<br />
<br />88-104945
<br />
<br />IORItO_1t1 MAt' THII IIP'OIlIlalQNING:
<br />Borrowers (TN.ton) und.,.tlnd Ihat 1M docurnenl1hlllh. Borrow.,..,.. aboull 0 ..tcu1ell' Deed Df Trull Ind noli mortgage Ind thilli'll POWI' 01..1. provldld
<br />forln IhI! Deed Of TNI'I provkle..ub.tlnll.lI~dlll.rtnl rlghl. and obliglUonllo thll 80"oWIII1\ lhln II mortgagllln IhelVlnl ot. de'aull Of brelch of obllgaUon und., thl
<br />o.ed 01 Trult, In<:ludlng, bul no1l1mltMi 10. IhII Ltndlr'l1ighl10 I'll.,. thl A..I Property lold by ltle Tru.IN wllhout any ludlclll proceeding or lor.clo.ure, Dorrowera
<br />~t and .ananl thai Ihl, KlI:no~menl WI. ..eculed by lhetn brt'ore 11111 eXlICutlon 0' thl DHd 01 Trull.
<br />I
<br />zl -<'"~ .,,/'/-. ' .~
<br />e~r, )Borrawer A Single Person)
<br />
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE IhfII portion ONLY IIIhI ruI pnJpM1y dflcrfbed conaiata of IHDIYIDUALL Y OWNED AQRICUL TURAl LAND.
<br />llllppllQble,CompIete ONLY ONE ltIttwr A, II, Of C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borro*"T(I' leknowledgelhlllhey areaboutto euc:ute InefoUowmg Deed 01 Trust upon Ihe leal estale descnbed Inereln. The Borrowerl.l. and each 01 them II
<br />morelNln one. do herebr disclaIm theIr nghl fO da'lgn.le a homestead pUl8uan1therelo No pan ollhe homestead 01 ellhel ollhe Borrowerla)ls pretenllr or will in the
<br />lutul'llbe.llu.ted upon said real esl.te The Borrowe'(s} under.land thai II ellher eslabhihes a homestead on anr pan 01 said reat estate during Ihe lime Ihe Deed ofTrult
<br />~llll unutillied and alien upDn "Id real eslate, Ihereshall be no rllilhllo make a deStgnauon ol homeslllad In Ihe evenl of aloreclosure or trustee's sale with respect to
<br />saki Deed 01 Trull
<br />
<br />
<br />TheBorrowerls) acknowledga Ihalthev ale aboulloeUlcule Ihe lollowmg Dee" 01 Trusl upon Ihe real eslaledescrlbect therem. The Borrower{sl. and each ofthem il
<br />more than one. do herebv waive theIr ngllllo deslgnale a homeslead pursuanllherelo The Borrower/sl understand Ihatlhey have the righllo make a de~lgnaUon 01
<br />t10tnnltlBcJ andlllll by...ecuung lhls .'IVIII. they Ire ....Ivlng lights olhelWIUC avallallle lor the pUlpasaol altording them the opportunity to relllln their homutead In Ihe
<br />IJYOf1I of a default upon the Deed 0' Trust
<br />
<br />o C D~GNAnONOFHO~~
<br />
<br />Pursuant to rhe Farm Homeslead Prolectlon AcllSecllon 76.1901 fll seQ Re\'l1;fld Slalutt!5 at Ihe Slale 01 Nebraslull.lhe Borrower(s). do hereby designate Ihe real
<br />propeny descnblld In the ~DeslgnatlOn 01 HomeSUlld~ anlched hereto and mcorpOIalod neretn IlV Ihls relerence
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST IS made as 01 tne 2 dill' 01 September 1986__.__ bl" and among Ihe lrU5tor __PQt.Qthy J.
<br />Zeller. A Sino Ie Per~9fL ....hOS., ma,hng IIddn'n'~ .~t4. _N.~._o!~.;:.t~!:.~~~rand Island,
<br />~ !herem BOlIowt!r', thl!'TruSlee Willi,am G. Blac.kbu:t:!!~__.a mert~be_~~t:.~~__NE State Bar Assn.
<br />
<br />whDMmllhngaddl1rU~ _,E.......O. Bo~._~_~~Q-, .9,,!;'and I13land, NE 68802.-2280
<br />.nd!hIt BeneflC,a,.,., ___ _. ~~_~~. 1?.oi_n.~~ _l?aI)~
<br />whoRmllllhgaCldress,I! _.2015_.N.. .a;[,Qa.dwell.. p. P..J~ox 1507
<br />
<br />__Iherelh HTrustee"j,
<br />
<br />Gr:ang ~!?~~.ndl NE ~8_~QI-159?__~__ (helem "LenderHI
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA Tl0N m(l...dtn9 I"., Ino.,bl",onf'''. ,d,,"lt""O htolt-on "no I'U!:.I I'1f"."n c.tllSIMI Into t"-"Ce'pl 01 ...t'uCh 's nerel.'.,. acknowledged. 80"0_r
<br />helebr lot'VCX;ably ;ran~, lllllnsle-rr. canrc~ and a$.'Stons to TIU1!i1l<1! IN TRUS 1 WITH POWER or 5Al E lor lnflllof1l'11I Ina $tIcuulV ollendar. under and SubJecllo Ihe
<br />l-.m....nd conChhons h....e....ll'" S."l~h In.. '''.1 p'oper'~ o,,'"o;:,,~ If' 'allow.
<br />
<br />The South Half (S,) of Lot.. One (1), Block Thirteen (13), In Wallich's
<br />Addit~on to the Clty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Together .1U'laUllulldlOgs lI'1pfOVementi haturn Itrlffifs, alleys. P"~gt'...oIII"s f!oIII5-t'menls r'gl'1ls pm.tleges IInd appurllHlllnces loCalt'C1I1'1t'tcon 01 In anywtlW
<br />~nang thef'e1o. and the renllt ISSurs -Ind ptol't. re..er.lOtt$ .no .t'malndt'rs Ihf'reol including bul 1'101 limited 10 l'IelJltng IIna (Oohng eqUipment ISnd sucn personal
<br />PropIIl1rlM1l1anachedtothltlmprovemenlSsoas loconshlulp-..1tature anttt"'ilt'lnef ",,'th Ihe homeSlead 0' maltlal tnll"ests "any whlCI'I InlereSISJlrene.eb.,. lelua5ea
<br />and .......,.a&loIlWhich.Int:lud'ng replacenJent..and addlt,onllherelo, la hereby dec.la'e-d 10 be. PolliTt ollhe realealalt'Wlcured bl' me lien ollhtS Deed 01 Trustand all otthe
<br />f~ betng leIert1lCI to ""'.In... the -propertyM
<br />llmI Doeo Of Tf\I'I1.h.n _tUtti (al the PAyment 01 Intl pnnopallufT'l ana Inlerest eYloenceo by BOlfowe.-" naif! and/O' e'edll agreement daled
<br />q"/AR "IIrIng a matu'll.. date 01 9/2/94 _ 10 the ollglOal prme,p.1 oIIImounl 01 S _5-, 300_,!~__ _. .nd an\, and all
<br />mocWlCa1+DrtI.tllltanlIOnS"no rene.all therecl p, lhe-reto and an.,. I1'1da/lluwle ad\'oIIInc:es and 'eadv."'CC!lI hl!lcundl!r pU'JUoIIInt 10 one or more proml5Jory nalet or credtl
<br />~ta IheqlnCII11ea '"Nolin, (b)ttte ~~ment oloth'" aumsadunte<l by Lender to prolect Ihe SIlcul/l\, 01 the NOle Ie/the ~rlo'mance aU co...en."'"lnd IgreemDnl
<br />01 eon-o..r Ml'fontt hellnn..nd Id,alll"Oebteclnnl and obligatrons at BOllowel to L~nde' whethpr OIlE'Cr IOd",-->I;1 atrl;olule or eonhngt'nl and whelhel 81/51ng by nole
<br />!Jl.iaranl,. owerdratr DI oIhttrwtN
<br />BonDWIT. tD ~ the ..-cunty ollh," Oeecr 01 Tnzsl cowenanls and .grees ..Ith Len de' ., 10IlD..."
<br />1 ..,.................---. Batra..' shall prompllV pall' when due the p'lnclpal oland mlt'rll'St on anO any 'eJ!! or chllrljles prO..-tded In Ihp NOI'" Of tn Il'Ilt
<br />DMld at TNIt
<br />
<br />Z ~Bon'owefISO'lI'o."., otlhtrProper1}11. haS lheflghta"d..uthofll.,.loconvt'ythe-PrOPflrty and wa"ln'Slh.llhe hen cll!.IIllCl helebY'I. h'lland prtOl 1111'1'1 on
<br />-Pt'crpen,-..-.c.pt.. mayotf\9fwtM be H1tQl1h herem. and the er.ecu1lOn and de'IIver}' ollh.S Deed 01 Trull does 1'101 tr,ol.U-, any contraCI or Dlnfl. Ob"Olllon 10 whlen
<br />""""-.. -
<br />
<br />:3 T--.--..... 10p,a, -..n dUII.Utlln. Ipecral.SMS~htl.nd..lldthel ChS'9It. agllnsl the Prope.t\, and upon *,.U.,n Ot-mllnd b\, l"nQ..!r to PII~ 10
<br />L.endft -.cfI1IROurII.. rMr EM autflc.n:t lD enab'- the Landt, '0 pay auch 1_... ......nm.nl. 01 Othel cl1afget as I~r bKomlt due
<br />
<br />;. "--- 1'0 k-.p thtr Pf~ ~MUI'e(J agalrr.st dama~ b.. ".-., haurds ,nCluded ...,Ihtn tnt' term t'ltenr3frtt C01rfl_ge s"a surh 01hl'I hua.ds", lenClpr mil'
<br />:rwQ\,m'a, m 1II'NM.II'I1II.8f'Id.e t:OmPl-rues ~ ID Len.s.r. anI! *11'" 101. parable to tnlllen"". I" eIIH- 01 loss undl!1' "...t:l'r pohc,,~~ the Lf''lde' " aulho"'''d 10 oIIIdlull
<br />c.oUecIaf'ICI~aJlC:laI~ tt'lerNndeI and Iohallha...tneoptlOfl at appl,..ng all 0' pa" ollhe ,""u'an,. p;oc'-.:Js lit 10 .1'1, Indeblf"dn..51 tN:u'''Cl hll.t'bv and tn 'ucn
<br />oro..-.. ~t'.....,CJe1It""I"', (j"1D1ht1 Bo"ow.r 10 trII use:llor Ii'll! I..call O' reltorlhon ollht' PrOP'-'rTl' en 1'''1 tOl lIny Oln... tlUlPO"" 0< Oblt'! I ....tlll.clorylo lflndlH
<br />.m.out t&ftKbnOn-.MftOl1fW.Cae4otT.lft!fQl""uU*mounl MC\,I'eC~~r~'I)'.""'c'" p.trrnponl........, I<>o~ Pl.n, ...... 'OphCISII(>f> ,.! p'[}c1"f'<h t(1 tn"...t>le<:l".."shall
<br />AD'I e.W1odOf pe.a1p(lofW I,.. ckadmc of .n, paJ1"1e"11 unl!.' I". NOI.. 01 Cuf. .nr o.,laun "'-.11'....."". or 1'1'''lI-u''O..'
<br />
<br />!I -......-.......... C~.......... BOflo_r ,hill '''P thlt Ptoper1, ," 0000 lona",o" .na '''ll.'' '''''' 1"""'1"', "1'"'' ,,, ."pl'Ht' .'',
<br />ompr~-""'Ch...,...~ ()f aeoau-o,..,a ,,".WII'\OfCbfnm,t 01 ~mt1.nr ...Ie 0< d.-1...o...I......., ,..... 1',()Pf"" ~1'1'1' ..... ........"... 1..,..., ,,,~' ..' ~"t1.t.1..1,..". .;,...
<br />.,..,oI~~.ontl'lil'Pr-'OO'''r lIhalll'O(l1c!1)fntl'UI .u'teIOlpPt""I."'SC1'0r..(lo<w.nr""~>(>t'll"'P'O-l"""""""I""'",'.', .. ,".. "'",,0' '......1.., '" .",1
<br />~il~..-cI..Dft'IIl"lI"OflC'f\al~.tOO"~.C-O-Sland.lpeI1""IlI~. .t'lCumb..It(......d'I'l.'O".....'to(l ..."."...., . ".....~.'~.. .,.'.....1>, 'I~"'. I". ~,.',........,.I
<br />