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<br />Eighth Firm CMII Dlltrlct <br /> <br />~g-1 05f71f~f:.~,~lr(~~~ 0 ,= <br /> <br />ACKNOWLl!OOIlENT <br />The un~gned Trustor(s) hereby acknawledgnlnd und....tand. thlt (a) the security document below to be executed I,. Trult <br />Deed. .nct nota and (b) the powerof ..'e provided 'or In the Trult Deed provide. lubltantlally different rlghtl.nd obllgallone <br />to the Tl'\lltor(l) thin a mortgage In lheevent 0" default or breach a. obllgatJon. The TrustO.(I} turther represen..and .g....lh~. Ihll <br />cenlfteatlon hu bMn read ~d eXlfCuted In connection with. but prior to. lhe frulta,.' execution of the following Trul' DIed. <br />DalOdtllll~Yoij s~te:~ ,19Ba-, <br />~r .u ~''''-'''7-~ "'-e--/ <br />Iola H. Grunm~nger 1al a o. GrJ.IllIl\~nger) <br />v <br /> <br /> <br />r _ - 11lI8 ACKNOwiiiiaM!NT MUST 81! SIGNED PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF DEED OF TRUST. <br /> <br />L__.'--...TRUST DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br /> <br />This Trull DHd and A..lgnment at Renta referred to in the above 8ckl~owledgm8nt II mlde th'ls 26th day <br />01 September , 19....a.L, by and among Iala H. Grimminaer la/k/a Tala <br />Grimminqer) ~ unmarried <br /> <br />"'TNItOr{.)"', wh~maJllng add..... is 232 ~ Bellwood <br />Pam Credit Bank. of Omaha <br /> <br />#.115 <br /> <br />r,"';'Ind T!=:l~nn <br /> <br />N'F. h.RR01 <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />''Tnmtoo,'' whoM m<<illng eddruss Is <br /> <br />206 South 19th Street~ Omaha, NE 68102, and tha Farm Credit Bank of omaha , <br /> <br />NBeneficlary", whOle mlllllng adtU1Ia Is 208 South 19th Street, Omaha, Nabruka 68102. In consideration of the advance by Beneflclary to <br />Trustor(.) ofthllprlnclpaJ sum specified below, the receipt ot which II hereby acknowledged, and any future, addl!lonal or protective advances <br />made to oron behalf of Trustor(s) at Beneficiary's option, Trul1or(s) IlT'II'IOC8bly transfers, convey8 and aaslgns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH <br />POWER OF SALE forthe benefit and securityot Beneficiary, Its IUCCl!tS8Ol1I Bnd assigns, under and subject to thetennl!l and conditions of this <br /> <br />Trust Deed. the real property,lOGatld In tho County of Hall , State of Nebraska. and dBllCrlbed as followa: <br /> <br />~.!!!!e:..!!I:. <br /> <br />w!swi, and SEiNWi, and W!NEiNWi (except 0.1826 acres, <br />or less, conveyed to the State of Nebraska by Deed recorded <br />in 800k 71, Page 241) ---------------------------------------- 35 <br /> <br />l1N <br /> <br />9W 6th P.M. <br /> <br />Together with all center p1vots, wells. pumps, motors <br />and equipment located on and used to irrigate said <br />premises, aDd any additions to or replacements thereof, <br />which items are declared to be a part of the deeded <br />premises and appurtenant to said real estate. <br /> <br />mg.ther with all TruaIor(l) right, titta and Interelt In said property, now or herMfter acquired. including all bulldlnga. fixtures, crop. and <br />Improvemenb nowonorher.nerpa.cedupon aaidreal property, including also all appurtenances, water, Irrigation. and drainage rights; and <br />011 _ _ .-. 1_ prolIta, ODd righta to ~on: all 011. goo, g....., ruck 0' other min..... 01 _ 011111'8, Including <br />goolII8nnaI__ 011-* __ may ln1egraJlybolong to 0'_ become In Integral parl 01 IIId ___0' <br />atIIIchId or ---. including .." appunenancw IInd ~ 01 any _dance secured hereby, and all above and below ground <br />irrigation ~ and ~ and 1111....... pennlta.l__ or prlvilegea. appurtenant or nonappurtenantto said preml.... now or <br />h.....rt8r'--d. ulmdldor~ byTruaIor(.), anyState. theUnit8d Star. or any department bureeu.lnatrumentalltyoragenr:y thereof. <br />All ofwhk;:h ia MNunderc:ol~ ~ to.. the '"Truat Estate." <br /> <br />nlo__'-_~II_...-y__TRIIIll8Mlog/l8nlo- <br /> <br />(I) A promlaIory note or not8a mg.therwlth IntareR thel'llOn executed by Truator(s~ to Beneficiary and dBllCrlbed as follows: <br /> <br />_a1_ __ Daloal_ -- <br /> <br />9-26-88 <br /> <br />$56,400.00 <br /> <br />~ _ to _...... 01 said noto(l), <br /> <br />(b) And thII~t:lnfull byTnmor(l) of .nyandall futureandaddltlonaladvances which may be made by Beneficiary. at Imoptlon, 51 <br />.thII ~ot. and to orlortheKCOUntofTl'UItOrtl), oranyoflhem. lor any purpoee, plulllnterast on all such advancn, under any nolll(lI} or <br />other 1nItrurnMt(1) taM In ntftnanclng. extending, NMWing, rumortlzing or restructuring such Indebtednea or any pan thereof. all I <br /> <br />=-~~81n:::::::~~.:.==er.:s::;'::r'willWl'!rfll'~t!MMh~.B1JIf'lm~~~~8''I'8'B~~L: <br /> <br />_______________________________________________________- DOLLARS IS 56.400.00 I, <br /> <br />uclualv.ofintenlt:and olthaprotecttvellLlvanc.aulhoriHcl herain Of In the loan IDrMmllnt(Q): provided, funher, thlll THIS PARAGRAPH <br />SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO MAKE FURTHER OR ADDmONAL ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TIME, <br />WHETHER OR NOT THE TOTAL PRINCIPAL INDEBTEDNESS ABOVE HAS SEEN ADVANCED. <br /> <br />=:z-,. <br />i <br /> <br />. "-_._----_._-~ - <br />___ ~,~_ ______n" <br />