<br />\
<br />~
<br />
<br />l'I ('""""', ODlft.ln. lrlntlor It "l'Ilnhy IIUlCJnlltl all (.omponlftllon IIWIlII" camlllon nnet 0111111 pnymonll 0' ,!!II", (11"."mllllur flHICIlmll I ,n COllmH:lllln w.,"
<br />con(ft"mnallon 01 O""II"."''"Q 01 H111 P,opal'YOI p.,tU....'ool 01 tOI conYlIV"nCIlIn IIGUe! conjnmnllllOn Ll!ndo, 1111111 II.. ,,"',lIl1d nllllopllOlIln comm(lf1ctl 1ll'lmlH In ,IIll1
<br />plDtoor.ule In 111 OWO "amnany IItt.on 01 PIQCltodmOI IInd ~halllll'Q be onlllllld to makellnV camplam.." Dlloll:C!mllnl In coonnellon wllh lueh 11111100 0/ dnml\O" In Ihll
<br />ayonl,n.,. polllOn 0' Ih. Properl)' It 10 lllllon 01 ".mltQlld. LoMel shall hlY!! tho option In 11ft loin and tlblollllo d'lcrllllOn, 10 oppl~ 011111[11 Prococda, 111101 doduchng
<br />U'1'h'from.nco,".nd IIlpt1nlOl,nClJTflld by.1 In [oonoellon with luen proce-edl. upon .ny md(lbllldneU l"cUltld hOIOIlV nna In 'tich ardor 11ft Londof mlly rlolnrmlno. or 10
<br />.ppty .n luth Proceeds. allllr luch dedllCllonl to 1M rellorahon 01 Ihe Propllrly upon such condlllona a. Londor mllY dotormlno An,! nppltcallon at Procool1l 10
<br />mdebledMlallhall nOI elll.na 0' pOllponalhll dUll dllo of any paymenl' under tho Nole or curo ony dolaulllhllreundor or hOfoundor
<br />
<br />T ~tt, L.ncIer.ln thoevenl 01 OQlIQWfll',I,llur(l to perform any 01 the covenentl hOIOtn 01 mako an,! pa'!monlllloqwrod horaby, or I' IIny acl ,.llIkon 01
<br />IftQ.IPfoc..t;llngcomf.....nced wh'ch m.IIIII.II'( Illecl. Lender's ,nletelt ,"1hll Proporty Lendor may ,n III own dllcrel,on, bul wllhoul Obll{lllllon 10 do 10. and Wllhout nollce
<br />10 or demand upon Borrower and wllhoul 'eleaalOO Bonower horn 8ny obllg'llon. do ony Rei whIch Iho BonoWllr hilI agleod bullltlslo do Ind mRy alIa do Any olhor nclll
<br />dHmlntttlurytoproleettha 'lIeu"ly hllrllol BOllowerlhl'll1, Immadlall1ly upon <1emand thorelor by Lander. pay 10 londor all Calls anti ol.penllolllncurrod nnd ~uml
<br />e.pendedbvlendef In connM:tton wllhlhe eaetCIS8 by lendorollhotafegolng IllJhlil, 10gothfH With Inlorost Ihofean atlhe rnlo provldod In Ihe Nate. which Ihall be added 10
<br />thllndflJlednesa MCUred tlereby lender shall nollncut any pertoanalli1bltlly because 01 anyltlmg II may do 01 amlllo do hOleunder
<br />
<br />II EwntloIlhfntt. Thelollowlng Ihall consUlule an ovenl 01 delaull under ttllS Doed 01 TrUll
<br />
<br />III Fallule 10 PB'( any IOltnllml!nl 01 prIncipal or lnlerelt Of anyolhOllum secufOd horoby when duo. orlaUure 10 pay whon due any olher indltb'odnessol
<br />Borrower to lender;
<br />
<br />lbl A bre.ch alar tlelaull undef an'\l provlllon conlainod In 11'10 Nato. IhlS Deed 01 Trusl. any documonl which IDcures the Nole. IIntl any olhet
<br />encumbrance upon Ihe Properly.
<br />
<br />Ic) A wtll ole..ecultOn olllUactlm"nl Of l'InY$rmUar process shall De enlofl!d agamsl BOlrowOI whtch shall become a lion on the Properly or any portIon
<br />thereof or inlerest Ihefein
<br />
<br />Idl There shall be Illed by or aga,nsl BottOwet an aCllon undo' any plesonl 01 lulure ledoral. slale or olher IIlaluto. law or regulation relating 10
<br />b.nkruptcy. Insolvency 0' other relief lor deblors, or Iharestlln bo appOlOled any Irusleo, reCQlvor or IIQUldalor 01 Bonowor arolall or any pari a' the Plaperty, or
<br />the renls. issues or prohls Ihell~ol. or Borrower shall make Iny generat asslgnmenllor the bonelll of crcdllors
<br />
<br />(III The salO. Iransler, asslgnmelrll. conveyance 01 lutlher encumbrnnce 01 all or any part of or any mlerest In Ihe Property. ellher volunlarlly or
<br />Involuntarily, wlthoullhe e"press w!llten con!lent 01 lender
<br />
<br />(f) UBonower 15 nOI an Ihdlv'dual.l~esale, !ranlller, aSSlgnmont. t:onveYllnt:e 01 ent:umbfl!.nt:e of mora than _ -__ pelcenl 01 (If a corporation) lis
<br />
<br />ISSUed and outltandlng slOCk or (II a plnnersh'PJ _.~~ peleonl 01 partnerstllp mtelests
<br />
<br />g A~ "teeter.lIon Upon D".uIL In I"eevllnt 01 any Event 01 cellluft lender may declare aU mdebtedne..s secured hereby to bO due and payable and the
<br />SlIme shalllhereupon become due and payable wllhoul any presenlment domand prolesl or nOllCO of any kmd Thelealler lender may
<br />
<br />e'l Dem.nd Ihal Truslee e..erclscthe POWER OF SALE granted nereln. and Trustee shall ,herealler cause Borrower's mtoreslm Ihe Properly 10 be sold
<br />and lhe plOCHdllo be dls1rtbuted. allm ltte m.nner prOVIded m the Nebroska Trusl Deeds Act
<br />
<br />lbl Edher," person or by agen!. wllh or wllhoul bnngrng any acllon 01 proceeding or by a rccelver appOinted by II court and wllhoullegald 10 Ihe
<br />adequacy ollis secunly. enler upon Ind take passess,on of the Ploperty or any part Ihereot mils own name or m the name ollhe Truslee. and do any acls whIch
<br />11 deems necllsury 01 deSirable 10 pre'ierve Ihe value. morketablhly or rent,1blilly of Ih(> Property or pari thereof or rn'eresllhetcm. Inc,ease the Income
<br />Ihe~lrom 0' protectthe1oeCUrllyhereotand. ."..,Ino. ....llhoultaklng possess.an ollhe Prop!"r,y sue lor or other WI so collect lhe renlS,lssUes andplollls Ihereol.
<br />lncludmgthosa pasl tlue.ntlunpa.d and apply the !l8ml' less coslsal1d e_p"nseso' opolOllon anCl collecl'an Including altorneys'leell upon any mdebtedness
<br />seculll'Cl hereby. all III Such Older as lendN may tlillelmmo The eMlt'rIMg upon IInd tak,ng posse!l.slon oltne Propefly, Iho collecllon 01 5uch renls. IlIsues and
<br />protllslndfhelPphcatlonlnereof liS alolcsllld, shall nol cure 0' walVIl itny d~'Aull 01 notice 01 alllaull nllreunder or ,nwllhdlltellny IIcl donetn rcspanlla!osucn
<br />del.ull 01 purllUnt to SuCh nollce 01 delaullllnd. nolwllhslandmg Ihl! Lonl,nu...nLt' on pO'iSeSSl(ln ollhe Properly or Ihe collecllan, mcatpt and appllcalfon 01
<br />leniS, .ssues or prollll. T,uslee 01 lender 5hll1l beentllled to "'"~le'lIl' e..flly rognt plo..,ded for ,n any 0' 'he lOlln In\Uumen,s o. by law upon occurence 01 any
<br />evenl 01 deflult. ,ncludlOg the "ghllo e_elCl1Ie Ihe pawl!!' 01 sale in,a
<br />
<br />(cl Commence an IIctlOn 10 loracl05e lhls Dl!od at Trusl a~... mOil gage illIPoml it lecelver or !>pee,hcaUy enlorce any Co' the covonants heleel,
<br />
<br />No Icmttdynerem conferred uponOI reselved 10 Tfustee OllcndellSlf'llended 10 h.. p.c:lu~'vt' 01 ilnV oll1er romell'/ nt"r{Jln or hy Inw prowlded or permllled, bulaDCn shallba
<br />cumutal'.l!. shall be In IIddl!ion 10 every olhe, reme-dv glwen hereundel or now or ht!lt....ltc. e.'Slmg at law 01 m eqully 01 by statule and may be elercIsed concurrently,
<br />,ndependlllntly or .uccelSlvely
<br />
<br />10 Trus.... The TrUll" mav I,,""gn at any lime wllhaul tause and Lendpl "';IV III ~nv "me and w,lhoul cause appOIn, it successor or !lubslllute Truslee Truslee
<br />shAll nol be hable 10' ."y 10Sl 01 damlge unlest dualo IlIChOl'llblfl nl'ghgence 01 WIIII,,1 n'I!oconauc' and shaH not be H.'f1UI'ed 10 'nke lIny acllon m eonnecllon wllh the
<br />enlorcemen\ of Ihll Deed 01 TruSI unlen .ndemnlfled ,I' ..."Img 101 all CUSU comp.~n..nl"Jn or l'.penses whlCn may btl a!i50011illed tnemwlth In addlllon, Tlu5tee may
<br />becorneapurch.Hr.lanvuteol1hePtoperty IlUdlCllllol undel the powef ol50Qle grQ"l!!d hl.'lI',nl oostponl1lhe SQle ola11 01 any port,onollhe properly a5 provldod bylaw
<br />or sell In. PI~rty II' a .hole. 01 m wpafale parcell or 10150
<br />
<br />11 Future~. Upon feQuesl 01 BOlrOWf."1 L('nder may alll50 OpllOn m"~e .!Idd,honat anr,lluturt! ad...Bnct's ano lead...antt'S to Borrower Such ad...ancosand
<br />read..ncn. wIU1lnter..1 the~n Sh.ll bf' IWculed DV 11'1150 Deed 01 Tru'l At no 11m!' ShaH the pllnClpal amount of Ihe Indobledness secured by IhlS Dead 01 Tn.sl. not m.
<br />
<br />cludlhg lums_d.ancec:llcprOla-ct1hes.e-cullly ollhlll Deed 01 Trust lI.c~ed Iheollg'nill pllhClpalamounlsla't!d herein or 5 5,...300.56 . wtlleheverl5
<br />gffla'.r
<br />
<br />li!~P~.
<br />
<br />(al Bornrwer Hot R........ E.lenSHJM ot I"e lime I'" payml>nl or mOd,hc."on 01 amollllalton 01 ttll~ "urn, '"cumd hy thll [)aed 01 Tru~t glanled by
<br />lender 10 .ny luccellor '" mlellnt of Ballowel ,,""all not optrllllu to rt:'lea51' ,n ally manno' thl:' hablbt.,. of Ihe 0'"9'0<11 BorrowoI ,lod BOllower!o !luccessorto In
<br />IRlell~SI lendelsh.U not beleQuue-d locommti'nce plQCl!!edmgs.agrllnal ,,"Ul" SuCtl!51001 01 rt"tU!oIfIO (l'o.!end IImelol paymenl 01 ofht'rwlsemodlfyamortluhon
<br />ollhe lums MlCu11l'd bV Ihll Deed 01 Tlusl bV I(!a,.on olllny df.'mands mild" by I"l!' o"gll1.,1 ROIlOwc' and Borrowof50 successors In "'Iolesl
<br />
<br />(bl Landef..Powe.... Wllhoutallec11f'lO Iht! hab,lIly 01 any othf.'1 pNSOn haOle lor Ine p<'lytr1t!nl 01 .snyobhglltlon l1erem menlloned.and w,thout alleclmg
<br />the hen orch.,ltl'OI thlloOt>ed 01 1 IUlot Ullon any porllon of IheP.operly nullhen or Ihf'lulolore 'ett.'lIscd as ,t!tu"ly lor Ihetullnmounl 01 all unplI,d obllgahons.
<br />lender may trom time 10 Ilmeal'ld Without nollce III IltIleaS-El an.,. OllISO" ,,"0 hable jlll e.lend the matul.ly Olalllll any 01 the form!; 01 any such obhgallons,lu'l
<br />or.nl other Indulgencel.. 11~llelea5e or rel;on.ey or CIIU~ 10 be lell!au>d 01 lecon"f'",ed 011 any lime atllmtler "opllons an,! parcel portIOn 01 alt ollh>;! P,opelly
<br />(., talleof lelease any olhel 01 add,lIon.t SKurlty 101 Any obhgahon nt.'rt"tn "'enhoned 01 {v', makecompos'llonl cr Olhe' allangemenlll w'lh deblors.n rOIAllon
<br />"''''0
<br />
<br />Ie} farblNranceb, Lender Not. ..w.r. Any forDearance b,!, Lt!nd"l .n e.",cls.ng anV "gnl 01 remedV hereunder. or olherwlse aflorded b,! applicable
<br />law. 1.1'1.11 nOI be a w.'YeI ala. PIr.cludplheelelCISI!! 01 an", 50uch r'ghl 01 f6medy The prOClllemen, 01 Insurance 01 the payment otlal.os or otnerllenl or chalges
<br />by LfllCIer Ihau nol bt.'. .alve, allende,'a light 10 at~lerale ,,,I!! matullly 01 the moebte<lness secured by IhlS DaecI 0' Trusl
<br />
<br />ldl SUccft,aon anc:I AdAgM Bound: JoInl and &rIe11ll UabWly; C.ptJons. The cowenanl5 and agleemenls here,n conlllmed shalt bind and Ine flghls
<br />heleunoer sh.lI .nUIi!' to.lhe IlIlpectrve IUCeenOIs. and i.5Slgn, of lendel oIll'ld Bonower !oublecl'o Iho p,ovl,lOnll of plllagraph 6 {el h~feol All covenanls Dnd
<br />agrM~11 at Bon~r shill be 10.nl and ,rvel.1 The capl,onll al'ld he.dmgs ollhe p""ragr.spn!l olll11S Deed of T rU!lt ale 10' convenience only and ale notlo be
<br />used 10 Interprllll 0' OCtflne the Plow,:.,rons f'lercol
<br />
<br />lei R..... tor Notices. The palllel '1t'Ieb)' reQuest thai a copV of an,!, nohce 01 tlelaull hefeUndel and a copy 01 tiny nohce 01 sale hewunder be mluled to
<br />!!ach party 10 thiS 0Hd ollrust al the address 51!!ltonh abolrfl In the manne' pre-sc"b&d by apphcable law Elcepllor an~ olher t10llce feQulled under applicable
<br />I.wto be gl.en 1M anolhel mannel. any nOllte-p,ow,de-d 101 on Ih,S Qct'd of TIUSI 5h811 be glwen by m<'llhng 'uch nollct" by certified mAil addlesse-d 10 Ihe otTll'r
<br />partlel. at lhe addreu lIel forth abowtl
<br />
<br />Any nollce prowlckM:I lor .n thl$ Oettd 01 Tt~15nan De deemed 10 l'Ia\rtl Deen gl\ren 10 Ballower o. lendel wnen g,ven In Ihe manner de,tgnaled herem
<br />
<br />(II lIqpacDon.lender mal' make or ~use 10 be made reasonable enl"eS upen and rnspeChonS otlhe Ploperty prov.ded 1nallender Ihall g.ve BOIIOWer
<br />notltD pno' 10 .ny such .nspectlon lpecilyrng te.sonlble cause lher1!tor lelalMllo lender's mtereslln Ihe Propertv
<br />
<br />1;1 1Itcorr\llI,.,-,ce. Upon payment ol.lllums 5t!cun~d Dyfh., Deed 01 Trusl Lender "nan reQues.t TrUllee to I~onwe, Ihe PloperlV antl5nall 'Ufll!ntlel
<br />lI'uI Deed ot'TfUS1and an notes ev.den.cmg Ihde'blednessseculed DV ttllS Deed of TIUSIIO TruSI" T'u$16e shaUleconvt!V lhe Property Without ",arranty and
<br />..nnout Cf\a.lge 10 m. ~oo Of penonlo IeO-IUy en1JtlMI thllleto Such per~on Qf prr10'" ,haU pay an coStl of recor12ahon ,I an,!,
<br />
<br />In) ,...........~.laeuritJ...~LAs.dd,bonal ~ufltylofthe p.yment oltne NoleAl1llltur'(l1l eQUlpmenl IIna othel po!l'Sonalp'Optflty ut-ed
<br />.nconnecl&On Wlm the r..lntateor,mpfowementstocated thereon. IndnD1 Olhe,..,sedectare<j o. deemed 10 bl;>. p.a'1 of Ihelelll esUltoJ ,ecured heleby. ,h.1I be
<br />sub,ec'l10 .:leCllntyln......llnf..orollhlllenderundf>rthe Nebr.IIlI Unilorm CommerCial Code Tnll mllrum_nllhan be constlued al a Secu"ly Agreement
<br />unc>>r urC COde. and lhia LendershaU "... .11 the nghlS .nd fllmedl" of a s.e-culed party undef saId Codp. ,n addll'On 10 Ihe Ilghls IInd remed,es c'lI.'all!"d undel
<br />.nd.KCOfdeCll1M LenOIr pursuant 10 thl1l Deed at Trull
<br />
<br />III ...........lnthlt......1 thall110y prOVISion ollh'l Qeedol Trus.TconlhCI W'lh apphcaOlela", D'llIe der.lal"'d .Ilwoll11l1 01 Olnto'Wlle unenlOlceable such
<br />conflle! or lIw.lidll"sha" no1alf.ct the 01"" ~oW'llons 0111'1,. Qeea 01 T 11.1" 01 tnlt Nale wh.ch (<'In tit! 9'w.n toHf'(.t w,lh<lul Ir", conll,Clmg p,owl!Ilon and loth IS
<br />.,,13 tha ptOYIl..onl at lhe o.d 01 Tfusl.nd Ihe Note are tlecl.red to be sewerlDle
<br />
<br />&on"tNef NiI....culed Ih'l o..::t ollfuSI1he date Wfllll!11 aba"
<br />
<br />ll:)
<br />~
<br />C)
<br />~
<br />r;:
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />(Doio(h~ ~~.
<br />
<br />,,', './ _.__ .__--'-';:..,,r.-
<br />Zeller, n<llltJ.,.... ^ oS t fl'-lll_'
<br />
<br />I','r Sllll)
<br />
<br />ROIIU"''''
<br />