<br />
<br />88_105089
<br />
<br />BorrodraITnr.tofl) undlll'lllnd lhalthlldocumenlthallhll Borrowers.re abou110 IIllllcute 1111 Deed 01 Tru.land nola mOr'lgaQaand thaI the power otaaleprovlded
<br />IOJ In the Deed of Tru,' provld9 substantially dlflllronl right'and obUlIltlon. 10 the Bonowera Inlln a mortgage In thB (lvanl 01 II detlull or breach 01 obllgltion undlr the
<br />Deed 01 Trult. including. but nOlllmlllld IO,Ihe Lendar'a right to hlVlI the Real Propl!lrty lold by the Trultee wUhout any judlcill proceeding 0' foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />~presenl InCl wanant thai lt111 Icknowlltdgllmllnt w""llfl:Uled by them belore the executIon ollne Deed 01 Trusl.
<br />
<br />"' (Husband)
<br />
<br />.J.I1AM jJL
<br />Farrall) Borrowe' (Wife)
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE Vila portion ONLY I'lha ,.,1 property dncrtbed consl.t. of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />n appUcabl., camp"'. ONLY ONE .Ith.r A, B. or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrawerls} acknowledge thai they areaboultoexecule the following Deed 01 Trust upon the real estate descnbed therein. Tho Borrowerls). and each of them it
<br />mora than one. do hereby dIsclaim their right to designate a homestead pursuanlthereto. No part of the homestead of either of lh.B Borrowerls) is presently or will in the
<br />future be situated upon sl!Iid rfIl!1l eslate The Borrower(s) unrlersland that il either establishes a homestead on any part ofllllid real estate during the time the Deed of TrUllt
<br />remains unsatisfied and II lien upon said real estale, there shall be no nghtlo make a designation of homestead in the ellent of a foreclosure or trustee'ssale wl1h respect to
<br />said Deed at Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />TheBorrower(s) acknowledge thatlhey are about to execute Ihe lollowmg Deed ot Trust upon the real eslate described therem The Borrower(s), and each of Ihem if
<br />more than one, do hereby war".e their right 10 deSIgnate a homeslead pursuant thereto The Borrower!sl understand thai they have the nghlto make a deslgnatl.on 01
<br />hamesteadandlhatby execulmg thiS walYer. Ihey are walYmg fights alherwlse available tor the purpose 01 allordlng them Ihe opportumty 10 retain theIr homestead m the
<br />event of a default upon the Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuanllo the Farm Homeslead Protecllon Act ISecllon 76.1901 ct seq RClIlsed Slatutes 01 the Stale 01 Nebraskal. the Borrower(sl. do hereby designate the real
<br />property described in the "Deslgnallon at Homestead" attached herelo and Incorporaled herem by thiS relerence
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST IS madl! as ollhe 27.nd"y at A~ust, 19.~ . by and aT'I'Jon~~e Trustar~wm e~~ ~f~rall
<br />and Juanita G__.F.arralL-llusbamL.and. ..wife eac~MS~ m~I~~ a~dres~~ o~~tj~s1tfe:._ ~e ~ _ ~_ _rfa#
<br />
<br />N E 6880 1-8535_. lh~Iem' Borrowel I the Trustee, WJJUam _ G. 6Ja..ckb_uJ:r.1.,.._.-!i-'I1.emb.e..r-9~...E-~ta1e-Bar~sn.
<br />
<br />whose mailIng address IS 'p.--!-..Q!-_aJ!.~ ~1.Illl....L.. ~.r~rl.C:tJ~J~nd. N.~ 6!lt'-D_~.--Z-280 (herein ~Truslee"l.
<br />
<br />end the Benehclary J::jYft .Pt;,,-i.r:Jt~ _ .~~~~--
<br />
<br />whosemalhngaddress's .P....D... Box _1.51l1...__Grand .Island.. NE 68802=150.2_ _. _,_____.___ {herelM"Lender"\
<br />
<br />Lots Five (5), Six (6). and Seven (7) All in Farrall Subdivision, Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE COt~SIDERA TION mcludlng the Indebledness IdentIfied helcm ilnd lrusl helem crealed. Ihe recelpl 01 Whteh IS heleby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby Irrevocably granls translers corweys and assIgns 10 Truslee IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE lor 1he tJenEc'!ltand security 01 Lendel, under and subject 10 the
<br />terms and conditions heremoller sellorlh lhe real pfop~ny described 85 lnllOI'JS
<br />
<br />Togethef WIth all buildings Improvements. fldures. streets alleys. passageways. easemenls. Tlgnts. privileges and appurlenances located thereon or In anywise
<br />perUllmng thereto. and lhe rents. ISSUes and prohts. reverSions and remllmders lhereol Includmg. bul not limited to, heeling IInd cooling eQuipment and suCfl persorlal
<br />propertythallSanached 101he Improvements SOBS locons!ltuleatlJ'.ture, and togelher wllh lhe homestead or marltallntE"ests, If any WhIch mlBlestsare hereby released
<br />and walved:an of whiCh. including replacements and addlhonstherelo IS hereby declared tn be a pan ollhe real estale secured by lhe lien ollhls Deed 01 Trust andall of Ihe
<br />laTl!!gomg bemg rf!ferretllo herein as the "propertv'
<br />
<br />ThiS Deed of Trust shall secure fal the pAyment 01 the pnm:lpal Sum and IntereS! ev,denced by BOflower 5 nOle ","d'OI cfedl! agreemenT dated Augus..t__22.
<br />
<br />1 gSB havlng.l matullty (late of March 7...L.1 ~~.. __ . _ _ In ltle Oll91nal p""Clpal amount (It S 1 03_I.QQ!t~_..QL and any and all
<br />modifIcations. ez\enSIQtl$ and renewals tnereol ollheretoand anV..nd alltululf! advances and readllances heleunder PUISulln!IO onB or mure plomlssory notes or crean
<br />agreements (herein called"'Note"l. lbl the payment 01 athersums adllanced bV Lender to protect the secuulv 01 ttle Note, (cl Ihe perlormance arl covenants and agreement
<br />of Borrowerael forth herelR; and (d) allmOt!btedl'lt!lsand obhgallonsol BorrowerlD Lender whether dllecl, mdlleel absolute O' conllngent and whelher arlsmg by nole
<br />g~TlInl,.. oven:tr:att 01 OtherwlM
<br />
<br />BOtTOW8r. 10 Pf01ec1lhe Mcurlly otlhlB o-d 01 Ttus!. covenants and agrees; Wllh LenrJer aslollowll
<br />
<br />, ~oI PrincIpIIIanCllntM'lrd. Borro_1 shill promplly pi, when due the pnnclpal of and mlerest on and an~ It't's or cnarges prOVIded In Ii'll! Nole Olin thiS
<br />DMd 0' Tfust
<br />
<br />2 TIaII.Botl'ower Il1neownerQtlhe Property. fUll the rlgnl and aulhonly 10 conlle, the Pro pen, IInd wan ants 1"''''llne hen crllateO hereby 15 a Ilrsl and PUOI hen on
<br />lhe Propert,. eacept... mIIy Dlher.'M be HI fol1h he-reln. and Ihee.ecutlon and dellllery ollhlS OM-d 01 Trust dues nOlll.clate any cO"I.t'lct 01 olher obhgallo'1 to wh.cn
<br />80mNef IS subJK1
<br />
<br />3 T-.~ lopay when due aU Ia.el. S'*Clalalf;Mlssml!'ntl and all otner chllrgp.'i agalnsl thl! PfOpeny and upon .,.tl('" demand by Lender 10 pay tel
<br />Lance1 &ueh..moun1 u ma, tMlaull,tJent 10 enable lhe Lendef 10 ~r Il.ucn taae$, anenmenll 01 oltler chalO~s t'l5 tney bf-'Com.. due
<br />
<br />" ......... lok_p tfMI P,ope-t1y lnlufedagllnltdlmlgetly tire tlll-lIrdl lI'lcludll"d w.lh"" In", lelm e.tended co..erlg.. and sucn olher hazardllllS Lendt"r mily
<br />~I"', In arnounlland "'111'1 .:ompantnaceeptlblrolo LenaM and Wllh Ion plyable to lhe Lendl!'l In call!' or IOU. unde' SuCh pohc,el Ihl!' lendt'f 'S Autno1l1ed to adjust
<br />COlIec1andcompromlM. aUc:lalmllhellfunoe-rands.naUhawalheopllonol applymg.11 or part oltn" ""sulllnc"p'ocl1rd' I ,j to BnV Indl'!bledneo'loSSP( "If'd "'p.N'I. anClln 51,1'-"
<br />oro.r.. Lenclrr may Oelelm'"1I 111110 Ihll BelTowe.1o be- uled 101 tnllrep.1Jt Of r1!'Slorll'OIl 01 tn.. J-o'OlW'rI, O' ""110' ."y othol pUff'os" 0' Oblrrl ~""i5111,!C\ry to Leona...
<br />WJlT\ou1afl.c'hngthe I.." ollh'l 0flt<I of 1,ultlClt" lho lull.mounl "cUTtldhM1'!by befo.e Iucn poymf-'''' I"vf" !on. P'II(I' An. 1I0pl.cal,un (lll"'" ....r1~ t" .nrlrtJ!l'Ilnl'~" "hilI
<br />n-tll eo:tllnd or pc;Ktpone tl'lCl dUfl dal. of .ny p."n'l~" undft' Inlf Nole Of C"". arty dftl.ul!Ih~'l!u"d'" t" h(-'.......no."
<br />
<br />!l ...................... eM ~ wi'" u... BottO"-llr snail "~p Ihe Propt!rl~ '" OUCJo ''''"1,'",,, A'''1 1l"1"" ~"'I': '"I''' '1'1'"'' "..(.111'" ..,~
<br />ffI\pl"~ .,,1Cfl....' be o.ma"eaOf anllo,,", Ihllrnl'Jtcomm't 01 pe,m.t.", .aste O' Oflll!l'O'II"'''' "I'..... 1""1>"", .hAI' ",.,' ......, ," '..... ",~,. ,,~, t ~1.," ..' , " ''''
<br />.n'otr..o."'p.o.........I"on'....P1or:-rt, $l'lallnOlcomm'tlUIlO!'IOf(lt'tm,'a",.cttOtlf'Cl)to",moruPU"'hl'I'.nP,.,I, ,.",I"!",, ..'.~, .... "oJ .' ," ~ ,
<br />.....t:p.I..nQP.oonpl., Q'kh.llg.atOor1o_ t.tUSland..pt\'nllll.Uhe...t. .nc...mb..nCM.ndr......w...,......" ..,(",...." ~....'~I..' "'J.'" ",..,.1'. I...... "...,., l'~., ",,,,,.,,'
<br />