<br />r
<br />
<br />6 El'NMnl 0ctn\M". Londor II helab)' .",u)ned all comprtn.allOn. award. ClamllQIII nnd olnor pnymlH11' III IIIhnl thnlUlnnllllr P'ocoodl~lln (connellan Wllh
<br />condllmnltlonOI 01hll1111ung ollt'lo Propon", or pa,t thorDol. orlOI convornnco In ,,"U 01 condnmnnllon Londor ,hnU 1HI (lnllllod nllln npllon locommoncn, appeal In Dnd
<br />pro.tl'culCllntll ovm namOlny lel10nor proceedmgs, and IlhaUallobOClnllUod 10 mll.o no)' complomlllo or lolllemonlm coonoe'lon wllh Dueh laking or damago. In tho
<br />ovenl an)' por11on ollho P'Clptlr1r IS 10 lakon or dlm.VOd, Leoda. ahall t'IIIVII lho opHon In 1111010 nnd ablolulo dlSc,nllon,lo ApplV 011 8uch ProcDeds, allot deducllng
<br />CX)lhetl1rom .nc:osl..nd IIxpensel incuffed by It I"connectlon With luch proceeds, upon any mdoblednoss IUICered hOloby and In IlIlC" ordor III Londormay delermlne. Dr to ~
<br />,.., IPply .11 luch Proc..da, .nor such deduCllons, 10 Ihe rltltorallon 01 the Properly upon lIuch condlllDnll All Londer may dolormlno Any nppllcaUon 01 Proclledslo C;J
<br />0) IndeblMlnns shill nOle.lend or poslpone the due dllO Clt any payment. undltr Iho Nola. Dr curD any dlllaull tho round or Dr horoundor =-::
<br />
<br />7 ~ QLeftder,ln Ihoevenl 01 Borrowet'l IlllufO to perlorm nny ollha covenanlS herein or mDkn any paymenll requtted horeby. orll any act Illaken or ~
<br />~ legll proceed 109 commenced which matanaJ1., alleels landor's IMlnreSI tnthn Property.Londor ma)' In lis own dllcrollon. but wllhoul obllgallon 10 do ISO, end without noUce '- ~
<br />o 10 ordemand upon BcJfto...erand wllhout releallng BOffowerlfom any Obligation. do any acl which Iho Borrower h.., agreed bullallslo do and may allodoanyolhar aetll ~
<br />
<br />...... :=I=:V~:~d':rf~~~~~~~~~~~~hhee;:~~:~r~;~:~~~~~i :~e~~:;~~~g ~r90h~:~:O~~~:~=~~~~~I:~e~~~:eor~:~~III~~~;I~O;r~I~I~~~t~nal~~ ~~:~:~~~~~~~17~:;~dse~~~ Q
<br />I the IOlJebt.clneslsecurelJ hernby, Lender shal/ not IOcur any pelllonalllablllly because 01 anything II may do or omlllO do hereunder :I!
<br />e E'Nftta of o.tnn, Thetotlowlng shall eonslIlu1e IIn evont of dolault under IhlS Deed of Trust' ~
<br />CQI (I' Failure lopayany mstallment of prIncipal or Interest or any othonum secured hereby when duo, orfadure 10 pay when due any olher indeblednessoll'-'
<br />CIO BOlTOwer 10 lender. ~
<br />encum~~n:e ~~~~~h~ ~ro~:~:1l under any provision containelJ In the Nole. IhlS Deed 01 Trusl, any documenl which secures the Note, and any other l:C
<br />
<br />lei "wnl 01 execulion Dr IUTachmenl or any llimUar proces:; shall be entered aglUn$t Borrower which lIhllll become a rien on tho Proporlyorany portion
<br />thereof or Inlerestlherein:
<br />
<br />Idl There shall ba Iiled by or agams1 Borrower an action under any presen, or future lederal, stale or other slatule. law or regulaUon relallng to
<br />banilrupley. msolvency or other reileffer debtors; Ot1here shall b!! appOinted any t.ustee. recoiverorllquidator 01 Borrower or olalloranypart 01 the Property. or
<br />Ihe renls, issues or prolilllhereol. or Borrower shall make any general Bssignmenllor the benellt 01 credilors
<br />
<br />(e) The sale, transfer, assIgnment, conveyance or further encumbrance 01 all or any pari 01 or any Interest in the Property. either volunlarily or
<br />invo]untarlly. wllhoullhe express wrillen consenl 01 lender
<br />_ _ "'1":'
<br />(II II Borrower IS nolan mdlVldual.lhe sale.lransler, asslgnmenl conveyllnce or ellcumbrl1nce 01 more than ~~_ percent 01 <II a corporallonlll!l
<br />
<br />I~tH!d am! c..utstandlng Slock or IlIa parlnerSnlPI _ percenl ot partnershIp Inlerests
<br />
<br />9 A~~I.rationUpon D.fault. In Ihe evenl 01 any Evenl 01 Delault Lender may deClare alllndebledness secured hereby 10 be due and payable and the
<br />same shallthel'tlupon become due and payable without any presentment, demand. protest or notice 01 any kind Therealter Lender may'
<br />
<br />tal Oemand Ihal Trusleeexerclse the POWER OF SALE granted herem, aM Trustee shalt Iherealler cause Borrowe"s Interest in the Property to be !Io]d
<br />and lhe proceds 10 be dislrlbuted. all in lhe manner provided In the Nebraska Trus' Deeds Acl.
<br />
<br />(bl Either In person or by agenl. with or WIthout bringmg any action or proceeding. or by a IOcen/ar appOinted by a court and without regard to the
<br />adequacy 01 its socurlly. enler upon and lake possession 01 lhe Property. or any part Ihereol, In lis own name or m the name 01 lhe Trustee. and doany acts which
<br />it deems neces...ry or deslrab]e 10 pre"erve lhe value. marketability onentablllty ollhe Properly. or part thereol or rnlerest therein, increase the income
<br />therelrom or prolacrthe 5eculllv hereol and. WlIh or wllhoultaklng posseSSIon ollhe Properly. sue lor or otherWise collect the rents, Issues and prolitsthereol,
<br />InclulJlng lhO&& past t1ueand unpaId. anO apply the same. less costs and e.penses 01 operallOn Bnd collecllon mcluding .IIl1orneys'lees, upon any indebtedness
<br />secured hereby. all In such order as Lender may detNmlne Theentellng upon and taking possesSIOn 01 the Property, the collection 01 such renls. Issues and
<br />prollts and theapplicalton Ihelfml as aforesallJ, shall no' CUfe or waIve any delaul: or nollce 01 Clelaul! IlereunCler or mvalldate any act done In response to such
<br />dflJfaul1 or pursuant 10 such notice 01 defeull and. notWIthstanding the continuance In oossesslon ollhe Property or the collectIon. receipt and applicallon of
<br />rents, Issues or profIts. Trustee or Lender shall bp entllled 10e.erClse every flghl provldeo lor In any 01 the loan Instruments or by law upon occurence 01 any
<br />event of delaull. including the IIghllo e.erClse the power ot sale: and
<br />
<br />(c) Commence an aellOn to loreclose thrs Deed 01 Trusl as a morlgage. appo,"1 a F(!celvor or speclllc!llly enlorce any ollhe covenants hereof;
<br />
<br />No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender rs mlended 10 be eJO;cluSlYe 01 ilnV olh,,, remedy herem or by law prOVIded or permitted. bUI each shall be
<br />cumulative, shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or herealler e.Is'lng atl/lw or In eqUIty or by statute. and may be exerCIsed concurrently,
<br />independ!!nUy or successIvely
<br />
<br />10 TRlI.... The Trustee may resign at any lime Without cause. and lender llIily at ilny lime nnd Wllhout cause appoInt a successor or substltule Truslee, Truslee
<br />6hall n01 be liable lor any LoU or damage unless due to actionable negligence or Wllllul ITlI!>conduct and shall nol be reqUired to lake any acllon in connection With the
<br />enlorcemenl 011his Deed 01 Trusf unless mdemnrhed, m Writ 109, lor all costs. compensahon 0' r.-.pense& which mfly be assOCIated thereWith In aadlllon. Trustee may
<br />becomea purchaser atany sale ollhe Propeny (JudICial or underlhe power 01 sale granted heretn I postpone Ihe sale 01 all or !lny pori Ion 01 the property. as prOVided by law:
<br />or sell the Property as a whole, or m separale parcels or lots
<br />
<br />11. FutureAdw...c... Upon request of Borrower. Lender may. at 115 opllon. malle additiOnal and futute aOl/ances and readvanceslo Borrower Such advances and
<br />readvances. with Interest thereon. shall be secured by thiS Deed 01 Trusl Al no lime shall Ihe prrnclpill amounl ollha IndE'bledness secured by thiS Deed 01 Trust. not 10.
<br />
<br />eludlOgsumsadvancedlo protect Ihe security 01 thiS Deed 01 Trust.c_ceed theongmaC prinCIpal amount stal..d herl'ln O' $ whichever 15
<br />grea1ar
<br />
<br />12 "~Pro.laIonL
<br />
<br />(III Bono.., Not RelHMd. Exlenslon 01 the tIme lor payment or modlflcallon 01 amorllzatlon olthe sums secured by thiS Deed 01 Trust granled by
<br />Lenderloany successor m mtereS1 of Borrower shall not operate 10 release. 10 any manner. the liablhly 01 the Ollgmal Borrower and Borrower's successors in
<br />interesl Lender shall nol be reqUIred to commence proceedings against such successor or reluso to extend time lor payment or olherwlse modify amortizahon
<br />01 the sums secured by thiS Deed 01 Trusl by reason 01 any demands made by the oFlgmal Borrowe' and Bouower's successors In mlerest
<br />
<br />(b) Lendllr'aPowen. Withoutatlectmg the lIablllly 01 any other person tlablefol the pllylllenl 01 anV obllgnllon hereIn mentioned. andwitnout offecllng
<br />Ihe hen or Charge ot lhls Deed 01 Trust upon any porllon of the Property not then or IherelOlore mltlBIlOd as, r;ecllllly lor the full amounl 01 all unpallj obhgatlons.
<br />Lender may.lrom lime to tIme Bnd Without nollce (II release nny person 110 hable, [Ill e.tend the mlllllflly olllller any ollhl:' terms 01 any such obhgatlons.tlll)
<br />grant other mdulgences.ltv) release or reconvey. or cause tobe released or reconveyed at any tlmflllt Lnndllr!l ophons any parcel, portIOn or allol lhe Properly.
<br />(vI take orre]ease any other or addlllonal secuflty for Ilny ob]lgallon hereIn mentioned. or I~II mllke compOlllllons or other arrangemenls wltn debtors In relalton
<br />Ihereto.
<br />
<br />Ic) ForburancabrLandl'rNolaWat..r. Any lorbearance 0)' Lender m e.e,clslng any right or remedy hereunder. or olherwIse allorded by applicable
<br />law. shall nol bea waiver of or preclude thee.arCtse 01 any 5uch nght or remedy The procurement 01 Insurance or Ihe payment 01 la.es or olher hena or charges
<br />by Lender shall not be a w.llvet 01 Lender's rrghllo accelerale rhe maturIty ollhe IOdebledness secured by Ihls Decd 01 Trust
<br />
<br />(dl Succnaon and Aulgn. Bound: Jolnland S...,.l UabUlI,: c.pUon.. The covcnonts and ag'ecmt!nts herllln contained shall bmd, and the nghls
<br />horeundershalllOure 10. t"e respectIve successors and assigns 01 Lender and Borrowl'r sublectlo Ihe prevIsion!. 01 paragraph 6 (el hereol All covenanls and
<br />agreementsot Borrower shall be lomtand several The captIons ond headmgs 01 lheparllgraphs olChls Df!l1d 01 Trust are lOt convemence onlv and are not tobe
<br />UHc:llo in1erpret or dolme the proyrllon; herl101
<br />
<br />(el Req......orNotIen. The patties hereby request that a copy 01 any notll;;e 01 oelftUll nereunoer and a copy 01 any notice 01 sale hereunder be mallo:rd 10
<br />IIIIchparty tOthlS Deeo 01 Trust allne address set lortn nbove In the manner p.escrlbed by app!Il:;.able law E._cept lor any olher notIce reqUired under apphcablE'
<br />law to be gIven 10 anolher manner, an~ nOllce prOVided lor In thiS Deed 01 Trust shall be given by maIling such nollce b\l cerllhed mall addressed 10 Ihe othel
<br />parties, al the address sellorth above
<br />
<br />Any nolice provided for In thIS Deed of Trust shall be deemed 10 have been given to Borrower or Lender when gIVen 10 the manner deslgnaled herein
<br />
<br />(I) lnapection. Lender may make or ClUle 10 be made reasonableenllles upon and mspectlons 01 the Property. providedlhat Lender shall gIve Borrower
<br />notice prior 10 any sueh InlpectlOn lpeclfying reasonab)e ca~ theretof related to Lender'lI Inlerest in the Properly
<br />
<br />tg) RIIC....,.nce. Upon payment olalllurns secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust, Lendershall requesl Trustee 10 reconvey Ihe Properly and shall IUffondflr
<br />IhlSDeed 01 Trusl and all notllSevldencing mdebledness secured by thIS Deed 01 Trust to Trustee Truslee shall reconvey the Property Without warranty Rnd
<br />W1thou1 charge 101he pellon or pelllonalegally enlltled thoreto Such person or persons shall pay all costs 01 recordahon, If any
<br />
<br />(hi ......... PrDp.rtJ, SKurfly A;....nent. As. addlllonal !iE!CUrt1y torthe payment olthe NOle all 11.tures. equipment, and olhel personal properly ulnd
<br />mconnection .Iththe real estate or Improvemenl& 10catelJ thel'tlon. and nol otherWIse declared or deemed to be a part 01 the real eslnte secured hOrllby shall b,"
<br />SUblec110.securlty inlerest In lavor oflha Lender und"r the Nebraska Unrform Commercial Code ThiS rnstrum"r.1 shall be construed as a Securrty Agraemrrnl
<br />un08rS&ld Code. and Ihe Lender shall have Blithe flghls and remedies of a aecured party under said Code In addlllon 10 Ihe rights and remedlf!s crelltrrC L1ndm
<br />and accorded1he Lender pUl1luanl to Ihll Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />(i) .......... In the event Itlat any proviSIon of thiS Deed of Trust conlllct with applicable law or are declared mvalld orolherwise unenforceable. such
<br />conflict Dr invalidity Ihall nol anectlheolher proviSIons of thIs Deed of Trust or the NOle whIch can be given ellect wllhout the conlhctlng prO~ISlon. and 10 Ihll
<br />end lhe provilions of lhe Deed ot Trult and Itte Nole are declared to be &ever.ble
<br />
<br />BoffD'MOr hat hIlCUted lhil oeea 01 TruSlthe dale .flnen atlove C.. ~.. )& B..... ~d'tpan Y,.
<br />
<br />~!'_':.lL:,-JL;I-, 'c~:i:2;<" < . "-
<br />Borrowe, President
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />... //.2- ... 37 j
<br />