<br />6 Entln'AI ODm.ln. llH'ldor" hNlltlV llllIQflIH! all componhllllon ,,.,..nldl dnmarlo, nnd oltll" Illll'mlllllf. 01 WIllllllll'm'lllllt'H P'Ol:oods"l In connocllCln Wllh
<br />conr'_mnllllon or 0\11111 11l1l"'ItI ollhb Propo"V 01 plHl1hltfOOl Of IOfCO"W'dyA"CO 10 IIOU olcondnmnllllon ltlndltf IIhftlllln unlllloll 411.111 option locommunct.. appolll In Dnd
<br />c::7) plOlol'!Cute 1f'l"1 own nllmtl b"Y IIC110n 01 pTOCIllOdl1lal IInd roha11alllD boan\ll1tld 10 make Any compromllllt or solllomol\l In callnuellon WI,h IIlIeh Illhlng or dnmllgo In UIO
<br />
<br />00 :;:~It:'on~ ~I~~~~~' ~~~:.~~~~'~~~:ul'~~~~~~l~~ ~~~::c~?~';~~I~e;ulchha~,~~~~~~O uO:~~O;~;~~~SO~~~~~::1l ~:~~I,Uol~ :~~~~~I~Onnd 11~ In~p~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~:y~~l'~r~~~~.C~~~~
<br />
<br />o apply aU luch PrOCH"l1 allor luch dDduchonl. to lho fllslofallon 01 lha Proporty upon such condlllona liB Lender mAl' delermlne Any oppllcatlon 01 Proceedll to
<br />l1':) md6bll!'dneU ahall not ftlltend or poslpono tho duO dalo alai'll' pllymontll undor tho Nole or curD any doloulllhorounder or hereunder
<br />
<br />Q log81 p~~~~=~:Jc~~n::~~~~:e~::I~; ::,:~:;~=~~':r~:'II~Ir:r~~~~~~::;r~;~~I'y'.hL~fl~~~~:;~~~~~o~:~rd:~;:t:;:. ~~~:~~~IIUrloO~~:~~~I~~;~bJ~ ~~~f/l~nJ :~~l~~~~~~~;
<br />
<br />~ to or demand upon BorroWllr and wlthoul releallng BorrowerlromanyObllgatlon, donnvacl which IheBorrower hili agreed bullel15toda and may 111!l0 do any olhoracllt
<br />deems neCellafY 10 prolllct Iho IiIlCUfltll horeol Borrower sholl, Immedlllloly upon demand Iherelar by Lender, pOl' 10 Lender 011 cO!lla Bnd cllpenselllncurrod ond sums
<br />I ellpctnded bv Lendef In Cl)nnbctlon w"hlheollorcilie by Lender ollhl! 10rogOlng rlghlll logelher Wllh mtcrost Ihereon allhc role prOVided m the Nolo. which shal: boadded 10
<br />the Inoebtednelll sucured hereby Londor shall nollOcur ai'll' perSoual hablllly becau5e olanylhmg II mill' do or omIt 10 do horeundor
<br />
<br />CXJ e EMfttl 01 DeI.un. Tno lollowmg shall constlluta an evei'll 01 dolll"lI undor IhlS Deed of T,ust
<br />
<br />OC) IIlI Fallurela pal' an)' Inslallmenl 01 prinCIpal or mterestor eny othel sum secUled hcreby when due, or Inllurelo pay when duo an)' olhormdotltednoss01
<br />Borrower to Lendof:
<br />
<br />lbl A breacl'1 ot or default under any ploVISlon contamed m the Note, thiS Deed 01 Trust. sny documenl WhiCh socun!!l Ihe Note. and /lny other
<br />encul"flb,ance upon Ihe Property
<br />
<br />ICI A Wtlt 01 cllocullon or aUachmenl or an)' Similar process snail be entered against Borrower wtllch shall become a hen on lhO Property or any porllon
<br />Ihereot or interesl therem:
<br />
<br />Cdl There shan be hied by or against Borrower an Bchon under Bny present or fulure federal. slllte or other slalute. lsw or regulslton rellllmg to
<br />bankruptcy. msohlency or 01hC' reho' for debIOf'$, 0' Ihere shall beappomted any trustee. receiver or IIqUldalor 01 BOIJOWer or of all or any part of tho Properly. or
<br />Ihe renls. Issues or proms thereol. or Borrower shall make any general a5Slgnmenl for Ihe beneht of cradllors
<br />
<br />(".!l The sale. transler. osslgnmenl conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any palt ot or any mleres! m Ihe Property. cllher voluntarily or
<br />involuntarily. wllhoul the ellpress wllllen con5enl 01 lender
<br />
<br />(fl If Harrower IS 1'101 an mdlvldulll. the sale transfel 3sslgnmenl con~eyance 01 encumbrance 01 molO Ihan __u. percent of (II II corporalton) Its
<br />
<br />Issued and outstandmg slack or lit a pllrlnerSl"lIpl ___. _ _ percenl 01 partnership mlerests
<br />
<br />9 R.mMfieos: Acc.I'tIIDon Upon D.laulL In Ihe evenl of Ill'll' E~enl of Default Lendel may deClare all mdebtedness securednereby 10 be due and payable and Ihe
<br />same shalllhereupon become due I!lnd payable wllhout any presentment. demand protes: or notice of any kind Therealter Lender m,1y
<br />
<br />(al Demand Ihat Trustee e_e'CI51l Ihe POWER OF SALE granled heleln. and Truslee shallthereatter cause Borrower's mlereslln the Properly to be sold
<br />and tho proceeds TO be dlstnbuted all m the manner prOVided 1I''llht.' Nebraska Trust Deeds Act
<br />
<br />Ibl Elthe, In person or by agent wllh or wllhout brmgmg any aChon or proceedIng, 01 by a lece'~er apPointed by a court and wllhout regard to the
<br />adequacy 01 ItS secur11y, enler upon and lake posseSSIon of the Propelly or lIn~ parI Iherool, In 'I!> own name or lT1 the name oflhe Trustee. and do Bny BCts which
<br />It deems necessary or deSirable to pre"ierve Ihe value mi,,~etabl11I" 01 lenlabll1l~ of the Property or pillt thereol or mterest Iherem. mcrease the income
<br />Inerelromol protect the secunly hereol and WIth or wllhoultaklng pOSSes~lon Of the Properly_ !>ue tOI 01 otherwlsecotlecllhe runts.lssuesandpmlilsthereol.
<br />mcludmg Ihose pa5t due and unpaid. lInd apply tne !>ame les!> cost~ and e. pensas ot oporatlon ano collectIon mcludlng anorneys'lees. upon Ill'll' mdebtedness
<br />secured hereby. all m such Older as Lendel may t'3elermme Tneentew'g upon and lalLmg possessIon ollne Properly.lhe collecllon of such rents. Issues and
<br />prohtsand Ihe applicatIon thereol asaforesluO shall not cur(! or wal~eany Ol-'filult Of nollce of detault heleundel or In~atldale any act donem responselo such
<br />default or pursuant 10 5uch notice 01 delaull and nolWllnsland,ng Ihe col'ltlnuanct' m Do~ses~,on 01 the Property or the collec\lG'l. recelpl and applicatIOn ot
<br />'ents, rssues or proflls. Tru5tee 01 Lenoer shall bp enlltled to eaerCIse evt'ry "gnl pfovu1ed 10' lT1 any of the loan Inslrumenls or by law upon occurence 01 any
<br />event of delllull_ mcludmg lhe ught to e..erClse the powel ot !>ale an~
<br />
<br />ICI Commence an action 10 tOleclose IhlS Deed 01 Trusl as a mortgage appo,nt a lecel~er or speclllcally el'llorce any of the co~enants hereof
<br />
<br />Noremedv her1l'II1COnlerred upon 01 reserved 10 Trustee 01 lender Is-mtendedla be eaclUS've 01 il"y otnt>. Il~med~ herein or b~ law prOVIded or permitted, bul each shall be
<br />cumul.lhve shall be In aedlllon to every olhellemed.,. glvel'l T'leleUnOel or no.... 0' neleallel e.,sl'''9 alIa..... 01 .n CQUlty 01 by Sl.ltute and may be e..ercl5ed concurrently
<br />Independently 01 5ur;cesslvely
<br />
<br />10 Trua.... The Trustee mar 'eslgl'l at any tlml!' .....llhoul Cflu!>e and len~er mil~ ilt i1n~ \lme and w'lhO'JI cause appoll11 a successol or subslllule Tlusleo Truslee
<br />shall not be liable 101 any loss or damage unle55 due 10 actIonable negligence 01 .....,1I1ul mlsconducl and shall not be leQulred to take any achon 111 connecllon WIth t!'le
<br />enforcemenl 01 It'llS Deed 01 Trusl unless II1demnlhed m ....fltmg lor all COSU tompf'nsallpn 01 ",.penses whIch mily be assOCiated therewllh In addItion. Trustee may
<br />become a purchase' alany5all! of the Ploperty IludlC-1I11 01 "ndellhe pawl" 01 sale glanted ne'eln1 postporu.the sale 0' all or any pOlllon 01 the property, a!> provided by law.
<br />or sell the Property as a whole or In separate pa,cels Of 1015
<br />
<br />11 Futur'eAch'.nc8S. Upon request of BOTlowel Lendef may al 'I! opllon mllke adOlt,onal and lutwc aovam:es and lead~ances 10 Borrower Such advances and
<br />reaavlnees. wllh Inlerest Ih!!l~n .heU be SClCU'''''' by th" 00...::1 01 Tl\.Osl AI no I,m.. ~nnI11h!" pnnr.lpal 1l""JUf1IUl11'1l-' mot'tHeoness secured by Ihls Deed 01 Tru5t, not 11'1-
<br />
<br />t1udlngsumsadvlncedloplolt1ct the 51!cunly ollnl!! Deed at llusl ...r.("<'0 ,t1l' ""0,,-,"1 p"n( 'p..1 ilmOj,nl slaWrJ l'1..f1'''' <H S 1031000. OQ WhlchevellS
<br />greale,
<br />
<br />12 MIacIfleneoOuSProwIajon...
<br />
<br />lal lIonDWft' Nol Ael.JaMd.. E.tenSlol'l ollne hme 101 pa~m~nl 0' mOClllu:.at,:m 01 amorl111l11()1l 01 It", Su"'!> sccurl.a by thiS Deed 01 Trusl granted by
<br />lAnde' to any sJCces501ln 100elest at BOHowoel shall not OPf>Iillt! to 1t'least! In any m~II1"er It,e IIab,"l~ 01 me o"gll11\1 BOl,ower and BorlOwer s 5Ucce55o,s In
<br />Inlerest Ll!nd!:!r shall 1'101 bereQu.reCltocommence proceed,ng!>i>'ja'I'l~1 ~url'1 '!OU(;r.(-'UO' 0' leI <.1M' tu!-'.I.,nd lIme l:lr paymenl or olherwlse modlly amor1u:allol'l
<br />01 the sums secured bV thiS Deed of Tlusl b~ rf!a!>on o! lIny demllnCl!> mad"!'>y lt1e oogmal BOllOWOPl and BorrowC!lo "U{(('SSOlS In ,"lelesl
<br />
<br />lbl LendIInPa..,.. Wlthoul alle(1'"g ltoe hab,lll~ olany ull'1..r p...!>onllllblp lor Ihp plI~menl ollln~ obllgahon hlllem m...nhoned, and wlthoutalleclmg
<br />tnehenorchargeollhlsDeed of Trust upon any pOfl,on oflne Propelly "("11'11;"" or lI\pIl.'lolorl" .pleased ;us~cur.ty lOllhe lull i1mount 01 all unpllld obhgallons.
<br />Lendel may, trom lime 10 hme and wlthoul notH~!:' III ,,,,I(!Illol' any 1>t<I!oon !o(ll'a~'" I") potend lhe mlt!ultl.... O' aller an~ 0' Ine lerm!> 01 any such obllgallon5, (ull
<br />grant other mdulgences.llvl release O' leconvey or CIUlol' te ot' lelt-ar.ed O' IN.orwr .eO lit lI"y tIme ", lender S opllon!.anr patcel porI 101'1 or all of theProperly.
<br />lvjlakeol 'elease any Olhel 01 aClolllonl1 securl'y 10' tiny ObhQlIhun Iw...,n rI'.t'''',un..a ,lr IV'1 makl-' romro!>,I.on!>or Oln!:'f i1llanyemenlswlln debtors In relatIon
<br />lhereto
<br />
<br />(cl Forbea,ance b, Lendli'. Nota Wal"'l_ An~ lorbl-'lllant.. fl, l,."':I'" ,n ,....Il ''''"9 a"~ "9hl O' ,('medt ne,...unOIlf or otherWise affolded by applicable
<br />law. 5hall not bea wa,ver 01 0' precludt"tne r.o.er(;Ir.1l 01 any ,"ur.h r.ghll1' '..rnt.o~ 1 ne prulUlPmenl 01 ,"suranct:' or the pa~menll)lla.es 01 olT'lef liens or charges
<br />by Lender Shall nol ~. ..alver of Lenoe., IIghllo Iccelellllr Ih.. malu'lly 01 11'11" .ndl-'hll"dne!os secured h~ Ih,,, Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />(dl Succeuon.nII ......nlllound; Joint and Se..ral Uabillty: Captlonl_ 1 f'lf' ('ovenants ano agreements neren, conlameO shall b,nd and Ihe rlghl5
<br />hefBundi!'T shall mu,eto_ the respectIve SUCCf'SSO" and aSSIgns ollef1dt"1 Ina Bo"owo",' 5uOI,"c110 IT'le pro~,slon!> of paragraph 6 (el heleol All covenants and
<br />agreement' 01 BOlTo.el snallbelo,nlan{! se-ve.al Tnt' caphon~ ano nei'tOIf1Q~ olln" piillllgr/lpl'1S of 11'11s Def!Cl ot Trusl Blelol co,-wen,enceonlyand arenotlc be
<br />u$eCllo II1lerpret 01 Cletll1e the ploVISloni hereol
<br />
<br />lei R~IOfNolit:ft. Ttll~partles nell-"b~ lequesllnala copy of Ilny nollct' 01 "p.lault n!!feundef and a copyol an~ n.:J'.ce of S,alehereunder oemalleClto
<br />eac:npanylothls Deed of Trust lit the aCldr('ss st't 10rth abowe lI\ ll'le manne' P'l-"scrlotod by a~pl'cablelilw E .cepllol any otnel ool,cl-"Iequlred under ilppllcabl~
<br />la.lobe ,,"~n ,n enolllel mllnnel, any not.u' pro~Idt-'O to. ,n Ih'5 O,:-,eo 01 T',",sl snail bE" g,ven b\l ma,lIng ~uch nol1ce by cerhl,eo ma,1 adoressed to Ihe othel
<br />panles. at ttll! eddress 5(>1 forth above
<br />
<br />"ny nohce prov.aed tal III th.s Deed 01 Truit 5hall be df'emeCllo hllvt! b~n gIven 10 Bo"o~r or lender wnen glVel'llf'\ lIle mannef des'gnatect nere,"
<br />
<br />It I In~ lender may ma...e or cause 10 be made rea50nableenlfle5 upon and InspecllonS ot lhe P,operty pro~'ded thaI Lendershall give Borrower
<br />notice pnOf to any luch lI'lspeC1lon spec.1Y'"9 ,easonable caus.e lIlerlF'lo, telaled 10 Lendel s ,"ll~lesllllthe Propeny
<br />
<br />UU fIecornieyanc:a. Upon payment ot alliums secufl!'Cl by tl'1'S Peed 01 Trusl lender shill reout'sl Tru51ee to reConvey It'll! Property and 5hall surrender
<br />lhllOeet:l otTrus' ane: all notes eVldenc'"lJ .naebledne!is secUlB(l b~ 1h'5 Deed oll.u!>IIO T'uslee 1 ruSlee snllllll"convey lhe Properly wlthoul warranty ano
<br />-'lhoul Chalge to the PB'",on 01 persons. legally enhUed thereto SuCI'1 person O' Pl",!oon!o !>nall pal' all coslS 01 fl"r.OloatoOI'l ,1 anI'
<br />
<br />ltol ~Propettr.s.cutflJ Ag....fMfIl Asaddlt,onlll SIllUfl'y for ttoe pl~ment 011"(' NOll' all II.'ures e'!u,pmenl IInd olhel per!>onal properly used
<br />InCOf1nec1,on wdh Ihe 1$.11 estale Qllmp,ovements localedthereon and nol 01ner.'51" Opcliul"d 01 dl'tll'meo 10 be a parI oftht' relll e5tale secured nereby, Shall bl-"
<br />sub}K1to asecunty Inlerest mtavOl' ollne Lender unOprthe Nebraska UI'IIlorm Commf'lclal Cooe 1 hIS InSlfum",,1 shall be conslrul-"d as a Security Agree",enl
<br />U~f lald Code, and the lendellil\alll\aVi! al1lhe flghts.nO reme-alf'5 01 a sec".red perty ".nCll"l sa,d COCle II'l addrtlon 10 Ine 11ghlS 111'10 lemed,es Clealed ",nCler
<br />and accorCleO me Lender pursuanllo tl'\,' Deed of Trus1
<br />
<br />(II ........,. In tne ewent tI'l&lant' plOtflS'OIJ ollh.s Deed 01 TIUil conflict WIlh applIcable 11'* or IIreOeclaleCl ,n~IIICl o. 0ltoerw.5ot'unenlorceaDla such
<br />conlhelOf mvahdrty"nall nolafll!t:1tnl!olher pIOvISlDf\S.Ot th,S Deedot Tru51 ortneNOle ",-hlen (11'l De gl~(!nelleCI wlthoullne (onfllCtrng provI510n andto tf'llS
<br />ef\Cllne proVlSJonl 01 the Deed 01 Trust .andtne Nole are deClared 10 be aevrraotlll
<br />
<br />&otTowet I\p e.ecuted In,s Deed 01 1rO$I the dale .rmeon aOo>'t'
<br />
<br />l"w-it:': Rat ~HUSb"nd)
<br />(q~4/ ...tt. dCi/Vl.~
<br />~~nita G. Farrall) BOliOOW'"' (~';l I ,.-:
<br />
<br />L
<br />