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<br />88....1 ~p4826 <br /> <br />I. B014, u&ndarred 01' turthar encuaued without chi expnlll or written con..nt of hnaUduy. <br />..n.riel...)' "Y. At lu lole optlon, d.ctan .U '\IM ..cured by thi. Deld of Trust to ba i_diaClly <br />due .and pay.bla u.d proceed to the n_dl.. Ivdlabla to It under tho default proY1,lona contained <br />huda. <br /> <br />11. !venU of Default. My of' tho follov1q .VlSne. .hall be deeIMd an event of default hereUDderl <br /> <br />(I) TEU.tOt' ahall han rdled to ..Ita p.)'IInt of any insullment af, <br />principii 1 or principal and. or any other IUII8 neured hereby when due;, <br /> <br />(b) Then ha. occurred a breach of or default under any ura, covenant: I <br />..r.....t, condition, provblon, representation Dr "arranty contalnBd in this need <br />of Truat. the Dote or any other loan trwtrlllent Bacured hereby; <br /> <br />(c) There h.. bellll . dafBulr: by the Truacol' in the pa)'lletlt of any prior or <br />lublequent lien or encUllbrance In respect to all or any part of the property; <br /> <br />(d) Trusto'I' sball file a voluntat'Y petition in bankruptcy or llball bl! adjudi- <br />CIIted bankrupt or insolvent. or shall lID anian_nt for the benefit of creditors <br />in reapect to the property, or an action to enforce any Uen or encumbrance or judg- <br />~nt.s a,ainat the prope'C'ty ill CDlIlIIleJlce.d. <br /> <br />12. Acceleration Upan Default. In the event of any default. Beneficiary may declare all 1ndebudne.. <br />a.cured hereby to be due and payable. and the SImB eball thereupon become due and payable without any <br />preuentllent. dell&Dd. protest or notice of any ldnd. Thereafterl Baneficlary may: <br /> <br />(.) either:ln pe.reoD or by .agent. with or without bringing any action or pro- <br />ceedin&. or by receiver .ppointed by a court and wHhout regard to the adqUllCY of <br />any security. enter upon and take po.seuion of the property I or any part thereof. <br />In ita own o_e or in tha naJDII of the TruDtee. and do any Dcts which it deCIU necessary <br />and desirable to preserve the value. turketabiUty or rentab1.Uty of the property" 01' <br />part thereof or Interest therein. increase the income the'C'efrom or protect the security <br />hereof and. without talting posseasion of the property. sue far Dr otherwise collect tM <br />renU. i..ues and profits thereof, inc1udina those pallt due and unpaid I and apply the <br />sa_I le8s costs and 8xpenaea of operation and collection, tnclud'1l\g at.tarney feeal upon <br />any indebtedn... .ecured hereby, all in auch order as Beneficiary DUly deteraine. DIe <br />ent.rinK upon and t.kina po.....ian of the tru.t e.tate. the calleetion o~ such rent.. <br />issue. and profiu and application thereof a. aforeaaid ehall not CUEe Dr waive any d.- <br />hult or notice of default hereunder or InvaUdate any act and in relaponse to auch de- <br />fault or puuuant to sueb notice of default and. notwithstanding the continuance in <br />posDesalon of the property or the collection, receipt and applicatlo!l of rents. 1ssuea <br />or profit., Tru.tee or Beneficiary IDaY be entitled to exercise every right provided for <br />in my of the loan instrUllll!nta or by law upon occurrence of any event of default, in- <br />c1udina the daht to exercbe the pover of ..l.~ <br /> <br />(b) colDeDce an action to fonclose this Deed of Trust aa a IIIOrtpgo. appoint <br />. receiverl or specifically enforce any of the covenants hereof; <br /> <br />(c) deliver to Truetea .. written declantion of default and demand for sale. <br />and . written notice or default and election to cauae Trustor's interest. In the prop.'C'ty <br />to be .old. which Dot ice Trldlt_ .hall cau.. to be duly filed for record in the official <br />ncarda of the co....ty in which the property is located. <br /> <br />13. Fonclo.ur. bY Power of Sala. Should Beneficiary elect to foreclose by exerci.. of the power <br />of aale hereto contained. .eneficiary .hall notify Tru.tee and .hall deposit with Trustee tb1. Deed of <br />Truet aud the oote and .uch receipts and avidence of expenditures and secured hereby.. TrWltlle <br />..y relluirel and upon requeat of the 'eneficiaryl the Trustee shall fUe for record. 10 the bgiater <br />of Deeds office in the County whe['e the property la loc.tedl II of default. settins forth the <br />0'" of the Truatorl the Book and Paa. or Dacuzaent No. of this Deed of Trust aa recorded io said <br />Regtater of Deeda office I the leaal deacdption of the above-described real eatate and th.t a breach <br />of .. obUsadonl for which .ald real eatate wa. conveyed .a security. has occurred. and settinl forth <br />the nature of such breach and the Trustee's election to sell the real e.tate to satiafy the obliption; <br />and after the laps. of not leas tlYn one (1) month, the Trustee shall give written notice of the ti_ <br />end place of .ale which ..y ba between 9:00 a.lD. and S p.m. at the pre.heal or at the Courthouse in <br />the County wherein auch property b located. de.cribing the property to be aold by ita legal deacrtp- <br />tloD.. .aid notice to b. pubUllhed 1n a newspaper of general circulatiDn in the COWlty wherein such <br />property h located, once. week for flva (5) cona.cutive wesks, the Ia.t publicatloo t.o be at le..t <br />telll (10) daya. but Dot .,n than thirty (30) daya. prior to-- the a.le. and the Trustee ehall then Bell <br /> property at the tJae and plK. de.ianated in the notice. in the manoal' pruvided by law io effect <br />at the tt. of fllinS notice, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash Bnd shan deliver <br />to .uch purchaser. deed to the property aold. cond.cent with the lav in effect at the Ct.II. <br /> <br />Upoo Ellceipt of the pdcII bid, Trldlt.. .hall deUver to the purchase. Trustee"a deed conveyinB the <br />propertyaold. Recitab t.n the Trustee'. deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of che at ate- <br />aeots _de therein. Truatee "'all apply the proceeda of the sale in the follow-Jng order: (a) to aU <br />r..acmable casu and exp...... of the includ.ins but not limited to. Trusteels fees of not IlIOre <br />thaD_I of the gros. aale price. rea.on.ble attomey fees and. coaU of title evideoce. (b) to.U <br />.WIII .ecund by thia Deed of Truat; and (c) the exce... if anYI to the person or penon. l8S811y en- <br />titled thereto. Any peraon. includ1ns leneftclnry. ..y purchase said property at said sale. <br /> <br />Tbe penon cooductiD& the .ale ..y, for any cause he or .he dcCllD 8;rpe'il1cnt. postpone the sale baa <br />t:1aa to ttJM untU it .hall b. c~l.ted and. in evIIry .uch c.... notice of poatpan...nt .hall b. .lYeA <br />by public dec1ar.tlor1 thereof by lueh penon at the ti~ and piKe appointed far the .ala; pro- <br />vided" If the aale 1a poacponed for longer than one (1) d.y beyond the date designated in the notice of <br />..le. nottce thereof .han b... given in the same II8IIner aa the orisinal notice of sale. <br /> <br />U. -..-die. Hot bclull1vII. Trunee and Beneficiary. and each of the_I sh.U be entitled to en- <br />force p."'Qt and perfor.aAce of any iodebtedneaa or obUaation aecured hereby and to eurcbe all ri&hta <br />and power. UDder this Deed of Iruat or under any loan tnatr\llM!Qt. or ather .Sreeaent or any lawa now or <br />bar.aftur _fotced. notvltbataDdinS ao. or all of the indebtedneas and obl1sat lona secured heraby <br />whicb..y now or "ereafter ba othendae aecured, whuther by aortpKe. deed of trus&:1 pledge, Uen. ..aI81l- <br />_t or otbervi... Heither the acc.ptance of thb Deed of Trun nor Ita enforceJllent. whether by court <br />act-loIt or pur.uaDt to tha power of .ale or other poven herein contained I shall prejudice or to any <br />__ar .ffect ~uat..'. or IctDllflcl.ry'. rilht to re.lIze upon or enforce any other lIecurlt}. now or har.- <br />.fur bald br Tru.t.e Dr Beneflciary. it beina alre.d that Trustee and lenef1c18ry, end each of th_. <br />.hall b4: entitled to enforce this Deed of Truat and .ny other Ilecurlty nO\l or hereafter held by the Bene- <br />ficiary or Truetee in auc:h order and. ...mer a. the," Dr either of the... _Y ln thelr .bsolute discretlon <br />d.te~lna. 110 I".-ed, conf.rred upun or reaerved to Trulltee or BenefJclary la intended to ba 11:11- <br />cIUlli.... of any oth.r r...dy herein or by law provided or peralUedl but each Ilh.ll be cumulative and <br />.han be In .addlc.fon C.a .".ry other reaedy liven hel"tlunder Of nD'" Dr 11l~re.fter exlat lng at law or In <br />.quh, or b,. .tatut.. 1".1" p"",.r or r...dy livan by any of the loan lnst rUDe1lt5 to Truat'"1 01" 8ene- <br />ficlary 01" to which either of the....y be olheNI.. entitled 1a4)' be exerda.:d, concurfently Dr tndapen- <br />deDtl,. fl"u. I.t_ to t1.. and .. oft<liln .s ...y be d...4 expedient by Trulltel."" ur 8ene(tel"ry. 411aJ etlhur <br />or the-. .., pur.~ lnconslat.ent rea:dle.. Hothinl herein .h.ll be C(JUotrut.'ll alii I'roh1btt InK Baueftcl.-..y <br />f..~ .....In. . defiCiency JudlMllt A.alnat Trulto[' to lhe .atenl .uch IU'( tun lit IUH"tIltued hy 11lW, <br />-2- <br />
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