<br />88_105179
<br />
<br />FeeD ~"
<br />Pig. g of 2
<br />
<br />(el The IllIpaymentln tull by Trultorlll) of all amounlllldvanced by Beneficiary, allll option, to or on behalf of TrUllor(l) .. protecllve
<br />advance. authorized helllln. In the loan agreement II), or In other l"attumenICI) which may beglve" to evldenc.auch advlncn, plu.lntllnllt
<br />on aUluch advances.. payable a. provided In the notela}, loan agreement(l) or other Instrumentl_).
<br />
<br />(d) The payment In full of eoyand aU other pa.t, present Dr future, dlrec1 orcontlngenl, debtl and lIftblllllel of Truator(l) 10 Beneficiary of
<br />any nature whltaoever.
<br />
<br />This Trull DHd will be due January 1, 2005 or upon the payment In full of alllums aecured hereby.
<br />
<br />Trustor(11 httrabywalTll"tthltthlt)' hOld '...lmp"UU.lothtt aboW ducrlbed propirty, that th-V h."gOOd and l.wtUIIUthorttytodMdand .,.cum_tMume,
<br />that uid property I, rr.. and clNr of'"l1ln'lnd encumbrances, ..cept ancumbrancn of record. andtNt they will warrant and defMtd aa1d property .;IlnIt all
<br />claimants whomlObar. Trustor(l) al.o harabywalveand rallnqutah all right. Of dower. hom_tead, dlatrtbutlwllhaN andaumpUon InandtolheaboWlctllcrlbed
<br />prtJPetny.
<br />
<br />Tru8Ior(a) -.cI-=h DlIt.-a turItIer ~t......... with a..na.y _ toItoWa:
<br />
<br />(1) To ply allllenl, Judgmonta or01haraHOAfMnl1awalnl1MtdTnn1 estate.llndto paywtMm dueall talc_, Nftta, "'orcharg" upon uldTNat&tAleorunder
<br />any ....... ~rmll, IlcenM or pnvlJ.g. _Igned 10 Banefldary _ addlUonal .ecurity to thls Truat DMd, Including thoM on public domain.
<br />(2) To Insura and k..p Insured bulldlnga and other Improvaments now on or hereaher placed on aa1d Trust EItIttI to the ulllfactlon of Beneficiary. Such
<br />In.urancewll beapprowdbyand dapoallMt with Beneficiary. andandorMdwlth Iou theraunderpayabtlto a.nefldary. AnyaumllO ~ftClbyBlnlfldl.rymay
<br />be uNCllopayforrKOnltrucUon ofthadnlrov-cllmprovementaorll nol ao.pplllK! m~, allheoptlon oftheBenefldary.beapplted In ~lofanylndebIM:I"'"
<br />matured or unmaturwd I8CLlred by this TI'UIt Dead.
<br />(31 To keep all bulldlngl. flxtu.... and other lmprowmentl now on or hereafter placed on aald Tl'Ult Estate occupl<<l and In good repalr, maintenance and
<br />cend/Uon and 10 neither commll nor PMfIlUany acts of waite or any Impairment of the value of thI Tnm. Eltale. Benetk:iary may Mlar upon the Trull Estate to
<br />in.pect the ..me or 10 perform any acts authorized heraln or In Iheloan agreement
<br />(..) IntlMevenlTruatortl) faJlto paVany IIen"Jud~menll......ment:I. taxeIi, rents. ten orChargeaormalntaln any InauraneeonUlepropM1y,bulldlnga, flXW....
<br />or imp~mam... prtr/idlld h.,.in orin Ih.1oan ag...-manUI). San4lf1claJy may, at Ita option. maka.uch ~or pfooticlt Intul'lnc6. mainllt\lncl a'Npalll
<br />and Illy amounts paldfherefor lhall becoma part oflne prlnclpallndebtedn"'l8CUrm hermJy. bllmmldlatlty due anCl payabtI andDllrlnmwl hOrn tnI dI18 D1
<br />paymentu pJ'DYldld In the nOll'l) or lOin IgrMmlntll). Tne advancement by BenefiCIary of any auc:h amounta nil In no ma~f1mh hi rtgbtot Blnefictary to
<br />declare Truatorca, In iJefault or Ixere_ any of BenefICiary" ottler lights and rerMdiea.
<br />(5) In the ...,.nt BenefiCiary I. a pany to any IIl1gatlon attKtlng the HCUrtty or the lien of thla Trult DMd.lncJudlng any action by Benlfictaryto _force Utta Truat
<br />Deed or any ault In which Benetlclary t. namIId. defendant (lncJudlng condemnaUon and bIInkruptcy procaedlnga) e.nefldary may Incur~and advance
<br />payments for lII*rIIet...., attorneys ....lexcep1 to the extant prtJhlblted by IIw), coata. expenaa. appraiul'" and othar ctwgaa IInd any amounts MJ advancad
<br />shall bec:ol'M part of the prtncipalindebl.m... eecured hereby. be Immediately due and payable and bMr InteNIt.. prowkMd In the kJan ag......nU.).
<br />(6) Any awardl madelO TrualOrcl) or their IUcc:euors by theexereiM of eminent domain al1l herwby aa;gned to a.neticlary; and Beneficiary" herwby authoriZed
<br />to collect and apply the urne In payment of any Indebledneu. matured or unmllturec:l. Neurad by thl. Trust DeIId.
<br />f7l In the ...,.n1 Trullor/a) detllullln the payment when due ot any luml ucufMj hlraby lprlndpal. In.....t. adnm:erMnta. or problCllYII adnncIII). or filII to
<br />pertonn oroblervelnycovenlnta Ind conditlona ccnlllnecl herein. In lhtl notel'), loan .g....mentl.). orany ather Irmrumtmtll or any ~Inv tabrought by or
<br />againstTrultor'I' undereny a&nkn,.oplcyl.... Beneficiary may, at ItlIoptlon. declal1ltheanU",lnoebtMi~MCU1"&dhlnWytotM Immlldiatalyduaand ~Ieancl
<br />bear int"'-"I at the dlllaull rate.. proviDed In the nOlall' or loan agnMJmantt.. and Oantlflc.lary mav Immediately authortu Tf'lJStM to tIQt"CI.. the Power of SaI.
<br />granted hllrein In the manner provided In theNebrukllTruatOeecb Act. or. at the option ottheBemtfletary. mayfoNcl~thllTnI.tDeed In themannerpnMded by
<br />law torthe forKloaure 01 mort~.. on ,..1 prtJperly. Incl"dlng the appointment of. Recelvtlr upon u parta appUcallon. notice ..Ing hereby expreuly _1'Md,
<br />without regard to the value of the property orthe .uftlcienr:y thereof to dlllCttatge the indabted nas --=urwd r.r.by or In hlloan ag...monfl'), Delay by Beneficiary
<br />in I.erelllng Its nghta upon delault Ihall nol be con.tru-.d.. a waiver ther80f and any act of Benm;ciary walwlng any apecltic dlIfaul1.hall nol be COIW:roed.. a
<br />waiwlr of any futul1lOllfault lithe procaad. und.r.uch.... orforec.loaurBaralnluftlclentto peythetotal Indllbt<<lneu ~byMCUrwd, Truator'l) do herebyagrw
<br />to bet personally bound to pay the unpaid ba~nce. and Beneficiary thall be enll1Jed to. dIJUClancy IUdgment
<br />(8) Should Bentficiaryelect to 8UfCiIle the Power of SliD ;rantod herein. Beneficiary .hall notify the Truatae who ahall record. publlah and dellYerto Truatorl')
<br />such Nobc:a 01 o.tauh and Notlc:a of Sallln then 1WQ1Il1Wd by law and ahatl In me manner provldlld by.....1I tM Trust EatatII &llhII tl,... ancs place of ule fixed In the
<br />Nollc:aof Salll. .Ithar..a whoa. or In .-paralaloll. parcels or "amland In luchord.r.. the Tru.....hall dIIIm uoed*,lAny plf'IOn mly bid It thlule inClUding
<br />Tnmar(I). T~ or Beneficiary
<br />(9) Trustor(s) heraby requntacopyof any Noticeof o.faultor NotlceofSale heraundarto" mal~tolhem.tthaadCl"".) .-1fonh har.lln bycertltted mall.
<br />110j Upon d.tault Beneficiary. ellher In paraon or by agent, with or wlthoLlt brtnglng anv action or proceeding and with or without ~ard to the value of the
<br />prope:rtyorlheluftictenevlhllntOt,o diac:harv-the mdebtlldnnl MCUract heraby.l. .uthorized and enlltltld toenterupon andtak.~onofthe Tru'l &tate In
<br />Its own name or In thename 01 theT~and doany acts Orupand any lum.1t deem. nacnury or~lrabtato protKt orp.-rvelheva)ue oftheTruatEatateor
<br />any mtereat therein. or mCI"UM the Income therefrom; and with or without laking po&MUIon of the Trust Estate iaauthortnd to IUe taror ou.,._ coIlact the .-ntJ,
<br />IIIUes, cropa. profits and Income theraof. Incluchng 1hOM put due and unpaid, and applv the UllM upon .ny Indabted~ aacurad hereby or In the IDan
<br />agnMJment(a).
<br />No ramlldy herein confarrlld uponor~ 10 Tru....or BanatlClary Is Intended to beuduslYaotanyothllrremadyharaln orbylawprovlct.dorpermltted.
<br />butuch aha.Il be cumu1af:,vtI, shall be In addition 10 hlry other ramacfyglven Mr'lUndlror now O,herlaher..lttlng It IIw 0' In lQuttyorbyatatUle. and mlY be
<br />allerdled concu"""ty. Indepail1Oln1ty' or ~...v
<br />'11 I Tru.tortl)aCknowtadge Ih.t thldutlallnl2Dbllgallon. OfTruItMI.hall be Mionnlnect aoMtlyby h upraaprovtlton. ofthill TI'UI1 Dead orthe Nebruka
<br />Trml Deed. Act .nd TNItIe ahall no1 tM 1ab6a uoapf for lha J*fo~ ot aueh duUaa and obllgaUOnl .. are ..-:lUcally Nt forthlherain. and no Implied
<br />covananll or obllgaton. shall be jm~ upon Truat... Tnmaa .hall not billable for any actJon gken by It in good faith and fNIOnI,bly believed by It to be
<br />auttlorizlld orwtthln the dillc:ntton or nghts ot powen con1etTed upon It by thll Trust o.d orlltatllaw.
<br />'121 The In~ntyand rapon.lbllitv of the Trultorl.)conltlluteaa pan of tha consideration forthaobltgauon.MCUrad ~by. Shou~ Truator(S) Mil, tran.feror
<br />convey thl propertydeacnbad hefWln. wlthoul prlorwrtnan canwnt ofBenetlclary. BenatiCiary may. st It:I option. dada,.lhe antlreindabtldneu Immediately due
<br />and pa)'atM and may ~ In the anlorcarnanl of tIS nghts a. on any other default.
<br />'131 ~Clnmenl of Rantl InCluGlng ProcHaI Dr MIMrlI LHH. TrultDrllJ haraby t.ranINr. .t onr and t:DI'l'IIey to Befwl'imary all rentli. roya!UlII. bonUMSIlnd
<br />dellymOntylthalmaytrom tlmelO time bKomIidue.ndpay.b..unoarany ,..1_ -..orUndaranyDtI.V-or011'llrmlneral...oranytltnd nowaiUstingor
<br />that m~ her..r1er come Into ..Istance. CONrlng the aboVe Trull Estate or any part u...of. All ~ aumII ao ....n.d by e.n.fteiary ahall be applied to the
<br />.nc>>abtMt.... JM:UrM1he~ or.leI s.n.ilc:iary may, at Its option. turn Q>Mr and ~1""rtDthll TruIlOr(.)orthelraucceaoraln In..NIl. anfor.U of .uchlums
<br />WIthout prajudlce to any of BeneflciJlry'a righbolo lake and ratain future aurn.. and without ptljudlCl to any of III other rlghll under thll Trust Deed. The tl1lnafer and
<br />conveyance ttar.underto 8eneficJary of said rents. roy.lt.... bonu....nd delay lIlCH*ya ahall be con.trued to tM. provllion forb paymenl or rwductlon of the
<br />dabt aubjact to the Beneficiary's opt.lon.. ~inbllore provldtld. Independent 01 1M lI.n on said Trull &tale. Upon payment In tull of the debt and the
<br />reconvayance of thiS Tl'Ult Deed at I'KOtd. thta c:ortdy&Rce Shall become lnoparaln. and 01 no furthllr forca and etfecI
<br />('41 T~ covenants contained In thil Trult Deed ahaJl be daernad 10 be ....rabJa; in the iPVInl that anv portion of Ihil Tnn1 Daed i. determined to be void or
<br />,..lIl.nfo~. IMt determination mall nDlaffact the validity at the ramalnlng portions of the TNst Deed
<br />
<br />';
<br />. r. I .. J f J '../ t. 'J
<br />Iola H. Grimminge~
<br />
<br />. " II ~
<br />
<br />
<br />,
<br />,..
<br />,
<br />
<br />On this 26~y of September . A.D., 19 ~. before me. a NOlary Public. personally appeared
<br />Iala H. Gr~inger (a/k/a Iola Grimminger), unmarried
<br />10 me kn~n to be the p8BOn(lI) named In ~nd who executed the toregoing Acknowledgment and Trusl Deed, and acknowledged
<br />lhat 5 e oecuted the..me III er voluntary act ~'ld deed. I
<br />(SEAL) 61El1111U11'-IIIIIII _~lJ- -\ " , ' , " .
<br />... ':,=I.:'iIUl: Sandra 5, ~~eo~:Xntnameunders'IJl'llUR1iT
<br />My com C)S9 Notary Public In and for said County and State
<br />
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