<br />7. Condomnatlon. IMhe ...nl tlIe Property, or any port th...ol. "'oil be lIkln by .mlnenl domlln,lbo MorIpJ..
<br />Is .mpo.....d La oolloclond ....1.. 011 oompellJ.lUon which may be poId lorony properly lIkln or ror dim.... 10 property
<br />not liken, and }dorlppe "'a1llpply .uch com_lion, II Ita opllon, either La I ..duetlon 01 the Indebledn.. oecured
<br />hereby <>r 10 "poIr and ....to'" the property 10 dlmalOd.
<br />
<br />8. Perfonnanee by Mone-. Mone- may. bul.hall hI" no obllpUon, 10 do Iny lel which Iho Mortrollor
<br />hu ....... bul rails 10 do, Ind MorlplH rnoy aIoo d~ any oclll dooOll n.ceauy 10 prolectthe lI.n hereof. MorlplOr
<br />...... lo ..pay. upon d.mand. any 'UOllIO upended by thoMone- for the lbo.. pUlJIOlIl'I. and loY .UOll .0 upended
<br />by the MorlplH "'all be added lo the Indebledaeu .....red hereby lOd become subjeello Ihe lI.n hereof. Mort.....
<br />obaI1 nollneur lOy pennnallllbUlly becauoe or anythln, It may do or omit to do he...under.
<br />
<br />9. Dotlull; AooIpment of Reali. 'Ilme II of tile ....nee bereol. and upon Mortpror's default In any covenant
<br />or......menlorlbIlMo~.lncludln' co..nanllto pay wben duelbe SUIDI oecured by lbJs MorIpp, the,Mone- oho11
<br />be enlllled. ot Ita sole opUon and wltIloul DOUce, to decl... 011 sUOlloec"",d by lbJs MorIpp.to be lmmedlalely duo and
<br />payable lOd mlY oommenee 1""",lo<u... 01 tills MorlPl' by judicial proceedlnp; and. provided. further. thot upon IUch
<br />detlullthe Mortppe, or a receIver oppolnled by a court, may alllll opllon and wltIlout reprd lo tile adequacy 01 Ibe
<br />let::wity, enter upon and Lake pc:uessiOD of the Property IDd coUed the renta, luues aDd profits theretlOm and mpply them
<br />fint to tile coot 01 collecUon Ind operaUon 01 the Property and tIlen upon tile Indebledaeu seci1red by tIllI Mortgqee;
<br />&lid ...nlll, lJouea lOd profil.> beln, 2SSlgned 10 the Mortpgee II furtber seeurily tor tile plyment of tile Indebleda...
<br />secured hereby.
<br />
<br />10. Transter or Property. If all or lOy part 01 tile Property is sold or transrenod without the up.... wrItlen con.
<br />sent at thf' Mortpgee. MoI"lpeee may ilt its sole opUon, declare alllUms ,5eCUJ'fd by this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />and paYlble.
<br />
<br />11. Future Adv_ Upon request or Morlptor. Morlro... may make additional ODd future advonceo lo
<br />Mor1lllor. Such advances, with interest thereon, ihall be ~ured by this Mortgqe when evidenced by promlasory DOtes
<br />,lIlIn, thal said DOles ... IlOClUI!d hereby. Al no time ,hall the prinelpol amount of tho Indeblednea secured bY this
<br />Mortpp, not including 5UDlIadnnced 10 protect the security of 1.hb Mortgage, exceed the original Note.
<br />
<br />12. MiIcoUlIltOUIl'roYlaIom.
<br />
<br />(a) Any fOn!!beannce in exercWnill any riKht or remedy 5haJJ not be a waiver thereof.
<br />
<br />fb) All remedies provided herein are disOne&. and cumulative 10 any other right arrorded by law or eqUity,
<br />and may be gerd&ed concurrenUy. independently or suceesllvely.
<br />
<br />(c) Th. co..nanl> lOd .....menlll eonltlned herein shall bind, and the ripllIlnure lo, the ....pectl..
<br />5uccesr;om and r.ssigns or the MOJtcqor and the Morqqee.
<br />
<br />(d) All eOTtnanll and .....m.nlll 01 the Mortpror... joiDt ODd___
<br />
<br />(eo) The headines of the parqraphs. or thil Mor1p&e IJ'I!! ror convenience only and shall Dot be Uled to Inter.
<br />pret or derine the provisions hereor.
<br />
<br />13. lie..... Upon plymeDl or all SUIIlS ...,urod by tills AID....... Morlppe shall dlocharce thill MoRpI" and
<br />shall execute and deU..er. saUsfaet.ory releue therefor.
<br />
<br />( .Lh E. Clark I
<br />
<br />~1',,'..Jc{-Cf~
<br />IPhyl >s A. Clark)
<br />
<br />1Iouo_
<br />
<br />J
<br />~
<br />~
<br />.~
<br />~
<br />~
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Morlptor hu eJttCUltd this
<br />
<br />
<br />. 19.Jl!L
<br />
<br />BcUI'OWU
<br />
<br />~
<br />a
<br />-
<br />~-
<br />
<br />Stale of Nebrukt, Hall Counly .: \
<br />
<br />On this 8th dey of Seotember 19~ before me, th. undellilDOd, I Notary Publl~ ~'\.
<br />
<br />dul'ycomznis&ionMandquallfie.drOl'U:idcounty,pe~)'c:aIDI! Vo:.nnpln P. rl~T'"k ~Mrl Pn't11;Q 1. Cl~":-~h.. ~~
<br />
<br />Husband and Wife , to me Imo.... La be tIl~'Rl. ~, ~
<br />identical peDOnls) whoso name(s) ... subscribed to the forelOiqlDllrumenl and lelmowl.dred the l!XtCutlon thereol ~ ~-'.!
<br />
<br />:tI~mYbandODdv:='::ddood. "TAn" '~l~n" NF InsaldCOunly,~"X-
<br />_u;CommiaIionOSPIres: 1nVl' r::;,,,,,.,ucC\';: ~
<br />~~~~l ' N._Publlc ." '0,.~.J.
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