<br />6 Emlll1'nl Do"'ltn, LOllllcII II hOlllhy aUllJnOd 1111 compn,""llOn. llward.. 11llmllDn. nnd oltlrr pllymllnll III lotllll [luorIllrln'h" "'lIU'I"" I In r.tIlHlllclllln WlHl
<br />condomnatlonOI Olherl.klng ollt'lo Prop",,\, 0' P'HlllltlIIl'O'. orlOfcanvoyanclI In llouol cOndomnlltlOn LOlll11l1 Ihnll hI! onWlnd 1l111l\ujJhon!ut:ommo"clI nppllnt In lInel
<br />plalVell,,. In III own namnllny net Ian Of procoedmg.. llond IIhall allo bc onllUod 10 mnll.O,llnl' comprOJl'\llIO or IOll1omont In cannOellO" willI lue" InkmD nl dnmlllltJ In Iho
<br />tlvont any ponton 01 the P,oPtl'ty II 10 la)l,on 0, dl'mllgod. Londor shAll havo U'lQ opUon In 111'1 solo and nbsolulo dlscrotlon, 10 apply nllllllch Procltltdl /\IID'dlldUCllna
<br />........ Ihel1lhom aU COl' I and lI_pllnlol InClllfDd by tl in connocllon IN'lh such proceeds. upon "ny mdoblor:lnotl uncured hOrllby nnd I., lIuch ardor In londor mlly dotormlnll. lIr 10
<br />..'., apply all .uch Procl'Ied., allar SUCll doducllon.. to lho roslorallOn 01 thfl Proportl' upon touch condlllOnll as Londor mny dOlormlno Any llPpltcnUon or !'rocunda 10
<br />r- mdetlllldnoss IhaU nol a.l;md or pOllpono tho duO dolo 01 any paymenla under Iho Noto, or cum anI' dolault Ihorllundor or 111lfOUndnr
<br />
<br />Q '1 P.rt~nc. by Ltn"', In the ovonl 01 Donowof',IQlluro 10 pcrlorm "ny 01 lho covononll heICm Dr mako onV pnvmOnl' roqulred horoby. Dr I' nny t1clIII Itlkon or
<br />. '""" legal proceedlngcommanced whIch malerlallV a"oclS Ll'Indor'1l Inl0lOlIt In Iho Propo"y. Lender may In II~ own dlscrollon, bul Wllhout obllgnllun lodo so, Bnd without nolleo
<br />......, 10 or demand upon BOflower and wllhout roteallng Borrower horn ony obllgllllon, do any acl which Iho Borrownr has IIgrood bul falls 10 do nnd may also do anV othor act II
<br />Q dHmsnecelSary10 prolectlho securily heroof Borrower shall, Immodlatoly upon demand therefor by Londor. pny 10 Londor all cosls and olpOllllOIl mcurrod and sums
<br />.... elpended by lender m connecllon wllh thoelorclla by Lendoroltho loregolng rlght9, together wilh II1lerestlhoroon ollhe rlllo provided 111 tho Nolo. whlct\ shall bo added 10
<br />Ihe mdeblednelllacured hereby Lendor shall notll1cur any personal hability because 01 anylhlng II mlly do or omlllo do horaundar
<br />
<br />8 Ibtnh 01 Delaull The followlI1g shall conslllule an evonl 01 defaull under Ihis Oeod 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />(al Falluro to pay any II1slallment of prinCipal or Inleresl or ony olhor sum secured hereby when due. or lallure 10 pay wher. due any olhor II1deblodnolSol
<br />Borrowllr 10 Lender:
<br />
<br />I
<br />CO
<br />CO
<br />
<br />(hi A breach 01 or default undor IIny pro'ollslon contained in tho Nolo. Ihls Deed of Trusl. any documonl which socuras Ihe Note. nnd any olher
<br />encumbrance upon Iho Propeny.
<br />
<br />(c) A wril 01 allocution or attachment or any SImilar procoss shalt be entered agamstBorrowor which shall becomo a lien on Ihe Proporly or ony portion
<br />Ihereol or inlere!.llhereln;
<br />
<br />(d) Thoro shall be filed by or agalnsl Borrower an acllon under any present or lulure federal, slale or other sl.atute, law or regulation rolsling 10
<br />bankruptcy, 1I150hrency or olher reliollordeblors; or Ihere shall be appOinted any truslee, receiver or liqUIdator of Borrower or of all or any pari ollhe Properly, or
<br />Iha ronls, i!isues or prolits thereol, or Borrower shall make any general assIgnment lor Ihe benollt 01 credllors
<br />
<br />Ie) The sale, transfer, asslgnmenl, conveyancn or lurther encumbrance 01 nil or any pan of or any Inlerosl 111. Ihe Property, either volunlarlly or
<br />lI1volunlarily, wilhoullhe e.press wrinen consenl 01 Lendor
<br />
<br />III lIBorrower IS nOI an ml1ivldual. Ihe SOle.transler assIgnment. conveyanco or encumbfilnco at more toan ____ percanl 01 (II a corporation) II.!!
<br />
<br />Issued and oulllotandlng slock or Iii a pllrlnorshlpl _ _ _ _ pnrconl 01 partnershIp Inleresls
<br />
<br />9 Rernmllea; Acc.leraUon Upon O.faull. In Ihe ovonl 01 any Evenl 01 OlJlautl Lnnder may declare aU lI1debledness secured hereby to be duo and payable and the
<br />same shall thereupon become due and payable wllhout any presentmont, demand. protnsl or notice ot any kind Thereaftor Lender may
<br />
<br />181 Demand Ihal Trusleeelerclse Ihe POWER OF SALE granled herein. and Trustee shall lhereoller cause Borrower's inleresl in Ihe Pro pert V 10 be sold
<br />and lhe proceeds to be dislrlbuled. all 111 Ihe manner provldod In Ihe NebrAska Trusl Deeds Acl.
<br />
<br />Ibl Elthnr 111 person or by agenl. wllh or wllhoul brlngll1g any acllOn or proceeding. or by II receiver appointed by a courl and wllhoul regard to Ihe
<br />adequacyolltssecurily. enler upcnand lake possaSSlon ollhe Property. or any part thereat, In Its own name or In the nome olthe Truslee. and do any acls which
<br />it deems necessary or desirable 10 pre~ef1le the value, marketability or renlabllily ollhe Properly. 01 part Ihemal or mlerost lherem. increase lhe Income
<br />therehom or prolecllhe security hereol and, .....111 or wltl10~ltllktn9 POSSL.JS.on ot lhe Property. sue lor or olherwIsecolleclll1e renlS, Issues and profits Ihereor,
<br />Includmg those pasl due and unpaid, and apply Ihe same. less cosls and elpenses 01 opefiltlon and collectIOn mcludmg attorneys'lees. upon any mdebtedness
<br />secured hereby, all in such order as Lender may dolermll1e. The enlermg upon and lakmg possesSIOn 01 the Property, the collection 01 such rents, Issues and
<br />prohlsand the apphcatlonthereol as aloresald, shall nol cure or waIve any delault or notice 01 default hereunder or mvalldale any act done m response to such
<br />delaull or pursuanlto such notice of defaull and. notWlthstandmg Ihe continuance In possessIon ollhe Property 01 Ihe collechon. rpcelpl and applicalion 01
<br />rents, Issues or prollls. Truslee or Lander shall be enlltled to elerClse every TIght prOVided lor III Jny ollhe Loan Inslrumenls or by law upon occurenca 01 any
<br />evenl 01 default. Includmg the right 10 elerCIse the power 01 sale. and
<br />
<br />Icl Commence an aCllon 10 loreclose thIS Deed 01 TruSl as a mortgage. appoint a fCcelver or speCifically enlorce any 01 lhe covenanls horeol:
<br />
<br />No remedy herem conferred upon or reserved 10 Trusle{'l or lender IS mlendod 10 be ellcluSlve olllny olher remedy herem or by law prOVided or permitted, bul each shall be
<br />cumulative. shall be In addlllon 10 BlI'ery other remedy gl'olen hereunder or now or hereallor ellSlmg at law or m IlQully or by sliHule. and may De e_erCIl:ed concurrently,
<br />mdependently or successively
<br />
<br />10 Trull... The Trustee may resIgn al any hme Without cause. and lender may at any lime and wllhoul cause appolnl a successor or subshlule Truslee. Truslee
<br />shall nol be liable lorsny loss or damage unless due 10 acllonable negligenCe or wl1lful m,sconduct and shall nOl be requlled 10 lake any acllOn m connectIon wilh the
<br />enlorcement 01 this Deed 01 Trust unless ,"demnllled. '" wrlllng. tor all eosls. compensallon or elpenses whIch may be aSSocl8tl.'d IhlHewllh In addlllon, Trustee may
<br />become. purchaser at any sale ollhe Properly (ludlclal or under the power 01 sale gran led herem) poslpone Ihe sole at all or an,!, porllon ollhe propeny as prOVIded bV law:
<br />or sell the Properly as a whole, or III separate parcols or lots
<br />
<br />11 Fulu"Adnncn, Upon request 01 Borrower. Lender may alllS optIOn. make add'llon81 and tulWll'adv.1nces and rellrlvancesto Borrower Such advances and
<br />readvances. WIth mll'lresl1hereon. shall be secured hy Ihls Doed 01 TrusI AI no lIme shall the prlncrpal amounl of the IIldebtndness secured by thiS Deed of Trusl. nol in-
<br />
<br />cluding sums advanced 10proleClltleSeCurllyofthl!o Ooodol Tlusl. elceed Ihe orlgmal prmclpal amount stated herem or 5 '37-4 OOJl,_QO. .._ ,,_._,__. whichever is
<br />greater
<br />
<br />12 IIlacebMouI Prowlllona.
<br />
<br />I') Borrow.r Nol R.le'IR. EdenSlon ollh~ lime lor pal/menl or modlllcallon 01 amor1IZatlon of the sums secUftld bl/lh.! Dood 01 Trust granted by
<br />Lender 10 any successor In Interest 01 Borrowel snail not operale to release. many manner.lhe Ilablllly ollhe original Borrower ilnd Borrower's successors In
<br />Inlarest Lender shall nOI be reqUired to commence proceedmgsagalnSl such successor or reluse toe.lend lime lor pnymenlor olherwlse mOdIfy amonizahon
<br />ollhe sums sl!1:ured by IhlS Deed 01 Trusl by reason 01 any demands made by Ihe Original BOllower and Borrower's successors In mlereSI
<br />
<br />{bl Lender'. Po...... Wllhout allectmg the Ilablhty 01 any olher person liable lor lhp payment 01 .1ny obhgallon herein menlloned, Bnd Without alfeclrng
<br />Ihellen orchargeof thIS Deed 01 TruSI upon any portion ollhePrope"v nollhen or theretOfore released as securlt~ lor thefuUamount of all unpaId obhgallons
<br />Lende, may.ltom 11me lotlme and wlthoul notIce lllrtllease any person so hable. (Ill e_tend the maturlly or aller anr of Ihe lerms 01 any such obligatIons. 11111
<br />grant otherlndulgenC8S. (IV) release or reconvey. orcausc lobe released or reconveyed at any lime at lender s ophons any parcel. portion or all ollhe Property.
<br />(vi take or release any olher or addItional socunly lor any obllglltlon hereIn menlloned. or! VII make composlhons or other arrangements wllh debtors In relatIon
<br />lhereto.
<br />
<br />lei Fotbea..ncebr LenderNola Walnr. Any 10rbearance by Len:ler ,n e.erc,slng any rlghl or remedy hereunder. or olherwIse afforded by applicable
<br />law. shall nol bea wa.ver 01 or preclude the ellerClse 01 any such rlghl or remedy The procuremenl of Insurance or Ihe payment ollales or other liens or charges
<br />by Lender shall nol be. waiver 01 Lender's rlghllo accelerate Ihe malurlty of the mdebtedness secured by thIS Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />ldl Sueceuors and .nlgnl Bound; Joint and Senllll Uablllty: Capllon.. The co~enants and agreemenls herem conlamed shall bind. and the rlghls
<br />hereunder shall mute 10,Ihe respechve successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subleClto Ihe prOVISIons of paragraph ale) hereol All covenants and
<br />agreements 01 Borrower Shall betolnl and several Thecaphonsand headings ollhe paragraphs 01 thiS Deed 01 Trus! are lor eonvenlenceonlyandarenOllo be
<br />used to mterpret or datme lhe prOVISIonS hereof
<br />
<br />(e) Requeat lorNoUcn. The partIe' hereby requeslthal a copy 01 any nOhce 01 delaul! here un del and a copy of ..ny nollce of sale hereunder be mailed 10
<br />each party 10 thiS Deed of Trusl at Ihe address set lorlh above m the manner preSCribed by applicable law Elcepllor any other nOllce reQUired under applicable
<br />law10be gIVen In anolher manner. any nolrce prOll'lded for In Ihl:li Deed 01 Trusl shall be gl~en by mallmg su=h nohee by cenllled mall addressed 10 Ihe olher
<br />partIes. atlhe address set forth above
<br />
<br />Any notice prOVIded for," Ihlll Deed 01 Trusl Shall be deemed 10 have been gIVen 10 BOllower or Lender when given In lhe manner deSIgnated herein
<br />
<br />(fl InlpecUon. Lender may make Of cause to be made reasonable enllles upon and ,"specllons ollhe Properly. prOVided Ihallender shall gIVe Borro....er
<br />notice pnor to any such inspeCllc>n specllymg reasonable cause Iherelor relaled to Lender's ,"lereSI In rhe Property
<br />
<br />(g) Rec:on..,.anca. Upon paymenl olallsums secured by Ihls Deedol Trusl. LendershaU reQueS! Truslee 10 reconvey Ihe Property and shall surrender
<br />thIS Deed 01 Trult and all nolesevldencing Indebtedness secured by thiS Deed 01 Trusllo Trustee Trustee shall reconvey Ihe Property WIthout warlsnly and
<br />.Ithout charge 10 the perlon or persons Il'gally enllUed Iherelo Such person a. persons shall pay all cosls 01 r~cordalton If !Iny
<br />
<br />Ihl Penonal Property, Securlt)i' AgrHlMlnL As additional secul1ly lor Ihe paymcnl of the NOle alllldures, eqUlpmenl.and Olher personal properly used
<br />,n connechon wllh the real estale or Improvemenls located IherElon, and not otherWise declared or deemed 10 be II part of Ihe rcal eSlale seCUred hereby. shall be
<br />subJecll0 I!I secunty mlerl!Slm tavor of Ihe Lender undpr the Nebraska Umlorm CommerCIlI1 Code ThiS ,"strum'!nt shalt be conSlrued a5 8 Securlly Agreemenl
<br />under nid Code. and Ihe Lender shall have all the rlghlsand IOmedlO:li at a secured party under saId Code In addrtlOn 10 lhe rights and remedlOS created under
<br />and accorded lhe Lender punuanl to thIS Deed 01 TrulII
<br />
<br />III SewwJbIIty. In the evenllnat any prOVISIon of Ihls Deed 01 TruslconthCI Wllh appllCllbleJllw orare declllred In~ahd or otherwIse unenlorCElllble. such
<br />confhClor In"lhdlly Ihall nolaUect Ihe olherprOVlslonl Ollhls Deed 01 TruSI orlheNole which con beglven elfncl w.thoullhe cn!1fllctmg prOIlISlon. and 10 lhls
<br />end 'he prOll'lSIOnS oflhe Deed of Trust and the Naill' are dectared 10 be severable
<br />
<br />8o~1 flU e.ecuted Ihls Deed 01 Trusl the date Wflnen above
<br />
<br />_~D -nZ,<--j~
<br />
<br />(Karen 0, Muckei'(- 80"0..'
<br />~ if". J)).. _ /.1, ~.7
<br />(,{~g,er F. M~~t:eO"'~,
<br />