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<br />ACKNOWLEOGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />8B-105073 <br /> <br />10RRDn". 110.0 Tltll IIIFOlllr:IIONIND.: <br />Bon-aMra (TruIIDrllluldeR..nd Ih.llhedocumenllh.1the Borrawerlllfo llboullooxecullllslI Deed anrusl and nol II mol1gage and thai Ihltpowerol'lIle provided <br />for in Ihe DHd 01 Trull provide. lubll.nllallv dlllof1lnt rlghl. and obligatIons to the Borroworalhln 0 mortgage In lhe evenl of II dlll.ull or br[jllch 01 obllgalion under the <br />Deed of Trust. lncludlng, but nolllmlled 10, lhelllndt!lr'a r(ghllo hlye the Aeal Propeny sold by lho Trusteo wllhoulllny judiCial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrower. <br />repnlHnt.nd warrant Ihlllhil acknowledgement WIIIIlXe-cullld by them before the OIUlcullon 01 Ihe Olted 01 Trust. <br /> <br />tiA~ b ~JJ2 <br />( aren D. Muckel Bo"ow" <br /> <br />~~~.m"'nA~ <br />1 Ro er"' F. uckel) Borr wer <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETE thl, portion ONLY If the ,ul propertr dncrtbtci can.1.t. of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />U.ppIICllble, cample" ONLY ONE either A, 8. or C: <br /> <br />CJ A DISCLAIMER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HDMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge thal1hey are about to execute the following Deed 01 TrullI upon Ihe real estate described therein. The Borrower(sl. and eaCh 01 ttlam II <br />more Itlan one. do hereby disclaim their righllo designale a homestead pursuantlherelo. No part of the homestead 01 either 01 the Borrowerlll)Is presently or will In the <br />future be slluated upon said Rllll estate The Borrower(s) understand thallI ailher establishes a homestead on any pari 01 said raal estale during the Ume the Oeed of Trust <br />remlllns unsalisfitld and a lien upon said roal estate. there shall be no right to make a deslgnallon 01 humestead In theavent of a foreclosure ortrustee's salewllh respeclto <br />said Deed of Trust <br /> <br />o B. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) aCknowledgelhatthey are aboulto execule Ihe lollowing Deed 01 Trust upon the real eslatedescribed Ihereln. The Borrowerls). and each of them II <br />more than one. do hereby walva thelt righl 10 deSIgnata a homeslead pursuant Ihereto The Borrower{sl unde~sland Ihal they have Ihe rl{lhtlo make a designallon of <br />nome:su,lId and thlll Hus wa;vtlt. thoI' arc ....alVlng lignls otherWISD available lor the purposo 0/ affordmg Ihum the opportunIty 10 rlllBln Iholr hOrnegtead In Iha <br />evenl of II delaull upon Ihe Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />D C. DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuanl to the Farm Homeslead Prolecllon Acl (SeCUen 76-1001 et seq. ReVIsed Statutes 01 the Stale 01 Nebraska).lho Borrower(s). do herebVdeslgnatethe real <br />property described in Ihe "DeSIgnatIon 01 Homestead" attached herelo and mcorponHed herein by thiS relerence <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DeeD OF TRUST ':' rnadl' ilS of thft 19thdl'.lY 01 September 19 ~ii bV and among Ihe Truslor.Kar:en._D. Muc:kel <br />and Roger F~_Muckel, h~.r. JJusba_nd wnOS!! mallmg aOclleS5 IS 18.2~ ~ ... Tay..lQr:..._J:ir.and Island <br />NE 68803-~~L ""cmBo"ow".'lhcT,""...William._G. Blackburn. Qft!lll.J'lJO_5.t!!.t!l Bar Assn.. <br />WhOSemailmgaddresslsP..D.._-.Bnx_228.0.........Grand.l.sland.NE 6880~.-2_28.0 (hor(!ln "Trustee"). <br />and the Beneftclary. _-F.hl.~PQints. J~ilnk_ <br />whose malhng address IS P..JI.Q_~_ _602'-. .1.5.0_7-" C,xaJ,d l~lal1c;1, NE 68802-1.~PJ therem "Lender'.) <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION Includlllg the IndebtOdness Idenlllle~ he-relfl and llust herein Cleated Itle reCClpt:JI whlch.s herebv acknowlodged. Borrower <br />hereby I"cllocably grants. IIl1n5le~ conweY5 and 355'9n5 10 Trv'lee IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE lor the nonelll anO security or Lender. IInder and ~ublcn;tto the <br />lerms and condlllons herclnaller sellorth. the real properfy Clescllbed as lollows <br />Lot Sixteen il61. Marylane Subdivision. in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Together wllh all bulldthgs. Improvements. IId\.Jres, stleets. alteys. passageways. easemenls fights priVileges and appurlenanccs localed thereon or m Ilflywl:,e <br />pertaththg thereto. and the renls. Issues and prallts. reverSIons and lemalnders thereol. Including. bul not limited to. healtng and cooling equipment and lluch penonal <br />proper1y Ihal isallachedtolhe Imptovemenlssoastoconstllute a II_lure, and togelher WIth thchomestead 01 marllal Inferesls. II any. whIch mlerasls lire heroby relolsed <br />andwallled: all of whlch.lncludrng repllcementsand addlhons therelo. 15 hereby declared to be a part 01 the real estale secured by Ih!.' hen of Ihls Ceed of Trusl and 1111 ollh!.! <br />foregomg berng rtllened to herem as the "ploperly~ <br /> <br />ThIS Deed 01 Trusl :shall secure (allhe payment of the pnnclpal sum and mterest eVidenced by Borrower s noto andror cred.1 agleemcnl dated <br /> <br />Sept 19 1988 . havlOg a maturity date 01 ~~L._ _. In Ine ollglllal prmclpal amount 01 S 31---JlD.(l.jlCL..... and any and aU <br />mocliflcations. exlenslOns and nmewllls thereol or Iherelo and any and an lulure advances and leadl/ances hereunder pursuanllO one or more promIssory notea or cred.' <br />.greemllntl(hereincal1ed-"Note-). tb) the payment of other sums advanced by lender 10 prOlectlhe secullly of Ihe Noll!. lc ) tne porlormance all covenanls and agreomenl <br />of Borrower set forth herein. and ldl allmdebtedness and obhgallons 01 Borrower 10 Lendel whether direct .nolrect absolulc or conltngenl and whelhet arr51ng by nolu <br />guaranty. overdral1 or olherwl5e <br /> <br />Borrower to prolect the secunty ollhlS Deed of Trust. covenanls and agrees WIth lender as 101l0W5o <br /> <br />1 h"..nlalPrindpalltnd Intl-relL Borro",ershalJ promptly pay ",hen due Ihe prinCIpal 01 and Intolest on and any lees or charge5 prOVIded In the Nole Olin Ihls <br />Oeed of Trust <br /> <br />2 naa. Boff~ IS Ihe owner of Ihe P,operty. has Ihe nghland lulhonty 10 convey lhe Propeny and warranlS lhatthe "en crealed rmreby IS 1Ilor5land pnOI hen on <br />tMProperty. Bltcepf as may otherwIse be set forth herein, and Ihe executton and delivery ollhrs Deed 01 Trusl does not vloll!.le an~ conI, act or ethl" onhgallon to <br />Borro... CI sub)l!lCt <br /> <br />3 T.....~ To Ply when due alltllU!S, spec11l11lS5e5llmen11 and all olhllr chalges Igllnsllho Properly and upon wrollcn oemand by Lunoer to PllY 10 <br />Lende. 'uch r.nount.1 IT\&}' be SUlflCll!nllO enflbll!! the lender 10 paw such taxes. Inessments 01 olher charges as they become due <br /> <br />... ~ Toll_p Ihe Properly .nsurlK!agllnll damage by hre. tazardllOcluded wllhm the t8lm. eatcnoel.1 coverllge aoCl SUCh olher hal,,'<1~ .,~ I ..nder may <br />requite. In amount.lnd Wllh companle.lcceplabllllo Lendo,. and With lassp.Ylbl" 10 the Lender In case ollon U"dlll SuCh thelenCler II authOriZeD 'oadjusl <br />cotlectand comproml'o. III claIm. 1hereunder InO ahlrt have tht-aptlon 01 applying 1111 or part 01 thE' ,nliur.r:nce plocrreds 1'1 loan.,. I"debll:'dnt>u Illcurell ncruby and on auen <br />ordC1' aSLC1'>o.r".., del,,"."ne '''llo1he BOffower 10 be ulilld for Ihllll.'lplll or reSIOrlllon ollhe PIOpt>rlV 01 1111) 10' an.,. OllllH purposl' or nnlcKI sallsllll<or.,. 10 lr~ndel <br />.llhDU1111ec1lng1hllhlln 01 Ihll Delld 01 Tlust tor th"lullamounlleculed hflTllb)l belore rouch payment e.,,,, look plIlCt' An} IIPph(""D" \.1 prOll"mn 1(lll1drhlru1nf"~ "1"" <br />nol e.U!ruS OJ POltpone lhl OU1J allll ol.n, pa.,.mellls unoer Ihe Nolo. or cure liMy dlllaulllMerflunOer 01 t\fHelonOIJ' <br /> <br />~ ~~... MIl C~ w11h U... DOllowe' Ihall keep Iho PIOperll' ,n good concJll,o.' oJn.] 100P"" I" .r"I.I. "1 I' .,r "'1,..1\..- .1"1 <br />ImpID..~nl wI\lc;h tn., bltd.m.agtl'd or d,ellrOJ'1'd .1"10111 nol commit Of pe,m.t.nW wasle 01 dllt''f10'1I100'' 01 Ifle P'o~ll, ,,,,,11 "ot 'r"'..... !""'. " ",I',I."'!"I", ","" <br />an..,Dlther Improortttn"nllOf1 I'l"P'Dp"r1, 11"1.11 nol.:ommll lulle. 01 pflrmltlny acllobt'done '" 01 "pon I"l' o.QJ....,I~ ,,, .,(Jlat..", ,,' ,t,., .... ...j. ',11.,"" ."..1 <br />,nanpa, attdplQmptl, d'"""lloe II BOllo_r IcolI.,.,de.P11nse.n ""nl. uncumbl.nCeSlnd cn.'g"!> I,...,.d ....pus.." or ~....~..,.., "<l~ "... ,'. ,..... .... I....' """"", <br />