<br />COHT51d
<br />
<br />_ 105026
<br />Thb DH4 or Tru.t b ..de thl. 9t.b d.,. of Seotember , 19..Bfi-, b, and alllOnB 88
<br />Donald G full."...... ~~i~~l~~ . herdnalur nlurad t. aa "Tr~.t.r,"
<br />who.. _Utnl .ddre.. I. 2 t . 11-l1a. (;'rnnrl Q1av l-li: Aren R. ack ,
<br />Altoml, at lAw. hereinaftar n(ernd to IUt u.u.... 'Wtto.. ..IIlnl .f-tn. h P. u. Sox ft.
<br />Grand rAI~. NE 68802 ~ .nd Till DYElLAMD MATIOHAL lANK OF CIANO ISLAND, henlnarur r.farr.. to ..
<br />"Im.flel.r,. wa.. ..Ulnl ..wre.. b r, O. loa 1688. Gflnd Idlnd. H.bullt. 681102.
<br />ror ..lu_b1, cm..dllut1on, Trulltor IrrevDCftbl, """nta, U'Ander.., canvey. ..nd ...alanl to Trualllll. 1n
<br />lruet. with ,..r of ..111, for the bendlt find t1l1curlt, of lIene-flehr,. under IIIId lubj.ct lo tN tn,"1I .nd
<br />c.dltlon. of lhl, Deed or TrUlt, the follovlnl-d..cdbe' prop.rt,. locate' In Hall Count"
<br />.....n.b, to-Mitt - '
<br />.. ..n .r :;::.=.', f:1uDf.r::':I~I::::'O: ilu.:r.;.::.. ~:~~:l!I~~.~lIil":-:I',~:""'ItI.=r::J':::I:'u~~~.~ lD
<br />tJ:.era=:~:~~~rL:.r:i.!~-::' == ::iL::i;!f::::~El.:~:E.::::I:! 1i!:~::~!~'l'SC.
<br />Dr UID ...UIWotI' QRrhr ., "" ..nl_ U. ., .... hcd.,. 11, . 'hUll" .r 151.1 flUI Ulln"
<br />.1 =a:;. ::'~\'D~.:t"~~r.: ~~ :~r.l~-: - :-o:::~r:r':l::l:~ = ::..tt.~I~~I':r"::'-l~l.
<br />-::".1'1' :r::i.~:~ :m:ir~r .:.....~.ll~li-:. 1:1.1.~ _ ~:t::':fl":I:''':1 ~:':lr:.rr::ll,rl".:::r~.fl.".
<br />til~ .r II foeti u.- IDfttla.b, IIHtJIlrl" . .hl.... Dr 111,' b.l l. t.H ,.J., ., .......b..
<br />
<br />DUD or taun
<br />
<br />tDJI.ther "Ith all "ulldln,a. l.prDVI!~r.t"l l1..turell, .trlleta, _ne,_, pn.a"RI!MII'1I1 1l.lIeaenta. rllhtl'l, prtvl-
<br />..... .... .pparten_c.. loe.t;ad ther.an or In an, w., partalnlna tlwrllto. .nd the r.nt., 1..UIIII. (llfOfha,
<br />rllnlr.IOIII .... the lrealllnd.l'. thlllrllof I Inclu.lnl aU .uch panana! prapertl that I. auacheel tD the l.prove-
<br />...t. ao .. to can.u.tut_ _ U.tur., dl 01 wlch. Ineludlnl raphuaant. an. additlonl thento, .ra he...",
<br />..el..... to ... a prt af the ...a1 .'Ut. cDnn,1Id In trUllt h.nb" It balnl alnad chat aU of chi rore-
<br />lolnl ..u Ita h.r.ln.n,&' I'lIf.n.d to .. the "'I'op.rt,."
<br />
<br />roa till PURPOSE or SICUIINGI
<br />
<br />the p~:~cl~:~ ::-:~t ~~t~~Vi~~ n:~~c~j'&TN~/ioo (;t25~O~~n.~otll ~:r~:~:~h~~
<br />
<br />with Int.re.t It thll ute or ratl!. proddl!!d therll1n. Dr the rrlnelpa. and Intllre.t on an1
<br />future ..d..,ee not to eneed the total principal 11l1li Initlall, Ilel:ured hereb1 n l!Y1denced
<br />b, pra.l..ar1 not.. ltatln! the, are II!cured here,. anel an, .nd .U rlneMala, IlIOdUlcat Ion.
<br />.d ed.nalona of .uch noua, bath pdndp.l and Intenat an the natea beln. payabia 1ft
<br />HCOI"ac' with the t.~ a.t fortb therein. which b, thl. uterenee la heub, ..d. a part
<br />hueat ~
<br />
<br />(I.) tbe pedoraanclI or each ogUl!!lmt .nd cown.nt of TrUfltar hertlln contained; and
<br />
<br />(c) the p.,..nt of anr a. or !!IU.. of lMJfIe)' 'Wttlch ..y be hue.Utll' p.ld or ..dvanced
<br />Ity '...aUd.r, under tha u.... of thb Deed of Tru.t. tOlather ..lth lat.re.t thereon .t the
<br />rat. ,1'0.1.... in the note.
<br />
<br />To protact t" .ecurlty of thl. Deed of Tru.t, Tru.tor hereb, coven.nt. and "Bue. .. foUavst
<br />
<br />I. P.~t at Indebudne"4 to p., vhen du.. tM principal of. .nd thl!! Inurut an, the lnd.bted-
<br />..a. ..,.U_c~ by the not.. char..., 1_. .nd aU othn ... .a pro.lded In the 10.n in.tru.anta.
<br />
<br />2. J:!!!!.. Trultor b thl!! ovnll.. of the property Ind h.. th. rlpt ."d .uthorit, to ...cula thll
<br />0." of Tr..t in r..peet to the prop...tr.
<br />
<br />]. T.... and A..e...nU. To pa,. wh.n du.. all ta..., .padal ........nt. and all oth.r ch.rl..
<br />...Inat tha,r..,.rt" ...fore the .._ b.eo.. d.Unquent, and. In the lIy.nt leneUelar, .h"n .0 uqulra,
<br />to add to the pa,..,.t. required under the note ..curllll h.r.b)', .uch AlIlOunt .. ..., b. auUll::I.n.t to en-
<br />able ....((clary to paJ .uch t..... .....II.ent. or other chara.. .. the, beeu.a due.
<br />
<br />4. I.'ul'ance. To keep thlll lllpl'oveaenta nov or herearter located an the ..eal e.tate dellcdblld
<br />henln inaund q'ln.t d-ae b,. fln .nd .uc:h olber h.urd. .a Beneflelar,. _, requhe, In allOunU .nd
<br />~_I.. ace.pt.ah1. ta lelM!Ud.ry, and vlth 10l1li p.,able to Benelld.r,. In ca.. of la.a ....der .uch
<br />pol1cl.., ....eUd.l'r I. .uthol'1aed to .dJuat. collect and cDllpr~h., In It. dl.er.Uon, .U d.l..
<br />thenund.r and. at itll IDle option. In authorhed to either .ppl, the proceed. to thre rntoratlon af the
<br />prop.rt, VI' upoa tM Indebtedne.. aecund hereby, but Pl)'llent.. required b, the nolI .haU cantinu. ....t11
<br />t" a_ a.cu.... henb, an paid in full.
<br />
<br />s. aepah. tIII.ntenance and Use. To pr~t.' rerah, natare or rebuild an)' build In.. or lapro'le-
<br />-..t. ftOV ar hareafur an the ,rapect,; to keep the prop.rt, In laad condition and repair, vlr:hout M..te
<br />.. 11'.. I'TOaI .chanlCI or ather lien. not ...pre.d, aubordln.te. to the 1I.n h...eof; to not uke, .un.r
<br />01' .....It an, nub.nca ta ..ht nor to dl.1nhh or i.p.ir the .al_ of the propan, b, an, act or ~bllon
<br />to IICtl and to cDllpl, .vlth .11 requlre_nu of lev vlth ....pect to the propert,.
<br />
<br />64 Cond~.tion. In the event the property, or an, p.rt thereof, ahall be t.bn b, ..lnent do.dn,
<br />I....Ucl.1'J la entitle. to collect and recd.. aU c--rena.t Ion which .., b. p.ld for ..., Pl'opllrty tabn
<br />al' for ._.e. to ,ropel'ty bot taken, and Beneficia.., ah.n app1, .uch e~en..tlDft. .t it. aptlDn,
<br />dtME to a I'eductlaa. 01' the lndebtedne.. aecured hllreb, or to rep.1r and nlton the property .0 Uk",.
<br />
<br />7. 'edaraanee: by lenc:l1clal"Y. leneflelar, ",. but .hdllaave no obll,Bt1on to, do an, act Mhlch
<br />Tn.tor hili .Irn' but falled to do, .nd Beneficial" .., alaa do .n, act It dena necullar, to protect
<br />thl Uen heEnf. Tru.tor alreu to rcpa,. upon deaand, an, ... ao upended b, lIeneflel..., for the
<br />.b~ purpo.... lIftd ..,. lUIa .0 eKPended b, aendlcluJ' .hall ba .dded to the Indabtedlna.. ..cured h.n-
<br />It, ancl 1I-=- ..cur" It, the Uen h.reof. aen.fld.1'J ..dl not incur any p....ODal lJ.bilJt,. beeaWl' 01
<br />_,~in. 11: .., do 01' aalt: to do hereunder.
<br />
<br />I. Aa.h:naent. of "enU. Benellclal" .h_ll h.". the rlsht.. f'OVer and lIuthol'lt, durln& the: con-
<br />tln....c. af thi. o.ed of Truet to collect the rente, b.uea and proUtII of the propertY !hid of Iln' per-
<br />.anal pEop.r~, loceted thereon with or without t.klnl po.....lon or the property .Uected haub,., _nd
<br />T....tol' h....." .'.olutel, and _coodlt.lon"ll, ....1". .n aueh ...nt_. [..ue. Dnd pl'oflt. ta lIen.flcJar,.
<br />.....flc"I'J, howYer. herl!b, conllenU to Trulltor'. collect Ion .nd retent Ion of .uc:h rent., ""ue. .nd
<br />proUt. .. tile, acrl'n .nel blle~ p.,nbla. '0 lonK .. Tn.tor Ie not. .t Dueh tl_, In der.ult: "Uh re-
<br />.,N.t to ..r-nt of an,. Indebtadne.. .eeund hllreb,. 01' 111 the ptIrfar.....ce of .n7 aBhll!II8Rt hen_del'.
<br />If ..., ~ IIPI 41....1t ....cl'.bed "'re"ter in ".pect to thla Deed of Tnmt .hall h... oceun" and lie
<br />coatJ_laa, ....Iicl.rr. .. . _tter af rlpt .nd without noUc. to Tru.tar or .n,._ claildna _del'
<br />TrUlltcw. ..d wlthout upI'd to the valull of the tl'uat .atat. 01' the Inter..t of the Tru.tor therein,
<br />.haU ..... t" rtaht to .ppl, to an, court h'''1\I jurhdlctlon to appoint a ruet..r af the prap.rtr.
<br />
<br />t. laapec.tJoaa. Beneflcl.r" or tta ..ent., npreaentlllv.. or varblen, are .uthorbed to entlll'
<br />.t _, ........ble ls.- upon or in .., plrt. aC the pnpen, for the purpole o[ Inllpectlna lh. .... .nd
<br />'ar the ,urpctll. of p.rfo...1nl _, of the .eta it 1a authortaed to p.rro... und... the te.... of en, lo.n
<br />l_n_u ..Kut'" b, Tl'uator.
<br />
<br />10. Traubr of rl'Opun'. 1f dl ar an, p.rt o( the propart, or an7 Inure.t of Trunor thenln
<br />
<br />-1-
<br />