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<br />ADDmONAL TERMS 88- 105096 <br />PKf.:r,WMRNT ANU;\lTMUO\I. n. TIn: ."INANl'E CIIARGfo:l Hyco l'ltlUlIh I dunulltllw h. pay IlIUTe Ihlln 1111" r~'llulnr ~'hCtltllcd nlllmhly pil)'mcnl, Ilmv\'! the ri!!hl <br />In rn:'~) Ihe whule >lmtlllO! uWlUlIlO \l!"l1l full Oil ~n)' 111111" tlr in pan (1'\'111 lime: In tl,mc.U the Icmhfllllll\llllllltlllllllll hllr m)' L'llIllrlll:1 compulr."'" Ihe finllncc: c1mryc ,Inlly, <br />~.~~;' ~~f1 f:en:ri:'~UY~ ~~~lfi':O:~i~I~lllll~~::l;kn~I~.l:It:~r 1~~)'~~1~111~~\n~h~:I!I~~I:~I~~~~cl Sj~ 11,~~cl;h~' '1~~~0l~:~'~~:~~l!~ ~ll.h~I'~r 1111;p~~~?'n~~~j~~~1111~1 ~~'~~~li~l~~~~~'~~ <br />~~:III~~le:u ~~d'~rtr~:;.~ft:~d~l~h~\[~itl 1~'~~i~lr\hCe i~~~i~~ l~~~SI~~~n~~:~~:YC~~~~I~~~~lfil~,~;~~d clh~~~~wd~::III, 1::~~lrJII~:;P~;) Ih:~I~nll~ Jn~~~~. ~;~~fllll::funid <br />10 me:be unearned portion nflhc linnnce ch3r~e (mlere"l) hy Ihe Dccouming procedure known ll.'i Ihe uCI\lllnIl111l!:lhuJ and the alllllunl ofm& rebale will be figured on lhe <br />~i~f~~\~d~~:~1 ~~;U\~~~u~~;jlyn~;~~~' rhal~:~I~~~~~ ~t~~,;~~I~~ i~tf::ld::i~ a~~rt~~~)~~~~ :i~l:~l~ rr~p~~~lk~~I~~lIl~11 ~~~~~~nl~ ~~~~s~ ~ll~:t~~~nl~ (1~~~~~ Z~~~lu: <br />I'aymenls until I ha\'e paid 1111 umount!O owed. <br />IMPORTANT NOnCE ABOUTWARRANnES: (0) SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, <br />OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER <br />FURNISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELLER ON ITS <br />OWN BEHALF. (bl I have rend, in delail. the separale "lO-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY" which llccompllnics this contract. 11 cxplllins the conditions and <br />circumslnnces in which Ihe manuraclund produels will be repaired or replaced. 1 tuke nolice of the Iimilations on lhe wnrrunty, and ] parti.cular~ reco~nilC thai uny <br />WA~RdA~I~~:~~~t~~~~~ ~~c~~:~~ ::~c~~~~:. 11~~~;ta~: ~::~~If~n~e~~~i~~:~;~:~~ In h~h~ch~g~ :~s~:I~~~li~~h~fSltre~jfn;L;t3~ ~l~e:t:;t:~~~~ <br />of the Umitution" on Ihe wammly. and I plU1iculnrly recognize thai any implied wnrrumy which applies 10 the inslallaliun 11I5ts only n510ng IlS the wammly or service contract. <br />UMIIED WARRAHft: My ou or your assignee shall be limited to my rights and temedles under the espress 10 year LIMITED <br />WARRlHft you extend to ' My exclusive rights and remedies under the warranty shall be In lieu of all other rights or remedies, <br />allaw or in equily, whe <br />ALL MANUFACTURED WINDOW PRDDUClS ARE'NDl GUARANTEED AGAINST CONDENSATION, MOISTURE FORMATION DR FROST. PRDDUClS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AGAINST <br />CORROSION DUE TO ADVERSE CLIMATIC CDNDmDNS. <br />BUYER, RElD THE SEPARlTE "10 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY" WHICH IS A SEPARATE WRImN INSTRUMENT PERTAINING SOLELY TO MANUFACTURED PRDDUClS OF <br />THE PACESETTER CORPOR.\TlON AND WHICH "LIMnED WARRANTY" HaS BEEN DELIVERED TO EACH RESPECTIVE BUYER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SALE. <br />Further, The Pacesetter Corporalion makes NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND DR NATURE WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS DR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO <br />THE ENERGY SAVINGS I COULD DR MAY ACHIEYE BY USE OF THE PRDDUCT(SI. I understand lhat any energy savlogs I may achieve is dependent upon a number of <br />factors, including, but nol limited 10, the type, quanlity and quality of insulation in my home, tho particular size and style of my home, Ihe type 01 quality of <br />construction of my home, my particular IlIe style, the number 01 openings In my home, proper monitoring of thermostat settings, climalic conditions and location <br />01 my bome, and even the type of energy consumed lor heating and air conditioning purposes, <br />BUYER CD.BUYER <br />SPECML.9RDER GOODS: I know Ih:.l( \'(lU have measured 1Il~' hou..e ilnd it" opening'i Mllhat YIlU can make l~e rfluJ~CI!o Illlilm,"' par1kular house and that the goods <br />re~~I:1~ri~JI~lfw~~"an~~~~~I:~;Uth~;v~Ot~~~~~'g~fl\~ ~~np~;,t ~~~c~: :'~:I ~h~I~~~'\I~~t,~~.~~~l' afler the period nllime glvcn 10 lIle fly law In which to cancel. After lhal <br />COMMENCEMENT OF TilE FIN,\NCE CII,~RGI~: The finanl.c dmrgl. lintcre"lll\ c..timalcd hi ..ta~ "illll,n 30 da~'.. lit" Ihc diltL' of thi.. conlr.lct. c:<eept In Ihe evenl <br />vou cnmplcle the Inslallalion of Ihe good~ and ser\'u.:es un IInnther dale. then Ihe I1nam:... charge (lIItere~1) Will beg.1n lu rull unlile dale IIlal I;.lgnlhe Cumpleliun Certificalc. <br />Thc amounl uf finance charge {intcrest) may be mtlre or Jt!"" Ihan Ihe a11l1lunl dl\dmed dL'pendmg. nn the amnunt" I pay you and my tundiness in making payments. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERT\' INSURANCE AND MY RI<:AI. E.."iTt\TE: I, I rmmi!le III keep my huu..e in guod repair and kcep it insured for al <br />~~In~~~~ i~la~r~u~hk~n~a~~I~~a~yy~~y~~g I~ ~ aaj~ fr':~~~~\ C~1~.,;~~~~~"~~~~I~oi~lf~II~~~~~~~}'i~~~~t~~en.~o~h~~~r w71~~I~ l.:1~~~~;V~~ ~11~1:~~~0~e tf~:i~%JI~~s~~~~i <br />authorize the insur.lnce compan). 10 pay you dlrect~' fur any In"~_ YtlU can dllln..c In u~e th." insumncc payment tll e.ther repay any amounls I owe you or to repair my <br />r':iii~~,b~,i~~h~ni~~~nel:~~~~l~.~~ga~~k~~' l~~~~.m~~lt~~::t~l~i~h~l~lii"~~~~rP~~~~i~I~I~~~~..~rll~.~~ip~~~~~~~~C;~~Yallb::~~~~. ~'i~~~~~i.: ~Kd ~~h;r. ~hn;:;e~r::~~ ~~ <br /> <br />~iltl:~u~' ::~~~i~~l. t5~11)1 ~~a~~la,I~~OI~'~~~n~~l;~~~I:~ f~I~;III~~I~:I~I~~:clji~~I~~~~~~ln~;,t~~i ~~~~I~ .prh~~I;~~b~~~ d~lill f~~ ~~~IW~~~~u~t(b~~~~~C do"~~llh~~~ <br /> <br />~~~~f ~~U~~ ~hl~' ~Jd~hJ~ :;l~~~:l~t~ ~~~ru '~~~'i~bar..rc..~~~:d~hr:~t~;~ ~~t,~~III:~~dh~~~~~~III~~~~~:hl,~te i~~~~~~e~i~':~~) chl~;.ri~~u~~~\:~r fl~:e:~'itlil~n;~~ S~Yn~~ha~~\:~~ <br />ohtnin any homeowner or Iiabilily insuioincc <br />~1~h1[f~~~~ ~h~~~iffu~ ~lf~~~~;I~"d~~l~~~;I~n~n~~~~~~tl~~~a\il~~~'~" ~~;~~~(.~~I~~~~y reul e~lalt! and hnuse lucaled at my "Address" Liesignated on the ulher side <br />DUE ON SALE: If I sell. lea!te or givt! my hou~e In unynllc hcfllrc 111ll\'c full~ pllld alii o.....e undcr thi" controlcl. you cao t1cdurc alllhall owe under Ihis cuntroict payable <br />at oncc and I agree to immediately pay you Ihal amount, 00 "'0 t:Q 9 D <br />DEFAULT: I will ~ in default under Ihi" controlcl if: l. I dlln'llllal..~ a paymcllI when due: or:!. I hreal.. a.t;'~; l~ AJ:. I~ cun\r.J..:I; or 3. SUnlelhing ehe <br />~~~r~~;:~;~~~o1~~~~~~I~ ::~i~~~~~ thi~:~;:~~~~~~ ~.t:l~;l~~~~~~ 1~~lirnu:.1~llilas lIT 4 1 dchlUll un any uhhgal.nns for which I am usiog my home all eoUateroil; <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If I am in default of thi~ cnnlroicl and ynu ~L'mtmJ lull paymcnl. 1 under~tand that you hll...e the ri~hl to foreclose the mOr1gage I have given Itl <br />you a~d 10 halle m)' house sold to repay any a".loullls I uwe you. Bclmc my hnu..c ." ..t1~d. you will do alllhat the law T"Cl.(U1res. I underslnnd Ihal if tOU hire an attorncy <br />~~:I~s~t ~~nlllt:~~~~~f~:;c~m';I~~! ~~jr:;:~;. )~~~I~~~~~~d ~~~ep~~l~~~' ~~~~\~i~,~::. Ijt~~~~'~~~~~~f~~ ~~~U!:f~r ~~ho~~~~:I~tb;'i~~, fees IInd for 01 er relaled e~penses <br />OTHER RIGHTS: You cnn choo~ 00110 enfnrce any uf the nghts under thl" contmcl a" IIften a" }'IlU want \\ilhoutlusing Ihem. Or. you can delay cnfon:ing any of Ihe <br />right~ .....ithout losing. them. You can also u!oc any righb nm~ ur III the future gl\'cn III you by law. <br />~e~~~~~;1 I~~~~~~dt &;~~~~~'~~h~~~lnd~~ft~~~~ld~I:~~!lyl~~ ~~\~i~t~l~I~~~fnU;:~~~~i~J~~1 \~~~{~/:~II~~r b~:I~\~~I~a~d~~~~I~d~~~u;t~:;~t~:~lti~Wi ~~l~ ~~a ;~~(W~~i~ <br />for such dldays. <br />::'~~I~h~~:"~~;; ~~~~~~~;oi:; ~11~1~~t~ ~~)I:.I~h~~l~UI~ieY~~~:~t ~cl~~~::=y~l~ ~~I1~ali~~Vole al~~~rn:~" Ih~:I~~~1 f:~f~~c~~'~;~h~ ~tf~~~~ ftia~~~l:;~~~t :~u~hat <br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute nr c1ai~ ....'_ilh yuu concerning the l.(unntity. qualily or pcnllrlnan..:e Ilf Ihe rmduct... I undL'Nand thaI mb di!opute may be ~uhmillcJ <br />~~~~d"i~l~e :1:::~~~il~gI1~ri~~~~~n~~~I~~'~~!~;~oillllhalma}' ha\'C d!:\l'lo~d In m~ C'lllllllUOlt~_ I at..11 '!lOW thai any del.tSIUn !U!!de y an arhitr..llor(..J would be <br /> <br />SALVAGE VALUE; I knllw lhllllhc window", lMI(x\wmL. \ldina;. bncl.. and ,'Ihcr malenal.. Ihal ha\... 10 he relllll\!:d by )'ou fur thi.. inslallaliun have ND !lahage \;lluc. <br />\\-'hen >'tlU n:nune thc:m. ~'ou can ha\'e Ihem for u'hate\'cr pUlpO\C ~nu \\.'alll. <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Duc Tn Ihe uniqucnl."Ss of some of Ihe pmdu\:I!o Ihat \'llU ;.t.'1I. I undc"tlllldthallll ..pc.:ml ~ituatinn~ Ihat your Regional Office may have III T"C\' il.:w <br />and accept this conlr.ll.:t. I also undef!otand Ihallhis ~ale uccum:d in 1m hume and Ihal \'I.lU <Iud I ma) nllt ha\'e hud all the cOITC~1 infonnutioo impor1t1llt to this tI"':lIlsaclilm <br />al our fingenips; I g,h'c you my consent to com:ct any obvious ermn. that may have ~l('cUITCd when the hlunks in this contmcl were compleled" <br />INVALID PROVISIONS: If any provision of this contmct violatc~ the law ;snd i'i unenforceable. th!: re"l Ilf the eontmcl will Ill." valid. If IIny part of this comroicl fe1lulrc.. <br />pu}'menl of maR! interest than the la\\' pennils. then Yl1U will only have Ihe right tn col\e":l frmTl me thc a/llnunt of 1Illerest which the law allow!> ynu to collcct <br />COMPLETENFSS OF TillS CONTRACT: This conU".J\:t Clltl unly be chenged if bolh yuu allulugree io writing. <br />NOnCE <br />ANY HOLDER OF THIS CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIMS AND DEFENSES WHICH THE <br />DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINST THE SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED PURSUANT HERETO OR WITH <br />THE PROCEEDS HEREOF. RECOVERY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BY THE <br />DEBTOR HEREUNDER. <br /> <br />:S~~~~ ~~f~~~}~~~ ~~~ ~~~he ~~Yd~~el~~ ilhj~~.t~~~1 ~~~~~~le~C:~h~:~h~e~;~~~I~~~~~f~\I{\ l~~~~~~~~ ~,illl~ a~~l~~~\'~m~ ,::~'i~~u~l~~'ed~~~,~'~: <br /> <br />and :1 full refund uf my premium. S I logether wilh ..pphcable finance charge w1l1 be I.."redited tn IhlS enntmcl. <br />PLEASE NOTE: I~ I hnve re~c-sl!:d insu.oincc in this ~un::haltC. I .....iII receive wilhinlh,'"Y 1301 days a cenificale nfinsl!runcc more fully deseribin~ the: inSUroinl.:e cn\'cma;c <br />~h~n~~~~~I~~ ~~I~llU~~.i~~1 ~n~~~t!c~~~~ol~~ In~~~~~~~ I~:~ ~~~~~I~~~ II~l~n~~u~I~~~.J~~~ t~I~\~~~~:':~~~~;.llc~~~I~.P~~~I~I~a~~~.~r~'~:~i/_ lUll allll.llwred unly hI <br />NOnCE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I take nlltke that eitllcr Credit Lifc or Credit Accidenl and H~alth Insuroncc. tIr Ikllh. will he applicable tll Ihi" Insllllhnent Sale~ Colllro1cl on thc re_\lcl"!oc "ide unly if <br />I haH' chm.en It b)' !ol~ing the tel.(UC!l1 for such insur.tIlcc. Thb msurance "'tl1unl~_ L'1l\'cr the penon ..igning Ihe.reque"t uI1h,: l'u"t fur each Iype 1'llIl~Ur.ln..:c ~h.IU.1l <br />SubJCCllll al;:e~ce the insunmce company. the in~urnnce will Ill." .cffl"Ctl\'e a" !ll tuda) and" IJl01l11l11ue unlv lur numbe,. Ill' month" after Ihe etfcl.:II\e dOlt~. cqual <br />IU the Dumbu of mOnl 1>' pavment"_ 1 understand that this paml.:ular IIISllrdnl'C llIa~ 1lI11 t'fIlHde L"11\l",agc 1111 Ill) 1""llc", pllYlllenl~. and Ihat duriog IhOlt IJCrtud ul tllI1C I <br />wdl nut h:l\e any lIl~umn....t! cli\er.Jgc, All benefits and proceed"ufthc m~UI"oinL"e "III he piudlll ~llU or hi a tlllan":lal In..Ulullnllll,1 pun:ha..t:~ the In~lallmelll Sal~~ el,"lr-lel <br /> <br />~h~~f~;:"cd~'fn~~:.:;,~~reJ~~r~I~~e~n6' ~h~~~~(}~:lltl tt;? e~~ta~~nltllll;,I~a~~~~~'t\~lll .1~~.'i:~JI'~I~~~ \i~j~'~ Illl~~,~nl~II~~;~ J::il~1111~- :::I~I:~~llled~~idl~ :~..~~~i,'el~:\~;~~l t,\,:;~~~:lI~:li~h <br /> <br />II Co.Du,er. and V'ie ha\e bOlh ..lgneJ the rel.(uc"t fur Credll Life In~umnce" llc.lllh hC'n...fLl\ \I, III hc poi\ilhlc lInl~ Vol1h re~pcl'lltl the llN nile nfll~ hi die SUhJCl.I hll"l-Iu"llm.., <br />ehmmalllln" (Jr\\-allm~ pcm)l.\ ~talcd mlhe in!.ura~ce f'llh\:)' or cenllkate. Credit '\~lldl.lll and Heoihh In..ur.1llL"l' I' till the helwfil a1l111U1I1 tit I "l1lh 01 !:OIdl r1\llnlh"'ra~IIlCIII <br /> <br />::;r ~~~ t~~ ~~~~I~_ t::::IZI~"':~;~I~~~~nU~ ITJi~~~~c~;i~~e~~~h~h~~~I;\:.I:~;'!ll:~\:~.I~":~tr\~h\I~~ ~~~de~l~;~lll:\n~;::"t~:~I~ J~:t'~II::~: "..I:II..\ll~!:~~II::~l'dl t~l~:: ~~':)~I~t~:ll <br /> <br />e&nnat oblaln IlD!> wurana- frllm ,)uu if 111m mcr 6S yran IIf n~t: ludll), IInd I al!iollltnuM HII&! thc In,,urana- ("U\\'rll~c Ilnuldl.d tn me mu~ l.untlllo II 1I111'\ImUIII <br />.muunl (If cunn):! ",'hleb ",111 nol palin !tO~c nl.~, lhlt" rnllrl:' u/IIuuOllhul1 u"'.. !tuu. 1)1I~. III till" lll.l\llIIUIll .1llJuuultll n1\'l'!'.I!!,' ..t.1I...111111l.. 111,III.lll\.~. 1",11\.\_ 1 <br />Lilli'" .h.11 .1n~ unpaid amoullt'" rl.~'e~.. of th~ m~ur.m(;c l.l1\eroi~l" \1,111 ..1111 holle I.. Ilt.. tlollll II till. 11I~ldlhll("rlI Salc.. ("uutmLlI' I'II"p.lld III lull!,II"! h' Iii.' l.hl 1',1\)11..1\1 <br />.lalr ;Ill) unc;unrtllll"Ur.1Iu.... IH....mium.. willll!." tdundellllllllc 1II1he milmlrl 1'11'....111.....'" 11\ 1/1\\ \Vltlun Ihln~ I ~nl t111~' I ....111 n....I\<. Ih,' ,,'l!d.. .,1< ,., ""\11.111.,' 111,'11' <br />lutI~ .1r...."hlOl! m~ ,"'UI.1I1\.," .1l\<'T,I~I. It Ih" lO'UI"'II~'r I" ""1 ;":~"'rlcd h\ rtl(. lll\lJl:Jlhl'" ""lIlr;Jn~. I \l,ll1lt"l',"II,'.1 r\"luH.1 "Ilh\.. "hlll."'.. I'" I II.,'., 1',,,.1 <br />