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<br />FOR US, IN THD STAn O. NE.RASKA <br />I~STALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGE <br />THE PACESmER CORPORATION, A CORPORATION <br />lIHESEUF~REDITDR) <br />tl505 "I" STREET <br />OMAHA, NEBRASKA BBT27 <br />(402)331-0275 <br />FOR METROPOUTAN OMAHA. SERVK:E CAll 311-02n <br /> <br />SoldTh 0) Nk. ~1f1J~1!~a~,uvn: _ D..eOfThi,Contmcl ~f t / '7~ <br /> <br />"Addn:ss" ~~IZ 'lTC/... (". Cily r...J el...I, Smte ,AJt- Zip~_ Te ho eN~'f -OJ7~ <br /> <br />if II ~~y~~~~~~e Irh":t~;,~e;,mdm~ re~er ~~:e~I~YI~ ~d{,o:d;~::~~~:g~~~uf~~ i:J'~j:o k~~~ t~: ~h~I~M~~~~~~'~dr ,::~~,:~~~~~ti;~I~h~ <br /> <br />"Mortgagee". I undc:l'5tand that ifmorc than one ..guyer" signs below thai each will be rcsjXJnsible rorun promises made and for paymg the Oblrgntion(S) in rUII:lou may <br /> <br />~e:t:-:~:i~.~~ ~~e co:~~ m~~e~as~Y~~~'1 al?/o~'j:c~. ~~~~:J ~1l~~J~Cf:~~I;~o~~~~~~~ea;~~c~~d~~5 ~~~:11?J ~udy i~~~~~it~r J:; <br /> <br />choose 10 buy. and you a~ 10 sell. for Ihe1blnl Sate Price. sel forth below. the products and services described below. I agree to pay lOll Ihe amount finllllced In accordance <br />-:vim Lbc pa~t sChedule set ronh below, together with interest thereon !lIthe annual percentage rote which is disclosed below. also a~c 10 all of Ihe other lenns on <br />both sideS of this contmcl. Only products manuCactured by Tbe Paecsdlel' Qt~ratiol};ltC. covend I~)'ear ~L1qtlled Warrant ~o.eJl:terlor or 91lerlor trim, <br />...slaiJllag,wlUbeprovld unJessspedllodlnthIsConlract..J.1tjlql/"",..L S~.JJ:.Q.fl~ ~;u< fi" '''''::;:'-+ ~()C.r <br /> <br />- 1.. / ~ - <br /> <br />l@j~~TElt <br />- 811 WEST 4lll STREET <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />(~) 38+",,414 <br /> <br />TO DE nl!conDED IN nnAL EDTAlE RECORDS <br /> <br />~::)I~j~M1 Nil, 89126 <br />~8~_1_Q/s:m(t <br /> <br /> <br />S rJ 0 s.J l.l m~ur.Jnl'e l'Umpany for Pmpeny Damage insur.J.t1cc <br />S J~ to public nrrkiub for tiling/recording fees <br />$ 0 0", to (Specifyl <br /> <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amount Total of Total Sale Price <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments The lotnl cml of my pun:hll.\e <br />RATE The: dollar amount the The amount of ~'rcdil The amounl I will on credit. including my <br />1bc cost of my credil as credit .....iII emit me pmvided to me nr un have paid after I dow:3ayment of <br /> my bchidr. haw made all paymcnb $ SO .Oc) <br />it yearly rate. 3osl.f.2.(} s fa 70d ,(JO alt scheduled. <br />15''10 % $ $ '1 7s y. :>0 $ la.IO"', ;)0 <br /> e e e <br />My pa}'ment schedule: will be: , .88. 'of Stturil,.: I alII IJ." mg. :! ~"curity inten:~t in: <br />Number of Paymenl~ AmllunlufPa)'melll\ "''hl'IIPaymelll\lIJt'~ - I. the guul.h. ltef1licelt and property being purchased. nnd <br /> , lilY real c~lUte: und impmvcments. including my house. <br />I SI Paymenl S ("~,s7 ~tim..led to ~ ~C) . du)'s ..fter the date: ! all al my "Addre!>\" de<;ignOlcd aboveo <br /> of Ihe Cnmpleuon Certdicnte ~ filinjtlRecordlnJ: rt"rS !Ii (,-)0,<10 <br />S"'1 ( (, J,s! All sub\cquelll imlullmenl\ on thc <;ame dn~ l.ale Ctual"R~: If a rlrlynll~nt i.. more than ten (0) days laIc. <br />S each comL"Culh"e monlh until raid In full , I will he charged $5.00 nr 5% of the lale payments. <br />INSURANCE -..---- - l'ohiche\'er I~ Irtls. <br /> <br />Cralit Ufe imunm~ and credit disabUU,. InsuranCC! an NOT required 10 oblain crrdlt. <br />IUId wW Dot be pnnidcd unless I slKn and agree 10 pay the addillonaJ _~'_ __ <br />T1<1l" Prtmlum SIj!lIJ.llIl't' <br />Credit Life t \loant credll-We ~-- ----N/t-- <br />msumncc. Si~ _ Q)':' <br />SO.tlt) <br /> <br />ITcp.)"mrnl: If I pay nff curly. I will not have to puy u <br />penult). and I mOl) he entitled tu a n:funJ of pan nflhe finance <br />charge <br /> <br />Crrdit Acdlknt <br />& Health <br /> <br />t "'"itnt credit accident <br />and ~lth insur.ln~'e" <br /> <br />NI': <br />S,panm: - Bu)Cl" <br /> <br />~ I ""'ill review other purtinns of thllt cuntmct for <br />addiliunal mfllmlaliulI about nlm-pa}lIlcnl. default. any re- <br />qUlI'ed repayment in full before the scheduled date, and <br />prepayment n:fund!a and penaltic!o. <br /> <br />e mean!> an estimak" <br /> <br />$ r:J .eN <br /> <br />cJ <br />c:J <br /> <br />!o'I"''''''' -fU ii~~~, - <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Proprrty IlISUI'ancr is r-rq:airrd, and I may obtain such Insuran~ frum an)'Onr: I want whj!p uccrplllble to 109 or I may prO\"ide illhrouRh an <br />aistin& policy. 111 obtain this iDsu.ranc:c through you, I will pay S for -U-- months or co""erageo <br />REVERSE SIDE, I UNDERSIAIID THAT THE ADOITIDIlAL 1tJlIIS AII0 PROVISIONS PRIIlTEO DN THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTAUMEIIT SALES CDIITRACT ARE A <br />PART OF THIS INSTAUMEIIT SALES COIITRACT AII0 THAT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY <br />INSTAllJIEIIT SAlIS CDIITRACT. NDTICE, PRDVISIONS PRINTED DN REVERSE SIDE CDMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SEllER'S WARRANTY OBLlGATlDN. <br />NOTICE TO BUYER <br />1. I do DOt bPr 10 sip thiI coatrad before I rod II or if aoy ollb~ spcellotmd~ rOT ... qtttd terms 10 Iht" t":lIC'nt of lhen a'"allabl~ lnronoadon UR len blank. 2. I <br />.. ea.dded 10. copy'" tb1s cootnd allbe Uu.o I alp It. .J. I IDaY ,.,.. oII'thr run baIana due undtr Ihis conlract at any tlm~. and in so dolOR I may bt entitled 10 a nhalr: <br />ol.. UDC'aIDt'Il ftuDttaDCl iDsuranc't' tharan (if aD11. .t. I undcntand 1Iulllhis Instrumenl is basrd upon a hnmt' !aOlicllullun "aiL' and Ihallhis Imtrumrnl is nol "CROllahle. <br />5. IIIIWI DOl be iepI for)vu 10 ea.1er m)' pn.m.lse unbt"fPlly or commil any brrach of the pun 10 n:~'i Xood.'i pUl"l"hasnl undu Ihis eunlracl. <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I IlAY CAlcn THIS AGREDlEIIT AT AllY TIME PRIDR TO MIDNIGHT DF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (t HAVE READ THE <br />ACCDMPAII1'IN' NDnCE Of RIM TO CAIICEL FORM FOR AN EXPWATIDN DF THIS RIGHT.) <br />COPY P',ECEIVED: I acknowledge rnx'lpc nf a L"fImplefely filled in ropy of this conlract along With two e!l cnpie.. of the NI1ticc nf Righi 111 Caned FUrnI" <br />IN WITNESS ~'n.EO~1 thiWfllUllm,o'j.t.. root,"," ,,'" ha, heeo "go,d 00 thi, _ &._ d" "r ~. to _~ ~ <br />allcnyJ .brf!!!!!!!:!#. .l~I.rL..v--_ __ .SllllelltNef1ril~ka ~ '/) ~ <br />THE PACESETTER CCRPORAnON ,5U.llJl .".R\{;..;o, .. -lL.F' t... . u" _"'--n <br />IlrlUl - oll1\."U; <br /> <br />8" ',11"'''' <br />11l1ll)!" 'olllHlt,'OON <br /> <br />lbc 11"t:t:llln~:~I~'I<.'m "',1' ",~!,,'...I("d"l'.II"'I"I1" lilt" "111111" .1.., ..1 <br />~;!: I'l'i(.i 10\ Ih.. ,11""1' ,t""~Il,'lr.t <br />nu,...." ""f'~rn iliA I] ~. <br />"'''Iilnl'uhlo. ~li~ <br /> <br /> <br />{'",unl~ "f <br /> <br />"" ..>fIUIU....1O ....prf.... <br /> <br />'10M llll "'I 1"111, "lH(to,;{" <br /> <br />U Jr.f tULrlllM or-at Of <br />