<br />88-105171
<br />1h1a Monpp II entered Into ~tween' Rnnald F. Matnusp.k and Ra.-hAI"A J MatnlHllI!!k
<br />husband & wife. each In his own rlaht and as SDouse of the oth~.reln "Morlplor")and
<br />Five Points Bank Grand I sland Nebraska (herein "Mortaileer'); ,. 'n
<br />MorlpIor 15 Ind.bted to Morllag.. In the prlnolpal.um or $ II 000 00 ,n1den""d by Mortpgor'a'note I.
<br />dated September 23.J.nI!h.reln "Note") provldlnl ror paym.nla or prlndpal and Interest, wllb the balanoe "rib. ,'I
<br />Ind.btedn....1! not 100ft"' paid, due and payable 0" Odob..r IS 1992
<br />To IIIC\lre the paym.nt or the Note. wllb Inlerest as provided therein. lb. payment or all other aulDS. with Intere.t.
<br />advanced by Mortpgee to protect the .eourlly or this Mortpge, and the performance or the cov.n.nla and qreemenla of,
<br />lb. Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor doe. hereby mortgage and convey to Morll.gee the foUowlng d...,rlbed
<br />property located In Ha II Counly. N.braska:
<br />Lot Eight (8). in Block Two (2). Pleasantview Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />MO,.TOAGE
<br />
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets. alleys, passageways. easements, rights, pdvileges and
<br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining theretol and the rents, issues and profits, re~ersion_s and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not Umited to, heaUng and cooling equipment and such personal property that Is attached to the
<br />Improvements so as to constitute a fixture; all of which. including replacements and additions thereto, Is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of Ute real ..tat. s.oured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being r.l.rred to herein as the
<br />"Property".
<br />
<br />MortQaaor further convenants and agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows:
<br />1. Paym.nt To pay thelnd.bt.dn... and the Inlerest lb.reon as provld.d In thl. Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2. TIU.. Mortgagor i. the owner of the Prop.rty. has the rlabt and auUtorily to mortgage the Property. and
<br />warranm that the Uen created hereby is B first and prior Uen on the Property, except as may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />29 The Property is subject to a Mortgage wherein Fivp. Pnintr; Rank Cranrl Ic:lann NF
<br />IstheMortgagee.record.d~~~""l<l<l< of the MortPle Recordoor !-loll Counry,-
<br />Nebraska, wblch Mortgage 15 a lien prior to Ut.llen created hereby,
<br />o Other prior liens or encumbrances:
<br />
<br />3. Tuea, Aaaessmenla. To pay wh.n due all \aX", .peclal ......m.nts and all other charg.s against the Prop.rty
<br />and. upon written demand by Mortpgee, to add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby I such amount as
<br />may be sufficient to enable the Mortga&ee to pay such taxes. assessments or other ch8l1es IS they become due.
<br />
<br />4.. lDsunnce. To teep the lmprovements now or herearter located on the real estate described herein iIUiured
<br />ap1mt damage by IIre'and auell other hazsrdl as Morllagee may requlJe.1n amounts and with companle. acceptable to Ute
<br />Mortpcee, and with I... payable to the Mortgag.e. In .... o! I... under suell poUd.. tb. Mortgagee Is authoriz.d to
<br />adjust, collect and compromise, in its discretion, all claim thereunder at Ua sole option, authorized toeltherapply the
<br />I'fDC'!Ods to the ...tonllon of the Property or upon the Indebledn... secured h.reby, but paymenta hereuod.r shall con.
<br />linne. unut lbe soma ",!"""d h~by are paI~ In full. '
<br />
<br />5. 0 Escrow For Taua and Insuranc:e. NolwlUlstandlnl anything contained In Pll1'lllfllpbs 3 and 4 hereol to the
<br />contrary, Morllllor shall pay to the MortPlOe at the time of paying the monthly Installm.nts of principal and Inlerest,
<br />ooe-tw.lflb of the yearly lues, ......m.nla. hazard IllIUI&Ilo. p"'m1u.... and ground rents (If, any) which may ettaln a
<br />prlorily over thl5 Mortpp, all u reuonably ..Ilmated from time to time by the Mortgagee. Th. amounts so paid ahall be
<br />held by the JoIortpgoe WIthout Interest and appll.d to lb. paym.nt of the llems In respect to whloh .uoh amounts were
<br />depa<lt&d. 'lbe IWIIS paid to MorlpJee h.",und.r are pledlfld as additional ..curlty for the ind.bledn... ..cured hy thl.
<br />Mortpr:e. JIortp&or shall pay to'Mortplee the amount or any deficiency between the actual tuft, assessments, Insurance
<br />pnmiWDIllDd groulld rents and the deposita hereunder within 10 dlys after demand 15 made upon Morte&gor requesting
<br />payment thereof.
<br />
<br />6. RepaIr, MalnteDaDee ad Ute. To prompUy repalr, restore or rebuild any bulldlnl:5 or improvements now or
<br />he1Uf&er an iIle Property~ to keep the Property In load condition and repair, without wute, and free tram mechanic's or
<br />otberUens Dot expreu1y subordinated to the lien hereof; not to make, suffer or pennlt any nulJanCt' to exist, nor to dlmin-
<br />lib or lmpair the value of the Property by any Icl Df omlUiion to aet; and to comply with all requirements of law with
<br />respm to the Property.
<br />