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<br />88- 104944 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />'IblI Mortpao J. entered Inlo between <br />and Wife <br />FIVE POINTS BANK <br /> <br />Vpnnnth F. Cli\Tk And Phyl1 iq ~lArkr J.hll'l:hAnrl <br /> <br />(he..ln "Morlplor") and <br />(herein UMortgaaee U).. <br /> <br />Mortcqor Is Indebled 10 MortpgeB In lbe principal .um of $ 1] .900 00 . evlden..d by Mortgagor'. nole <br />dated 9/8/88 (herein "Nole") providIng lor payments 01 prlncipel and Inle...t, wllb lhe belan.. ollbe <br />Indebledo....lf not sooner paid. due and paYlble on 9/10/95 <br />'IOsec:ure the peyment of the Note. with interest u'provided therein. the payment of all other sums. with interest, <br />adftneed by Mortptee 10 protect lbe seeurity o.f lbi. Mortgage, and lbe perCormen.. of lbe covenanls and ell"'ementa 01 <br />the MaRPlor contained herein, Mortptor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the follOwing described <br /> <br />property loceted in <br /> <br />U::a11 <br /> <br />Couoty, Nebraske: <br /> <br />Lot"Five (5 Block 144, U.P. Railroad 2nd and Comp., and Lot Six (6), <br />Block 29 Russel Wheelers Addition, City of Grand Island, Hall County, NE <br /> <br />Toeether with aU buildin~ improvements, fixtures. streets. alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and <br />appwte2lIDceIi located thereon or in anywise pertaining therelo, and the rents. issues and priJritl, reversions and -remainders <br />thereof; induding, but not limited Lo, heaUng and cooling equipment and such personal property that i5 attached to the <br />improvements so as to constitute A fixture; all of which. including replacemenls 1U1d additions thereto. Is hereby declared <br />lobe I part oC the rnI esl.ole '''''lIn!d by lbe Uen of lbl5 Mortgage and all of lbe Coregoing being relemd to ..lbe <br />"Property".; <br /> <br />Mortp;or further conveoants and aeree<, wilb Mortgagee, .. lollows: <br /> <br />1. Paymenl To pay tl1s indebtedne5i and the int.ere~t thereon as provided In this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> <br />2. TItle. Mortgagor.1s the owner of lbe Property, h.. the righl and authority to mortgagelbe Property, and <br />warrants that the lien created bereby is a first and prior lien on the Property. except as may otherwise be set forth berein. <br /> <br />o 'lbe Property is .uhjeet tq a Mortga.., wherein <br /> <br />is the Mortgqee, _cd Ii Book _, Page _ of the MDrtgage RecDrds 01 <br />Nebraa~ which Morip:e is a lien prior to the Uen created hereby. <br /> <br />County, <br /> <br />o Other prior liem or encumbrances: <br /> <br />3. Taea, Aaoeamaaols. To PlY when due ell I.oxe., speciel ......m.nts and ell olber charges egaill51 the Property <br />and. upon written demand by Mort.pece. to add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby. such amount as <br />JUy. be JUfftcienUo enable the Mort.pere to pay such taxea, IISeliirnenti or other charges as they become due. <br /> <br />4. IDiarmee. To keep the Jmprovementa now or hereatter located on the real estate described berein Insured <br />apInst tIama&e by lire and ouch other hazarda II Moitpgee mey require, In amounts and with companlesaecepl.oble 10 the <br />Mor\pIei; aDd 'Wilb I... payable to lb, Mortgagee. In .... of Iou under meh policies lb. Mortgagee is eulborized to <br />adjolt,.coIIec:t nd ""mplOmise, '" ita discretion, ell claims lbereunder ai Ita sole option, lulborlzed 10 ,ilherepply the <br />~ to the ~lIon of the Property or upon lbe iodeblednPlS secured hereby, but paymenta hereunder shall con. <br />110.. omtil the IIUIDO secured hl!n!by are paid In full. - <br /> <br />5.. 0 -..... .Foe Taua aDd IDauranco. Nolwlthstanding anylbinl ""ntelncd in paragraphs 8 and 4 hereof to lbe <br />~Iia!Y., MorIpIor Ihe1I piy to thl Mortgagee It the time of pey1llllb. monthly 1ll5le11Dienta of principal and inlereot, <br />oiieottri!Ulh 01 theyeally laxea, _nts, hazard ......ran.. premiums, an.d ground renta (if any) which may Ille10 I <br />pliodtyoftrthis Mortpge, ell .. reaaooahly ..Umeted Irnm time to lime by lbe Mortpaee. 'lbe amounts 10 paid shall be <br />beld.bJ the ~ wllb""t"'......t and appll,d 10 lbe payment oC the llema In ...peel to wblch .uch amounts were <br />de....12d. .'lbe RUDIS paid to IIortppa hereunder are pledged 15 IddltJone1 aeeurlty Cor the 10debl2do... seelln!d by thi. <br />~. JIortcaIorsbell pay 10 Mortpgee lbe amount oC any deOci.ney betweeo lbe eetoel texes,lIIBISIIIent&, ill5uranee <br />PlWIDiuOll and ....uod rents and the depoallll h.reunder wllbln 10 days after demand is made upon Mortgqor requestJnl <br />. paymeut lbereot <br /> <br />&. Repair. M.u.teI:&aIam aDd UII. To promptly fl'pair. rnt.ore or rebuild any buUdlnp or improvements now or <br />bereatler DO the Property; to Irftp the Property In load coodlllo. and repair, without wllte. and fret, from mec:hanle'. or <br />olberUeDl not fXpbllly lubontinat.ed to t.he Uen heft'Or; not to makeo.lufrer or permit any nulsanct> lo exist, nor to dimln. <br />iIb or Impair tJ'w 'rIh.. or tn. PIoptrty by any ad or omlulon to act; .ud to comply with all requlrement3 of taw wilh <br />_10 the Property. <br />