<br />r
<br />
<br />7. COIlllelllllallan. In the ...nl the Properly, ar IOY part th...af,.hall be taken by .mln.nl damaln,thi Mo........
<br />".mpowered to <DIlecllOd recoin all compenuUan which OIly be paid far IOY properly tak.n ar far dImqes,Io'pmpeltY:
<br />nalllk.n, IOd Martppe &haIJ IPply .uch compenuUan, 11111 apUaa, elth.r 10. red.eUon of thelnd.btOdil..iieU;"d '
<br />hereby or to npalr and restore the property so damqed. ' . .-,. , ' ,I: ; ;
<br />
<br />
<br />.. .' -'
<br />8. Per10rmance by Mortpcee. Martppe may, bullhall hive no obIJpUan,lodoany Icl'wbICb'uie.Mo~'.'
<br />hII qreed bul falls \0 do, and Mortppe riIay aIao do any lelll deem& neceuuy \0 prolec:t the lien hi"';" 'Mi;rlp",,:
<br />qrees to repay. upon demand, any sums so expended by the Mortpgee for the above pu'rpous. and any.:IU~ io-np~t:I!fed>
<br />by the Martpree shall be Idded 10 the IndebtedD... ...ured bereby IOd beeom.,..bjecl \0 lb. ,1I.n b.riot, Mo~', t
<br />Ihall nallne.. any persanallllbUlty because af anythlnllll may do or omll \0 do h....nd.r. . . ", '
<br />
<br />9. Default; AIIIpritent of Rent&. .'I1me ls of the essence hereof, and UpoD 'ilortpgoJ". '~etlUit iii" an~_-~~ij"
<br />ar qreem.nl af this Morlp!l.,lncludlnlleovenants \0 PlY wb.n due th. lIIIJDI_dbY thlsMarlpae, lb. 'MOrlppe '1IWi:
<br />be .otlll.d, It Its .ole opUan and withaut nollce, \0 d.c1are ail SUIDS ...ured by this MartpllO 10 be l,omedlllelydui,lDd'
<br />paYlbl. and may comm.nce forecloo.re of this Morl_ by judicial proceedlal'; and, pro'llded l'urlh.r,tbal uPon'loch
<br />deflwtthe Martpgee, or I recelv.r appointed by I court, may It III opUan and wlthoul ..prd 10 lb. ldeqUacy of the,
<br />lOCurlty, enler upon IOd lake _Ion of th. Properly IOd <DIlectlbe rents, iIIueIand proftll lberefJvin and ipply them
<br />ftrsllo th. cool of calleoUan and openUan of the Properly and thea upon the IndebtedDeaJ .......d by thll Mlirtp(H;
<br />uld rents, wues and proms belnll assigned to Ihe Marlllagee IS l'urlher ....rity for the payment of the Indeblediieu
<br />...ured hereby. . . - .
<br />
<br />10. Transfer of Properly. If all or any part of the Properly Is sold or tnosferred without the express wrilten con-
<br />sent of the Mortgagee, Mortgagee may at Its sole option, declare all sums ,secured by this Mortgage to be Immediately due
<br />md payable.
<br />
<br />11. Future Advances. Upon request or Mortgagor. MortgagP.e may make additional and future advlDces to
<br />Mortgagor. Such advances. with interest thereon. shall be secured by this Mvrtgage when evidenced by promlssory notes
<br />stating that sald notes are secured hereby. At no time shall the principal amount or the indebtedness seCu~d by this
<br />Mortgage. not Including suma advanced to protect the security of thls Mortgage. exceed the original Note.
<br />
<br />12. Miscellaneous Provisions,
<br />
<br />(a) Any forebearanceln exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof.
<br />(b) All remedies provided herein are distinct Bnd cumulative to any other right afCorded by law or equity,
<br />and may be exercised ~oncurrently, Independently or successively.
<br />(c) The covenants and Ip'pements contained herein shall bind. and the rights Inure to, the respective
<br />successors and aulpu of the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee.
<br />(0; AJi cuvenanls and agreementS or the Morlgagur alt~ joint Hnd severaL
<br />(e) The headings of the paragraphs or this Mortgage are ror convenience only and shall not be used to inler.
<br />pnt or denne the provisions hereof.
<br />13. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage. Mortgagee shall di.schuge thls Mortgage aod
<br />ahall execute and dellver a satisractory release therefor.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagor has executed this MortlBri:l' on the2JJ:d day or !=;pptp-mhpl"', 19 JUl.....
<br />
<br />~~~~
<br />~~~
<br />~\J ,,' ~' 8tate of Nobnska.
<br />Q",'L~
<br />'}... ~ ~ O~ thb 23rd day of September 19-1L, before me, the undersJgned, B Notary Public
<br />
<br />!0 t ':~f'dUIY eommls&\oaed and qualified for said county, personally came Ronald F Matousek & Barbara J.
<br />
<br />......,~ ~.t Matou~~k . to me known to be the
<br />f-..._ 'f(. '-Jdrntical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the roreeoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereor
<br />.~~ thO
<br />~ ~ "-. to be elr voluntary let and deed.
<br />
<br />~.;.. n ~ WIlD... my hand and natlllal .oal 01 Grand Island. Nebraska
<br />~ '-.."1( '- dale Iforeuld.
<br />l- "':-. J:GIIlIlAl HDTARY.StJb .IIIlIIralb,
<br />\ \ .~ My Commission expires: OEVRA MBE"-
<br />1Irr.a.fJJ.-,25,I.
<br />
<br />{fl;.1f.~~ I" r-'
<br />'.& ;)),l-z! hA f1 M/l A~-
<br />(Barbara J. Mato ekJ' BonD:,"u
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County 55:
<br />
<br />in said county. the
<br />
<br />~CL lltJi~
<br />
<br />Notary Public
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