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<br />.3140 <br />II <br /> <br /> <br />STATE of NEBRASKA}.. <br />DAKOTA COUNTY <br />~reccrd thi.~d.y 01 <br />19H...I~o'dock <br />, IIIlc! ~ed in Book~ .onow", <br />Pag~ <br />lie . PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />1 <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />J <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />tti.,... property dncrlbMI consl... of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />II appll~b1e. campMte ONLY ONE -'lIMIt A. B, or C: <br /> <br />o A. DI&CL\lMER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The BOrtawer(l)ackn01lll'1IKlge Ihallhev are about to 8xeculethe following Deed 01 Trusl upon the real eslatedeseribed therein. The Borrower{"l. and each ofthem If <br />more lhan one. do hatllby disclaim their (Ighlle deslgnJlle.ll homestead pUrlIuanl therelo. No parl ollhe homestead 01 Bllher 01 the Borrower(s)I! presentlv or will in If'll! <br />tulureMlnU.led upon Did rell 8slate. The Borrower(s) understand thai II either establishes a homestead on any part 01 said real estate during Ihllllm" the Deed 01 Trusl <br />remains un..Us',ed and alien upon said real eslate. there shall be no righlto mllke II designlltlon 01 homestead In the event 01 a foreclosure or trultee'l sale wUh relpecllo <br />Aid Deec:I 01 TrUll <br /> <br />C B WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br /> <br />The BorrowerCljlcknowledge Ihatthey are about1o execule the fallawmg Deed at Trusl upon Ihe real eslale descnbed Ihereln The Borrower(.). 01 them II <br />morelhln onll. do hereby .I've Ihelr flghl to designate e homestead pursuanllhe!elO The Borrower(s) understand that they have Ihe right to make e dllllgnallon 01 <br />homntead and Ihal bYII.ecullngthlll waiver. they are waIvIng flghls olherwlSE! Busllable tor Itle purpose alllllordmg them Ihe opportunlly 10 retain Ihelr homestead in Ihe <br />IMrnt 0' a dIlfaull upon Ihll Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />'<:IC C D!lIQNATlONOFHOIIESTEAD: <br /> <br />PUfluantla Ih'; Farm Homeslead Prolectlon Acl (Secllan 76-1901 cl seq. ReVised Sial utes ollhe Slale 01 Nebraskal.lhe Borrower(s), do hereby deSlgnale the real <br />propeny deacrlbed In II'MI"DeSlgnallon 01 Hameslead" attached hereto and Incorporated nerem by ItlIS 1(:lerl'!nce <br /> <br />tl~CE\"ISD <br /> <br />- " 9 sa <br />t.\f '3 0 ~\" <br />\'!i~'O' ""Tl <br />\ 13~r,\ t 11," <br />GtlWs;t o. i titl)~ <br />OC\;\~'U\ 1):".,:- ~t~~'i\. <br />l\\.. tt' r '. ',.l\ \0' <br /> <br />f} c qr" ;;1." .-"71 <br />. 'iJ? 101 IC~n -:;Jll ,:' fFF 1)." (/ <br />Borrower II <br />~ N ;.;.r /I - ",1(,,/, DEL...,4.1L Me .&.. <br />~_COM"~FIB. '} < ,.~ <:'L/)~- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST IS madt! 1-11. ollhe lB_. daV 01 Aug.uat.... ~ 198.8_ bV and among Ihe Truslor, _C ~ C. & B.. Company <br />A N.ab~~~_ka COEP~rati.on whose m/llhn9 Oddress.s :WUA G47. Ilu.l.l1..c~.:I.~.L_..~ <br />68949 ____ (nerelfl "Borrowel1 IhcTrustoo W~l_~.~.~_I~ _~.~_._.~~~~~l?_~_~_~' a membec of the NE State Bar <br />whasamailingllddrtlsllG _P~q..__ J~9.~ _.?2_~q! _Gral'!~ ~_~la_rl:91 .~~ 68802 ____(hereln..Tr~i:~P. <br />and the Beneficiary. _~~~~_ ~~~_I~~::J &d.~lj" _n___~__ <br />whOlllmamngllddressls ...E....o~._RaJt..15.07.J Grand Island... NE 6B.B.Q2__ ~ H ",__~___lherein"LenderHI <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, mcludlng fhe .ndebtadnl"SS Idenhlled herCln and 'fusl hereIn created the 01 which 15 hereby acknowledged. Borrower <br />hefaby Irrevocably grants. translers con",eYSilnd asslgm.lo Trusllle IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE. lor the benel.t and lmcunly or Lcndur. under and sublecl to Ihe <br />1erms and conditions herelnaller set lorlh. the leal property descnbcd as tallows <br />The East Half (E~) of Lot Four (4), and all of Lots Five (5) and Six (6) <br />Pacific Silver Addition to South Sioux City, Dakota County, Nebraska <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />Exhibit A. attached hereto and made a part of this Deed of Trust for <br />Legal description of real estate being conveyed <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />Exhibi t B attached hereto and made a part of this Deed of Trust for Legal <br /> <br />$I::tair~~rl!:rr~u'ii'J;1ng::>i~pr~~m~~lS, ~~;~ ~r:els~~e~s~~ssa~;'w~~,~X~~nts, tights, prlurleges anCS oppurlenonteslocateCS thereon or 10 anYWIse <br />pertaining thereto. and Ihllnlnts. ISSU8S1 and profits. reversIons and remamden Ihereof. mcludmg, bUI not IImlled la, heatmg and cooling eqUlpmenl and such personal <br />property that Isattachedto the Improvemllntsso as to constitute a Ilxlure. and together wllh the homestead or monlallnlerests, II any. wnlch mleresls are hefeby released <br />and waiYCC3; 'II of which, Inctuding replacements and addItIons therelo, rshercby declared to be a part 01 the rea' eslale secured by the hen ollhls Deed 01 Trusland all 01 the <br />foreg!:lIng being rellll'Ted 10 herein a~ the ~properly'. <br />This Deed 01 TruS! shall &IIcure laJ lhe payment ollhe prlnc,pal sum and InlereS! eVIdenced by Borrower's nole and/or credil aglBement dated --- <br />B-IS-BB . having II maturlly date 01 8-18-93 . In the Orlgrnal prmclpat amounl 01 S 250,000.00 IInd any and all <br />modifiClltionl. extenlion. and renewals thereof or Iherelo and any and allluture adulInces and fcadvances hereunder pursuanllo one or mare promiSSOry noles or credll <br />agreements(herein call1ld~Nate~).lbllhe payment of other sums.aavanced by Lender to protect Ihe secunty ollhe Nole .(t) the performance all cOllenants and agreemenl <br />DfBanower_t lonh herein; and Id) all mdebtednelsand obllgatlGns 01 BOffower 10 Lender whelher dIrect. Induett. absolule or conltngenl and whelhllrari:oing by nOle. <br />gu.ranty. OYtlrdra'l't or otherwise <br />Borrower. 10 protect the5ecunty of Ihls Dead 01 Trust, couenanls and agrees wHh Lender as tollow!> <br />t .-.,..ntDlPrtnclp.rMdInamt. Borrower $hlll promptly pay whetl dlle the prmtlOll1 01 And mteres' an. anCl any fues or thargeli prould6d m. Ihe Noll'! or '" thiS <br />Oeedot'!ruat. <br /> <br />2, TIDlt.Bo1Toweri.1heOWflllrof1he Property. ha.lhe ngh1and authOrity 10 ton...ey the Properly, and warranls1hsllhe hen trealed horeby 'sollrsl and prIor lIen on <br />lhe Prapeny..~"may Otherwllebe setlonh herem. and Ihefu:ecuhon and delluery ollhls Oeed 01 Trusl does not Violate any cOn!ulcl 01 olhllr obligatIon 10 whIch <br />8orrowef I. subject. <br /> <br />3 T.....~ TD pay when due alltallel. speCial aSSllllmenlS and all other tharges agamst Ihe Property and upon wrllllln demand by Lender to pay 10 <br />~, such amoun1.. may be sutflCienllo enable the Lender to pay such la.el. anesllments or ather Charges all they betome due <br /> <br />. .. ........... To keep the Proper1y Inlured .gal"lil damage by IIrt!. hazardS Included wllhln the term -ellllmOed co...eragp.' Bnd 5uth olhN nalords as. lender may <br />~ulre. an amounlland with companlllS acceptable to Lender. and wllh losl payable 10 the LenOer In case ollall!l under suCh pOllC..lS lhe ltlndlll III aulhorlzed 10 adjust <br />colleC:1and compromtMI. .llc:t.aitrl$theleundllr and shall n....ethe optIon Of applYIng all or pan 01 the lOlurante protee-c1s (rlIO IIn~ mdllbtedflllBli setured hereby and In SUCh <br />order a. Lendef ftIIy delermine. (iillo the 10 be !JUlES for the repaIr 01 relloral'on at the Properly or (lUllor IIny othel purposp O' oll/pct salls.latlory to LondN <br />Without aUlICtinQ It1e hen of thIS Deed of 'TwlIlor lhe lull.mounl Mlcured hereby before SUCh paymcnl 8118' looh placl' An~ apphcahon 01 pracI'l"dS lOlr\llcbIOdne&5 Shnn <br />no1 cdenCItlf postpOne Ihe due dale a' any plymentl under tho Na'e. Of cure any del.ult thereunder or T'lclcunder <br /> <br />5 ~....... IIftCI ~ wIth~. 9nr,ower Ihall keep the Praptl'r1.... In goad condlllon IInd repalf sT'lat! p'ompll~ 'l'pi\1I (11 fl'pl.cltl a....... <br />Improvern.anl whlctl ma.... be damllgtlClor d.'Uayed 101"1.11 nor commit 01 PIllmll an... ...te O' rh.l'H,ornho" 01 Ih.. P'OI'''''~ "hl'lll "(1' 't""'''~'' H""""~" .~, 'luT'l"'llntlally allp, <br />anrollMlmprovemen1sonthePropeny, ..haUnoICommlt, lull., 0' permltenyacllobe don" mOl UP"" Ihl! f"op",,~ "....Inr'... ..1.1'., "... ""., '.' ,..-.) ""I..'" '1".1 <br />.,...11 pay.ndpromptl,dllChar"aIBorro-.(scostand.xpen",allllel1\..ncumbr.ncltSanrtC:-h.'U"IIt'v,,'(I ,mpa51"i1 01 111\"""""" 109.....,.".." '1"'''. .'.' I I...'llh...~....t <br /> <br />~~..L t?...:.6 li?--k ~,J' "<i .:2~':'-') .. <br />~~~-.-~~~~---P 1/~ tf'Se~ -... //..2 ..-~.":'.. <br />