllhoul nny Il"'~llntm(ml demand. protesl or notice 01 any kind Thercalter Lender may
<br />
<br />(a) Demand that Trustee excrC'5l' Iho rOWER OF SALe granled hcrCln. andTrusleeshnlllherealter cause Borrower's interest in theProporlyto be sold
<br />and Ihe proceeds to be d15lt1bull'd nil In 11'0 mnnnl'lf p'o~n~f!d 10 Ihe NebraSka T'ust Deeds Act.
<br />
<br />lbl Ellher 1M porson or by age"I wllh 01 wlthoul hllflQlng any action or proceed mg. or by a receiver appomled by a courl and wlthoul regard to the
<br />adequacy olllssccunty enlCI upon "nd Inht-' POllooUlonol Ih(! Ploperty or .1ny par1lhereot. '" lis own name or In thcname 01 the Trustee.and do any acts which
<br />rl deems n~cosslI.ry 01 dnsllable 10 p'lI.."rv!' Ihl! vtlluu malketablllty 01 lentnblllly 01 Ihe Property. or part thereol or Interesltherem, increase Ihe Income
<br />Ihereltom or prolecllhe secu'lly h(!lcol tlnd WIlh III wllho\J'lnk.ng posseSSion 01 'he Properly. sue lor or olherwlse collect Ihe renls. Issues and prolilslhereor.
<br />Includmg Ihose past due and unpold Rnd Rpply IllI! SR'Il!' less coslsand eapenses of operation and colleCllOn mcludlng attornoys'lees, upon any mdebtedness
<br />5ecured hereby. 1111 In such ord", nsllondl" may delmmlnl! , htJ entIHm9 upon and lakmg possession 01 Ihe Properly. the cotlcellon 01 such renls, Issues and
<br />prolllsand Iho IIppllcnllon 'hareol nsnlore5ald SilO" not cure or waive any delllult or notice 01 delault hereunderormvlllldaleany act done In respon5eto such
<br />deloun or pursuant to Sllch nollce ot dolilUlland nOlwllhsl.lndlng tile conlmuance m pOsseSSIOn 01 the Properly or Ihe collecllOn. receipt and application 01
<br />rents. l!isues or prollts Tru~tpa or Lendl!r shall he ..nlllled 10 UIlCIClse eVIHy Ilghl plovlded tor many 01 the Loan Instruments 01 by law upon occurence 01 any
<br />event 01 dclaul! mcludlng Ihe IIghl 10 eaClClSI~ Ihe power 01 sale. and
<br />
<br />lc) Commence IIn action 10 loreclose thiS Deed 01 Trllst liS a mo'tgage appOlnl a receiver or speclllcally onforce any allhe cavenanls hereol
<br />
<br />No remedy herein conlelll'O upon Of reSl'lved 10 Tru:'We or Lllndellsmlended 10 be e_cluSlve 01 any other remedy hcrem or by law proVIded or permitted. bul each shaUbe
<br />cumulllllve. shall be In addlt,on 10 (lvelY olnl!llemedy given hereunder or now or herealt"f 1)(IS'lng at law or In eQUIty or by slolule. and may be ellerc,sed concurrenUI'.
<br />Independently or sur:cesSlvely
<br />
<br />10 Trull... Th!' T.uslee may rcslgn al IIny lime ...,thoul cause and Lt!ndel may .11 any lime and wlthoul cause appoml a successor 01 subslllute Trustee Truslee
<br />shall not be hable 101 any 105S or damago unleS5 due to actIOnable neghgence 01 wllIlul mlsconduCI and shall nOI be reqUIred 10 take any achon III connection wllh the
<br />enforcement ollhls Deed 01 Trusl unless IMdemnlhed 1M wtllmg. tOf all costs comrwnsatlun or capenses which may be assOCiated therewllh In addlllon. Trustee may
<br />become a purchuellll any nle 01 the Properly (,uOlclal or undel Ihe power olsaloglnnted he.elnl poslpone Ihe sale of all or any portion ollhe property as provIded by law;
<br />or lelllhe Ploperly as a wt1ole. or 1M separale parcels or tolS
<br />
<br />11 Futun A!hance.. Upon leque5t 01 Borrower Lender may. 01 11s opllOn make add'llonal and tulurc advances and readvances 10 Borrower Such advances and
<br />reodvtlnClls. Wllh ,"I!,re.llhereon shall be secured by thiS Deed 01 Trust At no lime shalllhe pflnClpal amounl 01 the IIldebledness secured by thiS Deed of Trust. not 10-
<br />
<br />Cludmg!...mslldvancedtoprotectthe seculI'y ollhlS Deed 01 Trusl.ellceed lneQrlg,nal prmclpal amounl staTed nerem Of S ~fi .llQ!l~JtQ___._ . - -- whu:hBvef IS
<br />greater
<br />
<br />,
<br />CO
<br />CO
<br />
<br />, 2 IIlateRan.aul Proyllton..
<br />
<br />10111 Bonuw.r Nol R.I....d. E_lenSlon or Ihe t,me ror paymenl or modll.catlon ot .:lmorll2ahon 01 the 5l.ms secured by thiS Deod 01 Trusl9ranled by
<br />Lendello any successor In mleraSI 01 Botlowel shall nol operale to rolease III any manner lhe lIablllly otlhe Ollgmal BOllower and Borrowor's successors In
<br />Inlerest Lender 5hall not berequll(!1j locommence ploceedmg5 agaln51 such successor or retuseto e..lend lime tor payment 01 otherWise modlly amorlrzatlon
<br />01 the sums secured by Ihls Deed 01 TruSI by reason at any demands made b~ the Original Borlower and Borrower'S successors 1Illnteresl
<br />
<br />{bl L.nder'.Po"". Wlthoutallecllng Ihe liabIlity 01 an~ other person liable tOllhe paymenl 01 any obllgllllon hCleln mentlQned, and wllhoutalfecllng
<br />lhe henorchargeollhlS Deea 01 Trust upon any pOlllon 01 lneProperty notlhen ollherelolOle lei eased as secutlly lor the lull amounl of all unpaldobhgahons.
<br />Lefldel may.lrom lime to lime and wlthoul nOllce "I lelease any person so hable (Ill e"Iend lhe malurlly 01 aller any 01 the ferm5 ot nny SUCh obllgallons, (111\
<br />grantolher mdutgences.llvl release or Il~con~ey o. cause lobe releasedol reconveyed al any Ilmeat Lenaer 5 options any palcel. portion at all ollheProperly.
<br />Ivjtakeol release any other 0' addrllonalsecuflly 101 any obligation herein menl10ned 01 tV11 makecOmpOS,llQnS oralher arrangemenls w'lh dehlor51n relallon
<br />Iherelo
<br />
<br />lcl fOfbeeranc.b, Lfl\derNola Wal..er. An~ lorbeiuance by Lender ,n eal'rc,smg any rlghl or remedy hereundel. or 0lherw'5e allorded by IIppllcable
<br />'aw. shall nol bea w!uvcr 01 01 prectudetheellerc.seol any such rlghl ollemedy The procurement 01 mSl,.l1ance or Ihe payment 01 taxes or Olherltensorcharges
<br />by Lender shall nol be a warver 01 Lender'5 flghllo accelelate Ihe maturlly 01 the mdebledness secured by IhlS Deed 01 Tlust
<br />
<br />(d) 5ucce..otll .nd APlgnl Bound; Joint .nd 5e..ral L1.blllty: Capllon.. The co~enants- and agreemen1s herem conlalned shall bmd and lhe lights
<br />hereunder shall Inure 10,Ihe respecllve succes-sors and assigns 01 Lender and Borrov.er sublect 10 Ihe p.ov,slons of paragraph B Ie) hereol All covenanls and
<br />agreemenl, 01 Borrowe' shall be lo,nl and several The capllons and headings 01 lhe paragraphs 01 IhlS Deed 01 Trust are lor convenience only and ale not to be
<br />used 10 mterplel 01 dehne tho prOVISions heleot
<br />
<br />lei AequeaIIOfNoUcfl,. The partIes hereby ,eQuesl thaI a copy 01 an~ nollce 01 delaul1 hereunder and a copy or any nollce or sale hereunder be mall~d 10
<br />each party 10 IhlS Deed otTrusl allheaddless sel torth above m the mannN plescrlbeo by applicable 'aw eacepllor any other natlce reQlllfed under applicable
<br />la. 10 be gIVen 1M anothe' mannel. any nollce prOVided 101 m thiS Dl:eO ot T'uSl snail be g,ven tly ma,llRg such notice by cerllt,{>d mall addlessed 10 Ihe other
<br />parties. althe address set forth abo~e
<br />
<br />Any nohce proluded 10llR Ih.s Deed 01 TIUSI 5hall tll! deemed 10 have been given to Borrower or Lender when given In the mllnner deslgnaled herein
<br />
<br />1t\ InapKtion. Lender may make or cause lobe made reasonable entnes upon and IRSpeCllons 01 Ihe Properly prov.ded Ihat Lender shall give Borrower
<br />nohee pnor 10 any SuCh Inspec\lOn 5peCllymg lellsonable cause Ihelelol felaled 10 Lender!i .nlerestlR the Property
<br />
<br />191 Aecllln1'eJance. Upon paymenlol all sums secUfed b~ IhlS Deed 01 Trust Lendel snail request Truslee to reconvey me Prope,lyand shall surrender
<br />thiS Deed of Trust and all notes eVldenCm9 Indebtedncn 5ecu'ed by tnls Deed ot Tluslto Trustee Truslee shall reconvey the Property wlthoul wOllanly Ilnd
<br />wlthoul chalge 10 the person 01 persons legally entlUed lherelo Such person or persons shall pay all cosls 01 recordation. II any
<br />
<br />{hI PeraonaIPropltrty.5KurttyAg~manLAsaddll'onal secullt~ lor t...e pay mental the Nolealllllltules eQu.pment. and other personal properly used
<br />mconnecllon.lth Ihe lealestaleorlmplo~ementslocllled Ihereon. and nol otherwl5e declllred or deemed 10 bea palt 01 ,he leal estale secured heleby. shall be
<br />subJec1loasecuntYlnteres.t mfavor 01 the Lendel undNtheNebraska UnllolfTl Comme,clal Code Thls.nstrum'!nl shllll beconslluedas a Secullly Agreomenl
<br />unOer 5a,d COde. and Ihe Lender shall na"e all the IIghls and leme[llC~ 01 III secured parly under said Code In addlllOn 10 the lights and remedies c,ealed under
<br />llnd aceolded Ihl:: Lend!'!l pursu.nl 10 IhlS Df!f!'d 01 T n.r51
<br />
<br />ill ~. In IRe e~nl th.l any plOVI5lon ollhls Oee-d 01 Trusl conlllcl wlln appl,cable law 0/ are declared Invalid or otherWise unenlorceable such
<br />conlhcto' Il1valldltys.hall nol.Uectlheo,hel prO~ISlon501lhls De~d 01 Tl1,.Isl or Ihe Nole wlllch can be given ellecl wllhoullhe conlllcl+ng prov,slon ilno 10 Ihls
<br />end the provllo1ons 01 the Deed at T rust and lhe NOle are declareD to be severatlle
<br />
<br />Borro_r hI.!!. execuled lh.. o-d 01 T rusl the dale Wflnen above
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />~".. ~ ~ ~~m~
<br />(5h~~~
<br />(Ter L. Comp) ~
<br />
<br />1~{ a. ;!.f~
<br />(Fern A. Place) Bonuo."
<br />
<br />_{i~&./ );~~-<<-<-
<br />lard L. Place) Bu';uo,',
<br />