<br />88- 105026
<br />
<br />.. ao1'-. tranare,n. or 'urthal' IIneuabend "Ithout thl .""nll ~r wrltun' connn!: of "ndlehrr.
<br />....Ud.r' .r. It In HI. aptlon, dlehl" aU ... 'Kund by thh Dnd of Trult to b. I_dlatal,.
<br />...\ anti ..,altll and ',roceed tD the re_dt.. Ivdlabb to It undu the dd.ult prov.ldonl c:ontdnad
<br />h....Ja.
<br />
<br />11. henu of Debolt. An"t of the followinl ..Inta .han b. d....d an lIVent of default heramdul
<br />
<br />ea) Trultor ahall hn. r.lhd to uk. payaent of an, In.taU.eot of int.ralt I
<br />,rtnel,.l car pdnctp.1 .w interut or an, oth't .... ..eurl. herllb)' when dUli.
<br />
<br />(b) th.... h.. ac:currlld . breach of or debult undu In, UnI, cowenant.
<br />..I'......t. condition, provldon, repr...nUtlon or vlnantr contained In thh Deed
<br />or TrUIt, the note or In, ather loan In.U..enl ..cured huabr:
<br />
<br />(c) Thera ha. been a deflult br tl11 Tru.tor In the p.,..ent of enr prior or
<br />auIa..llu_t Uen Dr enc_ranee In r..pect to aU or Imr part of the property:
<br />
<br />(d) Tru.tor .haU fill. volunur, ,KttSon In bankruptcy or IlhaU bll adJudi-
<br />cated bankrupt Dr inlolv.nt. or ah.n ..k. M ...Ip_nt lor the bllneflt of credlton
<br />In '''plct to the propntr: or an action to .nfor..:1 .n, Iten or encuabranc. or JUdl"
<br />_t. ...In.t the ptopntr 1. co-.enced.
<br />
<br />u. Acceiar.tlon. Upon Default. In the ...nt of _, d.fault. lIenelichr,. ., dedIII'. .U indebtedn...
<br />"cUI'.d haraby to b. d&MI and pI,.abl.. and the ... .hall th.reupon becOIIIl due and p.,..ble without an1
<br />pn....t..t. d....... prote.t Dr notlca of an,. kind. than.ft.r. lIenefldary..,r
<br />
<br />(.) .itha.. In peuon or by asant. vlth 01' v.thaut brlnK!nl .ny .ction or pro"
<br />cHd.nl. Dr b, rile. her appo.nud br a court and wUhout re..rd to the .dequac, of
<br />.n, .eeurll:,. enter upon ..ul tata po......on of the propart)'. or an, put th.reof.
<br />In In own n... 01' In tha n... of the Tru.tH. and do an, act. vhleh It d.... n.e....rr
<br />and d..tr.bl. to pre.ena the value I IIUll'htablUt,. or rent.bUhy of th prop.rty. or
<br />part thenof or lntlll'elt therein, inena.e the incoM thel'efl'o. or protect tbe !lIIllcur.ty
<br />henof and. wUhout taUn. po..ellllloo of the property. .ue for or otherv". collect thn
<br />rent.. II.u..,lnd profit. theuof. Includ.n. tho.e p8llt due end ...p.ld. and apply the
<br />..... III.. COlt. .nd eX(len... of operatJ.on Ind colhction. Includ.na .ttomllY fell.. upon
<br />.Y Indebtecln... .uured hereby, all In .uch urdu all Beneflcbry JUly detenaine. The
<br />enterlnl upon ud takinB pOlle8lllon of the truat eltlte. the collection of .uch rents.
<br />b.uu .nd profit. Ind application thllnof a. afora..id .haU not cure or wlhe an7 de-
<br />hull: 01' notlCil of dllfault hereunder or InvIUdlte lID)' act end In rlll!lpon.. to .ueh d.-
<br />lault 01' PUl'luaftt to .ucb notice of default and. notvlthlltendlnl the continulnc. In
<br />poIse..lan of the property 01' the collection. receipt and .ppllcltlon of r.ntl. "au..
<br />or profit.. Tru.t.. or lIen.Uchry ..y be I..tltled to iltorche every rlpt provided for
<br />In an,. of the 10_ In.truntent. or by l.v upon oceUl'rence of any event of debult. In-
<br />c1udlaa eM rllht to IInrelle the paver of .d.:
<br />
<br />(b) cw.ence an let Ion to forl!lclo.. thl. Deed of Tru.t a. . aortaele. appoint
<br />. rac.I".I'. 01' Ipllclflc.lly enforce any of tbl eovenanta hereof;
<br />
<br />(c) deUver to Trustea .. witten declaration of dalault .nd delland for .ale.
<br />and . written Rotlu of default .nd election to CIU" Trustor'. Intere.t In the propertJ'
<br />to toe .old. which notice Tru.tee ,lUlU nu.e to be duly filed for record In the ofUci.1
<br />ncol'd. of the eOl.nty in which thB pl'Opart, .. laclt.d.
<br />
<br />13. Foreclosun by Power of Sllle. Should BeneficiaI''' elect to fonclo.e by l!IIuc.he of the pOWIII'
<br />of .... h.....n cont.lnd. Beneficiary .haU notU, Trult.. and .hall dllpo.lt with Trultee thb Deed of
<br />Truat .nd the note Ind .uch rllceipu AIId ayldencl of expenditures ..d. and ..cured lI.reby .. Trult.e
<br />aor re,ull'll. _d upon requ8llt of th. a.mUdar,. the Tru.t... ....11 fU. for record, In the Rell.ur
<br />of Deed. ofUce In the CoWlt, whera thl property h locat.d. a notice of delault. lettln. forth the
<br />PI. of the Trulto... the llook and raSI! 01' DocUllent No. of thl. Deed of Trullt o. recorded In ..U
<br />Reallt... of Deed. ofUce. the had de.crlptlon of tha above-d8llcrfbed nel nt.te end that I br..eh
<br />of _ obU.atlon. 101' which aaid rea! estate va. conny.d .... securlt,. h.. occurred I and aettlns forth
<br />tbe nature of .uch brelch and the TrUltee'. election to .ell the real elltate to aaH.ly the obUI.tion:
<br />and .tt.r eM lap.. of not Ie.. than ana (1) _tho tbe Tn.tea .hall IlYII vrltten notIce of the t1..
<br />.d pl.c. of ..1. .,..Ich -r be batvaen 9100 .... and 5 p... at the pn.hes. or .t the Caul' thou.. In
<br />the Count, vhereln aueh pl'Operty h 10Clted, dncriblna the property to b. 1I01d b,. h. lela! ct.acrlp-
<br />tlon. _I" notice to be publhhed in a ne...p.per of IlIneral circulation tn the CrJunty wh.r.ln .uch
<br />prapert, I. locat.... one. . ,,,,.k for five 0) con..cuU..a ve.ka, tha hat publication to b. at l...t
<br />ten (10) ".,... but not "1'1 than thirty (lD) d.,.. prior too lh. ..les an" the Tru.tea .h.ll than .dl
<br />IIld ,ropan, .t lh. tllM _d pl.c. d..llnat.d in the notice. In thl ..nner proyUe. b, hY .n effact
<br />at the tI_ or Ullnl .ald notice. at publtc .uction to tb hl.....e biddar for caeh and .b.U d.U...r
<br />to .ueh purch...r I d.ld to till prop.l'ty lold. conll.tlnt "lth the 1111 In .Ulct .t thl t"n.
<br />
<br />Upaa ncelpt of the pdce bid. TrWllt.. .ball d.U..... to the purch.... Tru.t.... d..d conve,lnl the
<br />pUPllrtJ' aald. "dtal. In tbe feuateel. deed .ball be prl" fael. a.U.nn 01 the nuth of tha 'Uta.
<br />_t. ..de therein. Trustee .h.ll apply t.he proc..d. 01 tha .11. In tha followlnl ordlll'l (a) to.U
<br />1'.......1. co.t. and e.pen.e. of the ..h. Includlnl but GOt U.lud to, Truau.'. rlu of not 1101"
<br />tta.t Z of the Iroa. ..le price. ranonablll attorney fellll and co.n of title eYldence; (b) to.U
<br />... ncurad .7 thl. Deed of Trust; and (c) the e.c.... If In" to thl por.on or penon. leld1, en-
<br />c.lt1d than to. An)' peraoa. In~ludlna. Benefiel...,. _y purcha"l ..Id property at .ald ..le.
<br />
<br />Th. p....on conducUftI thei aale .ay. far an, cause h. 01' .ha de... ..pediant. pOltpone the 1.1_ fro-.
<br />tlal to tt.e untll it .hlll ba cDllpleted and. In. ever, .ueh ca... notlc. of po.tpone.nt .hdl.be 11.,.n
<br />b, public deebratlon thereof by l!Iuch penon It the ti. Ind phcI la.t appointed for the ..le; pro-
<br />dtW. if tbe ..Je h poltpaned for lonG!:!!" thon ona (1) d8' berond the date ded.nund In the notice 01
<br />..le. notice tharaof ah.U be It.,en in the ... -.ann.r .. the 01'1110.1 not lee of .ale.
<br />
<br />14. ae-dle. llat helua"e. Tlrultee.Ad Iln.fld.rr. and each of Ute.. .hall be entitled to .n"
<br />fare. ,.,...1: .nd plrfonuacl of an, lndebttclne.. or obUpt Ian .ecUl'lId hereby Ind to ...rdle aU l'1lhU
<br />... paver. ...... tbl. Deed of Tnast or under lay lOin in.u_nt 01' oth.r _Broe.ent or any bv. now or
<br />h.r..lI:er .torl:8d. notu.th.tandlnl ao_ or .U of the lad.budn... and obU.ationl ..cur.d h....b'
<br />which _, now or here.fter be nthervhe lecurad, wbuthar by IIOrlSlle. deN of trult. p!PdKe. Uen. lealan-
<br />aeat or Olh.rvhe. Hlitl.er the .cceptance of ,.h" Deed of Tl'u.t nor It. enforce_nt. vhethar by court
<br />.ctloa or punu.t to the power of .lle or other pOllen berlln contained. .h_ll prejudice Dr .n Iny
<br />_naer .nlct Trull..'. or Beneflcilr,.. 1'1aht to 1'..Un upon or enrOtCe any other lacurllY now or h.l'll""
<br />.hel' bal. It, Tl'u.t" or lenefld.r" It be!nl .In.d thet TI'Ultell and IIIInllfict.r,. and nch of II.hell.
<br />.hall M .ntlUed to enforce th" Deed uf Tl'ult .nd an, other .ecurLt, now 01' herufter held by the lI!:!!ne-
<br />lIctar, OJ: Truat~. .n luch order and ....nee a. they. or .Ither of tl~.. .,. In their .b.olute dhcratlon
<br />lieter.t... No rlnll!dr hneln conferred upon or 1'II..nad to Tru.teo 01' Beneficiary h Inunded to be ...-
<br />Iflu.... of Inr other t'e.-edy hel'lltn or by hv provided 01' pe~ltted, but ".cla ah.U be cUllubtivl and
<br />.hall ... In .ddltlon to ever, other reaedy Ihen hal'lllunder 01' novoI' here.Iter exlstlnl .t 1.101 or In
<br />eqult, ar ., .Utute. Ev.r, paver or re_dy linn b, .n, of the lo.n tnatru.enU to Teuet.. 01' a.nll-
<br />flcllr7 ar to uhlch either of d....., be other",". .nlllted ...,. be u:orched. concuruntly or Indepen-
<br />d......'. fr_ tl_ to tt. .nd .. oftln a. 114" be de.llllld e.,edllllnt by Truatee or lIeneflchry. IInd ehh..r
<br />of t.... _, pUllua lnconlbuRt ..~dll!ll. "oll.lllnl hl'l'aln ah.U be con.trued .. prohibit In. hn"Uclary
<br />!r_ .....S.I . .eflcl.ner Judllllllnl alalnlt Trultar to the ..t.nt auch .ctlon t. pel'llltled by la...
<br />. -z-
<br />