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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88- 105253 <br /> <br />~ ~.t~~ <br />(Sh& Comp) <br />(Ter .~~ <br /> <br />.ORIllOWl'" "!AD THIIIEf'ORE IIlONING: <br />Borrowera (Ttullol'1l undert'.nd Ihalll\edoc:umenllhlllhe BorlOwer,lre.boutlo ellecule 'I' Deed al nolll mor1glgelnd IhIBh.powerold'. provided <br />lor In the Deed 01 Trull providtlllluballnUally dlllerent rights .nd obllglllonl tc.lhe Bor,owerlo th.n .. mortgage In the evanl 0" del.ull or Dr obUglllon under the <br />Deed at Trust.lncludmg. but nolllmlled 10. the Lender's rjghl10 nave Ihe Ral' Prop&r1y lold by the Trullee wllnoul Bny judlCll1 pfoceedlng Of lorecte.ur.. Borrower. <br />reprnllnland warrant1h.1Ihl. IcltnowJedll8mllnl w.. executod by them before the execution of the Del!d 01 Trust. <br />~.{ a &.2 <!A:---' <br /> <br />(Fern A. Place) "o"ower <br /> <br />~...../ a:'~ <br />( IC _ rlt L. Place) "mmwe, <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETE 11U. portion ONLY II the rul property d..crtbed con,lata ollNDIVIDUALL Y OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />Ulpplicabl., compl,l' ONLY ONE ellher A, 8. or C: <br /> <br />Cl A DISCLAIMER OFfllGiHTTO DE$1G"AT~ HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Thll Borrowerls) acknowledge Ihallhey are about to eX6cule the followmg Deed 01 Trust upon the real 6111al6 dellCnbedlhercin. The 80uowerl:ll.llnd each ollhem jf <br />moreltum one. do hereby dIsclaim their right 10 designate a homeslead pursuanltherelo_ No part of the homestead 01 either olthe Borrower(s) is presently or will in the <br />fUlure be Situated upon said real eslate The Borrowerls) underJItand Ihat II eilher establishes a homestead on any part 01 said real estate during Ihe lime the Oiled 01 Trust <br />remamsunsatisfied and a lien upon said real estate, there shall be no right to make a desi!;nalion 01 homestead In Ihe event of a foreclosure or truslee'ssale with r8specllo <br />said Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />o B. WAIVER OFAIGHTTO DESIGNATE HOUESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrowerls) acknowledge Ihallhey are aboul to execute the follOWing Deed of Trust upon Ihe real estate described therein. The Borrowerls). and each of them I' <br />more Ihan one. do hereby wallIe the., nghtlo deSIgnate a homestead pursuanttherelo The Borrower(s) undersland Ihal they have the right 10 make a deSignation 01 <br />homestead Ind that by ellecullOg thiS wiuver, they are warvlng rlghls otherWIse available lor the purpose 01 aftordmg Ihem the oppor1umty to retain their homestead rn the <br />!:Vent 01 a delaull upon the Deed 01 Trusl <br /> <br />D C DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Prolectlon Act (Sechon 76-1901 et seQ ReVIsed Statutes at the State 01 Nebraska). Ihe Borrowerlsl. do hereby designale Ihe real <br />property described in the MDeslgnalion 01 Homestead'. aUBched hert1l0 and Incorporated herem by thiS relerenr:e <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION Fern A. Place and <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST IS made as 01 the 21tf'\j.,y of September'9 __sa, byandamongtheTrustol,Richard L. Place, her <br />husband. and Sheri L. COJ!!1Ul!1~t Te!:'r:y_L.c:~!r.~ge~M~,\?~nd__ 71'1 !'iLIilft Grand Island. NE <br />68801-2958 Iheletn 'Borlower"l me Trustee WiJUam_G.. of__the..1JE State Bar Assn., <br />whosemllllmgaddresSIS P-L..O....!-BJ)x. .;lJ~j)..._ C.rand IsJand... NE 688_0_2,:,,"2.280 _ _~~~lheretn-Trustee"). <br />and the Benetlclary. Five J~.Qi"l!iJ; n <br />whose malhng address IS P.O.__Bo~_J507.._ Gx:.aJ1d I!!@.oc;l.... NE .~tl8.Q~:-_15.g,7 ____ (herem'.Lender") <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. mctudmg the Indeotedne~s Idenlll'ed hele,n and tlUSt herem r:reated ttw .er:eIPI 01 whlr:h '5 hereby acknowledged. Borrower <br />hereby Irrevocably grants translers. r:onveys anCl assigns 10 Trustee IN TRUST WITH POWER Of' SALE lor lhe beneftt and ser:urlty 01 lender. under and sublectlo lhe <br />terms and condllrons herelnaftel set forth lhe real p'operly l:lest:TlbeCl a:; lollow!> <br /> <br />Lot Nine (9) and the West Half (Wi) of Lot Ten (10). Block Eight (8). Boggs and Hill's <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska. <br /> <br />Togelher With all bUlldmgs. Improvements, I".tures streets alleys. passageway!> easemenl!> fig hIS p"..lIeges and appurtenances lor:aled Ihereon or In anywISe <br />peT1alnmg thereto. and lhe rents. Issues and profits, reverSIons and remamcte.s lhereol mr:ludmg but not limIted to neatmg and r:oollng equipment and SUCh personal <br />property1ha'!lsattachedtolhe Improvements so as loconshlulea llxture. and logetner wllh thehomestesdor marltallnteresls ,I any whtr:h Interesls are hereby released <br />and ...aived; all ot .mieh. mcludmg replacements and addlttons thereto, '5 hereby declared,o be a part oUhe real eSlate secured by the hen 01 thiS Deed 01 Trust and aU of the <br />foregOing bemg referred 10 herem as the ~property <br /> <br />This Deed 01 Trust stlJ,11 secure (althe payment 01 the pnnClpal sum ancl Interest eVldenr:ei:l by BOHowe!'!; nOle ana 01 (reclt agreemenl dated _~ ~_~~ <br /> <br />September 27 198~lvmg a malurltv dale 01 Septp-mhp-r 27 r 1.9.931n the onglOal pllnr:lpal amounl of S 26.~~ and any and all <br />mochflCltlon5. -extensIons and renewals thereol or lherelO and any and alllulUfe advances and read..ances hereunder pursuanlto one or more promissory notes or credit <br />agreements (herein called '1\Iole'.'.lbllhe p..yment 01 other sums advanced by lender 10 prolect the secur.ty or tne Note I c I the pef10rmance aU covenanls and agree men! <br />01 Borrowersetionn herein. anClld) alllndebledness and obhgatlons 01 Borrower 10 Lender whether d,recI md"er:t abSOlute Of contingent and whether alls'"g by note <br />guamnl,. owefdralt or otherwise <br /> <br />Borrower. 10 prOlect the secunty of IhlS Deed 01 Trust. covenanlS and agrees WIT" Lenl3€'r as tollow!'o <br /> <br />1 ......-n.Df~.ftdlrdMMt. Borrower shall promptly plly .hen duethe,pal oland ,nlefest on and any let's aT charges pro"ll3ed In, theNole or m troiS <br />Deed 01 TrUll <br /> <br />2 Islheowner Q1tMPropert,. haslhe flght..ndaulhonly loconvey Ihe Ploperty and ...arrants Ihattnel,encrealed hereby,s a flrsl and prior hen on <br />1he'Proper1y. except as m., l3thet'llVlSe be Itel forth here.n, ana 1heelec:utlon and dell..ery olll'l,S Deea of T.uSl does not ,,'olllle any conlract or other obllgat,on 10 "",nlch <br />Sorrowef IS sub,ec:t <br /> <br />:3 T.....a-nta. To Poly whenOue alllau$, speCial assessments anCl all Oth~f ~narge5l!lgatn511nl.' PrOflNly and upon ...r,nttn demand by Lend€'f 10 pao 10 <br />~~ such lI,":nt as ma, be sutl,~erlllO enable Ihe 1.ender Ie pay such taxes. assessmentli or olher r:hafge!o a!. Iney become aue <br /> <br />" .......... To4<eep the Propert.,. msured agalnsl damage b, lire. t'IanIras Included Wllhln the lerm e.tenCled coverllg€' ll1'>a 5U(:11 ol'lt" nlllnrds as Ll'nd€" ma" <br />rtlqulrt!. In amount. and! IICceptable 10 lendel .nd .11/'11055 pay.ble 10 Ihe Lender In ca~ of 105'1 U....Ol'f sucl1 pOllr:les tnCl.'nd!" '5 llutroO' t':Pd 10 adl""l <br />collec1l1ndCompromlM!.aUcllllmstl'''lreunder .nd 5hall nave IheDptlon olapplylOg all 01 pin ollht' Insuranr:t' pro.:et'd5 1.IIUiI"y ,ndt'l:Jleanf"U st'<:"'I'eJ n...etJ, ono ,f'! !oU(n <br />oraer III Lender may detenTlln!!. 1111 to the Borrower 10 be used for tne repan or flfSIQrllllon Oll~ P'OPE'.I~ O' t'.., to' an,. 01l'1{>' purp05r O' Obit" I ""I.slat ICJ'~ 10 u-rHh" <br />_I"'out IIt1ed'"gtheloe....ot l"'rlOre1:: at Trusl to. thtllull.",ounllleCuf~ her~b, belo.e !i.uc+' PllYf1">enl "rl" 10c>1o plac(' Il.n, Jlppl,~"I",n o' 1""(.....1~ I, "',t.....".,1"..... ..". <br />nat extend 01 PD$tpone!he cue 11.I1~ ot ....." pJlrmentl unlJ",' tneo NOle or r:ure ."Y ct'IJlutll"'Pf~unoe>' O' ,,(<.t',mO." <br /> <br />5 ~.......... anti ~.tth u... BOHO.e1" Sh.lI keep thl!' P'operl, ,n wvoa '(1"0.1'0'-' 1"0 'I!'pa" ....." P''''''I'''. ...... <br />'\1 wh.lch~r be darTa_"c Q' oeslro~ .".11 not cum""'ll 01 DI!fmd a", ""asle a. O"II!'I,O'."u.~ n' '''I' p'(JjW"_ t;h.11 nol 'pmo.o' .1.....,. c' ", 1'~1~"1.,' \ (0;1..' <br />."yo11nal""Pf"o...,...nbDn1hePTDper1, ,hallnOteomm,t ~ulll!'f Of pl!'lm,t.nYllCllt>M donp.... O' ,,'lOl" 1"" Pt''>I'''''l n ""'."0".--0' "", '".., ,1'..1 <br />"".n pa, .no fOfonltlU,O.act\.II,,,..1 Btot'owr' 5C051 .nO~.lIl!'n.II.11II(lf'l" ~ncumt"""cIlS .nO (.,.rQ"'1'1'...." ,....p"~,.,., '..' ..."...".....:: ",j~ ' ..... ,,' 'I"'.' ' <br />